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Everything posted by eli

  1. "No, you came at the right time Master, we need someone that can lighten the mood around here and bring people together. I think that you should bring back some of your old friends, you all could get the jedi livened up a little." A smile crossed her face, "Why not, it could be fun."
  2. "Unless we get attacked the jedi do nothing as a group now. We are unfriendly, uncommunicative, and basically unhelpful to each other. Sure, to the outside world we help everyone, I was here for a week almost, and had to fiend for myself with no one to even show me a room. The jedi go on with there own lives and concerns, the council doesn't pay any attention to anyone that isn't on the need to know list." Eli looked at her Master, "Well, that's what I've gathered so far."
  3. Elil looked at her Master, "Lets go find this Talus Kyeian, who ever he is, or better yet, lets ask the council. So it can be offical." She laughed at the thought of her Master doing anything offical. "No, really Master how is everyone in the big wide galaxy, you know the other crazy ones like yourself." She smiled and sat lazly on her bed.
  4. Eli laughed at her Master and said, "You are just what the jedi need Master, we are so large now, there is no family anymore. We are all off doing our own thing, and to tell you the truth," she sighed and flopped on her bed, "I don't even know how to get a session with the council anymore. Heck I don't even know who is on the council." Eli looked at her Master with questioning eyes.
  5. Eli looked at her Master, "You forget to realize you're the one who is supposed to make things happen." She smiled kindly and looked around, "Well, it seems like there really isn't anyone here I know. I'm not exactly open to people, and most of the ones I do meet are always young ones who don't know better." She smiled again, this time a little sadly, "Well, lets go to my quarters, and maybe we can see if you have a room." She turned right and walked down the hallway toward her room.
  6. As Eli and Niltiac step of the boarding ramp of the Second Chance they are laughing and enter the rain with smiles on their faces. As they proceed into the Acadamy they stop. Eli looks right then left, as the smile slowly fades from her face. "Uh, Master Nilt," she looks at her Master with perplexity on her face, "where exactly do you want to go?"
  7. eli


    Eli appears at a hyperspace checkpoint in space and sets the coordinates for Manaan in her NaviComputer. "I was really expecting to find you in a sticky situation when I found you Master," she looks to her right and smiles at Nilt, "you do have a way with people." She laughed at her own joke and hits the controls for hyperspace.
  8. eli


    As Eli's ship left the Gateway she put in the coordinates for her Master's location and the Second Chance went into hyperspace.
  9. Eli smiled at Drake as he left and made a circulation of the ship. No matter how nice the guy is I've got to keep my guard up. Not seeing any tracking devices on the outside haul, Eli punched in a sequence to open the ramp and headed into the ships interior. Drake had been right it had everything she could imagine. She walked through the rooms and then headed to the cockpit. With one last glance Eli looked out around the Gateway and headed toward her old Master. She shoot into the unknown and wasn't seen for a while.
  10. Eli smiled, "I figured as much when you told me she was a prototype. Um," she paused thinking of a name, "how about....oh wow, I can't even think of a name." She looked at the ship and said "How many weapons does she have? I know she's a yachet but she can't be unarmed." Eli paused, the multitude of people in the Gateway had just become apparent to her. Empire, sithscum, smugglers, and bounty hunters, the were all there. She hadn't even felt them when she came into the Gateway and now she realized that she had delayed for to long. "Drake, I'm sorry, I have to be going shortly and I would like to stay for a long time and investigate your wonderful Gateway." She smiled, "I think I'll call her, Second Chance." Eli looked at the ship loveingly and then reached out her hand to Drake, "I hope to see you again one day, when you can explain more about your ships, and station."
  11. She smiled at him, "I've heard of Tares, but I don't know him. I've been gone from the jedi for a while, and don't know a lot of people." She sighed, and looked at him. "Well," she said and smiled at him, "You still haven't told me the name of this most remarkable ship." She started walking along the side of the ship that they were currently on.
  12. Eli smiled at him and ran her hand along the side of the ship. "So, she must have a name," she continued too smile, "it's no where on the side of the ship." She looked up and down at the ship and wondered if it would be okay to keep it. "I'm also curious about you Drake, I'm not quite sure if your the type of sentient I should take a ship from." Eli looked at him seriously and then broke into a large smile. "Jedi or not, I'm not one to pass up a free ship."
  13. Eli's mouth dropped open, "Just lying around, this thing is gorgeous! It's huge!" She turned to Drake and looked at him with new wonder. "You have too be one of the richest men in the galaxy to be able to just let anyone borrow these." Eli walked toward the ship and placed her hand lovingly on it's side. This is really one heck of a ship, she thought. "Whats her model?" Eli asked, turning back to Drake.
  14. Eli woke with a beep and a jolt. She had come out of hyperspace to find the large Gateway filling her viewscreen. She took control of the ship and steered it into the station. As she approached the voice of a customs officer went through her cabin. "Please state your name and reason for visiting." The officer asked politely, "Eillen Tharen, I'm here to see Drake. Tell him Calen sent me." With that she shut off the message and waited for permisson to land. Permisson being granted Eli steered her ship onto the platform and crawled out of the hatch. Dusting herself off she thought, Well, I hope Drake meets me here, I've never been on this particular station before.
  15. eli


