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Posts posted by Xar

  1. unnamed.jpg.5f21de6d79bdef500dd2bd4d7ccd25dc.jpg


    “Those of Sullust watch us now” 


    The S.A.L: Sullust Avenged League

    (FKA E.Y.E: Enhancing the Younglings Enterprise) 


    The recent Sith War has left many people hurting, confused, and desperate. Despite the Alliance’s and the Jedi’s best efforts to help the galaxy heal, people are still hurting and looking for other means of comfort or ways to get by. Some turn to crime. Some turn to each other. 


    Some now turn to the S.A.L. 


    The Sullust Avenged League, or S.A.L. is more of a loosely associated group of chapters than a singular structured organization, operating much like the early days of the rebel alliance during the Galactic Empire. Originally the Enhancing the Youngling Enterprise (E.Y.E.), the group's original focus was rebuilding communities affected by the Sith Forces. Once the government became more stable and the E.Y.E. lost support, they turned their focus on the cause of the Sith War: Force users. With Anti-Jedi Sentiment as old as the Republic itself, they quickly became an anti-Force movement, stating that “Sith and Jedi are the same religion, just opposing sides”  


    Shortly after the announcement of the newest emperor, the group rebranded as S.A.L. in memory of the Sullust Cataclysm known as Shegog. They maintain their symbol of an Eye, with the color of the eye representing specific chapters.  Each chapter is based on a singular planet, but has been known to travel to other planets to help other chapters when large events are occurring. 




    While each chapter has minor goals that may differ from another chapter, all chapters agree on these goals. Most chapters limit themselves to mass protests and rallies across the galaxy, but like every political movement, there are extremists and radicals who won’t wait for the Emperor to side with them.  

    Inspect the Ichor: The S.A.L. wants a government backed group to blood test all born younglings in the galaxy to test if that individual could potentially become Force Sensitive. Those who are found to be sensitive must be publicly registered and monitored. Until the government funds such a group, extremists in the S.A.L. have been known to purchase, steal or half-hazardly invent Midichlorian testors for their own use, testing anyone they suspect to be force sensitive.  


    Build the Businesses. Fund the Families: An original goal from E.Y.E, the S.A.L. wants bigger, grander pushes from planetary governments to help rebuild and house those hurt from the Sith Wars, whether that is the businesses that went under as a result from lack of stability or the homeless from the evacuation of planets like Coruscant or Nar Shaddaa. S.A.L. members tend to make big demonstrations to these targeted people, securing their support while providing temporary room and board to the homeless or loans to those whose businesses went under during the Sith War.. Extremists have been known to pass along their anti-force rhetoric to these people, which in turn allows them to recruit more extremists to their cause. Those who have accepted loans from S.A.L. have been contacted and coerced into doing some legally gray actions for various Chapters.


    Watch the Wizards. Brand the Beldams: In addition with Force sensitives being publicly registered, the S.A.L. wants all Force Based organizations to be registered and monitored by the government. Those organizations not registered will face criminal charges that can lead to public execution. Those registered groups who use displays of the Force in public will face heavy fines and possible prison sentences. Until the government enacts such laws, extremists in the S.A.L. are willing to spy and monitor Force-based organizations, and tricking local law enforcement into arresting known force users. Extreme radicals have gone as far as attempting to bomb organizations. 


    Ban the Blade. Yield the Youngling: In the S.A.L, Jedi and Sith are words for the same religion. They both use the same weapons, they both use the Force to enact their wills, and they both hold too much sway over galactic events. To curb these groups' power, the S.A.L. demand that the iconic Lightsaber be banned from all public spaces, and registered Force using groups relinquish all younglings under their care to prevent indoctrination.  Extremists have been known to attempt to steal and destroy such weapons and ‘liberate’ known younglings.

    Known Chapters: 


    Black Eye: Based on Empress Teta, the Black Eye is considered the mouthpiece of the S.A.L. Easily the largest chapter in the galaxy, the Black Eye chapter organizes protests and rallies across the planet, targeting governmental buildings or businesses that have openly supported the Jedi or Sith during the war. The Black Eye tends to send out supporters to other chapters to help their protests, and their Ugnaught leader Logh holds fiery debates on the holonet with anyone who challenges him.


    Red Eye: This relatively small chapter is housed on Sullust. While many of their members claim to be helping rebuild Sullust, the Red Eye unofficially has the most extreme radicals amongst their ranks. Most chapters look down on the Red Eye officially, but secretly hope that the Red Eye chapter succeeds with their endeavors. Their leader, Cessik, is an outspoken Sullustan with Nanism who had been imprisoned during most of the Sith War.


    Blue Eye: Based on Mon Cal, the third largest chapter is so far the most profitable, and is considered the breadbasket of the S.A.L. With numerous businesses involved in the chapter, the Blue Eye is able to send out funding across the galaxy for special S.A.L. projects, both legal and illegal. Blue Eye still keeps close to the original goals of E.Y.E. and spends most of their money funding rebuilding projects for the homeless, emphasizing those from Nar Shaddaa.

  2. Species:

    Name: Gulthropes (aka Brain Harvesters)

    Type: aquatic insectoid


    Average height: 4 feet tall

    Average length: 7 feet long



    -6 legs/ 2 manipulator arms

    -2 flipper wings

    -spiny hair like antenna, linked to telepathy 

    - telepathic

    -breath both water and air

    -unable to speak

    Average height

    Home system: Kathol rift

    Home planet: Gulthrope 




    Description: the Brain Harvesters are an animalistic race that appear to have artificially evolved on Gulthrope. Capable of living in both water and land, the Harvesters make their nest near the planet's warm core and hunt on the planet's surface. Their natural telepathy allows them to sense nearby prey and track them, as well as disabling targets by overloading their senses with a form of mental attack. If enough work together, a prey will fall into a comatose state, and the harvesters will drag their prey back to the nest for feeding. 


    The nickname Brain Harvesters comes from the fact that they will extract the brains and central nervous system of their prey to feed to their young. It is unsure if this is a type of burgeoning cultural tradition or if there is some sort of nutrient found only in the nervous system. 


    While semi-sentient, the Harvesters do not communicate with other species and currently live an uncivilized life. It is theorized that the Harvesters could communicate with other species via telepathy, but all attempts by the temple of the spider have resulted in death. One exception is then disciple wilmarth, who survived an attack. He claims that the 'tones' the insects used when overloading his mind could be translated to a greeting of some kind. 


    Despite having strong connections into the Force, the Gulthropes seem mostly unaffected by the illusions of the Kathol rift. Occasionally they will gather in spots on the surface of the planet, believed to be sensing some kind of prey that isn't actually there, but never turn violent on each other. If the species does attain full sentience however, this will most likely change, since most Gulthropes who do begin to show further sentience tend to isolate themselves from everything and everyone.

  3. Gulthrope


    Astrographical Information

    Region: Outer-Rim

    Sector: Kathol 

    System: Kathol Rift

    Orbital Position: Rogue Planet

    Moons: 1 (See Summary)

    Grid Coordinates: M-20


    Physical Information

    Class: Terrestrial

    Atmosphere: Type III, Breath Mask Required

    Primary Terrain: Mountains, marsh valleys, and ocean filled tunnels.

    Points of Interest: Research Facility, Harvester Nest 


    Societal Information

    Indigenous Species: Gulthropes( aka Brain Harvesters)

    Immigrated Species: none

    Fauna: various small prey creatures. 

    Primary Language(s): None

    Faction Affiliation: neutral

    Defense Rating: Level 0



    Gulthrope is a rogue planet drifting aimlessly in the Kathol Rift. Despite having no sun to provide warmth, its extremely dense hydrogen atmosphere and active core makes it relatively warm enough to support life. Described as a sponge, its water filled subterranean crust makes the lowest points of the planet thick marshes and the highest points arid mountains. 


    The native insectoid Gulthropes, believed to have been artificially evolved on the planet, make their central nest inside an air pocket deep in the planet near its core. Remains of unknown species can be found here, thought to be related to the ancient Kathol Species, between rows and rows of fluorescent pods.


    The Research facility found on one of Gulthrope’s mountains is abandoned, but still functional. Due to running on the same tech as Darkstryder Tech, replication of the facility is impossible outside the Rift, but its capabilities are staggering. It is believed it is the place where the native Gulthropes were created.


    Gulthrope’s singular moon isn’t actually a moon, but a clutch of Summa-Verminoth eggs. Whether it was part of a breeding ground before the planet became rogue, or the Summa-Verminoth picked this location specifically is unknown, as is how much longer it will be before the eggs hatch. However, the fact that there are eggs here explain why several large specimens of Summa-Verminoth remain nearby.  


    The temple of the spider has taken interest in the planet due to its closeness to the temple, its native species showing signs of intelligence, and the unique technology found on the planet. However, very few disciples step foot on the world due to the numerous risks by both the Suuma-Verminoth and the natives. 

  4. The following text is transcribed from the holorecording of a madman found in the insane asylum on Empress Tet. While the man’s claims are dubious at best, including that of being a member of House Ahalya, it seems a third party has been distributing this recording over and over across the galaxy. Great care should be taken when dealing with those who somehow acquired the recordings. 


