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Everything posted by Enigmatic

  1. Eventually, Nom's ship was in view, flying towards the planet where the Jedi would meet battle. "Greetings Master, it's good to see you again. I'm coming up on your right wing" Revan pulled up next to Nom and glanced over at him before returning his attention to the controls.
  2. Reven's ship was floating through the dead air of space as the Jedi Planet, Coruscant came into view from the ship's window. The small ship now sped up as Revan pushed the thrusters forwards. He was smiling as Nom's ship came up on the side of him. Well, this is gonna be harder than I thought....
  3. Enigmatic


    Nom quickly ran up to Revan, smiling as usual. His excitment seemed to be the most of his attention right now. Revan would just as excited as him, but he was very tired and worn out from the hardships of making such an elaborate weapon. He smiled, as he unclipped the silver handle with black stripes from his belt. It was a rather well made weapon, the many details of it has shown its creativity. As he unclipped it he replied to his master's excited comment. "Ok, well here it goes" Revan pushed the red switch immediatly. Without surprise, the yellow beam was emitted from the handle as it faded off of Revan's green eyes. His Master seemed to smile and put on of his hands on Revan's shoulder as Revan swung the yellow beam around slowly. Deactivating it, he clipped it to his belt. "Oh, almost forgot." Revan turned his belt around that was now affiliated with everything a Jedi could need. He unclipped Nom's lightsaber, as he handed it to him. "I was going to take it apart, but since it was your first lightsaber, I didn't want to risk damaging it, so I just used the force. Plus, it hels better my training if I do that."
  4. Enigmatic


    The deep trenches of Illum's snowy terrain caused Revan to sink into the snow. As he dragged his feet slowly, he turned around every couple of minutes as his Master's body slowly faded away. The cold wind was slapping against the neck of Revan, and his eyesight was becoming more blurry by the second. The image and outline of various caves came into view as he pushed himself up a small hilltop. He could hear the many mysterious creatures howl in the snowy cold day. Grabbing onto a rock inside the cave he threw himself in as he shook himself off attempting to get rid of the snow on his jacket. The faint glow of various colors were shining onto Revan's face as he finally decided to see where he was. To his amazement, there were crystals hanging from the wall, deep in the ground, and some just lying around. He began his slow walk deeper in the cave. The metal box that Nom had given him was getting heavier every minute as now it seemed to get lower and lower from his body. Walking, admiring the many assorted colors the crystals emmitted from their bodies, he was looking for a specific color. He passed blue, purple, green, orange, but still not the colors he was searching for. He carried his master's Lightsaber in his hand as he held it tightly, expecting the worst from the wild creatures that lived in Illum. The deep caves were more like long tunnels instead. Crystals were lying everywhere now. It had almost been 2 hours since Revan had been in these caves searching aimlessly for the rare "Yellow" crystal. Moving in further he stopped pretty much giving up hope for that crystal he wanted. Sitting down sighing, he almost decided to just take one of the common collors that dwelled in the caves, but as he looked to his right, there was a small little trench in the cave that emmited of what seemed to be a yellow glow from inside. As Revan stood up, he walked over to it leaving his box but keeping the lightsaber by his side. As he peeked inside, the yellow glow got brighter. Moving a step further the light was clear now. He opened his eyes wide as the yellow glow hit his face straight on. Moving in, the yellow crystals were lying everywhere. Touching them, he held one in his hand as he moved back over to his box. As he picked it up, he couldn't help hearing the faint sound of an animal growl. But he just shrugged and went on his way. Moving inside the cave, he put down his box as he sat down next to it exhaling slowly. As he opened it, it immediatly overwhelmed him with the different assorted tools and cover plating, Handles, small generators, wires, tubing, everything you can think of was inside that box. Moving his hand through, it was neatly assorted in place, but still looked like a mess. He decided to to start from the bottom, and work his way up. Grabbing a bottom metal plate, he put it on his