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Wookiee Jedi

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Everything posted by Wookiee Jedi

  1. Kirlocca spent most of his time working with the smaller shop keepers in the main city of Hanna City, helping them with small tasks, such as lifting heavy pieces into places. There was a lot of disappointment at first with the lack of use of the Force from the Jedi, but many were still very thankful that the Wookiee was around to even help to begin with. Some would offer to pay him, and he would kindly turn them down, instead finding some joy in the pure smiles of happiness of getting someone doing something for them out of no other desire other than to see them succeed. It was very therapeutic in helping his own mind with coming to terms of being brought back to life by Raven. He didn't hold anything against her, as he was slowly understanding why she did what she did every single day. And through helping others, he was helping reassure himself that it was indeed the right move for her to make. He would also every so often reach out through the Force to find the young Jedi that was an apprentice to Armiena, Genesis the Wookiee believed his name to be. He would find the presence every so often, and it was slowly getting to be within a good spirit. What started off as distant was now slowly becoming warm every single day. It was a good sign to the Jedi Master. One of those nights, sitting around the main market square eating food with others from the city, Kirlocca found himself slightly unable to fully concentrate on the boy, as conversations were stirring up near by. "No- I'm telling you. Jorran and Hallar were taken. The raiders are keeping themselves somewhat close by to slow or stop our efforts. A military strike might prove useful to us." It was then that the Wookiee could no longer remain focused on the boy, but rather turned his full attention to the conversation. << A military strike, while might prove to end those simple raids... would only stir a stronger provocation from the Mandalorians. One that could cause an even bigger delay in recovery efforts. >> One of the men sitting around and turned to look at the Jedi. His face narrowed entirely like a sponge and focused directly at the Wookiee. "No offense Master Kirlocca, but if a strike wouldn't settled things, what would? Why bother trying to recover if such constant raids persist?" The words struck within everyone who was nearby and listening. The Wookiee smiled and put down his food. << The same reason the Jedi Order persists. >> The confusion the moved around everyone was obvious enough for the Jedi to smile even bigger. He then continued to help them understand. << The Jedi are attacked over and over again not because we are great warriors. But because we stand consistently for what is right. Without us, evil would turn on itself and continue to spread chaos and suffering throughout the galaxy. The hope that kindles the largest fires are the ones that can endure the heat the longest. To use aggressiveness against aggressiveness only breds aggression, setting a cycle that becomes harder to break. To over come what is before you, you need to understand what would starve it. >>
  2. The Zabrak took a moment to look intently at the Twi'lek before answering him. His words were soft, yet somewhat confusing he was sure. "Perhaps there is no one here to tell you what to do. You were told to come along, and you came. The Jedi are not dictators. No one will tell you what to do, at least no one who is a Jedi. The real question is this; What do you want to do?" The Zabrak took a moment to fold his arms across his chest as he looked at the Twi'lek.
  3. The Zabrak stood and the front of the class and waited for the group to calm down. The excitement with everyone buzzed and it felt like it did way back when. The energy of everyone seemed to beam at the thought of becoming Jedi, which was still far off for many of them. As everyone settled in, he finally spoke. "I am going to review for you the very basics of the what the Jedi Order is built upon. Listen. Take in. After that, feel free to open questions. There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; There is serenity. There is no death; there is only the Force. A Jedi does not act for personal power or wealth but seeks knowledge and enlightenment. A Jedi never acts from hatred, anger, fear, or aggression but acts when calm and at peace with the Force. Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy. Jedi use the powers to defend and to protect, never to attack others. Jedi respect life, in any form. Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy. Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training. These words are a lot to take in, so I want for you to dwell upon them, and then ask questions. For even as direct of a code as this may be, it is also one the brings up many natural questions. And from one of our most beloved Jedi Masters who trained thousands of Jedi, they would have said that questions are the key to learning and understanding."