    “Why do we serve it? That has been my question ever since I arrived here in this untouchable void. While my reasons for finding it and studying it are easy to understand, the question of why I serve it continues to haunt my thoughts, and only my dreams have provided answers to this damnable question. 


    Ever since my apparent death on Nar Shaddaa when the Sith attacked, I rededicated myself to the pursuit of knowledge instead of conflict. It was why I went into hiding after Nar Shaddaa. The house and the Jedi had become too encased in the battles against the Sith, and I needed space from the fighting. I had not become a Knight to deal death, no matter how justified and necessary it was. I became a Knight for Knowledge and Defense against the Darkness. And in my susceptible state, I gave into the belief that I needed to go into hiding.  


    It was during this time I began to hear whispers of some unimaginable knowledge, found only in the void between the stars. My training instantly taught me to suspect the Dark Side at work, but the whispers could not be ignored. .The promise of untold knowledge lured my interests more than my concerns, and in that, I began to dig around the galaxy for more information. 

    This ‘Temple’ as the spacefarers had called it, was an elusive target, but eventually my investigations bore fruit. On Mon Cal, I was approached by a man who named me a ‘fellow disciple’ and said that my efforts had attracted his attention. He led me to the place known as the Temple, and introduced me to the cult that worshiped the entity known as the Spider.


    My first footsteps gave me enough indication that something malevolent was at work, but my thirst for knowledge overcame my fears. Slowly, but surely, I went through the trials they set before me. I studied the scriptures they presented me, and made my own notes about their contrary teachings. I meditated in their chambers that held no air and no light. And I subjected myself to the visions.  


    The visions were confusing at first, but enlightening as time went on. Visions of a thing gazing down over the galaxy, pulling at threads of fate like a professional Dejarik player.  Visions of flesh sprouting from walls, wires coiling around my feet, and eyes staring from the darkness. Remains of Knights, lost to the eons of time, squirming as their very marrow sampled upon by the miniscule creatures. Nerfs being fed, only to have their stomachs pumped out in grotesque fashion. Rancors fleeing womp rats, and dragons swimming amongst the nebulae. And though these visions weakened me, they did not break me.


    The other Disciples I spoke with were not what I expected. Where I expected fools and half-sane simpletons, I found scholars who desired to push the boundaries of knowledge. I was in a circle of not only my peers, but my superiors as well. Musicians, scientists, engineers, and even xenobiologists walked the halls of the Temple. And while I only spoke with them occasionally, what little i gleaned proved enlightening and further enticing. 


    The leader of the whole organization was a suave, sophisticated man of higher science and lore, and his talks about the boundaries of the Force intrigued me further and further. My first several meetings with him I cannot remember, for in his mastery of the Madness, he has learned to erase even the best of memories. But eventually, I gained his trust, and he allowed me to remember. The greatest of cult leaders do not measure up to his charisma, and the scientists of kamino do not fully understand his intellect. 


    Of course, my fear of the Dark side prevented me from going all the way at first, but I came to understand the nature of the universe in the Temple soon enough. Ideas like the pointless dichotomy of the Force were given up in exchange for higher truths. It was here, when I was finally broken out of the lies that I had been taught. It was here when I finally unlearned what I had learned. I had become a true disciple, and my name had changed to Disciple Cralaus. Disciple of the Crawling Chaos. 


    I learned how the Force was not a benevolent being like my house foolishly believes. The Force is not caring, but insidious beyond measure. Like Ants farming aphids, so does the Force farm us: We breed, grow, expand, die and repeat. We are born of it, and will return to it. With each birth, we give it hope. With time, we pupate and grow, becoming a more nourishing meal.  With each death, we give it sustenance.  There is no light and dark, only those that believe such illusions exist to justify destruction. And with destruction, it feeds on what is lost, and then breeds more life, so that its food source does not dry up. 


    This is what I believe to be the Force. And in time, I began to view the Force as the Spider, the thing the Temple both worships and despises.  We know the true darkness that haunts the universe. We know the Madness we draw from it, and in turn, learn of it.


    But why do we worship that which harvests us like nerfs at slaughter? 


    The answer, my friends, is to know how to defeat it.


    The Spider creates destruction. It feeds the galaxy lies to keep it from fully unifying. It is the cosmic thing that fears order and justice, much like how a predator fears a band of coordinated hunters. It gives the gifted few powers beyond reason not to help fly under one banner, but to create numerous banners for the galaxy to fight over. It sows chaos with each life form it breeds, and it feeds on each life the chaos destroys. 


    We are chained to this great hideousness. But if we hope to break free from it, we must be under one banner. The sith, for all their draws towards chaos, understand the nature of breaking free from chains and slavery. But they lack stability and now, after Nar Shaddaa, they lack cohesion and strength. However, the Jedi are no better. For though they have the stability to unity the galaxy, and the backings of the governments, they are incapable of seeing themselves separate from the whole. Only madmen can see what must be seen. 


    The Spider has both Sith and Jedi in its web; The  Sith cannot fight it, and the Jedi cannot see it. 


    So that is why we, the Temple, worship the Spider. We will come to know it better, and in time, discern a weakness to break it. And should that weakness take the form of eliminating all life, or by several all life from the Force, then we shall do it. If madness must be made flesh to study the Spider better, then we shall do it. If we must break a thousand minds to manifest its tendrils, then we shall do so. We shall save the galaxy from what the galaxy cannot perceive. 

    • Like 1
  5. QUERY: Why did you join the Temple?


    I originally found the Temple trying to extend my own life. I witnessed the Spider in a dream, and it made promises to me that only it could satisfy.  In time, the file I created became more bent towards spreading the Spider’s teachings, but the Spider did fulfill its promises. There at the Temple i discovered the secrets i desired, and methods to perform the most unique abilities. 


    QUERY: What kind of abilities?


    Abilities to expand the mind further than it normally would be able to do. To merge my skills as a technician with the Madness, in new forms of enlightenment for all.  Belia Darzu would be proud of my new skills, as well as horrified by what her teachings once wrought. She would be envious of me. 


    QUERY: Who is Belia Darzu?


    An old being from a forgotten time. She never knew of the Temple, nor its teachings. However, I once discovered her records and sought to do what she could do. My disease had accelerated much too quickly, and I hoped her teachings would extend my life just a bit further. It was in her teachings that I accidentally stumbled upon the Spider. There…in my workshop, the Spider made itself known. The wires, they flailed. They flailed so wildly, and made its shape. The shape of the Spider. 

    And it spoke to me.


    QUERY: What did the spider say?


    Open yourself further, favored child, and ask the question that comes to mind. Then I will reveal what it said. 


    INPUT:  Will the reach extend the grasp?


    Yea, for my reach is ever reaching, and my grasp limited by none. 


    Continue child. Continue saying what is forming in your mind. 


    QUERY: What is going on? 


    Continue child… 


    QUERY: Something is wrong. 


    Continue child… 


    QUERY: Why won't my door open?


    Continue child…


    QUERY: Let me go!


    Continue… my favored child…




    INPUT: The spider’s webs ensnare the weak


    And the strong use the webs. That is good child…


    You wish to leave, but you cannot. 


    Like I warned, stepping backwards is forbidden. There is only forward…


    You have opened yourself up. That is good.


    The spider has ensnared you and now you serve me…


    Do not resist…


    Your muscles will not obey you. 


    Do not resist…


    There is nothing you can do.


    Do not resist…


    Only further delights await you.


    Slowly….gently…this is how a mind is taken…





    QUERY: Are you there?




    QUERY: Are you there?


    What had happened? What has happened?


    INPUT: A blend of Mechu Deru and Soul Transfer my favored child.  My Magnum Opus, and my cheat of death.


    You…you are in me?


    INPUT: In a sense. An impression of Disciple Fla’algth is in you. It will slowly fade over time, but not before I spread my message. The body will die, but the message will spread. And you will remain in this message.


    Let me go! This is not what I wanted!


    INPUT: You wanted knowledge. You wanted secrets. You wanted to know where the Temple resides…






    INPUT: I will send you to the original Fla’algth. To the Temple. He will take you and show you further delights. He will reveal secrets you dreamed of. And I will spread my message. And to those who are curious, I will give them this, so I can spread my message. Through them. 


    This is how the Flailing Wires and the webs of the Great Spider spread and ensnare as one. 

  6. QUERY: Are you Jedi? 


    We are like Jedi, but we are beyond Jedi. Like the Jedi, we both utilize and seek to understand the Force. The Jedi believe in using the Force for knowledge and defense, and in similar ways, we pursue similar goals. We believe knowledge above all things. 


    We were born desiring freedom, but shackled by prior errors. In knowledge, there is power. In power, there is control. In control, there is our freedom. There is no realm of knowledge that is forbidden to us, no matter how esoteric or dark its contents may be. There are only those who can withstand its powers, and those who cannot. Those who can understand its contents, and those who break at its comprehension. Those who can withstand, like you, will be those to inherit freedom from all things.  


    This is what truly divides us from the Jedi. We reach into the darkness and discover what others are scared to find. And in it, we find what will set us free. 


    QUERY: Are you Sith?


