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The Jensaarai

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  1. With a careful side step, The Sun-Dragon brought his staff up to meet Bones’ blow, in an attempt to allow the weapon to slide down the angular shaft of his own weapon away from him carried by it’s own force. “The Aros is a vital weapon of the Jensaarai. Even when others cannot find a weapon in their vicinity, a Jensaarai can. Learn the way of the Aros. It’s use is vital to the Jensaarai way of life. Even when we are in the fields, we must be prepared to stand side by side protecting our community at a moment’s notice.” The force swirled about the warrior, creating almost a haze around him as he moved. Having diverted the blow, the Sun-Dragon returned to spinning the staff in his hands. “Feel the world around you. Let it speak to you and guide you. Let it guide the stick in your hands. Allow it to become a part of you as you become a part of the world around you. Reach out. Feel it. Let it wash over you. Listen to its whispers and let it guide your movements.” The Jensaarai continued to swirl his staff about in front of him, effortlessly twisting it about his waist before lunging forward in a low sweep parallel to the ground swinging the staff at the apprentice’s legs; his body tensed in a low squat.
  2. Sunset, along the winding streets of Lessu, the shadows grew long; amongst them darted a solitary figure. Form shadow to shadow, recessed alcove to balcony overhang the wraithe-like being moved. She was intent on not being seen or tracked by anyone or anyrhing. Only a block further now and her quarry would be within her grasp. There were a few early patrons already stumbling around outside. It was not hard to flip up and over them in the dark alley-like winding street between tall imposing spires. Slipping through the door, the armored spy was inside with her quarry in sight. Her gray cloak fluttered behind her as she disappeared into the dimly lit cantina. Scanning the facility, the woman overlooked the common rabble until her eyes settled on the teenager behind the bar. “Bingo,” she hissed cheerfully as she lightly stepped and twirled through the crowd. Several twi’leki and humans were already gyrating on the worn stained and all too tiny dance floor. With a cat-like elegance, she slid between them and slid onto a stool at thar bar. With her brown hair tucked behind her ears and her blue warrior’s tattoos on her face, The Malia was the visage of a huntress of old; her sleek light Sith inspired armor rimmed with furs beneath her cloak completing the ensemble. Waving her hand to get the bartenders attention, the warrioress offered a genuinely warm smile. There she was, Serenity Vowler, seventeen year old native of Ryloth who frequently made runs to Corellia. The Malia had been watching her from afar for weeks trying to determine is she was a suitable mark. Finally, she had decided to approach her and make the girl an offer, an offer to change her the course of life, change her story, make a difference in the galaxy and not become a casualty of the looming chaos of Corellia. It all started here, now, with a smile a wave and a drink order. “Heya stranger, when you get a break I’d love a Corellian tapcafe if you’ve got some. Maybe two. One for you, one for me? I’ll be over there when you find the time.” She had all night. She would sit there all night if she had to, to show Serenity how serious she was. Slipping from her stool, The Malia moved with grace and poise through the cantina to a middle booth along the back wall. Here she could keep an eye on the bar and on the door. Safety first.
  3. “Perhaps you learned something after all then,” the voice spoke echoing seemingly from everywhere before the monster of a man, stepped silently out of the brush behind Bones and spoke himself. “Such as why most creatures are formed with more ways to take in information than to offer up their own. Such is the way of the Jensaarai to be still like the waters at river’s edge and to accept the current as one’s destiny when it comes to call.” The Defender’s presence was palpable within the force, but it did not coalesce where the man visibly stood; instead it was if he was all around. “I understand you had some time to study as well. This is very good. It is a sign of the assuredness that you are a Jensaarai. We thirst for knowledge. That which we do not know, trivial or great, we seek out and find. Now, might I suggest you go and rest, bathe yourself, study the Mireinio ysbrydol and then in the afternoon meet me back where you first sought to challenge me. There is more to being a Jensaarai than picking melons afterall.” He chuckled softly at his own attempt at humor as he turned to go back through the undergrowth. Turning over his shoulder he added, “Bring Brother Jho’s gift with you. Arosymladd is best practiced without empty hands.”And with that the man vanished into the trees as if he had never been. The initiate was expected to use the force to find his way home. Meanwhile, the Sun-Dragon had some errands to run. ________________________ Later that afternoon, the Sun-Dragon stood back at the edge of earth-packed circle ringed by huts, a wooden quarterstaff held in his hands. His worn and damaged armor was nowhere to be seen. Instead the man wore a simple rough-spun sleeveless tunic and breeches that left his heavily scarred arms and legs exposed. The man’s face was crisscrossed with scars as well and his left upper arm was covered in jagged twisted tattoos that had once been of elegant Sith design before his skin had been subjected to whatever tortures had left him burned and filleted. At the feet of the warrior lay the gear Bones had come to the Jensaarai in, his weapons, armor, and clothing. As the Tognath came into view, the Jensaarai Defender spoke loudly, “I have heard that you have fancied yourself a hunter and a warrior. It is time to refine those skills into something befitting the Jensaarai Order. You may take what you wish, but remember the way of the Jensaarai. Keep your mind open, remain in the moment, seek knowledge always, control your emotions lest they control you, remember what you have learned and what you have read.” Slowly spinning the staff in his hands, the Sun-Dragon kicked Bones’ gear to the center of the dirt. “Begin and,” he smiled, “try to not kill an old man who once served the Sith before finding truth in the fiery shadows.”
