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Captain Greensnout

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  1. As Lady Zalis sat in thought, the crew awaited her answer with tactical suspense. Greensnout, simply took another swig from the Jug in drunken glee while Jinx stood erect in silence and Sideon ran his clawed fingers through his tentacles. And as she spoke, Greensnout raised his jug in agreement. With a nod, Sideon activated his comm and moved out of frame to contact Smegga. Back on the Helmsman's Sorrow, the Hutt sat lost in communications, his overtly large form taking up most of the room as he clattered away within the realm of the Deep Holonet. When Sideon's form appeared beside him, he barely raised a brow. "Recall the crew. We have a mission." Sideon could be heard across the encrypted comm unit aboard the ship as well as off to the side by Greensnout and company. "We're to depart at first light. The crew can sleep off their enjoyment in route." Deactivating the comm, Sideon returned his nod to Greensnout while Smegga sent out the recall. All across the Leisure Quarters, small comms vibrated with orders to return, including the Captain's as he sat across from Lady Zalis with a grin before he chugged another gulp from his half empty, or half full depending on how you look at it, Jug of Ambrostine. "I thank you for the chance, mi'lady." He spoke, bowing his head respectfully as he offered her another pour from his jug to seal the agreement, a lost art that very few still practiced as the era of word had long passed. "Let us toast to the potential of a prosperous future." Meanwhile, the Children of the Maw begin their return to the Helmsman's Sorrow.
  2. Greensnout watched attentively the human female before him, a devious smirk upon his grotesque face as she spoke. She had the makings of a politician, a trait most Gung recognized almost instinctually from their affairs with the Naboo, but this is why he chose to come to her here and now. She was beautiful by Human standards, coyful and yet refined, and her prestige amongst those of the underworld did her a fine justice. She was something Greensnout could never achieve, and why his contentment settled so easily. After she poured herself a glass, he reached forward, and after another swig, let the jug hang loosely upon his bottom digit. "Piracy is piracy... if only by another name." He spoke with an encroaching slur behind bloodshot eyes, a sure sign the Ambrostine was taking affect on a physical level. "And a King cannot be a King with no Kingdom to command." "You have legitimized the businesses of the Black Sun's forefront, and kept a tight rein upon the underbelly of it. But it can be a demanding and taxing role, both as the head of a Conglomerate and as a Criminal. And that is where my proposal comes into play. I am no upstanding citizen of our beloved Galaxy, and you shouldn't have to sully your hands with the filth that litters the ground, a position that fits a Gung well, yes?" Out the corner of his eye, Greensnout catches a well hidden smirk coming from Commander Jinx, only broadening his own as drunken drool threatens to spill over his teeth. Focusing his gaze back toward Lady Zalis, he closes his mouth and swallows the drool. "My ambitions may be high, but they're not so grandeous that they find a weak foundation. I know the realistic limits of what I can and cannot do. Nor am I oblivious to the reality I live in like the ilk of my homeworld. I learnt well under the tutelage of your species and what hinders me. As an Operative of the Black Sun, my limits are hindered. But as a... Warlord you called it?... I can be the face that hides your own, limited only by what you constrict."