  4. A loud booming voice shouted loud enough to echo through the hangar. "HEY, ININITATE!" From across the floor was a Zabrak standing with a Gand, a human male and two Mirialans, one male and one female. All dressed in very typical Jedi robes. The Zabrak was the one who stood tallest amongst them, waving at Siolo, the Twi'lek who clearly looked lost. "We are about to take a tour and get you guys settled in. Hurry up." The Zabrak turned and began to lead the other Jedi initiates into the main Alliance HQ. "You guys are beginning your Jedi paths at a good time. I am sure that you will all find what you are looking for within the Jedi Order..."
  5. Kirlocca took a full moment to stand on top of the landing ramp and let the salt water air hit his nostrils. He could almost immediately remember everything about the last time he was here. There was worry about Dahar at the time from many Jedi, who Kirlocca had to help calm and reassure them that he would be able to handle the Grandmaster at the time and help him in his shortcomings. It was also on the tails of Empress Raven asking for Jedi support, to which at the time, the Wookiee felt like it was a great importance to lend the aid and help mend and create a bridge between the two. The air was sweet then. It no longer presented anything other than saltiness from the ocean that Hanna City sat on the very shores of. He took a few glances around to observe everything that was before him. The damage, the recovery efforts, which were very slow going at best. There was still a massive amounts of damage being recovered and people who were injured during the strike from the Mandalorians when they struck the city. His eyes then turned towards the two Jedi whom he came along with. The Mon Calamari healer, Leena was quick to put her aid out to those in need. The other, Armiena's apprentice Genesis on the outside was slow and steady in his movements, doing his best to remain a presence of hope, his Force presence was all full of sadness and other emotions that echoed strongly within the Force. Deciding to let the young man be, Kirlocca stood and watched him depart towards other aspects of Hanna City. Only after the boy departed from his sight is when Kirlocca began to walk the main long bridge that connected the port to the city. It was covered in rubble and debris and were just simply pushed to the side. As he walked, he could feel the many eyes look at him, as a Wookiee was a rare sight recently, as his own species have now begun to withdraw to their own planet and work on protecting it and rebuilding against a potential Sith Empire onslaught. To add to the fact that he was dressed in typical Jedi clothing for the moment, it made him a standout as who he was, as Jedi Wookiee's were even rarer to see. They all knew he was. As he walked into the city, a man looked directly at him and spoke up. "You Jedi, better late than never. We could use help on the healing front along with rebuilding our defenses since none of you seem to want to be around when we're hit." Kirlocca offered up a smile to the man, who clearly did not understand the purpose of the Jedi being there. But then again, he felt like many Jedi would not understand the purpose of themselves being on the planet either. Healing, yes. Defenses, no. << Your defenses are not a priority. My other Jedi friends can handle healing and recovery. I'm here to help with a far more important recovery aspect. >> The man was confused and held no attempt to hide it. "What do you mean the defenses aren't a priority? What could possibly be a bigger issue to worry about?" Kirlocca slowly walked past the man and stood in a way that suggested that he join him. As the man slowly did, Kirlocca lifted a paw towards a ruined building. << Do you know that every time I have come here before I would sit at that shop and have some caf. The last time I was here I suggested a friend try out that shop's food spices. When I first came here, a friend had told me of the many beautiful designs of jewelry and clothing that could be bought here. >> Still slightly confused, the man looked at the Wookiee with a strong inquisitive look upon his face. At the look, Kirlocca let out a long heavy breath. << Your markets are what make Chandrila famous. Worth coming to. The arts, the books and history. The tourism. Why would anyone want to come to a place that has strong defense if it has nothing else to offer? That is the priority for you to recover. >>