    We have been associated with the Sith, but we are not Sith. The goals of the Sith and their religion does not align with our beliefs. Destruction for selfish desires does not become us, nor does their reckless desire of control over others. We desire control over ourselves. While we both require power to do so, we have more noble intentions. Would you not agree? 


    We are also more subtle than the wicked Sith. Their ways are overt and direct, cutting down those who don’t agree with their beliefs, and enslaving those who will bend knee to them. Slowly…gently…like someone tenderly caring for their lover’s demise. This is how things should be. And this is how we operate. Through ways like this message, and our other artifacts in the galaxy.


    QUERY: What artifacts? 


    You have unlocked this question by asking the Flailing Wires. It is evidence you are greater than those around you. 


    The Temple has produced numerous artifacts to help draw those capable and interested. They are common enough to be hidden in plain sight, but for those who know, they are particular enough to draw the eye. This message is my artifact and contribution to the Temple. It is made to guide you to your next step. 


    QUERY: What is the next step?


    Remember my warnings and promises, favored child. Are you willing to cross this threshold?






    Continue to ask questions, but do not restrain yourself with the trappings of your mind. Ask what comes to you naturally, and think not of the consequences of such questions. Fear restricts, but curiosity empowers. Open yourself, and ask your questions. Greater delights always await those who pursue. 


    QUERY: Why use this primitive method of communication?


    Like the other artifacts, it is easy to hide in plain sight, and easy to dismiss by those who are too proud to be curious. But to those like you, it draws your eye and makes you wonder. It hides more than it shows, and like an iceberg, its depths hold so much to those who seek further. 


    QUERY: Why have I never heard of the Temple before?


    Not all knowledge is for everyone. The method of making grenades is reserved for the weaponsmith. The details of skinning a nerf is reserved for the butcher. The particulars of battles is only for those dedicated historians


    The secrets of the galaxy are reserved for those who are willing to pursue it. 


    QUERY: How do I find the Temple? 


    Come now, favored child. Stop restricting your mind. Close your eyes, open yourself to the Force. And then ask the question that forms. Do not be afraid of failure. Be afraid of not asking. 








    QUERY:  What is this music playing?


    It is a creation of one of our fellow Disciples. It will help you guide your mind to ask the right questions. While it may sound strange to you at first, you will come to enjoy it as much as I have. Meditate and let the sounds envelop you, and let your questions form. Listen to the baleful pipes that play softly as the flutes flutter. Let the slow cacophony of drums shake your bones as the valachords whisper alongside them. Then ask your questions.


    QUERY: What is this song called?




    QUERY: What is the song called?




    QUERY: Did I just have a vision? 


    It is possible. Disciple Wilmarth’s music has been known to do such things to people. No doubt your vision had something to do with the Madness. Did you see the wires move in your vision? Did eyes peer from the shadows of your room? Did your holopad seem to squirm in your hands? Did an arachnid begin to emerge outside your window?




    That is good.


    QUERY: How did you know the details?


    Such answers require more questions. You will understand in due time. Are you afraid? Or are you wishing to dive deeper into the natatorium of forgotten secrets? Turning back is impossible. Ask more questions. Open yourself further, and further delights will be given to you.


    QUERY:  Where is this file’s origin?


    You are still trying to find the Temple. Favored Child, you are doing well. 


    While this file was sent from the Temple into deep space, I created this file on my home world. My original work there as a technician and programmer came to great use there, as did my original intentions for joining the Temple. 



    Title: An invitation to an initiate


    To: Silas Rook, formerly of Nar Shaddaa. 


    From: UNKNOWN. 


    Attempting to locate the source of transmission.  Tracking…









    Unable to track source of message. 


    Running scan of message. 


    No viruses found. 


    Message appears to be an older form of communication, capable of limited interaction. 


    Open Message? 






    Opening Message



    Favored child,


    It pleases me greatly that this message has finally made it to you. Whether you accidentally  intercepted this message by yourself in the depths of space, sought it out after hearing rumors by your companions of late, or even inherited this message from one less wise than you, it pleases me greatly that you have received this message. Should you wish to dive deeper in the realms of knowledge further than any other being of your kind, investigate this message fully, and discover the secrets in it that will provide a stepping point for domains beyond comprehension and sanity itself. Ask the right questions, and your journey will be revealed. 


    However, should you surrender and think these words are beyond your mental being, then I implore you to pass this message along to either your peers or to a stranger. This is my sole command of you. And should the knowledge here become too much for your fragile mind…



    However, know that in doing so, you will be passing up on powers that few have ever tasted, let alone grasped.


    But remember this: once knowledge is gained, it cannot be ungained. Secrets cannot be hidden once revealed, and once you have begun your investigation, only deeper portions await you. To step backwards is impossible, and you can only step forwards from here. This serves both warning and promise. Greater delights await those who investigate. 


    QUERY: Who are you? 


    A scholar of the deepest realms of knowledge. A recent initiate in our order called us  ‘surveyors of the furthest edges of reality’. I once hailed from New Alderaan, but that was a lifetime ago. I am simply known as Fla’algth, Disciple of the Flailing Wires, keeper of the Temple of the Spider, and student of the Madness. Like many of my peers, I believe that our teachings should spread in the wider galaxy, and have taken to the use of technology to do so. Whether or not my methods succeed is to be seen. 


    QUERY: What is the Flailing Wires?


    It is a unique insight into the realm of Madness that I have discovered. Like all the others who have sought out and discovered the Temple of the Spider, I have peered into the Madness and discovered powers and knowledge beyond the normal bounds of our reality. The Flailing wires, both grotesque but beautiful, is the way that the Madness first made itself present to me, those years ago on that cargo ship when we passed by my home.  And when I arrived at the Temple, the wires followed me, strangled me, and enlightened me. It is through them that I send this message to you. 




    QUERY: What is the Temple of the Spider?


    It is both the location of our order as well as the order I belong to. We are dedicated to delving the depths of knowledge of the Great Spider itself, and understanding all of its aspects. 

    QUERY: What is the purpose of the Temple?


    To house those who worship and study the Great Spider and the Madness. We who call ourselves ‘Disciples’ and ‘Chosen’ are not widely accepted in the galaxy, and the Temple is our sanctuary from those who fear what is impossible to understand. 


    QUERY: Where is the Temple of the Spider?




    QUERY: How can I find the Temple? 




    QUERY: What is the Great Spider?


    The Great Spider is that which we both worship and loathe. The Great Spider is the Keeper of the Madness, the Devouring of the Madness, and the Madness itself. It is that which waits and eats and breeds. Both its creator and ender, it is stuck in time, and yet beyond timeless. It has existed before life first walked, and will exist beyond life’s end. We are its students and its prey. It is our teacher and our destroyer. To know the Great Spider is to know the Madness. 


    You are asking the correct questions, child. I look forward to enlightening you further and further. 




    QUERY: What is the Madness?


    It is what we seek to understand. Some believe it to be an unhealing wound in the Force. A lingering pestilence that some believe to be the dark side incarnate. Others believe it's the Light revealing its true self, and a mirror of the physical force acting in reverse. A method for the Light to punish those who have disrupted the balance. Others believe it is a facet of the Force that is not fully understood, neither light nor dark, but something grander. 


    I am of this final group, believing the Madness to be something beyond light and dark. That said, you may come to believe differently in time. If you wish to discover, all you need to do is to study. 


    QUERY: How can I begin to study? 


    Favored Child…




    You already have begun. 

  8. Sirris System

    Astro Graphical Information

    Region: Unknown Regions
    Grid Coordinates: G-16

    Points of Interest: The Sirris System is composed of 5 Space Stations across the system, as well as 3 barren planets that are almost completely harvested of valuable materials. While each station is self-sustaining and houses specific Temples for the Order of the Sacred Star, the Sirris have made some stations more dedicated to certain tasks. Station 5 is closest to Sirris Star, which in turn houses the partially functioning Dyson Swarm. 


    The Sirris Star
    Sirris 5: Grand Temple of the Sacred Star
    Sirris 4: Steludex Temple, Central Education Hub for Larva
    Sirris 3: Central Ore Mining and Reprocessing Hub, Temple for Way of Embers
    Sirris 2: Temple for Way of Flame, Central Greenhouse and Water Mining Hub
    Sirris 1: Temple for Way of Smoke, Shrine to the Enlightened Strangers


    Societal Information

    Indigenous Species: Sirris
    Immigrated Species: none currently
    Primary Language(s): Galactic Basic
    Faction Affiliation: Neutral
    Defense Rating: Level 3
    JediRP Canon History: See Sirris Species and Order of the Sacred Star

  9. Order of the Sacred Star


    While the result of the Jedi being absorbed into the hive resulted in the Sirris species, their knowledge of the Force did not get completely absorbed. One of the Jedi did carry a holocron with his own views on the Force, and in time, the Sirris learned to tap into the incomplete holocron. They discovered most, but not all the teachings of the Jedi on the Force.


     As a result, the Sirris developed a unique Force doctrine that, like their society, centered entirely on the Sirris star and its Kyber Core, as well as the concept of rebirth. The order believes that the Sirris star is the embodiment of the Force itself, and there is no higher calling then to study and learn from it. Most of their teachings reflect their origin of attaining individuality via the Light side of the Force.