  4. “Come deeper.” The voice echoed in Bones’ mind, leaving the air calm, heavy and still at the edge of the jungles. The calling urged him deep into the undergrowth where no trails ran and the plants grew freely and unfettered. Thorns that dripped poison, choking vines that twitched awaiting disturbance to envelop their prey, and dark foreboding trunks and canopy that blocked out the light that streamed from above. “Deeper. Deeper.” The voice urged him onwards. “Seek out your calling. Feel within. Let your soul open to the world around you and find your place.” “Find your place . . .” For anyone searching on the waves of the force, the faintest presence of The Sun-Dragon could be felt. He was in the soil, the plants, the very air; the Sun-Dragon was nowhere to be found, but everywhere at the same time. When the apprentice was good and lost, the voice called out again, this time audibly through the still humid air, “What have you learned?”
  5. The blade deactivated with a hiss and the Sun-Dragon’s application of the force against Bones’ body ceased. He offered a hand to help the young Jensaarai backnto his feet. Once they were both standing, the elder Jensaarai spoke again. “Return to the Ithorians and tell them of your quest. Harvest the Lumas, as per their custom and guidance. Become a part of the team. Contribute to the wellbeing of our community. It is one of the first steps to becoming a Jensaarai. In this simple act you will gain understanding and respect if you open your mind and close your mouth. Saving lives is more than cutting down evil-doers. When you are done, come and find me in the jungles about the Bastion. Open your mind to the force, keep your emotions in check and allow the force to guide you. I will be waiting in 5 days time when the harvest should be drawing to an end.” With that, the Jensaarai turned and strode purposely away leaving Bones alone in the clearing. First thing first, he would tell the Ithorians of the plan. They, in their methodical peaceful way, would help teach the newest Jensaarai apprentice the benefits of a peace filled days hard labor and the joys of contributing to the welfare of the greater good. After that, he had some security measures to attend to.
  6. The display of anger was enough to warn of the incoming assault. The punch connected solidly with the warrior’s armor. And in that moment, the Sun-Dragon reacted. With a push of his hand towards the younger being, he shoved mightily in the force, his hand millimeters from the other’s body hurling him backwards through the air to where he crashed into the solid ground with a smack. Almost instantly, the Sub-Dragon’s sunset orange furnace of a lightsaber hissed to life, the Jensaarai flipping through the air to land a mete moment after his apprentice. He held the tip of the blade to Bones’s neck and the breathing apparatus that sustained him. The force swirled invisibly about the two; should Bones try to raise a limb, strike back, or get up, he would find him pinned to the dust as if by invisible durasteel tendrils of the force that leeched forth from the ground itself. The Sun-Dragon stood there saber held unflinchingly close and prepared to strike, regarding the man as he tried to struggle. He heard the man’s grumblings and did not respond. Wheb Bones finally gave up the struggle, he spoke “You have not held your breath. With each exhalation comes another dilemma of your own mind. You wish for redemption? So once did I. You wish to save lives; but all you desire is to take the lives of others. Saving is not in killing or fighting. Saving is in serving, learning, and yes sometimes even pruning; as you will be doing for the next daycycles until the Lumas crop is brought to harvest. Silence your breath and perhaps you will see in the simplicity, a glimmer of what is the Jensaarai way.”
  7. The Sun-Dragon chose to ignore the young apprentice’s comments for the moment. Slowly walking amongst the stalls, the warrior watched the newly arrived Jensaarai-in-training until they reached a stall selling the coconut-esque lumas fruit. Moving towards the stall, the Sun-Dragon spoke softly, “There are a great many things you have yet to learn; even hust aboard our home. We are Jensaarai. We seek the truth, constantly. These truths you must seek out.” Gracious accepting the offered fruit with a smile and a nod to the elder Ithorian stallkeep, the armored warrior dug his fingers into the hard shell, pressing his palms towards one another until the fruit cracked loudly and purple juices began to leak out. The Sun-Dragon turned to offer a piece of the fruit to Bones just as the man spoke, “And who in their right mind would eat those things?” Turning, the Sun-Dragon offered a weak smile to the shop keep, setting the cracked fruit down on the stall, “Thank you friend. Please excuse this youngling’s rudeness.” Whirling, the Sun-Dragon grabbed at the shorter Tognath’s shoulder and forcibly drug him off; his wide strides and imposing presence parting a way through the crowds. Making their way to an open circular pit ringed by small hovels, the Sun-Dragon hurled Bones into the dirt in a plume of dust. Looking down at the man, his eyes slitted in disapproval. “You accept the help of our people when you are powerless. Now that you feel your hide is safe you disrespect the ways not only of those who you wished to join, but of the people who live in harmony with us in symbiosis! I have had enough of you and your pride. Let go of what you cling to. It died with you in the pit I pulled you from. If you cannot, well...” he gestured with both hands to the open dirt around them, inviting a challenge, “back your words with actions. When you dishonor they that give us refuge, you spit on all that is dear in this life. It makes you no better than a sniveling dark sider.” ”Stand, be a man. Challenge me.” ”Or accept that you have wronged those who you owe no wrong to and go seek repentance. All here contribute to the good. Perhaps it is time you do as well. Go put in a day’s work harvesting the fruit of the lumas. We will begin anew tomorrow.” Standing there, the Sun-Dragon stood, his knees bent awaiting an attack should his urging fall upon deaf ears.