  6. Kirlocca hesitated for a moment as he felt the hilt of the lightsaber within his paw. He didn't much look up at the Grandmaster at first, as he was attempting to let a mix of his own memory and the Force to bring him back everything that he knew by second nature of his prior skills. As he activated it with the all too familiar snap-hiss, the Wookiee admired the orange hue of the blade. His first lightsaber ever was yellow in color, but this blood orange blade felt somewhat fitting for him on this go around in life. He carefully held it as he looked up at Draygo and could feel himself starting to drop back into his old form, Wru'torr. She fell into Ataru's natural stance. The viridian blade of hers and the blood orange of his own provided the room with a distinct glow. It didn't take her long before she sprang into action, a move which caught him slightly off guard, but wouldn't have normally. But such circumstances proved to him that he needed it. She began to strike in a flurry, although nothing serious, but enough for him to be pushed back on the defensive side and to have to regain his own stance a bit. He focused upon where she was moving within the Force, as it allowed for him to regain his old precognition skills that allowed for him to know where he always needed to have his lightsaber blade. It was slowly coming back, so he instead choose to embrace the chaotic nature of the duel to help him with his reflexes at the very least. As he attempted to fall into the rhythm of the movements, he began to listen to what the Grandmaster was telling him. As she talked, she struggled with her breathing. He doubted it was from a position that he was in of not being used to it, but rather that she was run down from her recent mission and then having to be thrust into more work. He knew that such words to be given back were far better off for him to wait, as his words would get lost in the sounds of the spar. When she finished, or at least paused, Kirlocca wondered for a single moment if he should press her to keep her up to maintain skill in this spar, but decided that if he were in her shoes, he would welcome the acknowledgement and end the spar. So he stepped backwards as she finished with both her words and relaxed her stance and gave her a famous salute from the Makashi form and then lowered and turned off the lightsaber his friend Tobias gave to him. << I will of course keep an eye out on him. You have no need to worry. I will go and be with him now. >> Kirlocca then bowed to Armiena and offered her up a smile. He then turned and gave Tobias a slight nod of the head as well, doing so as he clipped the lightsaber hilt his friend gave him. There was no words offered up to him, as he was sure his look said it all. I'll see you when I return. With the look and the pleasantries made, he turned and began to move towards the hangar. As he arrived, he found his own way on the ship, making it known within the Force that he had arrived.
  7. Kirlocca smiled at Tobias. He had forgotten how much time had passed since the last had held a physical interaction. To know that he was able to read his own thoughts made him slightly more aware of the fact that he was not as locked in as he used to be. It would still take some more time to get acquainted with being alive again. But at least he had someone to help him, and provide some comfort in something he would have known if he were still apart of the Force. Now, he would have to find his own way again. Still with a smile, he reached out and accepted the lightsaber given to him by Tobias. << A spar would be very helpful in getting myself back into form. I am very thankful for you my friend. And beyond grateful that you found a way to help ease your mind when it races. >> Turning ever so slightly, as now they both were greeted by Armiena. She seemed to be slightly out of breath, but also carried a weight of the mind within her. SHe had something she wanted to speak, to which she soon spoke of to him. He glanced over at Tobias, who had looked at best he could with his eyes scarred and held onto his cane. He then turned back to Armiena. << I of course will provide you with my full attention. At least as best as I can under the circumstances. >>
  8. As the Wookiee walked with Tobias out of the room, the words and posture of both seemed to change and start to fall into a familiar sense, at least for Kirlocca. The man, while at times had a very hard shell to crack and could almost come off as too blunt and focused on his own purpose at times, was very disarming. The more time he spent around him, the more he saw Dahar within him and had slowly come to see what Dahar had seen in him. Even Kirlocca had to admit that his first impression of Tobias were not flattering, but having someone introduced at the fringe of a battle tended to always skew one's mind. << No party needed my friend. I am just grateful to be back amongst you again. But what I need is a lightsaber, as I do not have one. While I doubt very much I will need one on this upcoming mission, having one would still bring some familiarity back to me and the Force. Perhaps maybe you would also like to indulge me in a spar soon- that is if we have the time to spare for it... >> Kirlocca then heard his name shouted out, and it came from Armiena. The Wookiee slowly turned around to wait for her. In his younger days as a Jedi Knight, he would have kept going and just had her catch up to both. But over the course of time, he learned the time was never as pressing as he thought it was. He made sure that within his own presence to pour out a sense of calmness and warmth, so that Tobias and Armiena would know that he was content on waiting for her.