  3. After their arrival and having been led into the Vice Room, Sideon and Jinx stood to the left and right sides of Greensnout as he took seat upon a lavish couch that graced a crystalline table in the middle of the room, opposite of the chair that Lady Zalis would likely have taken. Moments would pass, a lingering silence upon the refreshed air that poured a constant flow into the room until the twisting knob announced the human's arrival. "My lady..." Sideon hesitantly replied, his clawed hands motioning his apologetic sympathies as he tried to explain away his informalities. But Greensnout raised a hand to silence the Quarren before meeting up with his other, a sly smile gracing his scaly face as his brow furrowed devilishly. Leaning forward, his deep voice croaked forth. "Where we meet, Lady Zalis, is of little consequence. Only that our paths meet formally. The discretion is yours alone." "I only offered a more direct approach." Greensnout continued as he reached for the ginormous Jug attached to his hip and brought it forth to his lips as he guzzled more than a snout full of the liquid inside it and wiped away what spilled from his gullet with his leathered sleeve. "But let us put away the guise of pleasantries and lay our cards upon the pazaak table." With that spoken, Greensnout motioned for Sideon to bring forth the holodisk, the Quarren placing it within the holoprojector between he and Lady Zalis and activating it as a screen blossomed to life. "As my Lieutenant pointed out, there is much to be had during this time of strife, and i grow tired of the ceremonious rank that i've been given by your organization. I may be a lowly Pirate, but even i have bigger dreams. This Galaxy needs a Pirate King." Upon the hologram that covered thespace between them was alit with star charts of most of the Outer Regions and the Unknown Wilds of Space, most notably the areas that once were controlled by the Hutts. Updates of various planets sat aside with highlighted routes both common and largely unused for millennia as the Gungan Captain pointed out the areas left vulnerable by the Alliance and their war with the Sith. "These wars between the Alliance, Sith, and even each other have been so constant and devastating that what should be general knowledge has been left lost in their wakes." Greensnout chuckled briefly and took another swing from the Jug that still remained in his hand. "And with the devastation of Nar Shadaa and Hutt Space, as well as their Shipyards and Capital Worlds, it has left the board wide open for plunder and a hunger for flourishment. Outside their strongholds, the Galaxy is too vast for their thin armadas." Greensnout reached forward toward the table and placed the Jug of Ambrostine upon the crystalline table, offering its content to be poured for Zalis should she wish it before sitting back in a reclined position and crossing his Gung legs casually. "But I am but one being of many. And Piracy is a growing business now that chaos has sown its seeds from one side of the Galaxy to the other. And i have realized that if I am to truly recognize my dream, I cannot do it alone." Greensnout shook his haillu in a humbling show of humility that proceeds a broken pride. "I have been an Operative for your organization for quite some time, and the benefits have been mutual for an outsourced asset.... But now, with the rise of the coming age that follows war, I am to either grow with it or become a memory of the past like Kane Wartide himself." Greensnout raises his eyes to meet that of the human Zalis before him. "It's time that I am raised to full status within your organization, along with the assets I have available, and we take this Galaxy by rebuilding the Black Sun's holdings past its former glory.... together."
  4. As the holo cut out, Sideon turned his one good eye toward the blank stare of Captain Greensnout who erupted in a fit of Gung laughter as the elder Gung fought to breath by patting at his left knee. Commander Jinx, however, could only turn his back and look over his shoulder at Greensnout in disgust. Greensnout may have had a logical mind, but his Gungan heritage had a way of spilling out. "You're Gung is showing, Captain." Jinx spoke in disdain, his hoarse voice filled with phlegm as he scolded his Captain. "You really should get ahold of yourself." If one had been looking on at the trio, one would have to wonder why Greensnout even broke out into a fit of laughter, the cause at the least. But the reality of it wouldn't make sense for the generalized mind. After all, the trio had come to the Black Castle to seek an audience with Lady Zalis, and yet, despite the success, had to walk right back from wence they had came. And all Sideon could do was half arse chuckle back in ignorant bliss. "Forgive me." Greensnout replied, choking up the last of the laughter and spitting it aside, as the Captain wiped away the tears in his eyes and stood up from his hunched position. "I can't help but find the irony in these humans. Like the Naboo, they must make everything complicated." Shaking his head, Jinx turned back toward the other two, the apparent disdain washing from his face as he stroked the tendrils upon his chin. "That may be true, but you're still an embarrassment both to yourself and the crew. You should really learn to keep your composure Captain." Greensnout smirked, his eyes staring coldly in a mixture of a fiendishly look. "Mesa did big doo-doo?" He spoke in reply, watching in hysterics as Jix's face turned a bright orange against the brown backdrop of his gungan skin, the apparent rage in his face and eyes. "Fine. Let us head for this...." "Regnent Casino House, Captain." Sideon finally spoke up, deterring the onslaught of rage building up in Jinx from his Captain back to the matter at hand. "It's on the outskirts of the Trader's Quarters in the Casino District." "Yes. Onward then. Let's not keep the Lady waiting." Greesnout spoke, turning away from the Quarren and Commander Jinx who still looked like he could kill the Captain, but quickly shook it off and regained his own composure. Silently, Jinx contemplated how he even ended up in the company of Greensnout as the trio made their way toward the Casino District. But all Sideon could do was place his clawed hand over his face at the two's ridiculousness and the trouble they pain each other with. Arriving at the Regnant Casino House and asking for the Vice room, the trio would await Lady Zalis' arrival... if they arrived on time.