  8. The Sun-Dragon easily matched Bones move, stepping to the side so as to continue to stand afront the wayward youngling. With his hands on his hips, he stared down at the Tograth. “And like a child, you must prove you are responsible enough for such weapons.” His response was simple, yet direct; the undertones leaving little room to interpret the challenge in his voice. “No man ought carry the power to take a life, that does not exhibit the will to protect the weakest among them. You do not know what traverses these jungles, yet you would lead a child to them over what? Some bauble? Remember son, you are the one who chose to walk this road. If we were but an escape from your prison walls . . .” he let the thought hang in the air for the other to interpret at his own will. Following Bones’ eyes, the Jensaarai warrior could make out the devious bird and it’s newfound prize. “Do not let the desire consume you. It will lead to darkness. Know that by coming to the Jensaarai, you will be asked to make sacrifices. Each one different than the other; yet each one, to serve those who need your help. The child, the bird, the people, a wayward mercenary, all deserve our help. Think of that price paid for your freedom. Your life was bought with a price paid for by others. Surely your cloth to shelter and nurture another, to protect and save unborn generations, is a worthy sacrifice?” Each time Bones tried to move, the daunting man would simply step to block his path, prohibiting any further delving into the undergrowth. Firmly and gently placing his hands on the shorter being’s shoulders he pushed to turn the being around. “Come. Let us get some tea. Then you can tell me of the troubles you are facing.”
  9. At the edge of the brush, the lean muscled tower of The Sun-Dragon grunted as Bones crashed into him. Grabbing the newcomer about the shoulders, he glowered down at the wayward wanderer; “Surely you have better things to do than galavant about with younglings do you not? We would rather not unteach the truths young minds are not prepared for.” Before Bones could object he cut him off, the tall Corellian shot a caring look at the young Ithorian kindly sending the boy back to his mother before continuing; “I understand that you hold these things dear young one. To become a Jensaarai, one must hold their experiences in their hearts; but trinkets, bobbles, and toys only serve to tie us back to the lives we have forsaken. Let this be a lesson young one.” Standing tall, the fierce Jensaarai warrior stared down at Bones as if daring him to object and silently urging him to return to his studies.
  10. Saarai-Kaar (without armor) Saarai-Kaar (with armor) IDENTITY: Real Name: Shin (former name, abandoned upon joining the Jensaarai) A.K.A: Saarai-Kaar, formerly The Sarlaac Homeworld: Sriluur Species: Weequay PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Age: 73 Height: 5’8” Weight: 170 lbs. Hair: White Eyes: Gray Sex: Male EQUIPMENT: Clothing/Armor: Personal Jensaarai Armor Weapons: The Dyddiau Gwael: Twin cortosis-weave blades. Machlud: Dual-bladed yellow lightsaber. Cortosis-weave chain and sickle FACTION INFORMATION: Force User, Force Sensitive or Non-Force User: Force User Alignment: Lawful Good Faction Affiliation: Rebels via the Jensaarai Rank: NPC Saarai-Kaar, Master of the Jensaarai HISTORY: Force Side: Light Trained By: Defender Shaava Trained Who: Numerous Jensaarai Known Skills: Mireinio Ysbrydol: Jensaarai practice of spiritual refinement (Master) Ymladd Heb Arfau: Jensaarai art of unarmed combat (Master) Cleddyfymladd: Jensaarai art of swordsmanship/lightsaber combat (Master) Arosymladd: Jensaarai art of wielding staves (Expert) Tafluymladd: Jensaarai art of throwing blades/lightsabers (Master) Gwaywffon-Ymladd: Jensaarai art of wielding spears (Expert) Penhwyadymladd: Jensaarai art of wielding the lightsaber pike (Expert) Crymancadwynymladd: Jensaarai art of wielding the chain and sickle (Expert) Tancelf: Jensaarai practice of using firearms/blasters (Expert) Cuddiocelf: Jensaarai art of disguise (Expert) Dull-Llechwraidd: Jensaarai art of stealth (Master) Hyfforddiant Elfenol: Jensaarai training in use of the natural environment and elements (Expert) Strategaeth: Jensaarai training in strategy (Master) Ysbio: Jensaarai art of espionage (Expert) Dianc-Cuddio: Jensaarai art of escape (Master) Force Powers: Force Telekinesis (Expert) Ballistakinesis (Master) Speed (Master) Force Body (Expert) Force Heal (Expert) Shatterpoint (Master) Force Jump (Expert) ____________________________________ Background: Shin was born on Sriluur to a family of itinerant workers. Until the age of eight, he traveled with his family across the planet as they did whatever job they could to earn the credits to eat. His father, however, wanted a better life for his son, and eventually asked his estranged brother to take Shin in and give him a proper education. Shin’s uncle was an enforcer for one of the local Hutt cartels, but he took his nephew in as family and kept him safe and fed. He also caught Shin up on his belated education, teaching him to read, write, and other basic skills. As Shin grew older, his uncle started teaching him how to fight. Shin’s keen mind and ruthless attitude allowed him to excel at combat, and it soon became the sole focus of his attention. He studied strategy and tactics whenever he could, and practiced with different weapons constantly. In only a few years time, he had bested his uncle in combat. Then, when he was 14, he had his first duel. Juk was a gamorrean underboss for a local hutt and Shin’s uncle’s superior. Excessively proud of his strength and bulk, he menaced the locals and mercilessly beat anyone he saw as a threat to death with a scavenged piece of starship hull durasteel. One night after hours of drinking, Juk wandered the streets shouting, challenging anyone to fight him one-on-one. He laughed at everyone who scurried out of his way, until