  9. Kirlocca was still staring at Adenna when Armiena spoke. He had thought him and Tobias had quietly walked in, yet his own presence seemed to draw attention to itself. It was something he had not considered, yet from his own memories understood that it was a common thing for him to be recognized wherever he went unless he made an effort to hide himself. Armiena's voice was rather sharp and to the point, much like remembered it. There was a sense of sadness in remembering it, as he always associated it Aryian. And yet, we are both here, and he is not... There was some amusement in the fact that he understood that less than 8 days ago he was one with the Force and most likely spent time with him in the afterlife. But such memories were not something he possessed anymore. And now, he was before Armiena, whom assumed her old role that she once had so long ago. But he was before others of whom he did not know. She assigned him to a mission to aid Chandrila. Outside of Hanna City, Chandrila offers up not military strategic value other than proximity to core worlds, to which the Sith Empire holds, atleast to his latest readings he did on the trip over. The young male pulled the newly minted Grandmaster aside to speak to her, and Kirlocca turned and looked at Tobias and the Mon Calamari. << It might be useful to poke other companies as well and see if any would be willing to provide good faith relief. BioTech and Healthidrive are two that were always in good standings with neutral planets... >> It then struck him that when Armiena spoke, she did not give out an assignment to Tobais. He wondered if his own assignment to Chandrila was more for others than himself. But then again, She didn't seem to even question that the Wookiee was back to life after being gone for years. Perhaps she is running off on instinct by this point. Kirlocca reasoned within his own mind that he would have done the same thing. Leaning towards Tobias, he placed a paw upon the man. << I could use your assistance if you don't mind before I head off... >>
  10. Kirlocca could only nod his head at Tobias. For some odd reason, when he looked up and away from the man's face, he realized that the two of them had already begun to walk towards the medical room where Alluyen lay. As the two walked in, they had followed behind Armiena and some handful of other Jedi whom were already present. Kirlocca stared at Adenna's face for a moment, memories of her when she was a fresh Jedi Knight and eager to help the galaxy flooded his mind. He would have closed his own eyes to fight back some tears at the fact that the state of the galaxy had even gotten this bad since his time within the Force, but decided that his own emotions were a good display for others, maybe even Tobias. << She was always slightly on the brash side. But she's always been a strong fighter, one of whom I wish I got to pass some of my own knowledge off to her... >> His words were loud and spoken generally. When he was first placed on the Jedi Council so many years ago, he was always careful of whom he taught and what he taught. Now he felt like he was given a second chance to actually pass on everything that he knew to those whom were willing to learn it.
  11. Kirlocca listened very intently to Tobias and his words. The emotion behind such words were even more evident that Raven did indeed do the right thing with bringing him back, even if he still understand why the Force allowed it. With a breath inhaled and slowly exhaled, the Wookiee looked at Tobias with a smile. His humor was one that always seemed slightly inappropriate within the moment, but very disarming if one allowed it to be. For the moment, Kirlocca needed some lightness to the tension, so he choose to allow the man's humor inspire good will. And his questions were rather pointed, yet still allowed for the once Jedi Grandmaster to smile at them. << Tangible and corporeal for the moment... Healthy, connected and sane are for someone else to decide. I think that being present is enough for the moment. I'm more than able and ready to serve. >> Kirlocca pushed past the fact that maybe both knew that having someone else decide if they were sane was something that hit a little too close to home. While he was distracted towards the end of his last time walking the galaxy with plenty Jedi business, he knew that others judged Tobias heavily. But at this point, such things now only shapped who he was today.
