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Kamo Nass

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Everything posted by Kamo Nass

  1. Kamo Nass


    Kamo Nass brings his shuttle down on the icy surface of the planet Ilum. The trip from Tatooine had been long, and he still didn't know the location of the elusive Jedi Master Jade Dragon. Kamo departs from his craft and makes his way to a small opening in the side of the icy landscape. He was sure that this was not the entrance to the new Jedi base, but he wanted to see this world for himself. Loosening the blaster at his side, Kamo ventures down the opening.
  2. Kamo Nass


    After hearing the words of the lead Jedi Master, Kamo heads back to his shuttle. The one he sought was not here. Kamo boards the shuttle and programs the navigation device for Ilum. After a few minutes the tiny shuttle rockets away from the desert world.
  3. Kamo Nass


    A small shuttle blasts out of hyperspace near planet of Tatooine . Piloting the craft is Kamo Nass, Jedi youth. Kamo searches both his heart and the communication channels for any readings of the Jedi. Fingers dancing across the controls, he brings the craft down into Tatooine's atmosphere. Kamo brings the craft low over the desert wasteland and finally brings the craft to a halt near an open gorge. Kamo disembarks from the shuttle. ”œI am here Jedi Friends. I search for Master Jade Dragon.”
  4. Kamo Nass


    Sorry dudes... [This message has been edited by Kamo Nass (edited September 07, 2002).]
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