Shin crossed his path. Seeing the young weequay’s iron staff, he bellowed at Shin to fight him. Shin, calm, accepted, but said he would not fight the gamorrean while he was drunk. He challenged him to a formal duel on a plateau outside of the city, one hour before sunrise. Confused but too proud to back down, Juk laughed and agreed. Juk and his closest cronies, including Shin’s uncle who was horrified when he found out about the duel, arrived at the plateau in a skiff at the appointed time. Shin, however, was nowhere to be seen. As time passed, Juk first grew angry, and then jovial, laughing that the little boy had run for his life, and finally irritated as he realized he hadn’t had breakfast and was getting hungry. Then, just as the sun rose, Shin pulled himself up over the rocks. Juk roared at the young weequay, demanding to know why he was late. As Shin took position at one end of the plateau with the sun at his back, he casually commented that he hadn’t thought the fat pig would be able to get out of bed before sunrise. Hungry, irritated, and now insulted, Juk squealed in fury and charged Shin. With the sun at Shin’s back though, he was half-blind, and so he didn’t see Shin’s strike until it was too late. With a crack of his staff, Shin broke the gamorrean’s ankle, and then with two more strikes he caved his head in. Finally, he tipped his opponent’s corpse over the side of the plateau, using the staff for leverage. Juk’s lieutenants were shocked for only a few moments, but it was enough as Shin pulled out a blaster, shot the skiff’s engine, and jumped over the side of the plateau to the speeder bike he’d hidden there hours before. He shot off into the desert, the rising sun blinding the hutt thugs as they futilely tried to shoot him down. After that, Shin started his career as a duelist and a gladiator. First on Sriluur, and then across the Outer Rim, Shin took down opponent after opponent using skill, strategy, and underhanded tactics. He’d often show up to duels late and smelling of alcohol, only to reveal he was completely sober and easily defeat his irritated and off-guard enemy. In one infamous duel, he’d broken a sewage line near the site of the duel the night before and wore thick boots to the fight while his opponent stumbled through the muck. His skill grew with him, and those who saw him fight commented that he could easily win most fights even without his tricks and unfair advantages. When Shin wasn’t earning his credits by fighting duels, he hired himself out as an enforcer and a hitman, usually for the hutts. On one such job on a small refueling station in the Outer Rim, Shin encountered an old iktotchi in cortosis weave armor. Ignoring her, he attacked his target only to find his blow deflected by the iktotchi’s gauntlet. The two fought, and for the first time Shin found himself hard-pressed. Despite his prodigious talent and dirty tactics, the elderly woman easily beat him back, never drawing a weapon and only relying on her gauntlets and preternatural skill. After ten minutes of fighting, the iktotchi landed a solid blow on Shin and knocked him to the ground. Having suffered his first loss since defeating Juk, Shin was stunned, but intrigued. An old excitement flared to life in his chest, and he asked the iktotchi to teach him her arts. The iktotchi named herself Defender Shaava, and told Shin that he would have to earn her teachings. Shin agreed, and so became Jensaarai. The first few years of his training saw him practice no combat at all, but instead forced him to meditate on the meaning of honor and his own actions. More years were spent learning the mundane skills and combat techniques required of a Jensaarai, and finally a decade was spent learning how to wield the Force, a capability Shaava had foreseen but deliberately kept from him. When Shin finally passed the Rite of Ascension, discarded his old name, and became The Sarlaac, he was 47 and well past his prime. Now an honorable Jensaarai, but still a ruthless strategist and a deceptive fighter, he earned respect from his formerly dismissive comrades. He was well-known for spending hours in the presence of the starweird whenever he could obtain permission to do so, yearning to test himself mentally against the opponent even Defender Shaava had been unable to defeat. Eventually, the Force took Defender Shaava back into its fold, but before it did the old warrior called her students before her and told them it was time to choose the Saarai-Kaar. She claimed she had never been worthy enough to take the title, that a mistake years ago had forever lost her the chance for that honor. Instead, the students would decide among themselves who the new Saarai-Kaar would be. The arguments and duels lasted well into the night, but The Sarlaac did not choose to press his case. Instead, he and a few other students spent their time with their old friend Shaava. What she told them at that time is unknown, but when morning came and The Sarlaac and the other students emerged with Shaava’s wrapped body, The Sarlaac’s demeanor had changed. He declared himself Saarai-Kaar, as only the students who had remained with Shaava truly knew the “truth”, and only he among them was willing to be the “Keeper of Truth”. Veterans and ambitious prodigies alike challenged him, but he defeated each of them in turn with a confidence and ease they had never seen before. Eventually, each Jensaarai admitted his worth and accepted him as their master. He gave up his hard-won title of The Sarlaac and became the Saarai-Kaar. Since then, the Saarai-Kaar has watched over the Jensaarai, his cunning and wisdom keeping them safe and foiling their enemies. He often can still be found in The Entrapment, watching over the starweird and meditating on truths others can only guess at. He rarely fights in earnest, but on the few occasions he’s been forced to, his enemies and students alike see why the Saarai-Kaar is master of the Jensaarai.