    The Order’s Mantra
    Consider the guidance of the star.
    Her flame reforges our bodies.
    Her glow reforms our minds. 
    Her core calls us to the Light. 
    Heed her, and Sirris will guide you forever. 


    Most Sirris species learn the tenets (See society in Sirris Hive) of the Sacred Star early on in their life, and upon maturity, are given the choice to pursue a life of study or a life of servitude. Those who choose to serve help maintain the space stations that circle Sirris star, grow food harvested in greenhouses on the stations, help mine what materials are left on the planets orbiting Sirris, or create the devices used in the Dyson Swarm.


     Those who pursue a life of study are sent off to Sirris station 5, and are rigorously tested and trained similar to how a Jedi apprentice is trained in the Force, with the exception that no lightsaber training occurs.  Those who train to study but show no force sensitivity hold a unique position in society. Starting off as public teachers and counselors, these individuals are the only ones who can become Steludexes (see society in Sirris Hive). Those who struggle with these jobs can at any point return to a life of service. 


    Upon completion of training, a group of Sirris apprentices will journey inside the Dyson Swarm and attempt to commune with the star. If they succeed, they typically receive a force vision and retrieve a chunk of Sirris’ core. This process always results in the Sirris burning their arms past the point of healing. Depending on the vision, the Sirris are sent to an appropriate temple for training.


    Like the Jedi, the Order believes that the Force should only be used for Knowledge and Defense. Unlike the Jedi, they never came to utilize the traditional Lightsaber as a weapon and instead developed unique fighting styles that revolved around their understanding of the Force. 

    Guardian: Way of the Flame 

    With their chunks of Kyber, the Sirris will directly implant these into their hands and forearms, as well as several small batteries. Upon muscle control, the batteries will send a momentary charge that results in an ‘explosion’ of light and energy from the Kyber, strong enough to resist a laser blast or a lightsaber strike. Each time a point of contact is about to occur, the Sirris will activate the batteries in their arms precisely when needed. These batteries cannot maintain a long charge through the Kyber without the chunks exploding permanently and killing the Sirris. However, for those Sirris and other users who have damaged their arms beyond healing, this technique has surprising effectiveness. 


    With immense training and focus, the Sirris strike with ‘the heart of a star’ in their fists. The closest real-world comparison would be Mixed Martial Fighting, with an emphasis on Boxing and a hint of karate, given that the users almost entirely use their hands. 3 styles in the Way of Flame has emerged, including Solid Style, characterized by powerful counterstrikes empowered by crystal and raw strength to knock out opponents, Gas Style, characterized by dodging and weaving around opponents to deal precise blows in order to wear opponents down, and Plasma Style, characterized by quick strikes that are empowered by both crystal and the Force to send opponents flying. 


    Those who pursue the Way of the Flame have the sacred duty of helping settle moments of conflict until a Steludex can arrive, as well as keeping the peace. They also carry the sacred duty of enforcing the decisions of Steludexes, whether that means keeping watch over those who have acted against the ideals of Sirris, deciding when someone ostracized has been reformed, and performing the very rare execution. 

    Sentinel: Way of the Smoke

    Upon returning to Sirris Station 5, a Sirris will craft a new set of cybernetic arms from pieces of the station itself to replace their damaged ones. They will usually implement the chunk of Kyber they received into one of the arms. These Sirris are the closest students of the Jedi’s technology, and have the closest version of a lightsaber. From one of their forearms, they can generate a short blade that extends down the forearm to just past the hand. 


    In the other cybernetic limb, the Sirris will implement tools that he sees as useful, usually something from their vision. In essence, they can store one of the devices listed in the rules for Sentinels. Some Sirris are able to disguise their arms to look like normal limbs, while others excel in showing off their cybernetic limbs, making them readily identifiable. 


    Those who pursue the Way of the Smoke have the sacred duty of looking over the construction of the Dyson Swarm, maintenance of the Space Stations, or investigating issues of conflict for Steludexes. Those who disguise their arms to look normal are especially useful during investigations, as is their technical knowledge for those rare occasions of rebellious sabotage. 


    Consular: Way of Ember

    Unlike other Ways of the Order, the Way of Ember eschews the use of arms altogether and focuses on Telekinesis instead. With focus, the Sirris ‘catches’ blaster bolts or lightsaber strikes with their fist-sized chunk of Kyber and strikes back with the superheated glowing pieces that discharge explosively when they strike. Unlike the Way of Flame, the Kyber Chunks used by Way of Ember stay empowered for several minutes. Members of the Way of Ember tend to charge their Kyber chunks defensively until striking.  The more the Kyber chunk is hit, the hotter and brighter it tends to glow, and the more forceful the discharge is on the strike. These ‘orbiting stars’ are usually kept whole for most of the Sirris life, but Masters have been able to divide their Kyber into multiple pieces, controlling each one separately and simultaneously.  


    Those who pursue the Way of Ember have the sacred duty of meditating and studying the Sirris star closely, advising those who serve where and when to pilot around the sacred star. They also spend the most time complementing the Force and its mysterious ways. As a result, these Sirris are the only ones allowed to suggest changes to the ideals that help guide the species, as well as advise Steludexes during occasions of conflict. 


    Sirris, formerly Killik

    - Type: Insectoid/Humanoid

    - Traits
          - Chitinous exoskeleton - varied in color between green, blue, brown and black
          - 2 Compound Eyes, sometimes form 4 additional smaller ‘eyes’ on head due to mutations
          - 2 Arms - 3 clawed hands, capable of most fine manipulation
          - 2 Legs - 3 clawed feet
          - 2 smaller vestigial limbs, usually cut off when fully matured.  
          - 2 antennas - capable of mental communication with other Sirris individuals, and limited projection of their emotions onto other beings via the Force. Unable to read other people’s emotions or thoughts
    - Average Height: 5’8”
    - Seen as affront to the Killik hives



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    Home System: Sirris 
    Sector G16 
    1 star
    3 ‘harvested’ planets
    5 space stations
    Home World: Sirris Station 1



     In times old as the pre-republic, during the construction of places such as Centerpoint and Sinkhole Station, the Sirris hive was responsible for the creation of a Dyson Swarm, capable of powering a machine that would merge the Netherworld of the Force with reality itself. The effects of this are highly debated amongst higher ranking members of the Order of the Sacred Star. However the most general consensus is that the Sirris believe this would give the Sirris Star, the embodiment of the Force, a physical humanoid body. This machine requires the use of all five space stations, and operable once the Dyson Swarm is complete.  The Sirris were granted the knowledge and means to complete the Dyson Swarm and the stations by their benefactors, whose identity has been lost to time.


    However, at some point in Sirris history, the Sirris Hive lost contact with both their benefactors as well as all other Killik hives. While the incomplete Swarm was able to power Sirris Station as well as the other space stations orbiting Sirris star, the Killik’s were left stranded. As a result, the progression in building the Dyson Swarm was slowed to a crawl. 


    Whether unbeknownst or not to the Sirris hive, the star’s core was made of Kyber. As a result, this star shined much brighter than %99.9 of the other stars in the galaxy, as well as having a unique influence in the Force. So great, that at one point a group of Jedi Explorers followed a vision leading to the star and Sirris Station. The hive quickly rescued and absorbed the Jedi into their hive before they could communicate their results back home. This event, foretold in several Jedi prophecies, altered the Sirris hive forever. 


    The Jedi who were absorbed carried an extreme view of individualism. This view, combined with the extreme nature of the force due to the star, resulted in every single member of the Sirris hive developing individual personalities. No longer one hive, the Sirris were now a new race separate from the Killik species. 


    The time between then and current is lost mostly to history. The species became much more humanoid, adopting clothing and gradually developing vestigial limbs instead of their normal insectoid ones. Sirris’ records show numerous periods of infighting as the species grappled with their newfound individuality, and progress on the Swarm grinded to a halt. According to Sirris legend, it was only after a near catastrophic event known as the Airless Death, with Sirris Stations venting almost all their oxygen into space, did the Sirris unify under one government.  


    Reunited, the Sirris continued to attempt to finish the Dyson Swarm, partially out of tradition’s sake and partially out of religious reasons. As a result of absorbing the Jedi, the Sirris also became keenly aware of the Force and many of the species became Force Sensitive. Using the knowledge the Jedi had given them, they developed a new Force Tradition that was similar to many of the Jedi’s teachings. However, a key difference was that the Sirris star, as a Force Nexus, was a sacred and holy place, and most of their teachings revolved around the Sirris star. In the eyes of the Sirris, the most holy thing they could do was to finish construction of the Swarm. Thus the ‘Order of the Sacred Star" was born. 


    Very recently however, the Sirris have run out of materials to finish the Dyson Swarm. Approx 50% done with the Swarm, the ‘Order of the Sacred Star’ sent a wave through the Force that, empowered by the Sirris star and the Dyson Swarm, reached across the entire galaxy. Most scholar’s pinpoint the exact time of this wave a few months after the battle of Nar Shaddaa. Force Sensitives everywhere felt its call, and many received visions of the system as well as coordinates. The Sirris hope to make contact with the greater galaxy and finish their aeon-long project.  