hand. There was a big hole in the plating which was where the crystal went. And then there was small holes all around the sides of the big one. Sticking the crystal inside, it fit perfectly as it slid right in the hole. The bottom plate guard was more like a cylinder as the crystal slid inside, the top of the crystal sticking out slightly. As he moved his hand inside the box he grabbed an assorted amount of wires all consisting of the same color around them. As he stuck them inside, he closed the plating and everything seemed to go good...so far. It has now been 3 hours since he left his master on the "Landing Pad". Revan stood there, his lightsaber slowly coming together. He had almost done half of the handle before he stopped hearing the same noise he heard from when he entered the cavern. Listening more carefully, it stopped, and Revan went back to his work. He was now working on closing the handle up with metal platings. He made it so that the handle was silver, with black stripes coming vertically down all around the handle. It was almost finished now, the bottom handle anway. The wires were becoming sligly tangled inside the handle, but it was still functional. Sitting up, grabbing a cloth that seemed to be inside the box too, he wiped his sweat off of his forehead. Setting the half finished saber down, he sat up some more once again hearing that faint sound of an animal come into his ear. It echoed the cave, becoming louder and louder every time Revan listened to it clearly. The fourth our had passed and it seemed as though the sun was setting slowly. Picking up Nom's lightsaber now, he put it in front of his face. Reaching out with the force, closing his eyes, he could automatically see what was in the lightsaber now. The insides of the lightsaber were perfectally constructed as Revan got every glimpse of how it worked. The bottom half was easy and all it took was common sense, but top half is what was the hard part. He found a small generator like device that obviously powered up the lightsaber emitting its beam. As he looked inside his "Lightsaber" it took him a while to figure out where the generator was placed. Finally, realalizing that it has to go under the crystal, he stuck it under attaching all the power wires to the generator. By the fifth hour, the generator was in place, and everything was going smoothly as usual. It was almost finished except for the rest of the metal plating. Taking out small plates, he had to slowly and carefully put them together as one mess up can cost him yet another hour. Moving his hand through the box vigoursly, he grabbed an assorted amount of tools that were able to put the rest of the saber together. The small screws that put the plating together were finally set up. in the next hour he had put the plating on, and it was ready for the final coating. All that was left to do, was insert the switches and it was ready to go. He put the switches on connecting them to the generator and the pilot light. Connecting them, all he had to do was flip of the switch and the generator would activate emitting the yellow beam. As he finally put the final coating of metal plating around the saber, it was ready to go. In the next hour he was finished with the emensly long and tiring project. It took of alot of hard work, and alot of mental thinking. From his research he found out that the color that a Jedi chose for his Lightsaber would naturally bind him better with the force. Standing up, he decided to try out his new weapon. Standing up, he exhaled slowly hoping that it will work. Slowly pressing the switch, his hearbeat grew to a stampeding race. The switch was flipped, and luckily for him, the yellow beam emmitted from the saber. Revan smiled and was more then excited to see it work, but he was too tired to really show his excitment. Deactivating his lightsaber he stuck it to his belt and grabbed the box walking out of the cave. But unfortunetly, he heard that same noise he has been hearing through out his visit in Illum. That strange, erie, growl of what seemed to be a carnivore of some type. Slowly moving throughout the caverns wandering aimlessly to the "Exit". Making a turn into a long cavern "Hallway" the growl was now closer than it ever was. He could now see a shadow of a four legged creature come around the corner. And the shadow now leaped to the other wall as the creature came into view showing itself for the first time in 6 hours. It was a pure silver like wolf, and it had black stripes running down its face. It slowly walked forwards as it showed his blood renching teeth to Revan. His heartbeat once again caught up with him, and all he could hear in his head