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RitaEstrazda last won the day on March 12 2023

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  1. She faltered for a moment, the Hybrid considering the question and what she desired. A chuckle and a smile. "I guess for now I follow the stars where they may take"
  2. "Easy, they may be a little wild in appearance, however, they assisted me without question against those monsters" Lumare considered the situation, both the Jedi and the Felucian and did her best to ease the pair from getting heated. Yes strange and at points terrifying, but they held the light the same as her. "Yes we should get off soon, we are warriors although I think you have this much better than us" a soft gesture to the Felucian, getting them to follow as they moved past the jedi and into saftey.
  3. The hybrid moved her blades into a defensive position keeping herself between the Jedi and her new friend. "I fight for those that can not. Didn't expect to last forever to be honest." she sheathed her blades and moved closer unsure of what to do now, clarity came to her mind and she just processed the blood and gore over her. Finding a wall and leaning against it as she gathers her breath and closes her eyes "Lumare Vekra, thank you for your help"
  4. Lumare grinned and nodded, the hunt was on and this would be glorius. Following close to the unlikely ally as they came across more pirates, the scum unaware of how close to death they were. She liked the Felucian's plan, it was simple and efficicent, brutal and fast. It was unlikely that the pirates would stand long against the pair. When Hagark charged she moved around the flank, whistling that tune once more, echoing through the halls and installing fear in those that were left. Of course her blade was coming down before the pirates could react, striking without mercy and moving quickly. Blood spraying onto the walls as she moved through the pirates. Naturally they fled, breaking at the sight of the pair attacking. "Oh no you don't" she sprinted them down, following the pirates as they fled with their tail between their legs. That spherical object coming out of her pocket, activating the device and tossing it into the craft before making a bolt for the nearest bulkhead and away from the blast.
  5. Panic started to set in, this wasn't a feral, she didn't know what it was with the strange tendrils. Was it something of mythos, had she just pissed off a good. Moving back, keepng her blades in the guard shaking slightly unsure what to do. "To... Togruta, I am togruta" Tunnel vision setting in, every single sense focusing on the creature in front of her. The soft glow off it's tendrils, the way the light caught it's mask. She didn't care about the pirates she just killed, this though she didn't know, she regretted her paniced swing and then... Throwing herself prone as the shield flew overhead and stunning the pirate, turning over and lunging up blade catching in the navel and ripping up till it met bone. She turned back to the creature, getting a better look as the fear faded. "Work as one" she wasn't sure if they understood, it was worth a try though. The sound of more pirates filled the halls as they started to hunt the pair, Lumare giving a short whistle to follow as she moved away from the approaching hoard. Not before taking a small round object off the dead pirates belt.
  6. There was no response, as Lumare moved slowly and low, just as she would when hunting her prey. Well, wasn't this just the same, the thrill of a hunt that could fight back? She would wait, patience was the third lesson, knowing when the best time to strike was. Just one more beat. The first Kukri slammed into the skull of the first unfortunate, a satisfied hiss as Lumare took first blood. The second blade came into the chest of the second, far too close to raise their blaster, moving quickly out of her spot letting the first drop slain and moving the other into the hall as a decoy. Shots snapped past but she was already gone, moving to get around the pirates whilst they gathered their senses. Her knowledge of the ship gave her an advantage, even if only a slight one, hitting by surprise would only work for so long and with two of their number dead it was highly likely the Pirates were now alert. Slow and steady she moved position, taking cover as something moved quickly towards her in the darkness. It ran on all fours but was no beast, at least nothing she knew perhaps a mutant or some monster of the pirates. That was how Lumare swung out from cover and by the will of the force struck the sheathed blade.