  11. Identity Former Tactical (combat) NPC assigned to Leena Kil (Jedi Order) Now a PC Real Name: Alto Jinn A.K.A: The Mantis Homeworld: Corellia Species: Human Physical Description Age: 54 Height: 5’5” Weight: 115 lbs Eyes: Green Sex: Male Equipment Clothing or Armor: White robes, Jensaarai armor complete with rebreather, infrared vision, and lightsaber sheaths on each arm. Weapon: 2 orange bladed lightsabers, collapsable aros (Jensaarai staff), throwing knives, 2 crymancadwyn (Jensaarai chain and sickles), 2 thermal detonators, 3 vials ionized agranium powder, holdout blaster Common Inventory: Comm unit, rebreather Faction Information Force User, Force Sensitive or Non-Force User Force User Alignment: Neutral Good Current Faction Affiliation: Jensaarai - Rebel Alloance Rank: Defender (Jedi Knight equivalent) History Trained by: Jensaarai Defender The Reek Trained who: None Known Skills: -Cleddyfymladd - Jensaarai swordsmanship (expert) -Sokan lightsaber style -Ymladd Heb Arfau - hand to hand/weaponless combat (expert) -Arosymladd - staff combat (skilled) -Tafluymladd - holding, concealing, & throwing blades (skilled) -Gwaywffon-Ymladd - spear fighting (trained) -Penhwyadymladd - wielding a single blades lightsaber pike (trained) -Crymancadwynymladd - Jensaarai chain & sickle usage/combat (skilled) -Tancelf - usages of flammable powders, explosives & firearms (skilled) -Cuddiocelf - seven ways of going / disguise & impersonation (skilled) -Dull-Llechwraidd / Jensaarai stealth, entering, & climbing (expert) -Hyfforddiant Elfenol - Understanding and using the elements (weather, surroundings, etc) to his advantage (expert) -Sokan lightsaber style - Strategaeth - Jensaarai Strategy (facing single or multiple opponents, dealing with large groups, politics, manipulation of current events and situations) (skilled) -Ysbio - Jensaarai espionage skills (trained) -Dianc-Cuddio - Jensaarai art of escape and disappearing (expert) Buried Presence (skilled) Ballistakinesis (expert) Telekinesis (expert) Background: The Mantis is a combat trained Jensaarai warrior who grew up in the Jensaarai tradition. He has dedicated his entire life to mastering the Jensaarai methods of combat. Alto Jinn was an orphan from Corellia who was being adopted when the vessel he was travelling on was attacked by pirates. The infant was hidden in a storage locker to avoid being taken as a slave. Unbenounced to him, Alto was rescued by an unknown force user who was familiar with the stories of the Jensaarai and left, quite literally, on the Jensaarai doorstep. The infant was taken in by the monastic order and given food and nourishment. When he was old enough, the stranger’s child was trained in the Jensaarai ways. Having ascended to the rank of Defender, The Mantis dedicated his every free moment to immersing himself in Jensaarai combat training and stealth tactics. The Mantis was present for the Siege of Coruscant after which he was brutally injured and transported to the Jedi for attention. The Mantis’ care fell to Jedi Healer apprentice Leena Kil who through careful applications of the force was able to resurrect the shattered body of the Jensaarai warrior and return him to his fighting form. In gratitude and recognition for Leena’s efforts to save The Mantis’ life, her dedication to the maintenance of peace, and her honorable behaviors toward allies and enemies alike, The Mantis dedicated his life to helping ensure that Leena was able to continue on in her life saving actions. Upon ensuring that Knight Leena was safe amongst the Jedi, The Mantis moved to openly assisting the Rebel Alliance in their fight against the forces of darkness. Oftentimes The Mantis sticks to the shadows, minimizing his force signature while still using the force to mask his presence to those who may be a threat to his ward.
  12. “I am the guardian of this place. You may call me Caretaker if you must. I make sure that this place remains above all, cared for and protected. That which dwells here is always under my watch. Though I will never see it completely like you will, no one else can get in without my permission, nor can anything get out. Should that which dwells escape, I have the means to contain and slow it, and the means to warn your master of your failure to face that which dwells within. Will you succumb to the darkness inside? Or will you conquer that which dwells inside you? The Force will judge and guide you. May honor carry you through” - Caretaker, to an apprentice who is about to enter Entrapment. Identity Real Name: CARETAKER Model D-1 Homeworld: Raka Nwul Species: Droid Physical Description Age: 1 year Height: 4’5 Weight: 250 lbs Eyes: Yellow Sex: N/a Equipment Clothing or Armor: Phrik Chassis, Weapon: Lightning Gloves (Built In Hands), Disruptor Pistol (Built in Left Arm), Ion Blaster (Built in Left Arm), Thermal detonator self-destruct (Chest), miniature tractor beam Common Inventory: Repair Equipment, Communication Array, Holographic Display, Scomp Link, Arc Welder, Magnetized Feet ( All Built in) Faction Information Force User, Force Sensitive or Non-Force User Non-Force User Alignment:LN Current Faction Affiliation: Jensaarai Current Faction Rank: Caretaker History Known Skills: Repair (Master) Medicine (Expert) Firearms (Master) Gardening (Expert) Background: After Defender Shaava sealed the star weird within Entrapment and the Jensaarai became the leaders of Raka Nwul, there was a lot of discussion and arguments about what to do with the monster. Eventually it was decided that the monster would remain captive in the very center of the ship. During the repairs of Raka Nwul, Defender Shaava took it upon herself to oversee the defenses that would be in place. The one thing Shaava fought against was the idea of a droid guarding the entrance to Entrapment. She argued that a droid would never be able to guard the star weird from getting out, nor could it stop anyone from getting in. However, the other Defenders pointed out that it was only through the use of technology that the star weird was even contained now, and with proper design and programming, droids could rival Jedi during the Clone Wars. Outvoted, Shaava conceded and allowed the D-1 model to be produced. So far, only 5 D-1s have been produced, and only one has been in use. The one in use had a personality from the beginning, one that aligned with the Jensaarai ideals. Caretaker is a vigilant droid, unwilling to leave his post at all. He has been programmed to understand all the signs of the darkside and is equipped to deal with it. Every Defender who has interacted with him wonders if he has been affected by the star weird, but he continues to deny such thoughts and does his job. However, his cryptic speeches as well as his appearance never eases apprentices performing their rite of ascension.