was the voice of his Master telling him that he would eventually run into such creatures. The creature slowly approached him, almost like it was targeting him. Revan crushed his fear inside of him as he also approached the creature. As the creature snapped at him, Revan halted standing still for a moment. Revan heard the conversation with his master about how his lightsaber was the last choice to revert to. Putting his lessons to test, he eyed the creature. Using to froce to connect with him, the force started to bind him, slowly causing the creature to come to a sudden halt of confusion. Revan could now feel what the creature was feeling, just like how he could feel the bug's thoughts and weaknesses. The creature was filled with hate, anger, regret, sadness,. Revan was now bound to this creature through the force. Revan now said in his mind, talking to the creature. IC: You will never bother another person again, nor will you return to these caves. The creature slowly walked away as its head was now down looking to the ground. Its paws now dragging agains the rocky terrain. Revan smiled as he moved to the exit of the cave. After about 10 minutes of walking trying to find the exit, he could faintly see the light from the outside. Walking from the halls, he turned around and the faint light of the outside world could be seen. He ran towards it following the many trails the caverns had set for its visitors. Finally, the faint smell of fresh air could be smelt from the clogged nostrils and face that was now sweating like a pig. Moving outside, he put his cloth from the box over his face to muffle the severe winds that Illum so painfully gave. Moving under the hill, he could see the faint outline of his and his Master's ship landed in the snow. But he couldn't see his master. Approaching the ships, he exhaled for the third time, and waited by his ship. The real training of becoming a Jedi would now begin....
  5. Enigmatic


    The two ships that contained a Jedi Padawan and a Jedi Master slowly landed on the planet Illum. The two ships hit the ground slightly making a slight clanking sound as this happened. As the two Jedi got out, Revan walked over to his Master Nom, as he just got out of his ship jumping out hitting the ground with his feet. "So Master, what's next in my training?"
  6. Revan saw Nom's ship leave and all that could go through Revan's head was one simple question. "What's on the planet Illum?" Revan didn't hesitate any longer, he immediatly hopped into his ship as he slowly took off into hyperspace leaving Haruun Kal behind and the beginning of his training in the past.
  7. Revan moved over to his master as he smiled from his last performance. As they were walking from out of the forest area, Nom was slowly walking to his ship as he turned to Revan to ask him yet another question. "Not that I know of Master, I think I have learned alot these past few weeks (Lets just say thats how long it was.) And I think I am ready for what lies ahead." With that said, Revan joined his master in the walk to his ship as he turned to now ask Nom a question. "So, what is next?"
  8. "Jedi Mind Trick?, Hmm, strange." Revan had no clue what that was, but it sounded cool. I mean the task was unusual itself. Revan's master wanted him to convince the bug never to feed off that flower again. Well, he had to try it, after all, this is part of his training. Revan walked up to the bug on the flower. He studied it for a moment, looking at its body. As he thought the words out, he said it in his mind. IC: "I want you to leave the flower and never come back to touch it again" Nothing happened, like usual. Revan stood up as his face looked like he was thinking of something majorly complex. This time, he stretched out with the force trying to get inside the mind of the bug, trying to feel what it feels, its emotions, its thoughts, its feelings, its weaknesses. Soon enough, it was like the bug and Revan connected, bonded somehow through the force. He understood the bug by action, knew what it was feeling, what it was thinking of. Revan felt like he was the bug for a moment. Revan spilled out the words in his head as he concentrated his mind and eyes on the bug still. IC: "I want you to leave this flower immediatly and never return again to touch it." To his surprise, the bug's wings flapped into the air. It zoomed off the flower quickly as it soon found its place in a nearby tree. It could of been coincidence, but from the look of Nom's face, from his smile, he knew it was Revan's doings and success once again. "Wow, that was pretty cool. I mean, I could feel the bugs thoughts and feelings, almost like I was the bug."