  7. Lumare took a long drag of her cigarette, all the screams and pain, the fear, it was deafening and right now she needed focus. There was only two ways out of this for her, and one of them was a null option so really death in combat was the only option. Of course she had Kukri against the pirates blasters, this wasn't her first hunt and by the goddess it would not be her last. "Goddess give me the swiftness of the wind, the strength of the greatest trees, and let the hunt be good." She stood and slowly made her way towards the blaster fire, of course she wasn't going to make this a fair fight. The lights made things too easy for the pirates, their eyes often lied and smothered their other senses. One did not hunt by sight alone, this was Lumare's first lesson. So the lights were extinguished, the Togruta standing between where they had boarded and where most of the passengers had taken shelter waiting for help to arrive. Her second lesson was that the hunter can quickly become the hunted, and it would come from where you least expected. The pirates were loud, they had lights, they were scared of the dark like children. She whistled, letting it echo around the halls, inspiring fear in those she hunted and letting her see better than her eyes ever could. Then she just had to wait
  8. Space is big. A vast endless in between, a chaotic mess organized by the laws of physics and chance, and it was beautiful. Lumaré had never been off world before today and she'd expected it to be a terrifying experience, perhaps even sorrowful to be away from the song of home. What she got though was what she could barely comprehend, the moons so close, the stars bright and nebula more colorful than she ever got to see on Shili. The song of the vast was a strange harmony, having no repetition but commanded by the laws of the universe and the conduction of the force. Whilst the ship moved towards the jump beacon Lumaré was in awe. She wanted to see it all Hyperspace was a very different affair. It was beautiful but goddess it was too much. The poor hybrid securing herself in her cabin, head spinning and senses overloaded. It was amazing, and terrifying, and all too much. The standard service regularly traveled this route from Shili to Bogen and from their along the main hyperspace highways from there she could go anywhere, perhaps even meet some of her cousins and tag along with one of their cargo ships for a few seasons. For now though all she could worry about was tending the headache and blocking out the noise of it all. This would be a quiet and uneventful flight all in all, one of the attendants recommend a herbal remedy for 'Hyperspace Sickness' although by the time she had made her way off the transport and onto the station, most of it had faded. Still she took the recommendation with thanks and then went over her options. Lumare wasn't entirely sure where she wanted to go. Besides a number of places she knew were too dangerous, her options were practically infinite. So she chose at random, knowing her destination to be relatively safe and perhaps interesting. She would never get there. Once again Lumare watched the vast drift by as the ship made its way to the jump point and then isolated herself to her quarters as the hallucinations and headaches set in. Eventually she would find sleep, excited for what she would find in the wider galaxy. When the ship stopped the hybrid awoke alert and aware, knowing they were still far away from their destination. Instinct telling her that something was very wrong. So she dressed and ensured her pair of kukri where exactly where they should be on her hip.
  9. Identity Real Name: Lumaré Vekra A.K.A: Homeworld: Shili Species: Togruta/Twi’lek Physical Description Age: 19 Height: 6’9 Weight: ~90kg Lekku: Blue and red striped Lekku Skin: A soft blue with white colouring Eyes: Brown Sex: Female A tall and well built individual. Her togrutan features are the most obvious with tall horns and long lekku, however she has four lekku rather than the usual three, and her markings more erratic and non symmetrical Equipment Clothing or Armor: Simple travelling clothes Weapon: Stun blaster, Kukri Common Inventory: Multitool, Datapad, First aid Kit Faction Information Force User, Force Sensitive or Non-Force User: Force User Archetype: None Alignment: Chaotic Good Current Faction Affiliation: None Current Faction Rank: None History Force Side: Light Leaning Trained by: Clan Vekra (Family) Known Skills: General Basic First Aid Survival Skills Hunting/Gathering Animal Handling Blade use Force Basic object manipulation (Push/Pull) (not very well) Sight (Chaotic and untrained) Comprehend Languages Background: Born of a nomadic clan, one of people from all corners of the galaxy, Vekra has moved with the heard since before the Togruta people made space flight and met the rest of the Galaxy. All live in harmony with the world and some continue to live as their ancestors did, just with droids and modern technology. Lumaré was the only child of loving parents and was raised as every other child. Vekra was one and they worked for each other, children were taught how to read and write along with how to hunt and survive in the wild. How to tend the herd, to fear the Akul, and to find the clan should they get lost. The fact that she was a hybrid did not matter, some of her brothers and sisters were very different, and some were not as good hunters, but they were always family and family looked after each other. It wasn’t her heritage that made her unique, Lumaré was blessed by the goddess or as more commonly known, one with the force. Vekra had always distrusted the Jedi Order and historic events had made them wearier to give up one of their own. Unbeknown to anyone, Lumaré was the descendent of force users with a strong bloodline. She was trained by her elders in how to use her powers, to know that her emotions affected her powers, and to work with them to better understand herself and the world around her. In essence she was taught by those in her clan also able to use the force. Her latent ability with the sight was a blessing and a curse, able to save the clan from disaster, but also plagued by nightmares and mood swings. The former was the force and the latter an unfortunate chance of brain development. Her family loved her regardless, and Lumaré became a strong and wise young adult. The young woman became inspired by the story of one of her ancestors, who went out into the wider galaxy and sought to learn of other cultures and to be a guardian to those in need. Supposedly the woman had seen the war of the clones, and the genocide of the Jedi, and was one of the first to rise up against the empire, stubbornly outliving most of her peers into the age of the new republic before finally going on her final hunt. This was what inspired the young woman to seek out the wider galaxy, to become a star walker and begin a new chapter.
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