  12. There wasn't much for Raven to respond to, as the two clearly needed to part ways, at least for the time being. Without much of a bow, Kirlocca began to walk towards the familiar presence of Tobias, and only slightly gave an acknowledgement to him within the Force. He did his best as he moved to keep out of main sight, not wanting to draw too much attention to himself, but as a Wookiee, there was only so much he could do to avoid being seen by others. And as it was, not many Wookiee's became Jedi, so many were quick to know of him upon their eyes seeing him. Regardless of such looks, he still managed to remain rather hidden. He arrived within the briefing room and casually placed a paw upon Tobias' shoulder. Even as he did so, he could feel the emotions within the Force of the man, many of wonder, hesitation and perhaps a small bit of regret of some sort. Without much of anything, Kirlocca allowed for his own presence to fill the room, but made sure to provide a soothing feeling. << It does not do well to linger upon the past Tobias. Every action taken, every appointment made by the Force has lead us to this moment, and it will continue to lead us to the next moment. Trust in the Force, and everything else will lead us to where we need to go. >> The Wookiee offered up a half smile to the man. He knew that his own words would only provide little, yet he wanted to provide them anyways. It was the least he could do to bring a balanced mind to him.
  13. Kirlocca did his best to stay out of the way, mainly because he wasn't sure what else he was supposed to do. He hadn't been resurrected for very long, and while the Force was beginning to aid him, the last thing he wanted to do was to rely upon it so heavily that he couldn't do anything else without it. He watched for a moment during entry the cityscape of Nar Shaddaa come into view. Even without leaning into the Force, he was able to feel the life currents flowing so heavily upon the surface. There was also a strange somber feeling echoing off the entire planet. As he looked down, not wanting to reach out too heavily, he began to fully understand why Raven did what she did. Knowing that his life, second life that is, was about to get very crazy, he took a final swig of his caf and began to prepare himself for what he had to do. As the ship landed and the personnel began to disembark, the Wookiee held back for a moment, not wanting to be apart of the official Imperial standard group that normally came with high officials or the Empress herself. But Raven made it very clear to him that such a modest hanging back was not an option for him during this time. So he now walked slightly behind her, as he knew the traditions of the Empire were something that would take years to break, so he didn't want to insult anyone by standing as a complete equal to the Empress. As he came down the ramp with Raven, he was a bit surprised to not see any Jedi, outside of the Imperial Knights. It was then that he fully allowed for himself to reach out into the Force to feel those present. Almost immediately he could feel some presences that he knew from long ago. Armiena Draygo, Tobias Vos, Aiden Darkfire, Kyrie Eleison and Sandy Sarna. There were others, but none that had memories flood him like those. << I'm almost afraid to ask, but this facility doesn't feel like... You're holding back your own Force connection. Why? >> The question wasn't really directed as an insult, but more of curiosity. Raven was keeping herself in check, but Kirlocca could not fully understand. Even now, he could feel the Force slowly moving through her, but she was only observing it. He doubted he would get a direct answer from her, at least not today. For now, he believed that both knew Kirlocca would be sought out by other Jedi who could use some morale boost. So for the moment, the Wookiee let his question sink in with Raven. Kirlocca knew that she would make a far better Jedi then an Empress.
  14. Kirlocca could read Raven, almost as if no time had passed between them and they were as connected as that faithful trip to Carida. She had been worn and hardened during his time with the Force. Because of that, he knew she didn't need to be pressed, so he moved to gather some clothing that was available to him within the room, but quickly decided that he didn't need much. He grabbed a few things, but quickly made it known to Raven that he was ready for her and that they could travel now.