  9. Revan felt uneasy as the conversation elevated. Revan leaned agains the tree as he looked over to his master, feeling ready to reply. "Well, it was just my parents dying, especially my mother. Seeing her die in my arms was something different. The dream of me being a sith starts out with me walking next to a dark figure, I can't make out his name, but I know it starts something with a "K". I am walking next to him, and then we just all of a sudden start killing Jedi. Slaughtering them meanlessly, and for some reason, in the dream, it feels good. I can let my anger loose, and do whatever I please. Anyway, I can't really explain it anymore, thats as far as I see. I mean, I think it was just because I was alone all those years, it just felt so easy just to turn myself over to the darkside." Revan sat there against the tree thinking about those same dreams, thinking and hoping he can get more info out of them.
  10. -Revan jumped down as he followed his master under the tree taking a seat next to him. Revan looked at his master and sat up when Nom asked the question- "Well, ever since I was little, I loved helping people for some reason. I helped my father alot, and people around me. And for some odd reason, I had the same dream every night, that I was a Jedi Knight, walking in the temple, and then it ends. However, I every other night, I would have the same dream except I am a dark lord of the sith, killing Jedi. Its strange to me, and I don't know why I have these dreams, but it must be something. When I was a child, I always felt something flow through me sometimes, something I didn't understand. Now I know, that it was the force, contacting me. And then I knew, it was my destiny to protect and serve as a Jedi." -Revan looked away as he stared up into the sky-
  11. "Whoah..What the ----" -Revan was astonished at the height of his masters jump. He knew he had to use the force for this one. Revan decided to use the same force tactics as he used to use his force speed. He felt the force run through him freely as the image came into place once more of him jumping high into the air. Closing his eyes, he attempted a jump and when he was in the air, he thought he was doing it, but the next thing he knew he crashed to the ground falling on his back. As he got up back up he could see his master still wearing that smile he usually has. As Revan focused once more he let the force flow through his body and he tried to channel it to his legs.- "Ok, don't try, just let it happen naturally" -When Revan was confident, he opened his eyes as he lifted his legs hard into the air. The next thing he knew he jumped the 20 meters easily as he landed on the roof of the base standing next to his master.- "Whoah, I can't believe I did that. Anyway, I got ya now!"
  12. -Revan almost fell forwards from the sight of his Masters Speed. Revan couldn't even keep his eye on him, he was just a slight blur around the base.- "Whoah, he must be using the force" -Revan kept his confidence, because everytime he loses it, he fails. Revan had to slow down a bit to try and reach the force through his body. When he could feel the force run through him, the image automatically came into mind of him running at a fast pace as his master. Soon, Revan started running but as soon as he started to pick up speed, the image failed, and Revan stopped suddenly falling fowards onto his stomach. As he got back up dusting himself off, his master now had passed him once more as he smiled sarcastically. Revan focused once more as he started a slow jog again. This time he didn't try to hard, he let it come naturally. As he made contact with the force once more, he picked up speed. And all of a sudden, the last thing he saw was his master run past him yet again. Revan felt like he was flying all of a sudden, everything passing him so quickly, but to his eyes, he felt like he was going really slow. As Revan smiled he could now see his master running, and before he knew it he was almost directly behind Nom.- "Almost...got ya" -As Revan stretched out his hand, he reached harder and harder every second to touch his master on the shoulder as they ran. And fortunetly, Revan tapped his shoulder slightly with his finger. However, Revan reached out so far that he fell forwards and slammed into the concrete wall before he could make his stop.- "Ow, well, atleast I did it. That took alot of focus though, I could barely keep up"