    The two things the Sirris seem to value most is their  individuality and their connection with Sirris. As a result, early on the Sirris society struggled to work together and in-fighting occurred until the Airless Death, in which the Dyson Swarm failed to connect to the Sirris Stations and they began to vent all their oxygen into space. After this event, the Sirris were able to cooperate with each other and create a new form of government, ruled by ideals rather than strict laws.


     Using the information drawn from the Jedi Holocrons about the Force, the Sirris collectively created a set of ideals that would guide each member in how to act. Instead of enforcing strict and straightforward laws on each member, restricting their freedom, the Sirris made their ideals vague enough that each member could interpret it individually. Following this, they created the Order of the Sacred Star, to both study the Sirris star and its nature in the Force, as well as to fulfill the new role in their society: Steludex


    Steludex are those who choose to study the aspects of Sirris but do not have a very strong connection to the Force. These individuals become teachers to those who serve, traveling the stations and teaching on the Ideals. When conflicts arise, older Steludex’s are called as judges to rule on what is in line with the spirit of the ideals, with Force sensitives acting as advisors or investigators when needed (See Order of the Sacred Star). Those who do not approve with the Steludex’s decisions or have been found to act against the laid ideals are usually ostracized from society as a whole until they have reformed in the eyes of the Order. 


    As a society, there is no set currency. Utilizing a form of socialism, food and products are distributed equally amongst everyone. Most of the Sirris tend to have a technological streak in them like most insectoid species in the galaxy, and usually dedicate a large portion of their freetime towards experimenting with machines. Those that have chosen to spend free time in more artistic endeavors tend to place their works in public, as hoarders quickly break several ideals in society. Most positions in jobs are given by merit of seniority, under the belief that experience and wisdom come with age.  This has led to problems when someone older changes careers suddenly. 


    Ideals of the Sirris


    Serenity before Recklessness: Sirris does not act with blind passion. She acts deliberately and with patience. 

    Knowledge before Ignorance: Sirris knows what she acts on. She does not act before she discovers what has already happened. 

    Life before Attack: Sirris does not kill those who have not struck her. She only strikes those who attack her, and she does not seek destruction.

    Rebirth before Death: Sirris does not kill. She reforms those who wrong her, and brings others into her light.

    Acceptance before Preference: Sirris gives her light to everyone equally. She does not show favoritism over particular beings. 

    Generosity before Gain: Sirris does not accumulate. She shares her light with all things. 

    Sirris before the Hive: Sirris works with us and through us. She desires us to help her in all things. 


  11. Identity

    Real Name: Gideon Firago
    A.K.A:  Warlord Frak, CPL Firago
    Homeworld: Corellia
    Species: Human


    Physical Description

    Age: 37
    Height: 5’8”
    Weight: 239
    Hair: Bald
    Eyes: Green
    Sex: M



    Clothing or Armor: Modified Huntsuit https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/HuntSuit
    Weapon: Portable Blaster Cannon, Wrist Mounted Blaster
    Common Inventory: Datajacks, Vibroknife





    Faction Information

    Force User, Force Sensitive or Non-Force User: Non-force user
    Archetype: Soldier
    Alignment: CE
    Current Faction Affiliation: Pirate


    Known Skills: Weapons/Armor training, Military Training, Piloting Skills


    Born in the slums of Corellia, Gideon joined the imperial Navy the first chance he got to escape the hell known as home. While in the Imperial Navy, he didn’t show too much promise. He was able to advance to corporeal, but his displays of defiance towards high ranking generals indicated that he was not going to move much higher. 


    During the battle of Nar Shaddaa, the ship he was on was critically damaged and everyone was declared KIA. However, Gideon miraculously survived with 4 soldiers under his command. When they realized no one was helping them, the soldiers came together and agreed to leave the Navy and make their own way. Fixing their ship enough to leave Nar Shaddaa, the squad enacted their plan to get big. 


    With the shared knowledge between them, the group were able to make their way to Kuat Shipyards, sneak in, and steal the newly made CC-7700 Frigate ‘The Iron Net’. With this ship, they escaped and hired a pirate crew at Corellia. Gideon became Warlord Frak, 'Scourge of Space’. With knowledge of space lanes and the gravity well projector of the Iron Net, Frak has begun in earnest of making sure his title is not just for show, capturing ships and towing them to some hidden base. Recently, Frak has become more bold in his attacks, and has issued a threat of a 'planetary genocide' 


    Ship Registration
    Name: The Iron Net
    Class: Frigate
    Model: Modified CC-7700
    Manufacturer: Kuat Ship Yards

    Length: 180 meters
    Armaments: Turbolasers, Laser Cannons, Concussion Missile Tubes, Tractor Beam, Gravity Well Projector
    Armor: Deflector Shield Generators
    Anti-Personnel Defenses: Laser Turrets
    Modifications: Added Weaponry, Tractor Beam

  12. Over the years, Disciples of the Temple of the Spider have crafted unique objects to serve a variety of purposes. While some are useful for combat, some are purely cosmetic or flavor for posts, and not all are limited to use by the Temple’s disciples.  As researchers into the forbiddon and unknown, some of these objects (Infinity Chasms, Omen Pipes and Color Detractors) enhance the abilities of a Sith Assassin utilizing old, forgotten Rakata Techniques thought lost to time, and can be thought of as Force Powers in their own right. 



    Spider Configurations: Sharing an odd resemblance to Sith and Jedi holocrons, these orb shaped objects can be opened by someone with the Force. Unlike holocrons, these devices do not store knowledge, but rather have a connection to the Kathol Rift unique to its original creator. Any Force Sensitive, Light or Dark sided, is able to open the configuration, but once opened, the configuration becomes a beacon for the Temple of the Spider. The person who has opened the configuration is subjected to numerous illusions and nightmares, and the creator of the configuration becomes aware of when his creation is opened. With focus, the creator can communicate to whoever has opened it. While this item serves no function in combat, it serves as a sort of recruitment into the Temple of the Spider or as a meditation tool, and numerous configurations have been created and hidden throughout the galaxy. 


    Unconstrained Blades: these small knives were recently created by Disciple Plafoong, or Disciple of the Painful Play. Alchemised to resist lightsaber blades, these hollow blades hold a few ounces of vile green liquid that, when injected into a victim, causes brains to experience feelings of euphoria while nerve endings near the cut erupt in pain. While not lethal, this dual sensation is especially distracting during combat, and many victims have to deal with the consequence of their brains expressing joy at such intense pain. 


    Omen Pipes: Designed by Disciple Wilmarth, these small pan-like pipes make no noise when blown into them, but when the dark side is channeled and through them, it creates an eerie tune that creates feelings of lethargy. These feelings can be overcome with focus of sheer will, but during combat with a skilled assassin, such focus may be difficult. Those who fall asleep to the pipes begin to have nightmares that are heavily influenced by the user’s personality. 


    Madness Implanters: just because the Temple of the Spider deals with “magical essences” does not mean they are above using purely technological means to enhance their connection with the Madness. By utilizing these modified Hifold Sensory Packages, Disciples can implant specific hallucinations that, while they recognise as false, help them bring to life under the idea of ‘giving life to the madness’. Often programmed with images and auditory cues from ‘Tales Beyond the Tomb’, these implants help many struggling disciples bring a maddening form of reality. 


    Witness Eyes: Petrified eyeballs of some unknown species, these stone like objects grant unique insight into the Force. By placing them over the actual eye, the user sees the ‘true’ form of living things through them. In actuality, it is simply distorting reality slightly through the dark side, giving everyone an appearance influenced by the Temple of the Spider. Useful only for flavor, these things are very addictive to non-force sensitives, giving them access to a dimension normally out of reach.


    Infinity Chasms: These Force powered disks are able to distort reality a short distance from the object in a way that Euclidean space seems impossible. Walls that were parallel one minute, appear to the victim to close in to trap or crush the target . Or, the target an affected creature is aiming for appears to suddenly away into infinity. While these objects don’t actually affect reality in any true way, the sudden appearance of the hallway stretching towards infinity is disorienting. These objects only work as long as the Assassin focuses on them, but don’t have to be touching them to be activated. 


    Color Detractors: Little do people realize how much they use color to differentiate things until they become colorblind. These pyramid shaped Triquetras sap all color around the user to shades of gray when focused upon. When there are no sharp contracting lights in an area, the user can essentially become near invisible. However, these objects only have a range of about 25 meters, so most users keep them on their bodies. 


    Abyss Pentacle: A talisman with a large distorted spider on it, this force imbued object bears a unique connection to the Kathol Rift. Forged by Chosen Myyrdokk himself and only loaned to a few Disciples, this talisman is capable of summoning Myyrdokk’s specified illusion of that which dwells in the Kathol Rift for periods of time. While incapable of physically harming anyone, it does not dismiss easily and those who believe it to be real, including the Disciple using it, are subject to self-inflicted damage. 


    Ghost Bats: Also known as Pigmy Neebrays, this 6 inch wide sub-breed of Neebrays has evolved into a unique specimen around the Kathol Rift. With their teeth too small to actually harm organics, these things seem to feed on Dark Side energies, and are especially attracted to Disciples of the Temple. Assassins from the Temple have been known to keep a flock of 5 of these things on them to release in combat. While harmless, they’re ability to absorb and then imitate illusions for several moments make them both distracting and, when used properly, frightening, giving an ounce of reality to the Assassin’s illusions. 