    As Eli cleared the atmosphere of the Jedi Dojo her hyper drive engaged and the stars streaked. She sat down for a good nap, and happened to find a blaster stuck into the wedge of the seat. Looks like I lucked out, she checked the charge to find that it was full, bet somebody is missing this, she thought. Eli stuck the blaster in her empty holster and took a nap on her way to the Gateway.
  16. Eli laughed "Of course he does, you are a Master, you're supposed to think of everything." Still smiling she bowed, "Master Calen I hope that are paths cross again one day. May the force be with you." So saying Eli turned and left the room, she took a left down the hallway, and headed to the landing platform. She went toward the run down fighter that she had arrived on and climbed on board. Checking the datapad Eli punched in the coordinates for the Gateway, One more stop oh, Master of Mine, and I'm one my way. As she shot toward the stars in the sky Eli smiled too herself and waved a last goodbye to the Dojo.
  17. Eli smiled again, "Master I am much grieved by this news, but I still do not know who your friend is that will so kindly give me a ship." She looked at Master Calen imploringly, and stood still looking at him. I've got to go! She thought, her body suddenly seemed tense with waiting to leave for the Gateway. Dearest, Nilt is waiting for me!
  18. Eli stood turned toward the door, "If you would be so kind as to come with me, I must be going soon and I don't have a clue where the Gateway is." She paused at the door and looked over her shoulder to see if Master Calen was coming with her. Finally I will get to see Nilt again, won't that be a great reunion! She thought and smiled to herself, still standing in the doorway of Master Calen's room.
  19. Eli's smile slowly faded and she stepped up beside Master Calen and staring out the window. "The choice was not mine to leave the order, not entirely, things happened. I left to find what I could do, on my own after Master Nilt left." She sighed, but continued on, "I have to go after her, there is no way around it, wait I do not want to say it like that, there is nothing for it. She has changed me, even though she is Niltaic Stargazer." She laughed a little and turned toward Master Calen, "Master you have helped me more than you realize. I must leave you now, but I do have 2 favors to ask you." She paused, "The first is that we remain friends for a long time." Eli smiled, "The second is that I would like a transport ship, since a fighter can't fit me and my master both."
  20. Eli did something then that not even she expected, she smiled, "Master, you have an art," she laughed, "you can give out wisdom but say absolutely nothing in the process. No, I'm sorry," she continued to smile, "your guidance is appreciated, but you seem so solemn. My path lies with my Master, now and for always. She is dear to me, we are fast friends and cohorts." She looked at the Master wondering what was really in his heart, if he really was unobjective, or he just appeared to be that way.
  21. She started and looked at Master Calen, "No, I'm afraid not. I've got to go..." She stood up and looked at Master Calen. "I'm not sure what to do, my old Master just sent me some kind of message. I know what she would have me do, come get her, and then go back to the other jedi. But, how do I know that she is the same as she was then, that she will be able to take me back." She looked into the eyes of Master Calen. "She seemed so happy to be speaking to me, but she also seemed odd...." Not that, that is anything new. She thought and smiled to herself.
  22. Eli looked up at Master Calen and then sat down in a chair nearby and put her head in her hands. "My story," she began, "it is a long one, and I don't tell it to everyone." She looked up at the jedi and continued on, "You on the other hand, I will tell. Not because you asked me, but because I think that it needs to be told. My story before Master Niltiac Stargazer is not important. She found me, and started to train me-" At this Eli paused and seemed to go almost rigid in her chair. She felt a presence that she hadn't felt since... Eli, I'm in our secert location you know where. You have to come and fetch me. Lightsider is dead, my ship is dead, I'm really out of it. Bring a ship and do come quickly dear.
  23. Eli watched Neo go, to stunned to speak. She waited a moment and then turned toward Master Calen, with barely controlled anger she spoke. "Follow my heart, Master, I'm not understanding you. My heart tells me to go after Master Niltiac, but that can't be what you mean." She stopped as her words got caught in her throat and she wasn't sure what to say to Master Calen.
  24. "I'm not umcomfortable," she paused, "it is more complicated than that, maybe one day I will be able to tell you my story but for now I don't think it's the time." She turned toward Master Calen and waited for his words.
  25. Eli had guessed that the conversation might turn this way, "Actually I had already constructed one," she paused not wanting to admit that she had made a mistake, "I had left it on my ship at Hoth, my ship and everything else I had in the world, got blown to smithereens." She stopped trying to control her emotions and not wanting to continue.
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