  13. Identity Real Name: Tao Teo A.K.A: The Wyyschokk Homeworld: Kashyyyk Species: Ardennian Physical Description Age: 41 Height: 4’6 Weight: 165 lbs Hair: Gray skin Blue Eyes: Green Sex: Female Equipment Clothing or Armor: Jensaarai Armor, Weapon: 2 guard shoto lightsabers (Blue and Yellow), Wrist Dart Launcher (4), Common Inventory: Death Sticks (6), Namana Liquor Cases (6), Encased Felucian Leeches (4), Dioxis Gas Canisters (4), Lockpicking Set, Slicing Set, Pet Klawaklaw (Young Male Mykal) Faction Information Force User, Force Sensitive or Non-Force User Force User Alignment: LG Current Faction Affiliation: Jensaarai Current Faction Rank: Defender History Force Side: Light Trained by: Defender Laigrek Trained who: The Watchers Known Skills: Diplomacy (Master) Poison/Toxin (Master) Medicine (Expert) Animal Training/Breeding (Expert) Stealth (Master) Piloting (Expert) Poetry/Writing (Expert) Force Skills: Force Empathy (Expert) Force Speed/Jump (Master) Force Persuasion (Expert) Buried Presence (Master) Ballistakineses (Master) Force Illusion (Expert) Background: "You were outsiders. Lost. Like me. Forgotten and discarded by the rest of the galaxy. But no more. This is your family. I am your guardian. While you operate in the shadows like me, you mist not lose your honor. Be my eyes, not my blade. Be my patience, not my brother's and sister's insanity." - The Wyyschokk, to The Watchers Tao’s family emigrated shortly after the empire’s fall to Kashyyyk, to help the people regrow and heal. However, shortly after they arrived, pirates attacked their homes and drove them deep into the dark forests of the planet, far from the sun. For 30 years the family made their home in the dark, living as best as they could, and stranded with no way of getting help. However, while his parents struggled, Tao and his siblings thrived. Tao specifically found he had a knack for survival in the dark, even with the dangerous species that lived down there. He cared for his aging parents and younger siblings until his parent’s death. Afterwards, his siblings became much more bloodthirsty and violent and disbanded, staking out a large area of land as theirs. Even when wookies came down to the planet’s surface, instead of seeking the light, Tao’s siblings killed them instead. Only Tao kept his sanity and traveled alone on the surface. Eventually, some strangers crashed into the forest: A couple of humans and a Melitto in strange armor. The group were stranded and were desperate to find a way back up to where allies were. Tao approached them and offered his help in exchange for passage off the planet. The Defender agreed and the group set out. For a week, the group traveled. While it could have been shorter, Tao was doing everything in his power to keep the group avoid his siblings. Despite this, the group was comfortable for the most part. Defender Laigrek and Tao spent many nights talking about what life was like, what was one’s duties, and where one was supposed to be. Laigrek found Tao an interesting person: one who had been surrounded by madness and chaos, Tao was a being who kept his sanity and honor. Despite his best efforts, Tao and the group were ambushed by his siblings. There was a bloody fight, which eventually ended with Tao having to make a choice between killing his siblings and defending Defender Laigrek’s group or fleeing the battle. When chips were down, Tao helped Laigrek. After everything, Laigrek followed his promise and took Tao with him to be trained as a Jensaarai. After his training, Tao started searching for lost children. Specifically, he began building a clan. He started finding orphan younglings from numerous planets, trained them in the art of stealth and espionage, and made them into a family. Named ‘the Watchers’, these kids had to endure tough and nearly life-breaking tests, earned a unique name, and then sent them out to observe everything. These children, which Tao calls his ‘family’ act in an honorable fashion and gather information. Tao then passes this info to the Jensaarai. This started six years ago. Now his network has grown and instead of using children, he uses teens and young adults, while the children are being raised in a secret orphanage called Convent in the wreckage of Coruscant. Currently, Tao operates between Raka Nwul and Coruscant, finding more children to bring into his family and running Convent. Currently the Watchers number about 87 members, and the orphanage has about 60 children, with more being found each day. It is clear to the other members of the Jensaarai that Teo is struggling to divide his time in between the two, and Teo is actively looking for someone to help take over some of his duties.
  14. ”When a Jensaarai needs to make a sudden and total retreat, it is as simple as a flick of the wrist. Throw a cannister and vanish.” -The Sun-dragon Ionized Agrinium Powder: Agrinium is an aluminium alloy commonly used to make droid armor and was highly resistant to all forms of radiation. Jensaarai craftsmen carefully superheat plates of castoff Agrinium to ionize them with an electrical pulse. After that the plates are ground into a fine powder and mixed with a spattering of sand and other metal shavings carefully gathered by the craftsmen. This mixture is then collected in fragile porcelain containers. These containers are small enough to be held in one hand and thrown. Many Jensaarai carry one to three of these nestled within their armor or in a pouch on their belt. These can be thrown at one’s feet causing a near instantaneous burst of powder to erupt into the air. The powder obscures the user from sight, hanging in the air for several minutes if there is not a strong breeze. The ionized agrinium veils the caster from electric and radiation scans. This allows the semi-skilled Jensaarai warrior to make a quick escape, his movements shadowed from view. All of this being said, if one were to inhale the ionized powder, it immediately results in a bout of severe coughing. Many who inhale too much of the agrinium came come down with a severe and sometimes fatal respiratory illness. For this sake, Jensaarai are trained to only make use of these low-tech grenades when wearing their helmet and armor; although in a pinch a warrior can use the powder to save their own life.