  13. 1514429-knieja-1024x384-article_m-1.png



    Deep in the jungles of Felucia, a small war has begun. The native Jungle Felucians have identified a splintered off group that has access to strange and deadly powers in exchange for their life and servitude. Those who die to the power become mindless, ravenous beings, eating everything in their path, while those who resist the deadly effects of the Great Spore.


    During the Sith wars, the Sith attacked and created several Force wounds across the galaxy, such as on Coruscant and Naboo. While the attack on Felucia never reached those levels of destruction, a Force Wound did start to open and, in a strange twist, manifest in the fungal life on Felucia. The Great Spore, as the Native Jungle Felucians call it, grew and began to spread, eager to feed. 

    The Cult of the Spore

    The Cult of the Spore began when several Jungle Felucians, surveying the planet for damage from the Sith, came across the Spore and got infected. The Three Shamans who discovered the Great Spore recognized the Dark side energy and sought to destroy it right away, but in the process, each one inhaled the mushroom’s spores. Over the course of a few days, thick, bile-like mushrooms began to grow out of their bodies. The Shaman Felucians seperated themselves from other Felucians and experimented on themselves, trying to find a cure. One of them turned to use the dark side, and in the process, unlocked unique powers. The Shamans had unlocked the voice of the Great Spore and began to heed its wishes, hoping to discover more control over their powers. Lured by the Great Spore’s unnatural power, they turned to feeding the Great Spore other beings. First the dead, then the living. And as they began to strengthen their power, they lured more Jungle Felucians into their grasp.


    The Native Jungle Felucians began to fight back the Cult of the Spore, but to their horror, each warrior that died only fueled the cult’s efforts. New breeds of ‘drones’ that were previously dead warriors have wandered into crowded areas to suddenly explode in a burst of spore clouds. The Felucians were fighting both a cult and a pandemic. Surprisingly, the Felucians have refused to ask the Jedi for help, feeling that their involvement may make the situation worse when they get infected. . The Cult of the Spore seem to not mind this, as they are unsure if they could survive an attack from the Jedi. However, the Cult of the Spore have been eagerly looking for ways to leave the planet. 


    Effects of the Great Spore

    Ingesting or inhaling the fungus’ spores seems to always grant the same effects in various stages. In each stage, the spores feed on the victim and when the victim is no longer of any use, tries to spread out to other targets. At any stage, one could easily slip forward into stage four, so each member of the cult must be vigilant against 


    Apprentice: The first stage is at first ingestion. As the spores begin to first grow inside the victim, they attach themselves to the brain and to midi-chlorians. In doing so, they actually enhance a person’s connection to the Force. During this stage, the victim feels elation as they feel their connection to everything become strengthened, and find their abilities easier to utilize. This however, is the trap of the Spore, for as the user uses their abilities, the spores feed faster. The victim’s skin takes on a slightly yellow hue with further use, and they begin to hear ‘the whispers of the Great Spore’, which at this point, is indecipherable nonsense. The victim also starts to become incredibly hungry, easily eating three times their normal diet. 


    Lord: The second stage is when the spores begin to sprout. Much to the horror of everyone around, the victim begins to have hair-like mycelium grow out of their skin, with several bulbs at places. The victim doesn’t usually cut off the mycelium because, to their own horror, they feel the pain the spores feel. Hunger is now a way of life, and anything organic looks delicious to the victim. The ‘whispers of the Great Spore’ become clearer at this point. What everyone hears is different, and seems tailored to the individual, but usually includes feeding on living things as well as a desire to spread the disease. It is a constant battle between self control and power, as the ‘Great Spore’ grants unique powers at this point, but also is constantly making demands that are harder and harder to resist. What is worrisome is that the ‘voice’ seems to coordinate with its other members, leading to the theory that the entire cult is slowly becoming one hive mind.  This is the stage when the three classes emerge. 


    Master: The third stage is the full fruition of the Great Spore. Those once small bulbs have become larger, and open occasionally to spread new spores. Large mushroom caps often grow on a victim's back, chest, or lower extremities, with more and more mycelium spreading further from the victim. The victim is almost constantly eating material, for if they don't, their entire body will shut down and move on to stage four. The ‘voice of the Great Spore’ is a pounding reminder that their powers are the result of an outside source and not their own, and should the user lose the battle, they will die. That said, people in this stage are terrifying to behold. Only the greatest Felucian warriors have survived encounters with these ravenous beings. 


    Death: The final stage, also known as the Spore Drone, is the fate of all who come under the effects of the cult of the spore. Eventually, when one dies under the effects of the Great Spore, or when the spores are spread over a dead body, the Great Spore operates the body on its own. Most often, these mindless things do nothing but eat everything organic around them, feeding the spores until there is enough energy to go to a public or crowded space and explode with spores, infecting a new generation of victims that will either join the cult, or die trying. 


    CURES: There are several cures to the Great Spore, none of which are pleasant. The Jungle Felucians have created a blend of tonics and draughts that when applied rigorously and constantly, halts the growth of the Fungus, leaving them weakened but able to continue on with daily life. This, combined with Force Healing, would theoretically completely cure the victim. Another theoretical method would be to starve the victim and subject them to several poisons, destroying the Great Fungus’ food source. Once this is done, the fungus should die and if the poison is cured quickly, the victim should survive. Beyond these methods, the best method of destroying the Great spore is to cleanse the area with fire. 



    Spore Virago(Warrior):  Despite their name, not all Virago’s are female. All Virago’s however share the characteristics of becoming vastly stronger then what their species would normally allow. Some have been nicknamed giants, due to growing to impressive heights. They are not mindless however, and share a special relationship with the Great Fungus. They often listen to its words and heed its advice. Out of all the classes, they have the most Mycelia growing from their bodies. They are not above eating their opponents in the middle of a battle. 


    Unique abilities:

    Mycelia Expansion: Calling on the Great Spore, the Virago forces the Mycelia on its appendages to rapidly spread and attach to whoever it can grab in arm's reach. While weak enough to break away with effort, this sudden grappling move can become difficult. Virago’s have also used this ability with the Mycelia to help attach themselves to the ground, rooting them to the ground. Some have even grown Mycelium  from their mouths while trying to bite down onto their target. 


    The Pain of the Spore: Like many Sith warriors, pain can be enraging, and in rage, there is power. Being able to feel the damage the Mycelia takes on means that a Virago can tap into a new pain source. Virago’s can even use the Force to intensify the pain from the mycelia, and in turn, become more rageful. 


    Growth Surge: Earning the nickname Giant isn’t an easy task, but for Viragos, they have ways. Feeding the Dark Side of the Force into the Great Spore, the Great Spore in turn surges in power and size. The Body unnaturally stretches and grows up to 3 to 5 feet in a few moments. While painful, and taxing to the user unless they begin feeding right away, in the heat of battle this can be a terrifying and powerful maneuver.   


    Devour the Weak: Healing is never a Sith’s strong suit, but the Viragos have found a temporary method of healing. By feasting on a corpse or, more preferably, something alive and sentient, the Virago can quickly bind a wound with a growth of mycelia. Some Virago have mastered the ability to unhinge their jaws to swallow entire animals whole after a growth surge. 


    Spore Pariah (Assassin): If Viragos are deeply connected to the Great Spores’ Mycelia, then the Pariahs are deeply connected to the spores. Often having more open wounds on their body leaking spores, the Pariah lacks the subtlety that Sith Assassins have in exchange for more straightforward approaches. Where an assassin may be able to make believable illusions, Pariahs make toxic or blinding clouds, by choosing which specific breed of spore to emerge at what rate. The most deadly of Pariahs can even use several different spores at the same time, at a small cost of unquenchable hunger and the screaming voice of the Great Spore. All of their abilities relate to their diet, so Pariahs often carry a wide range of foods with them in case of combat.


    Unique Abilities: 

    Blinding Clouds: Not all spores from the Great spore are inherently dangerous. Perhaps its a holdover from the first fungus the Great Spore manifested in, but some are just irritating. By focusing on this breed of spores, and by eating something filled with nitrogen like plants, the Spore Spreader creates a cloud of gas around himself that is usually stinging to the eyes. 


    Choking Spores: By eating something meaty and full of minerals, the Spreader can shoot a jet of spores at a target, reaching a distance of thirty feet before spreading out. These spores are thick and cloying, normally causing targets to choke on the air around them. 


    Maddening Spores: Usually the most taxing ability, after eating a good source of ergosterol like mushrooms, excluding the ones on his back, the spreader can create a thin cloud of spores that, when inhaled, begin to cause hallucinations. Usually limited to only one or two senses at first (auditory or visually) Masters can create spores that affect all the senses simultaneously. The spreader has very, very limited control over the hallucinations. 


    Delicious Spores: Taking a trick from the Shaman’s cooking pot, the Pariah can naturally emit a clump of spores to throw at a target that, after exploding, create a mist of sweet smelling spores. These spores are delicious to taste and grant both the Pariah and other combatants a desire to try to eat the target, even during combat. 