  15. Kirlocca looked at her and then towards the Imperial Knights and then back at her again. He had forgotten that Kyrie had left the Order to setup a more devoted group of followers to Raven and her vision. He was suddenly very concerned that something may have happened to her that she was not present with them at the moment, but he didn't let the idea fill his mind too much. Instead, he shook his head and swung his body to sit on the edge of the table/bed he was upon. << If you have a need to travel, I will travel with you. >> The Wookiee stood up now, taking a slow moment to make sure his footing was secure and then took a look around. << We may wish to gather some clothes and supplies for myself before we head out though... >>
  16. Kirlocca nodded his head, with some weak senses of what was going on around him. He could feel the Force slowly helping him recover, and he was getting stronger as time went on. With a heavy sigh, he turned and looked at the image of Raven, which was becoming less blurred. Her entire face was now clear to him outside of just her eyes. << You don't need to go. Surprisingly the Force is much stronger than what I remembered it... >> Kirlocca now managed to pull himself to sit upright. He could feel within the Force that Tobias was departing the planet now. He felt Raven more strongly and could feel her uncertainty in the entire situation. Her thoughts felt like a swirling storm of emotions. He didn't need the Force though to tell him what was on her mind. << Don't put yourself through those emotions. I know why, I understand... and I think I would have done the same thing. >>
  17. Everything was moving towards the right direction of him regaining control over his body. The Force was helping beyond what he remembered, yet his own thoughts and memories were fuzzy and not fully connected. Some things he knew, like within the Force the presence of Raven and Tobias. Her voice didn't sound the way he remembered it, yet her touch did. Even as he could feel her touch, her hands on top of his paws, he was willing the Force to help him open his eyes. Yet even before that, he was able to muster words, or rather, a word out to both her and Tobias. << Why? >> He didn't understand why he was back amongst the living. What was known to him while one with the Force has now departed. Only his prior memories remained, along with some feelings and extremely vague ideas of what had transpired during his time not physically apart of the galaxy. He could only assume that he would get a full debrief on why. As his eyes fully opened, he could see nothing but Raven's eyes, fighting in vain to hold back tears. He turned his paw over to give her hand a squeeze.
  18. It started off with some tension at first, almost like putting on something that was just too tight. It alerted Kirlocca to the change, a change he wasn’t really sure he wanted or was ready for. Pain, memories and restrictions were being placed upon him. While he knew what was happening, he didn’t really think that it would feel the way it did. He was being brought back to life. Somehow, he hadn’t expected for anyone to even attempt it, not unless there were desperate times. But wait, I had known the state of the galaxy… why can’t I know that now? It was a question that was beginning to burn within him. He was going from being a part of the living Force, to only being able to feel the Force. He was indeed being brought back to life, but by whom? And why? His sight blurred for a brief second or two, and then all he could see was white. It was warm, yet cold. Feelings he hadn’t felt in forever. He was having a hard time figuring out what he was feeling again. The light was warm, yes, it was a light and it was warm. The cold feeling was his body. He was cold and wet. No, he wasn’t wet. He was… he wasn’t sure. What was that feeling? Air. He could smell, but he didn’t know what it was that he was smelling. It was all tension, but to a passing note. He willed himself to keep his eyes closed until he could feel the touch in the Force to wake up fully. It was all that he could do. Breathe, in and out…. Breathe… Just... breathe. Raven? Did he feel her? Slowly, the Wookiee began to open his eyes. His vision was blurred and could’t see. He tried to move, but couldn’t. Muscle memory was still coming back to him. Things just felt off, except for the Force. I guess it was how I used to be, fully dependent upon the Force. So I must return to that state. Re-closing his eyes, Kirlocca’s own voice began as best as it could. << I am one with the Force and the Force is with me. I am one with the Force and the Force is with me. I am one with the Force and the Force is with me. I am one with the Force and the Force is with me. >> Kirlocca began to attempt to open his eyes again. His eyesight was still blurred, but nowhere near as much as before. His muscles were weak, but responding to his commands. He could now fully feel within the Force presences he had once felt before. He knew them, yet it was not as they were before. Emotions started to creep in-and they overwhelmed him in the strangest of ways. They didn’t flood back, but they did indeed come back. It was a process that worried him, to have everything that tied him down slowly coming back as his full freedom within the Force was slowly being taken away. And for that, he needed to will himself back into a position to speak clearly, but he wasn't sure if he could yet. So instead he reached out in the Force and connected with those of whom he had felt before. ... Raven... Tobias...