  5. As credits were collected and handed out, the small crew went about their merry way, a couple in sing song as they left. Captain Greensnout, along with Bomba Jinx and the Quarren Sideon, turned their attentions to the Black Castle and the trek began. It had been months since their last time at Black Castle. Kleef, having been given a ceremonious Rank within the Black Sun as Operative stood as more a formality than actual status due to the Black Sun's dealings with the Children of the Maw. Raids and Piracy had always been a silent backbone upon which the two organizations had long forged a mutually beneficial repor upon. But in recent months, with the Sith having dominated the Galaxy at large, profits had only been a margin of what the once were. It was time to turn the formality into a living reality. With the recent collapse of the Sith Empire at Nar Shadaa, along with the smuggler's moon eradication, territories had became voids both in leadership and claims. Many dared not travel, and those that did, relied heavily upon the Alliance for escort. And the refugees of war offered little spoils and the gambit of facing the Alliance left hands lacking. There was opportunity to be had, but the underworld had to be a united front in order to prosper. Turning his gaze upon the massive Black Castle before him, Greensnout furrowed his brow and shook his haillu. "Sideon, announce our arrival." Kleef spoke, his hand placed firmly upon the hilt of his cutless, his gaze shifting from the Quarren to Bomba Jinx. "Jinx, I'll do the talking." Sideon respectively nodded toward his Captain whilst Bomba simply showed his disdain. Neither Kleef nor Bomba truly cared for each other, nor themselves for that matter, both of them Gungs. The only true thing that carried weight between the two and held their mutual respect for one another laid solely upon their histories and dislikes for their own ilk. Still, despite their dislike for one another, both trusted the other to be entirely what they were and a symbiosis of kinship laid hidden beneath the disdain. They trusted each other with their lives, as did all of the crew, but even deeper because of their relationship. Pulling forth the holo transmitter, Sideon opened up a comm. Filtered and encrypted through numerous channels, the comm would finally arrive to the personal holo of Lady Zalis. It would be of Sideon, the Quarren's politeness hidden by his rough exterior until he spoke. "Lady Zalis, it is good to see you again. You're looking raviously as usual." For a human, Sideon thought to himself in silence as he progressed. "Captain Greensnout, Commander Jinx, and I have returned from our voyage and are requesting a personal meeting with you, mi'lady, to discuss current events and the prosperity it provides. Would you have a moment to avail us with?"
  6. A magnificent sight exited hyperspace as the VT-49 dubbed 'The Helmsman's Sorrow' shifted into sublight, it's golden sail flying in the void of space. Upon the Captain's chair sat a bored figure, heavy in weight and in age as he stroked the tendrils that had grown upon his snout with age. Ord Mantell had been known as home of late, and rejoice amongst the crew echoed behind him as Vlad set the distinguished course. An encrypted comm reached out to the planet below from Sha'Kara with gained intelligence from their last venture, and 'The Helmsman's Sorrow' made a path for the Trader's Quarters, with salvage, spice, and humbled riches aboard. A grizzled voice rang across the ship. "It's not Kessel nor Nev'aru'lund, but it's still a sight to behold." Greensnout's grizzled voice echoed through its now quieting hull. "Drink, be merry, but don't spend all your spoils in one place." With a deafening cheer, the crew began their descent, Greensnout taking a brisk swig from his jug of Ambrostine following with a drag from his Tabac pipe. Once landed, they would offload the cargo and collect the credits and most would enjoy the freedoms their hearts desired while in port. As for Greensnout, Bomba, and Sideon, Black Castle would be their next stop.