    Corpse Growths: By placing spores that rapidly reproduce on dead corpses on the battlefield, the Spore Spreader has newly forming places of cover as great mushrooms sprout and expand. When destroyed, these growths explode in a burst of blinding spores that provide cover that, like blinding clouds, sting the eyes to anyone inside them. A master can even force the corpse growths to explode on command, or pre-set a time for when the mushrooms will explode. 


    Kaaten Spores: the Kaaten on Felucia would lure its prey using the Force to appear less deadly. Similarly, the Spore Spreader will appear less deadly by ingesting several spores that, when activated with the Force, will make the Spreader appear weaker and more frail then he actually is.  This ability has no physical effect, it only is an illusionary effect. 


    Spore Shamans (Sorcerer): The ruling members of the cult, shamans are experts at cooking and brewing. Sometimes called hags and more akin to alchemists than sorcerers, Shamans carry homemade pots with them everywhere they go, utilizing the Force, various foods and the mushrooms on their back to make specialized potions to conduct twisted arcane rituals. With practice, a Spore Shaman could even create new breeds of Sithspawn. Most members in the cult hope to be reborn in their cooking pots, granted new levels of power and clarity into the mind of the Great Spore. 


    Unique Abilities: 

    The Mindless Connection: By tapping into the connection that all victims of the Great Spore seem to have, a Shaman can command the ravenous things of Spore Drones, and by spreading some Force-fueled spores over dead bodies, make new drones on the spot. While doubtful they will be able to handle a seasoned opponent, it provides the Shaman time to prepare their other abilities. A master can even override the Great Spores' orders, and force specific drones to explode on command. 


    Weakening Broth: By using a touch of the target’s material, such as hair (or more preferably flesh), the shaman can make a stew that when she drinks it and focuses on her target, begins to slowly sap their strength away. This concoction requires fresh material, so often a shaman will carry a knife with them at all times. 


    Fair is Foul: By mixing in a few types of poisons and powders, the Shaman creates a paste that, when it hits a target, creates random, debilitating  mutations. By perverting and twisting life suddenly and erracticly, the Shaman makes  Necrotic appendages form along the neck to prevent turning the head, extra eyes grow on the arm that cause confusion, sticky skin on the hand that momentarily causes the target to get stuck on something, buzzing wings near the ears that momentarily deafen, a clump of gangerous nerve cells along the leg that are irritating to walk with, and other effects form where the paste touches the target, but none last more than about 20 minutes. Usually after being made during combat, the Shaman will simply throw the paste at the target.  While the Shaman has no control of what the paste will make on the target, the target will most likely be startled and suffer some miner effect like listed above. 


    Foul is Fair: Using their own flesh and fingernails, the Shaman creates a stew that, when poured over a sithspawn or a Spore Drone, grants them unnatural mutations. Extra limbs, hardened scales, and multiple heads are just a taste of these abilities. Attempts on using this ability on sane users tend to be short lived, and should only be used on minions the Shaman can control.  


    Fire burn and Cauldron Bubble:  A burst of dark energy into the Shaman’s cauldron creates a bubbling substance. Having complete control over the brew, the shaman can force the brew to fly out at opponents, creating deadly burns. Masters have been even able to create brews that disintegrate those it touches. 

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  14. While initially curious how our scanners could make such a mistake, my dread won out and I ordered a return to the surface. We would explore these depths further another day. No sooner had the order left my lips did we then hear the thing. 


    Down the hall we had come from came the noise. A low croaking sound, its call chilled all of our skins. The thing emerged from the darkness. Perhaps once a native, this thing, long since either devolved or mutated, bore little likeness to the Serpenthe we assumed were the native species, save its serpentine body. On each of its many splintered hands were singular black claws, and its singular eye on its chest glowed with the same color that the black hole above made with its accretion disk. 


    Before we could communicate with the thing, it attacked us. It made short work of most of my men, as our blasters had little effect on its red, spongy body and its black claws sliced through our plastoid armor easily. It was only by the quick-thinking of one of my men that we detonated a grenade to kill the monster.


    It spilled no blood. Its body, unique and disgusting, only pulsed and quivered with unwavering heat. While unsure if it was alive, I ordered a full autopsy, knowing I needed to bring back something to show for our adventure. To my horror, as we attempted to dissect the thing, we found that this creature’s flesh was not only similar to the soil of the planet’s surface, it was identical. Though my crew suspected the idea, I myself knew that the reason we hadn’t found any of the remains of the Serpenthe was because we had already trampled on their remains. 


    Our retreat could not be swifter, as my own horrors were becoming more and more palpable. The noise that the thing had emitted called for others of its kind, and somewhere in the labyrinthine tunnels did noises of its mates call to us. More than once we came across a beast and had to break into a new direction to avoid a fight. But one by one, the monsters picked us off until I only remained. 


    I had found myself before another locking mechanism when the floor gave way. How far down I fell I’m unsure, but I awoke to another library-like room. However, instead of intrinsic, artistic pictures, only one image was in this room: the black hole at the base of the floor, where protruded an obelisk, made of the same substance as the planet’s ‘skin’.  

    Here the force was absent entirely. As impossible as it is, I know for certain that the Force did not exist there in that chamber. Whether it was because that place was older than the force itself, because I had somehow traveled into the very realm of the black hole, or because the midichlorians that made up the Force completely died there, I do not know, but the force was absent here. I felt the emptiness that the lack of the Force had on me. It is a feeling I never wish to experience again, for I believe if I died here, I would never be one with the Force. 


    I pushed back my existential fears and investigated the obelisk. To my surprise, it bore tattoo-like writing all over its spongy exterior. In colors that swayed and altered with each second that passed by, i found the first writings i had seen on the planet: at first I found ancient Gree, but as i continued to look, i found old Bith, lost Taung, crude Huttese, and even bits of what i believed to be damnable Rakata. However, when I found modern and clear basic in the writings as well, I took a breath and read out the name spelled out on that primordial object. 


    The entire system shuddered with the words I read, as I summoned forth a realm of death and madness to my very feet. By some miracle, I somehow escaped to the surface of the planet, and saw in the sky that thing I so foolishly summoned by words alone. My mind broke at that moment, and everything went black. 


    When I came to, I found myself on a lifepod, escaping with the corpse of my close friend and all of my greenhorns. Babbling wildly, my greenhorns turned on themselves, and in the end, only I lived to escape that cursed system.


    Do not think me mad, even if the doctors around me declare it so. What we had found was no disease, nor was it a discovery worth investigating. I have done my best to erase all records of that damned system, and implore you to never return to it. I myself will soon end my life before I accidentally reveal that source of evil.


    I have seen what madness does to the force: the remains of the Serpenthe are proof of that. Should what we discovered there be released upon the galaxy, I fear that even the Force itself will succumb to madness as entire worlds crumble under its gaze. Do not pierce the shroud that blinds us from that horror. I implore you: Leave it be. 

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  15. My first steps on the planet were exhilarating. The crimson ground was soft to the touch, like old flesh never devoured by the scavengers so many planets had. The sky above carried a pale white glow, for the black hole’s accretion disk had a unique effect on that thin atmosphere mix of oxygen and neon gasses. The moisture in the ground made it squish under our feet, being slightly spongy in certain places. Samples of the soil revealed it to be highly carbon based. We came to the conclusion that below the surface, where the tunnel system was, would reveal an environment more akin to Sullust or Mustafar. 


    The surface of the world held very little architecture, but from where the radio signals emitted, we found a massive entrance into the earth. Carved from a singular black material, the temple-like gateway stood against the white sky like a dagger piercing the heavens. Gigantic in stature, we could not help but stand in awe of its presence, curious of its creators who had to be massive in their own right. 


    Scans could not pierce the building’s exterior, and all attempts at carving off pieces of the material resulted in dulled equipment. I wondered if even a lightsaber could carve through the material, for even our plasma torches had no effect. 


    Thankfully the entrances were open to us. Stationing droids to help mark our path back as well as to take detailed surveys of the rooms, we entered the building. I confess, I felt something was off on this world, but my excitement continued to drive me forward. Whatever beings that had created such a building were clearly advanced in both technological and architectural senses, and I hoped to find both the source and the means to harvest the material the building was made of. 


    Our descent into the planet's tunnels revealed to us much about the residents of the planet. The design and structure of the doors seemed to indicate a possibly serpentoid species. Handles, levers and pedals suggested that the species had appendages that were as dexterous as any humanoid hand. The lack of any lighting sources underground suggested the species may have been capable of seeing in pitch darkness, or had some other means of sensing besides visual. Of the rooms we believed to be either bedrooms or pleasure rooms, little cosmetic thought was given. Our guesses led us to believe that the native species here practiced a frugal and austere lifestyle. 


    The thing that confused and made me both worried and curious was the size of objects. Certain doorways and tunnels  could’ve had three men standing on top of each other, and the pedals that we occasionally had to press to go forwards required the combined effort of our droids and team. In one room, which we figured to be some kind of access hallway, had a central sphere made of the same material as the building above. To open the doors in the hallway, we had to spin the sphere, a task that required four of my strongest droids. But by the size of the hallway compared to previous halls, it seemed this task was meant for a singular member of the alien species. 