  15. Name: Raka Nwul (Hand of Peace) Model: Ithorian Herdship Class: Battlecruiser/Capital Ship Length: 1,000 Meters Diameter Height: 500 meters (1,000 meters with dome) Crew: 3,000 Passengers: 5,600 Owner: Jenessarai Armament: Light Point-Defense Laser Cannons (40) Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (20) Tractor Beam Projectors (4) Armor: Heavy Deflector Shield Generators (8) Durasteel Hull History, Lore, and Details
  16. Identity Real Name: Krels Tibu A.K.A: Defender Laigrek Homeworld: Li-Toran Species: Melitto Physical Description Age: 87 Height: 1.6 meters (5’2) Weight: 185 lbs Hair: White Eyes: None Sex: Male Equipment Clothing or Armor: Jensaarai Armor, Grey Cloak Weapon: Lightsaber (Blue) Common Inventory: Nutrient Dispensers, Vocoder, Breathing tubes (All integrated into the armor) Faction Information Force User, Force Sensitive or Non-Force User: Force User Alignment: Lawful Good Current Faction Affiliation: Jenessarai Current Faction Rank: Defender, Head of Security on Raka Nwul History Force Side: Light Trained by: Defender Shaava Trained who: Known Skills: Lightsaber Combat - Form III (Master) Stava (Expert) Military Tactics (Master) Tracking (Expert) Force Skills: Force Speed: (Expert) Force Pull/Push (Master) Force Blinding: (Expert) Force Body (Master) Force Empathy ( Expert) Force Smell/Sight (Master) Force Persuasion (Expert) Buried Presence (Expert) Ballistakinesis (Master) Detoxify Poison ( Expert) Force Healing (Expert) Morichro ( Expert) Background:: Raised to be a warrior drone on his home world of Li-Toran, Tibu was at a very young age when his queen died. Despite his impressive efforts to hold off the invaders from a rival hive, Tibu was cast out. Now a ronin, Tibu wandered his planet for a year until he finally left for the stars. For several years, Tibu wandered from planet to planet, offering his services as a bodyguard to whoever would hire him. He hoped to work for politicians and noblemen, but being so young, the best he could get was aboard cargo ships. And even then, he was a poor bodyguard, as almost half of his charges died under his care while he somehow survived, much to his horror. Though depressing and dishonoring, it was the closest thing he could find that was similar to his life back home, so he continued to hire himself out. While on Dantooine, Tibu had a job guarding a child. During his job, the child was kidnapped. Horrified that he had failed his job again, Tibu began to track down the kidnapper for the next four years. During this time, Tibu was obsessed, constantly hiring others to help him, finding any kind of lead. When his original employer refused to pay him further, Tibu worked out of his own wallet. He eventually tracked the child to a small prisome small moon, taken by an armored Ithorian. Once there, Tibu challenged the people there for the child. Despite his best, he was easily defeated. Having lost, Tibu attempted to kill himself. He had lived so long with no cause after failing to defend his queen, he had failed to defend so many others, and now he couldn’t rescue a child. He could not survive any longer. The only honor he could regain was through death. However, the Iktotchi Defender Shaava stopped Tibu from suicide. She explained that while originally the child was kidnapped, he was rescued by a group known as Jensaarai. Like the Jedi, they sought to preserve peace and justice in the universe. Unlike the Jedi, they were willing to do whatever it took, whether by fleeing or by fighting. Tibu never forgot the words she spoke that day, and tells it to those new apprentices who visit Raka Nwul: “You say you have no honor for you have no master. But I say, you have honor because you are your own master. You have chosen a life that serves and protects, and are willing to do whatever it takes. But death is not the way. Live here, be my apprentice and as a master of your fate, you will never let your honor be broken.” From that day, Tibu trained with Defender Shaava. 5 years before she found the Green Hand , Tibu went through his rite of ascension, where he had to face his own demons, he forged his armor in a style similar to the Laigrek. In his own words: “This armor represents the bugs of Dantooine: While they work best within a swarm, each one alone is deadly, especially their queen, the fabled blue Laigrek, Xixillizi. So am I. I work best with my fellow Defenders. I have accomplished more with them then by myself. But don’t think I need friends to be useful. I am a master of not only my own fate, but my honor as well. As long as I can move, my honor will not be broken. ” Shortly after his master’s death, Defender Laigrek was appointed chief of security of Raka Nwul. He was able to bond easily with the Ithorians over their shared love for his master, and he quickly brought peace to every problem that he encountered on board. The fact that he was an insectoid race also eased the Verpine’s tensions in the Pipes. Today, he is often found either in the Bastion listening to voice recordings of every resident (to get to know them better), observing apprentices and masters train on the training platforms, or at the shrine to Defender Shaava at the Gravesites communing with nature and the Ithorians when not performing his ship duties. In times of emergencies, he has the power to move the ship to another planet, a power he has exercised only once.