  13. -Revan was confident this time, he felt like he could definetly do it. When he got up to where Nom was standing, Revan stuck out his hand and reached with the force to get a hold of the tree first. Feeling the force flow through him, his mind went blank and the image of the tree flying past him came into play. He didn't even have to think about it anymore, nor did he have to close his eyes.- "Master!, the image automatically comes into my head now, I don't have to close my eyes or nothing!, it just comes naturally!" -Revan tested the force he had just got a hold of. He forcefully moved his finger back slightly, causing one of the branches from the tree to break off and fly towards him. Dodging it easily, he smiled as he flicked his wrist back causing the whole tree to break off of its roots and from the ground. It soared past him, but unlike Nom, Revan could barely dodge it. The side of the tree had hit Revan's left side of his face causing him to fall back.- "Ah!, damn...my refelxes are obviously not as good as yours master" -Revan got back up as he took his hand from his face that was now slightly bleeding.-
  14. -Revan walked up to his master, who had just pushed away a giant tree. As he walked up there his eyes were wide and his confidence sunk to the ground like a heavy rock- "Whoah....and you except me to do that?....well, i'll try" -Revan stepped up to the small tree, he stuck out his hand and closed his eyes trying to conatin the force into his fingers so that he can unleash it. When the image came to mind of him containing the force, he tried to move it forwards, but nothing happened, only a small budge from his hand. Once more he focused and channeled the force through his body, although Revan couldn't seem to push the force in a hast motion, he was glad he could finally use the force freely through his body. But once again, he tried, and nothing happened. Revan let go and sighed putting his eyes to the ground.- "Ok, I'm just losing concentration and confidence" -Revan stepped up to the plate once more, sticking his hand out, he smiled as he pictured himself throwing the tree to the ground with force. With the image in place, he all of a sudden could feel the force move up his legs and through his body like an open river. When Finally the force had reached every muscle, bone, and crevese in his body, he channelled it into his fingers. When he unleashed it, he opened his eyes only to see the small tree knocked off of its roots and slammed into the ground next to the tree in front of it- "Well, I didn't think I could ever do that!" -Revan walked back to his master as he sighed letting a breathe go from the focus and concentration that took to move the tree at all-
  15. -Once his master had left, Revan couldn't fail this time, he had to move on in his training.- "Ok, I'll just relax for a minute, and get in tuned with the force" -Revan sat himself down as his master took off deeper into the forest. He closed his eyes as he crossed his legs, digging deep into his thoughts putting the trail image into his head sticking it there as hard and as long as he could. When the echoes came into view, not only could he see them in his mind, but he could feel them, calling him. It was almost like he had been lifted up by something. Revan's path was clear, he could see himself walking the trail of echoes easily, but half way there, something hit his mind, he stopped his focus, and fell to the ground.- "Ah!, what happened!. Ok, I'll just try it again" -Revan closed his eyes once more, letting the image take place. However, this time, he relaxed his body even more, causing the force to flow through him once again freely. With his mind directed to the echoes he easily followed the trail leading him right to his master once again, but this time, without the help of him- "Found ya...finally"
  16. -All of a sudden, feeling his Masters force help, the image of the trail came back into Revan's head almost like it was forced there, and he couldn't get it out. He knew this was his master helping him, but he didn't care, he just wanted to get done with the lesson, even though he might have to do it over. The image of the trail was alot more clear now, he could feel the echoes alot stronger and it seemed as though Revan was having no trouble finding him. Revan whizzed around a few trees and made a couple of turns, but finally, he reached his master who was sitting by a tree deep in the forest.- "Well, I found you. But that was hard, I couldn't keep the image in my head for some reason, like I had a force block or something, just like the time I was levitating the lightsaber." -Revan stood in front of his master as he walked up to him from the tree smiling once more as he usually does at Revan-