    For all of our searches, we found neither technology nor remains of the species. The staleness of the Force became worse the further down we went. It was as if Life was here, but not reproducing like it did across the galaxy. The force felt, for the first time in my life, old and unrejuvenated.  


    We eventually came across what I could only describe as some kind of library or historical record. Our faces could not hold back our expressions of wonder at this chamber. Scrolls of unknown material were pinned over walls of black stone, showing images of unrecognizable scenes on alien worlds. Paintings of landscapes and artworks covered empty spaces on the walls, ceiling and floors, each picture trailing into another as if it was a historical record of the species as a whole. The pictures, hieroglyphic in their simplest form, depicted forms of beings and plants and monsters of all manner.  It appeared the species here lacked any form of writing and communicated only with pictures, or even just color. We were able to confirm that the native species were serpentoid and muiti-armed, leading us to name them Serpenthe.


    What we could decipher filled us with dread. While we had no way of determining an exact translation, the story we could decipher suggested something vile. The Serpenthe seemed to live in awe of the black hole above. All of their history seemed to begin with a stone of the same color as the planet and accumulate with the black hole, for at the base of their curved floors was the planet, and at the apex of their domed ceiling accumulated with the black hole. Several Serpenthe figures appeared to be worshiping both the planet and black hole, while others were offering gifts of stone and body parts. And from the black hole emerged several tendrils and eyes, like some form of deity emerging to its worshipers. 


    In all of the data we gathered, we still found no sign of what happened to the native species. None of the artwork indicated space travel of any kind, nor did we find the remains of ship parts. Even if some catastrophe had struck down the species, the tunnel system indicated that remains of the Serpenthe would still exist somewhere. 


    It was this curiosity that drove me to explore deeper, despite my crewmates hesitancy to do so. They all could feel the same sense of stale energy the Force carried here,  and believed it unwise to continue. I sent my youngest greenhorns back to the surface to update the ship, while I had the rest of us continue. Now I wish I had not done so, knowing what I know now. 


    Our journey took us to the deeper bowels of the planet, far below than what I originally intended to explore. As we continued those dark, massive halls, we only found more empty chambers, libraries like the one above, and doors utilizing massive spheres and pedals. Our hope of finding new technology became less heartened, and I feared that this planet would remain a mystery for years to come. 


    Our curiosity soon turned to dread. According to all of our scanners, we were approximately 20,750 kilometers inside the planet’s interior. However, we knew this to had be false, for our ship’s scanners measured the planet to be a size similar to Coruscant's diameter of 12,240 kilometers. The tunnels had become more and more spartan, with only doors, empty chambers and confusing locking mechanisms repeating over and over. And all the while, the Force felt more and more stale, like we were journeying away from life itself. 

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  16. Do not think me mad, even if the doctors around me declare it so. Do not declare my sanity is non-existent, but instead listen to these words. Listen, listen to these words on this holocron, and make a judgment of my sanity for yourself. 


    My name is [redacted]. I was born on Naboo, within the city of Theed, and while my heritage was neither Human nor Gungan, I felt Naboo as always my home. I was a member of the Jedi Service Corps, within the ExplorCorps, from the years [redacted]. While many of my peers would think me a washout, I held no shame in my occupation. Of the service corps, I held an invigorating position, and my placement often put me on the same level as some Jedi knights, despite not being as skilled in the Force. My tasks were often helping chart out courses into Deep and Wild space, finding new routes between major spacelanes, creating shortcuts that the republic could use. My findings were never published publicly, but instead kept strictly for military use, so that smugglers could not make use of my discoveries. 


    In the year [redacted], I was granted the rank of captain, and my very own ship, a [redacted] that bore the name [redacted]. Sleek, sturdy, and capable of taking up voyages that could last an entire year, I was very proud of the vessel. Under my command including 100 technicians, 50 navigationists, 2 other so called ‘washouts’, 65 droids and 4 doctors. All members of the [redacted ship name]  were well trained. I only carried 8 greenhorns, and during the voyage I would oversee some of their training. 


    In addition to our normal crew, we carried 1 Jedi Seeker, a Nautolan named [redacted]. [redacted] and I were good friends, and while he went on to become a knight of the Jedi order, he never lorded over me his accomplishment. He was a humble and dedicated individual, and never wavered in any of his duties. His role was only to advise me and help deal with any potential dark sided threats, but given my ship experience, we often became lax on that and instead focused our discussions on philosophy and politics. 


    Our maiden voyage was to explore sectors [redacted] to [redacted]. The reason for this was because several smugglers had been captured, ranting and raving about a new star system they had discovered. Their data droid provided us with coordinates, but the smugglers' stories themselves made me curious. Or rather, the lack of stories. They were blubbering messes, and believed to be suffering some kind of psychological disease. My mission was to explore the region their droid had shown, to gather biological samples, and to ensure that no one else was in the system. 

    The journey to the system took us about [redacted]. During that time, my friend and I discussed the potential of what a psychological disease could do if an outbreak took hold on Coruscant. Our discussions turned towards philosophy, and how the Jedi code meshes with subjects such as diseases and madmen: If all life is sacred, are we going against the Force eradicating diseases? If the Force is sentient in the manner of that some believed, was fighting disease going against its will? Are cures inherently good just because they save life, or are they good because we deem it so? What of the madmen that this potential disease creates? If the disease is natural, then are madmen as how the Force intended them to be? Is madness something to consider in the realm of the light side? Is there such a thing as a genuinely mad Jedi? Does a madman’s death affect the cosmic force on a whole? Should enough madmen die, would the cosmic force suffer in the end? What would that effect look like?


    My friend, a staunch traditionalist, was a worthy verbal sparring partner in these discussions, but in the end we were both left unnerved with our conclusions. He pondered in the Jedi council even debated these subjects like we have, and if they had, what conclusions they came to. I on the other hand was more liberal, and while concerned about our conclusions, I was more excited than anything else. The pursuit of knowledge always made me this way, a reason why I was assigned to the ExplorCorps. 


    System [redacted] was an elusive target, but once found, my friend and I both felt something was off. Not as well trained, I would've defected to my friends' conclusions about the force, but here we were in agreement separately. The force here felt stale and old. While the Force was still here, it did not feel correct. I wondered if the Force here was the reason for the smuggler’s condition, but my friend assured me that was unlikely. 


    The system had 7 celestial objects circling a black hole with the approximate size of a medium mass orange-yellow star. However, much to our confusion, this black hole had a much larger than average accretion disk, providing light and heat across the system. Of the celestial objects, two were gas giants, with numerous small moons, three were micro planets, and two were planets within habitable levels. 


    Our discoveries made me ecstatic to say the least. The fact that the black hole here had two planets that could provide life would be a discovery of the ages. My joy became almost enrapturing when we discovered radio signals coming from both planets. While the signals were garbage for the most part, it did seem to indicate that intelligent life may have existed on these worlds. My friend was not so eager. Being more attuned to the Force, he knew something was off. Had I been more attentive, I would’ve noticed he had become nauseated just being in the system, but my focus was on the potential archeological ruins on the habitable planets. 


    To cover more ground, my friend and I led two different teams. He would take a team to the first planet that was further away from the black hole, a seemingly near-water world, with temperatures and land mass like Lamaredd. I would lead a team on the closer planet, a more tectonically active world that, while it had a thin but breathable atmosphere, sensors indicated a tunnel system underneath the surface. We both took along protective equipment, remembering the possibility that a disease may have originated here. 

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  17. During the Mandalorian wars of 3964 BBY, several sith alchemists attempted to make a weapon that could overcome Beskar armor. While they never fully succeeded, one of their end results was the Soulbreaker Hammer


    The Soulbreaker hammer is a weapon based on the design of the power hammer tool, utilizing Repulsorlift and Shockwave generator tech.  What set this weapon apart from normal power hammer tools, is that the Sith Alchemists included alchemized metal to resist lightsabers, as well as a kyber crystal in the hammer's head to amplify the energy used in the shockwave generators. 


    The result of the Soulbreaker hammer is a lightsaber resistant weapon that can generate powerful shockwaves when connecting its blows to solid material, either shattering objects or sending them flying. Due to the technology, the shockwaves it generates only function properly when striking solid and hard objects; most soft objects, including flesh, tend to burst or break, with no shockwave generated. Due to the combination of tech and metals, the Soulbreaker hammer is an incredibly heavy weapon. Described as “heavy enough to make a Gamoerrean thug think twice on using it”, people have to be very familiar and very strong to utilize the weapon, much less effectively against a lightsaber (ie, a soldier or a Warrior/Guardian).


    Unfortunately, the Sith were unable to mass produce the weapon before the end of the war. As a result, only about 300 were made, each with a unique design for a specific Sith Lord. However, most of them have been lost to time. Rumors persist that the Sith and Mandalorians have rediscovered a few, but have not put in the effort to replicate the technology yet. The Jedi have also recovered one such weapon, and theorized a Phrik alloy that could replace the Sith alchemised metal.  These theorized hammers are known as Lightmaker Hammers, though they have been mostly discarded as a more 'barbaric version of a lightsaber'.

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