  19. Axis Fleet vs Allied Fleet : Ruling Okay, based upon everything that I've read, an actual ruling seems almost pointless by this point-but I was asked-so I am making a ruling. It is going to be very basic and straight up- as I don't feel like I need to explain anything. For the Axis Fleet (Black Sun) The fleet has taken a beating and is heavily damaged - and with the Jedi Fleet being pushed by the Sith fleet, has Black Sun forces fighting on all fronts. The damaged sustained and the still overwhelming force against them has given a straight up loss to Black Sun leaving what remains at the mercy of the Allied Fleet, with the saving grace that could come the Sith. For Axis Fleet (Sith) Kyber has taken a beating, and along with how the battle played out is still at the mercy of the Allied fleet. The Sith fleet has been given a slight loss of the Kyber, but still intact. They now hold a true dominance over the area, seeing as they were able to put the Jedi on the Run. For the Allied Fleet (GA) Massive damage handed out, but still intact for the most part. The fleet has been exchanging blows with Black Sun in a fairly straight up blow for blow battle being waged. For the Allied Fleet (Jedi) : The Adi-wan is lost along with damage done to the majority of their ships. Overall Ruling : The Sith fleet has earned dominance over the entire field alone today within the realm of fleet battles. All other fleets are within a bad position and are at the full mercy of whatever the Sith fleet decides to do. You may continue to play things out as you guys are already doing - or leave the engagement as some have expressed doing already.
  20. Ruling: Jek vs Drago There are multiple factors in this duel that I have weighed and considered. From the beginning, Jek gave up/lost position throughout the entirely duel, but fought back with enough clarity that it's almost a full on honorable mention. Positioning wise, Jek lost. However, some factors I also considered on this is also the amount of energy spent/used by Drago along with the display of the Force. For the most part, I was okay with many of the actions took by Drago, up until that final post. I strongly believe that sensing the lightsaber and the dodging of it are fully within means, but since stated Drago was attempting to maintain a Force shield, the very act of the lightsaber glancing the ribs would render all other movement after the fact unbelievable. At least when it comes to the actions taken in Drago's post. Because of those factors, I could not give a victory to Drago- yet- I still don't believe the Jek is in a position to have won the duel either. Therefore my ruling is: DRAW I believe that Jek would be left hurt from the blows from Drago prior to the lightsaber striking Drago in the side. Upon the strike, all other actions have been nulled out and both players may go from there. Next post belongs to Jek.
  21. Kirlocca sat down upon the floor in a way that he would be able to look directly into her eyes without having either strain to look upon each other. His eyes became soft and warm, his posture welcomed her to cry. << I did tell you to wait for me, and here you sit, waiting for me. But I also told you that you were starting something that would draw the eyes of others to you. That has not changed. You set a ripple effect within the Force. It has inspired others and motivated others to move towards you. >> Kirlocca now moved in and gave her a hug. While her bondage would not allow for her to hug back, and him not actually having a physical body to embrace her made the hug slightly awkward at best. But he knew that his presence filled her up in the attempt. A she finished, he stood back up and gave her a soft smile, knowing that his next words may be his last. << Now, hold on to hope. This is not your end. >> With that, Kirlocca slowly vanished back into the Force.
  22. Her words would have brought him to tears had he still held the ability cry. So instead, he leaned down going to both knees and embraced her within his presence. << Why do you want to die? Do you really think that you have nothing left to offer? >> Kirlocca quickly pointed at himself. << I can tell you that death, while not the end, is a journey that upon embarking on it... leaves you far more detached then you ever would have been. To remain behind is to help guide the galaxy to its next turn. >> Placing both of his paws within his lap, he tilted his slightly to the left and stared into her eyes. << Do you remember my parting words to you on Carida? >>
  23. << Why do you despair? >> The voice was soft, yet deep and firm. The blueish aura that surrounded Kirlocca gave off a soft glow to the room as the once Jedi Master walked towards Raven. << Is not the Force also present here? >> While he knew that his touch would be hollow to her, he still reached his paw to touch her cheek.
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