  17. -Revan was slightly confused on what he meant by an "Echo" in the force. But he had to find out, he had to keep learning, whether it was easy or hard. Therefore, he got up walking slowly into the forest. Every couple of steps he felt something flow through him like he was transparent. He tried to sense the "Echoes" that his master had left him, but there was no luck, how would he do it?, what does he do?. These where the thoughts that ran through Revan's head as he crunched the leaves that had fallen off the of the nearby trees.- "Ok, I'll just try what I did to lift the lightsaber, I'll focus" -So, Revan closed his eyes, and pictured himself walking on a trail, and everything around him was gone, everything else was black, he just pictured himself walking on a trail, that eventually would lead to his master. Soon enough, he felt strange, like he could feel little bits of the force while he was walking. But all of a sudden, the image faded away, like he could no longer keep it, and the trail was lost, and he was once again lost.- "Damn!, I almost had it too!. Ok, just stay calm. I just wish he would give me some clues, maybe a little help here or there" -Revan kept focusing but no luck, for some reason, it was like to echoes were too much for him to handle and find, and he was hoping that maybe he could have some guidance from his master-
  18. -Revan walked up to his master as he sat down next to him putting his head down at the word history- "Well, ok. When I was little I lived on Tatooine with my mother and father. My father was a farmer and we ate off his plantation, considering we didn't have alot of credits. My mother usually stayed home, cooking, cleaning and that stuff. But me, I never wanted to be a farmer, my dream was to become something else, something bigger, so that I can make a change. But for the time being, I had to learn to help my father with the vegetation, learn how to grow vegetables and such. When I turned 10 years old, I was able to work at a nearby mechanics shop, although I wasn't a good mechanic, never was, I was always good with money, so I was set in charge of the register. When I turned 15, my father was about to hand the farming buisness over to me, but I declined. Although it sounds harsh, he expected me to take it over for him, as a career, and I didn't want to do that. However, one night when I was coming back from the shop, I heard loud gun shots and screaming over where my hut was. When I ran over there as fast as I could, there were these large men covered in some sort of blanket and had these long guns. People called them the "Sand People", but I didn't care. They were all over my house and before I could get over there, they took my mother and shot her right in front of me. My father was killed trying to protect my mother, and I just stood behind a rock in shock of what was going on. By the time they hadleft, most of the stuff in the house was gone, and all that lie there was the bodies of my mother and father. All I could think of was running away. So I did, I ran as fast as I can, crying the whole way there. When I got back to the shop, the owner asked me what was going on, but I didn't say anything. For 3 years, I was in shock of what happened. By that time I was 18 years old, and I had saved up enough money for my own speeder bike, it wasn't very realiable, but it brang me where I needed to go. I finally packed up all my bags, and left the shop. I managed to find shelter in a nearby abandoned cave in the mountains for a while. I made it my home, feasted on the nearby animals and fish. I lived there for about 3 years. I decided I was old enough to travel as a refugee. I managed to get on a refugee ship to travel to Coruscant. When I got there, I had finally done it. Becoming a Jedi was my dream, it gave me a chance to do make a change in the world, to help people in a new kind of way. And that is what brings me here, to you." -Revan sighed at the story, clenching his fists, remembering the horrible moment of his life that will stick with him forever.-
  19. -Revan listened quitely to what his master had to say. This was the first time he had ever heard of the "Dark Side" so he was a bit confused, but mostly dissapointed at himself that he had done this. Revan took a deep breathe when his master was done, and he walked over to the rock once more where the lightsaber lie.- "Ok, I just have to focus" -Revan put his hand out and closed his eyes once more, except this time, he pictured himself levitating the lightsaber, when the image came to his mind, he kept it there, trying real hard not to let it go. He relaxed himself at that point, and let his body loose still holding up his hand. When the image was in place, he opened his eyes and focused on the lightsaber. At first, there was nothing, only a small budge. Then he caught the image in his head once more and this time, he felt like he was controling the image, like he could do it himself.- "I can feel it now, its flowing much stronger than before" -Revan controled his anger from coming out again, and he stood there awaiting the lightsaber to levitate. The lightsaber started to clank against the rock even harder this time, shaking violently. And then when Revan closed his eyes, and put the image into play in his head of it levitating, he felt strange, he felt the force move through him freely like a river. And when he opened his eyes, the lightsaber was no longer on the rock. Revan turned his eyes into the air and from his amazement the lightsaber was floating there.- "Ma...ster!...Master!, I...I did it!. I feel so relaxed now, like I can throw the lightsaber 5 miles!" -Revan kept it up there for a while moving it around slightly. But when he got over confident, he let the image go in his head, and the lightsaber dropped and hit the ground. When that happened his master got up smiling walking towards him-
