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  1. Valoran landed the ship near a large crystal growth. "Where is this? It's...strange."
  2. Valoran fired the ship. "Master, I think I need to train more. Where's a good place to train?"
  3. Valoran smiled and dropped into a defensive crouch. "Sounds good to me. Let's go!" He jumped at Delita. "The streets and underlevels of Coruscant trained me!"
  4. Valoran glanced down at the holocard. Then he looked up to stare at the mountain, remembering a time.... Deep in the dank underlevels, a young boy darted through the throng of aliens with a small sack in his hand. A Togorian with teeth bared was close behind, snarling at the boy. The boy clutched the sack tighter and reached for his blaster...then realized that the Togorian was gone, that he was alone in a back alley. But how? He had been in front of the cantina with the fat owner, and now he was three blocks away. He peeked around the corner, saw no one. He opened the sack and pulled out a Chiss charric. The Togorian wouldn't bother him again.... Valoran shook his head and concentrated on that memory.....he took a step forward and found himself halfway to Delita. He stopped and tried to control the feeling, but found he couldn't. He let the memory flow into him again....and Delita stood there, same smirk on his face. "Was that okay?" Valoran asked, straightening up.
  5. Valoran nodded. He reached inside himself for the...presence that had helped him so many times. He couldn't exactly think of it as the Force yet. One stone shot into the air, barely missing his face. He looked up to see Delita smirking at him. "Guess that was a little much."
  6. Valoran nodded. "Yeah. I'm ready."
  7. Valoran was in a daze. He had been whisked away on this Jedi's ship, and apparently he was an apprentice now. He sighed. "This always has to happen to me." He thought back to Coruscant. He had been a mercernary and a thief there, just trying to stay alive in the dank and unforgiving underlevels. He wondered about his little brother, Zen. Last he knew, Zen was working for a mob boss out of some cantina. Valoran laughed. What would Delita think about a twelve year old working in a mob? Some part of Valoran's conscience stopped him from getting up, though. I wanted to forget that....to go away from that hell. I wanted to become a Jedi and go back, but....I don't think I'll ever go back. Not ever.
  8. Valoran stepped back, rubbing his head. "Who are you?" The other man just grinned. "Sure, I guess. And I'm not a kid."
  9. Valoran pulled himself out of bed slowly. The past few days had been tiring, and he was exhausted. He donned his clothes and walked to the hangars to check on Arfour. When he entered, he felt a strange presence in his mind.
  10. Valoran settled into his chair on Ish Ka Bibl's ship. "Many thanks. Where are we headed?"
  11. Valoran leaped out of the cockpit. The machine pulled Arfour out, and Valoran looked back at the Highwind. "Good-bye, old friend. Maybe I'll come back for you." Then he sprinted for Ish Ka Bibl's ship.
  12. Valoran noticed other Jedi ships accelerating into hyperspace away from Borleias. He turned his comm to a general frequency. "Are there any Jedi currently in orbit who know what's going on? I am a new arrival, and I have no clue where to go or what to do." He clicked the comm off. "Well, what now, Arfour?" 'SIT AND WAIT. THAT IS OUR SAFEST OPTION.' "Right." Valoran leaned back in his seat. "Why does this always happen to me?" Arfour flashed a message across the screen. 'MAYBE THEY DON'T LIKE YOU.' "Very funny."
  13. One of the tremors threw Valoran to the ground. "What the...?!" He got up and sprinted to the hangar. He leaped into the cockpit and switched the X-wing on. "Arfour, what is going on?" The astromech beeped and the traslator on the screen read 'SOMETHING ABOUT THE MOON. THE JEDI DROIDS ARE NOT VERY TALKATIVE.' "Okay." Valoran took off, shooting through Borleias' atmosphere. "This is the Highwing requesting permission to take up orbit." The comm crackled, then replied, "Granted. Be careful."
  14. Valoran landed the battered X-wing in the clearing. Borleias was nothing like Coruscant. The underlevels where he had grown up had shown no sign of life but the scum that inhabited them. He popped the dome, prompting a loud raspberry from his astromech. "What? I have to get out, Arfour. This is the academy." The droid again made the noise, and Valoran looked at the control panel. "Bantha fodder! The canopy seals are busted again. I wonder if there is anyone here that can fix that." He flipped from the cockpit, using the Force to accelerate his flip. He lander gently on his feet and looked around. "I think I'm going to like it here."
  15. CHARACTER SHEET- Valoran Real Name: Arandan Nickname: Ran Age: 19 Species: Human Height: 6' 3" Weight: 180 lbs Hair: Golden blonde Eyes: blue Sex: Male Homeworld: Coruscant Alignment: (Good, Evil, Neutral) Good Clothing: (Tendency to wear what kind of clothes) Usual Jedi uniform, light cloak Weapon: (Tendency to use what kind of weapon.) Lightsaber, blaster Force User Inventory: (Items the character carries most of the time.) Thermal detonators, vibroblades Posessions: (Ships, Organizations, Droids etc) junky X-wing
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