  17. Identity Real Name: Torrin Ocho A.K.A: The Sun-Dragon Homeworld: Corellia Species: Human - Corellian Physical Description Age: 50 Height: 6’8” Weight: 295 lbs Hair: None Eyes: Green Sex: Male Equipment Clothing or Armor: Jensaarai Armor with significant damage Weapon: Lightsaber-orange Faction Information Force User, Force Sensitive or Non-Force User: Force User Alignment: Lawful Neutral Current Faction Affiliation: Jensaarai Current Faction Rank: Defender History Force Side: Light Trained by: The Aric Trained who: The Purrgil Known Skills: Lightsaber Combat - Form VII (Master) Echani Martial Arts (Expert) Metallurgy (Master) Essential Jensaarai Skills (Master) Force Skills: Control Pain (Master) Thought Shield (Master) Force Cloak (Master) Force Immersion (Master) Force Barrier (Master) Ballistakinesis (Expert) Background:: Torrin Ocho was discovered at a young age and taken in by the Sith to be trained. The first half of his life was dedicated to learning, training in, and becoming an agent of the Sith; strong in the darkside. On a mission for his Sith overlords, leading the siege against a resistant world whose name has been lost to time, Torrin was lost in a fierce battle between Sith forces and local resistance fighters. He was presumed dead. Torrin’s battered and bruised body tumbled down a ravine the locals spoke of with an unholy fear, saying it was cursed and bottomless. There, in the darkness, his unconscious near-dead body was found by the Jensaarai task force that was planetside assisting the locals in their resistance. They had taken up residence in the pit. Torrin was placed in a force-induced healing trance and restrained in a secure bacta tank. After the siege was completed, the Jensaarai returned to their home, their unconscious and destroyed prisoner in tow. Back at their home, the Jensaarai nursed Torrin back to health under a protective aura of light side energies. When he finally regained conciousness, Torrin was lost and confused and tried multiple times to fight his way free using his dark side powers. Each time, he was rebuffed and on occasion beaten back into submission by the Defenders assigned to guard him. Never restrained, only contained, Torrin slowly began to learn that escape was futile. During this time, Defenders would read to him the Jensaarai histories of the galaxy, many of which came from their ancient Sith holocron. Even as he resisted, the words of the Defenders began to soak into his mind and take root. Eventually Torrin began to ask questions and like an infant was slowly shown the ways of the Jensaarai. He was not judged and condemned for his consumption of the dark side, nor was this dependence on darkness allowed to be left unchecked. Torrin began to question his defenders, each of whom were well versed in Jensaarai lore and teachings. Each time, Torrin was rebuffed with logic and reasoning. Over time Torrin became more and more accepting and understanding of the Jensaarai and years later he became an Apprentice, tasked to learn under The Aric, one of the Defenders who had eventually rescued him and had knocked him into the pit in the heated battle. The Aric trained Torrin in the Jensaarai ways, taking time to ensure that his Sith upbringing was not forgotten but was purged from his soul, turning a blackened soul back to the light. It was a lengthy and challenging task and numerous times The Aric had to resort to beating back the darkness in Torrin’s soul and helping him purge it through combative meditations. While still an Apprentice, Torrin travelled with The Aric to confront a dark side cult that was supressing a people beyond the edges of the charted galaxy. There, The Aric fell in battle leaving Torrin alone on the world. Torrin refused to flee or surrender and stood his ground against the twisted magics of the cult. At one point, Torrin was able to call upon the force drawing the entirety of a firestorm, summoned by the enemy to destroy the village that had given shelter to The Aric and Torrin, away from the village and down upon himself. Had it not been for his full immersion in the light side of the force, Torrin would have been consumed entirely by the flame. As it was, Torrin was badly burned. Before passing out, in one final push, Torrin reversed the firestorm and sent it arcing back into the sky and cascading down upon the cultists where they were entirely consumed by their own dark flames. Torrin was sheltered by the villagers he had saved and nursed back to health. These same villagers buried The Aric in their own traditions. Once healed, Torrin returned to the Jensaarai and told them of The Aric’s fall. This venture was the final test before Torrin was allowed to undergo the creation of his armor and the Rite of Ascension where he was bestowed with the title The Sun-Dragon. As a defender, The Sun-Dragon has been a staunch guardian against any member who may be too tempted by the call of darkness. Often he is found guarding the Bastion and the holocron and Sith texts contained within. He takes joy in helping educate apprentices who, like he, came to the Jensaarai from other walks. He is compassionate but does not yield when anyone tries to argue with Jensaarai teachings or stances. The Sun-Dragon has struck down numerous Apprentices who refused to yield their ideals to the Jensaarai or tried to fight against the Jensaarai when they decided that they did not wish to follow the Jensaarai way. The Sun-Dragon is one of few former Sith who have ever successfully undergone Jensaarai training and with that carries with him the brutality that is exemplified by Jensaarai combat in all that he does. To The Sun-Dragon everything is a battle. The Sun-Dragon is one of the best one-on-one combatants of the Jensaarai order.
  18. Identity Known Name: Kier A.K.A: The Malia Homeworld: Dantooine Species: Human Physical Description Age: 33 Height: 5’ 9” Weight: 134 lbs Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Sex: Female Equipment Clothing or Armor: Jensaarai Armor, Grey Cloak Weapon: CURRENT Lightsaber (Red) armor-mounted flamethrower, armor-mounted elbow and knee spikes OTHER LIGHTSABERS OWNED: blue shoto, 2 yellow sabers Common Inventory: infrared and ultraviolet scanner, comm devicd (integrated into the armor) Faction Information Force User, Force Sensitive or Non-Force User: Force User Alignment: Lawful Neutral Current Faction Affiliation: Jenessarai Current Faction Rank: Defender History Force Side: Light Trained by: The Purrgil Trained who: Assisted in combat and historical training of numerous apprentices Known Skills: -Lightsaber Combat - Forms I, III, and. VI (Master) -Unarmed Combat/Brawling (Expert) -Clandestine Activity, sabotage, stealth (Master) - Acrobatics (Master) -Jensaarai tradition (Master) -Ancient Sith Translations (Master) -Essential Jensaarai Skills (Master) Force Skills: -Force Speed: (Expert) -Force Telepathy (Skilled) -Buried Presence (Master) -Ballistakinesis (Master) -Force Healing (Beginner) -Force-assisted Acrobatics (Expert) -Precognition (Skilled) Background:: Kier was born to a Jensaarai father, the Purrgil, and a mother who was a member of the Jensaarai community. She was raised from birth in the Jensaarai tradition, studying under her father and other defenders. Kier constructed her first lightsaber at the age of 6, and has since crafted three more to better serve her as a Jensaarai Defender. Kier was the youngest Jensaarai to ever undergo the Rite of Ascension, having done so at 17 years old. As a young woman, the Malia served the Jensaarai order, but was also allowed to follow her young wanderlust. She did this as a Jensaarai scout spending time watching, learning, and reporting back to the order on the happenings about the galaxy. Now, The Malia resides aboard the Jensaarai’s herdship, but is often seen about the galaxy subtlety serving the Jensaarai causes of peace and justice. She spends weeks and months at a time away from the community, but is always happy to be back amongst her people. Kier is friendly and open to helping anyone learning the ways of the Jensaarai, even if she is impatient with newer initiated apprentices who are struggling to leave their pasts behind.
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