  20. -Revan got back up as he looked at his master, puzzled from his remarks- "Tell you what I am feeling?, ok" -Revan took a deep breathe as he said to himself under his breathe.- "Ok, just tell him what you are feeling" -Revan closed his eyes and stuck his hand out attempting to move the limpless lightsaber. Revan could feel a power moving through him, but it wasn't strong- "I can feel it moving through my body, but for some reason, I can't get its full power" -With that said, Revan started to get angry from the still shaking lightsaber. When his anger arose inside of him, he closed his eyes and attempted to move the lightsaber once more- "For some reason, when I get angry I can feel more of the force run through me, like I am getting stronger with it" -Revan opened his eyes only to see the lightsaber slowly floating up into the air about a foot off the rock, but a couple of seconds later, Revan couldn't hold it anymore, and he let go and fell to his knees once more-
  21. -Revan walked up to the lightsaber that lay on the rock on the ground. He was nervous about starting his first lesson, but he didn't let that get in his way of focus. Revan took a couple of steps back and closed his eyes clearing his head from any positive or negative thoughts. He put up his hand and tried to move the lightsaber, but nothing happened. This time, he tried it again, he cleared his head and put up his hand and made an attempt to move the lightsaber. This time it started to shake, and Revan tried a little harder, but it just shook. The lightsaber made a clanking sound as it hit against the rock. After about 30 seconds of it shaking, Revan let go and gasped for air.- "I can't.....move...it, its...too..hard" -Revan fell to his knees as he got his breathe back from pushing too hard. When he got back up he looked to his master- "I don't know whats happening, it feels like it weighs 5 tons"
  22. "I am ready, master". -Revan quickly walked off the rock as he looked back to the other master still looking out into the sky. When Revan looked over to his master, he smiled as he remarked- "So, how was it on Borealis?" -Revan smiled as he said this, considering it must of been tough fighting all those sith. Despite his master Surviving, Revan couldn't help notice some wounds that still weren't healed yet. Revan didn't say anything at all though, he was just excited to start his training...finally-
  23. -Revan's stance was sold while holding the green ignited lightsaber in his hand, ready and awaiting the offensive meaneuvers of the otehr padawan. When the news broke in that Hou-Jo had resigned from Council, he looked over to the padawan- "Let us continue our fight later" -As Revan deactivated the lightsaber, he threw it over to the other padawan as he caught it deactivating his as well. When he saw the Jedi Master standing looking out into the sky, Revan walked up beside him- "Master Poleb, why resign?, when the Jedi need you the most?" -Revan's discreet look was now set on the master's face, as Revan stood next to him, awaiting his reply-
  24. -As he looked over to the other padawan that had just challenged him, his eyes got wide as he held the lightsaber in his hand. For god sakes, Revan didn't even know how to turn it on!- "Hey man, I'm a padawan, but I haven't even started my training." -When Revan accidently held the lightsaber too tight from Nervousness, the lightsaber ignited fast, and Revan felt back from the tension of the saber. Considering that he wasn't excepting it to go on. When he fell on his back, he immeditely got up holding the saber in front of him as the green blade shadowed Revan's face.- -He tried not to show that he was nervous, he wasn't excepting to have his first spar without his master here. When he put it up, he tried his hardest to eye the other padawans lightsaber-
  25. -As all the masters and Knights reported for battle and went to their ships, Revan thought about sneaking over there, but he rememberd that he hasn't even started his training yet, and he hasn't even gotten a lightsaber yet, so he was very well unpreparted for such an event- -When all the Knights and Masters got into their ships, most of the padawans were left behind for safety precautions. As he watched the ships leave quickly as a mass of them went up into the air, he thought of his master. his master was probably already on Borealis, and hoped for his safety, and return.-
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