  7. "You want to know about the Children of the Maw? That den of thieves whom hold no allegiance to anyone or anything but themselves and the clank of credits and gems? Of the 'Mad' Captain Greensnout whom hates his lineage so much that he attempts to impregnate half of the Galaxy with his Gung-Spawn? You're as crazy as their existence." - Unknown Archivist History The original crew were ex-Imperial Soldiers whom seceded from the Empire near the end of the Galactic War after many of them lost loved ones and even worlds. These soldiers were the forefathers of the Children of the Maw, created not only as a necessity to escape persecution from the Empire they once served, but as a means of survival on the run. Settling roots in the Kessel system, these soldiers became a retrospective den of thieves and mercenaries, using the skills they had developed to survive the Imperial Era until its end. After the First Galactic War, many of these crew members retired into obscurity with the fortunes they made, including the Captain whom they followed. But that was not the end of his bittersweet legacy, for the Children of the Maw remained. Handed to one remaining member of the original crew, both the Children of the Maw and their ship, The Helmsman's Sorrow, were handed down or overtaken with each passing of the generations. Now it resides with Captain Greensnout. Crew Real Name: Kleef (Greensnout) Chu Rank/Station: Captain of the Helmsman's Sorrow Homeworld: Naboo Species: Gungan (Ankura) Age: 52 Height: 5'7 Weight: 244lbs Hair: None Eyes: Brown Sex: Male Distinctive Features/Scars: Scar across left cheek and eye, missing left haillu. Personality/Traits: Kleef shares no love for his species nor his counterparts, preferring that an arid of seriousness and logics to be his fortitude. Still, during moments of duress, excitement, and surprise, the Gung within him prevails. Clothing or Armor: Armored Robes Weapon: Cutlass Blade, Rail Gun Common Inventory: Satchel of Tabac, Hookah, Goblet, Tabac Pipe, and a Jug of Ambrostine Non-Force User Alignment: Unlawfully Neutral Current Faction Affiliation: Black Sun Current Faction Rank: Operative Background: Originally a Commander of the Helmsman's Sorrow, Kleef became Captain of it and the defacto leader during the Battle of Mon Gazza when Captain Gigante fell into a terminal coma after a spice explosion and Smegga appointed him. Afterwards, Kleef began to broaden their perspective clientele until he came into the Black Sun's fold in hopes of grandeur. Real Name: Bomba Jinx Rank/Station: First Mate, Commander Homeworld: Naboo Species: Gungan (Otolla) Age: 51 Height: 5'11 Weight: 180lbs Hair: None Eyes: Brown Sex: Male Distinctive Features/Scars: Scar across left cheek and eye, missing left haillu. Personality/Traits: Much like Captain Greensnout, Bomba Jinx holds very little, if any, love for his species which includes his Captain. Another Gungan of the desegregation of Theed University, Bomba Jinx has worked hard to separate himself from Gungan heritage and prides himself a warrior and philospher. Clothing or Armor: Heavy Combat Suit Weapon: Ryyk Blades Common Inventory: Ambrostine, Frag Grenades (x20) Non-Force User Alignment: Unlawfully Neutral Current Faction Affiliation: Children of the Maw Current Faction Rank: Commander Background: Bomba Jinx met Captain Kleef Chu during his time at Theed University as only one year his Junior. Being ostracized as Gungans by the Naboo, both he and Kleef developed deep seeded hatreds for their species and sought to separate themselves from the Gung. Though he and Kleef despise each other as much as any of the Gung, they hold a mutual respect for one another as kindred spirits and as pirates. Real Name: Vlad Lux Rank/Station: Lieutenant/Pilot Homeworld: Kessel Species: Esral'sa'Nikto Age: 35 Height: 6'2 Weight: 220lbs Hair: None Eyes: Black Sex: Male Distinctive Features/Scars: Scar across throat Personality/Traits: Vlad is the quiet one of the twins, an avid pilot and mercenary. He cares little for diplomacy or words, and prefers to express himself through action and combat. Clothing or Armor: Medium Combat Suit Weapon: Two Hold-Out Blasters and Blaster Rifle Common Inventory: Spice Non-Force User Alignment: Unlawfully Chaotic Current Faction Affiliation: Children of the Maw Current Faction Rank: Lieutenant Background: Like his twin brother, Vlad was born and raised on Kessel. As a spacer from a young age, Vlad was brash and reckless in nature. Before joining the Children of the Maw under its former Captain, Vlad had his throat slit due to running his mouth too much and upsetting the wrong clientele. He is a warrior, preferring action before diplomacy. Real Name: Amir Lux Rank/Station: Lieutenant/Mechanic Homeworld: Kessel Species: Esral'sa'Nikto Age: 35 Height: 6'0 Weight: 215lbs Hair: None Eyes: Black Sex: Male Distinctive Features/Scars: None Personality/Traits: Amir is calm and serene for the most part, preferring to talk his way out of a situation if the need calls for it, as as the elder brother, is capable of reigning his brother Vlad in. Unlike Vlad, he prefers mechanics over weaponry, believing the latter a brutish attempt at art. Clothing or Armor: Light Combat Armor Weapon: Twin Vibro-Daggers Common Inventory: Dataram, Slicing Tools Non-Force User Alignment: Unlawfully Neutral Current Faction Affiliation: Children of the Maw Current Faction Rank: Lieutenant Background: Like his twin brother, Amir was born and raised on Kessel. The eldest of the twins, Amir has almost been a natural diplomat and used it avidly during their time as spacers from their youth. In fact, it was Amir that managed to have them inducted into the Children of the Maw under the previous Captain, using his contacts and technical knowledge to contact the former Captain directly and why Vlad's throat was not cut beyond his vocal cords. Real Name: Sideon Rank/Station: Lieutenant/Security Homeworld: Mon Calamari Species: Quarren Age: 28 Height: 6'5 Weight: 200lbs Hair: None Eyes: Turquoise(Left), White(Right) Sex: Male Distinctive Features/Scars: Blind Right Eye Personality/Traits: Sideon is similar to Vlad Lux in many ways, brash and quick to action. Blind in one eye and the newest member of the crew, an addition made by Captain Greensnout, he feels he has yet to prove himself. Clothing or Armor: Heavy Combat Suit Weapon: Repeater Carbine Common Inventory: Spice Non-Force User Alignment: Unlawfully Chaotic Current Faction Affiliation: Children of the Maw Current Faction Rank: Lieutenant Background: As a youth from Mon Calamari, Sideon was nothing less than an outcast amongst his people for his being born Blind in one eye. This caused him to leave the underwater cities of his people and live amongst the spacers above the waters. Seeing potential in him, Captain Greesnout, then Commander, made him a part of the crew and he earned his place amongst them. Real Name: Sha'Kara Weevel Rank/Station: Lieutenant Commander/Intelligence Homeworld: Unknown Species: Human Age: 33 Height: 4'9 Weight: 110lbs Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Sex: Female Distinctive Features/Scars: Prosthetic Right Arm and Left Leg Personality/Traits: Sha'Kara is cunning and deviant, preferring to twist the rules of diplomacy and council in her favor. When that doesn't happen, she uses guile and wit combined with her natural prowess to force it to. Clothing or Armor: Light Armored Robes Weapon: Force Imbued Katana Common Inventory: Poison, Interrogation Tools Force User Alignment: Unlawfully Chaotic Current Faction Affiliation: Children of the Maw Current Faction Rank: Lieutenant Commander Force Side: Dark Trained by: Adept Trained who: N/A Known Skills: N/A Background: Originally a member of the Jedi Order, Sha'Kara was distraught when she came of age and was never taken on as a Padawan, forcing her to the ranks of the Temple's Adepts. Leaving behind the only life she had ever known, Sha'Kara used her basic knowledge of the Force in the services of others and inevitably began to hear the call of the Darkside. Joining Captain Greensnout and the Children of the Maw in a mutual beneficial arrangement, she now uses her skills to aid those she has came to view as family and in return, Kleef aids in her search for knowledge of the Darkside and what the Jedi forbade her to learn. Real Name: Smegga Rank/Station: Commander/Navigation Homeworld: Nal Hutta Species: Hutt Age: 48 Length: 11'6 Weight: 505lbs Hair: None Eyes: Brown Sex: Male Distinctive Features/Scars: None Personality/Traits: Unlike his Hutt counterparts, Smegga has always admired the stars and becoming a spacer. Like Amir, he tends to be logical and mechanical by nature and abhors confrontation. Clothing or Armor: None Weapon: None Common Inventory: Tabac Pipe, Tabac Non-Force User Alignment: Unlawfully Neutral Current Faction Affiliation: Children of the Maw Current Faction Rank: Commander Background: Having been a part of the Children of the Maw even longer than Captain Greensnout, Smegga has always been content with his Station and never sought to rise above it. In fact, it was he who appointed Kleef as the Captain. Hailing from Nal Hutta, Smegga was born into a Noble Hutt House, but was never happy with the criminal underworld and what was expected of him. He simply wanted to travel the stars. So when the former Captain of the Helmsman's Sorrow offered the Hutt a chance to escape his Nal Hutta prison, he took it.
  8. Ship Registration Name: The Helmsman's Sorrow Class: Assault Ship Model: Modified VT-49 Decimator Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards Length: 38 Meters Armaments: Quad Laser Cannon Turrets(2), Twin Concussion Missle Launchers(40) Armor: Military Grade Anti-Personnel Defenses: Crew of Six Modifications: Ion Engine is modified with a SubLight Accelerator Motor(SLAM) with an additional Lightsail Engine for Sublight travel. During Sublight Acceleration, Lightsail folds away for additional power. Hyperdrive has also been upgraded to a class rating of 0.8. Transponder Signal array has been upgraded to emit false transponder signals of various corporate freighters. Captain's Quarters have been modified into a grotesque laboratory housing an incubation tank at its center with an array of Medical Capsules encircling the tank, each housing female slaves across the Galaxy with attending physician droids nearby for incubation experiments. History: Originally an Imperial Assault Ship under the Galactic Empire, it's original Captain seceded from the Empire after the loss of his wife and homeworld. Turning toward spice and a means to fulfill his vice, the Captain began working for multiple underworld organizations, and thus the 'Children of the Maw' were born, using the Kessel Sector as a base of operations. Renaming the ship from its unknown original to 'The Helmsman's Sorrow' and having its transponder signal array upgraded, the ship became a smuggling vessel handed down from generation to generation with modifications occurring per each Captain and their needs.
  9. Identity Real Name: Capt. Kleef "Greensnout" Chu A.K.A: Captain Greensnout Homeworld: Naboo Species: Gungan (Ankura) Physical Description Age: 52 Height: 5'7 Weight: 244lbs Hair: None Eyes: Brown Sex: Male Distinctive Features/Scars: Scar across left cheek and eye, missing left haillu. Personality/Traits: Kleef shares no love for his species nor his counterparts, preferring that an arid of seriousness and logics to be his fortitude. Still, during moments of duress, excitement, and surprise, the Gung within him prevails. Equipment Clothing or Armor: Armored Robes Weapon: Cutlass Blade, Rail Gun Common Inventory: Satchel of Tabac, Hookah, Goblet, Tabac Pipe, and a Jug of Ambrostine Faction Information Non-Force User Alignment: Unlawfully Neutral Current Faction Affiliation: Black Sun Current Faction Rank: Operative Current Faction Class: Specialist History Force Side: N/A Trained by: N/A Trained who: N/A Known Skills: N/A Pre-Faction Background: Born in the Otoh Villages of Otoh Gunga, Kleef Chu had an typical Gungan upbringing until the Naboo brought forth an initiative of desegregation at the University of Theed. However, during his time at Theed University, Kleef experienced harsh racial profiling and was constantly a target of bullying at the hands of the Naboo. Because of this, Kleef developed a deep seeded hatred for his own kind. During a drunken stupor one night in Otoh Gunga, Kleef was arrested and exiled for Public Urination in the Otoh Gunga Garden during a Political Rally. Forced back to the surface of Naboo once more, Kleef put his education and skills to work as a crewman aboard a transport ship known as 'The Helmsman's Sorrow', where he would soon discover its black market dealings and the freedom it presented. Faction Background: Originally a Commander of the Helmsman's Sorrow, Kleef became Captain of it and the defacto leader during the Battle of Mon Gazza when Captain Gigante fell into a terminal coma after a spice explosion and Smegga appointed him. Afterwards, Kleef began to broaden their perspective clientele until he came into the Black Sun's fold in hopes of grandeur.
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