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Jax Trevelian

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  1. Jax considered, his little face serious. "Well, what games do you know how to play?" Alana suddenly jumped up. "I know! I know! We can play hide and seek!!" Jax shook his head. "Don't wanna. You always win." Alana grinned. "Yeah, so?" "So it's not fun! Plus, we want Faux to have fun, too!" Her face fell. "Oh, yeah, sorry Faux. Where is your home? What games did you play there? We could always ask the wookiees if there is a fun game here on...Kasheeek."
  2. Both children looked at her with twin expressions of understanding. "It's okay to cry," Jax said. "Even if you're grown up." Alana reached and took Faux's hand. "I'm Alana, and that's my twin brother Jax. Dad's in the Council meeting. Jedi business." The little girl's tone showed that she knew his business was important. "It's probably boring. You have really pretty hair. If I had pretty hair like you, I wouldn't cry." "What kind of accident did you have? Did you hurt your head? Did a Jedi make it better?" "Have you met our friend Tirzah? You would like her. She's a little serious but I think she's learning to have fun again." "She's just serious 'cause her daddy is still gone, 'Lana!" Jax retorted. "Yeah, but she has a mom. Did you see her?" Alana turned to Faux. "Do you have a mom and dad, Faux? Our mom is--somewhere--and our dad was dead but now he's alive again! Isn't it great?" Jax was back to contemplating the lines from the dried tears on Faux's face. Suddenly his face brightened. "Hey! Wanna play a game?"
  3. Kashyyyk was amazing. Everything was so big, even the Wookiees were small in comparison. Jax loved that this whole city was up high in the trees--it was all one giant treehouse-city. He and Alana had followed the old Wookiee around, asking him all sorts of questions, and it was great, because he answered all of them. Jax didn't always understand all of the Wookiee's words, but he understood enough. They were walking down one walkway when the twins saw two human women in the midst of all the Wookiees. As they approached, the women greeted them, and suddenly the twins recognized one of them. "Oh! Grandma Skye!" They hadn't seen Skye in a long time. For a while after their father's death, Alana had tried to reach out to their "grandma" with no success. The comm number they had been left hadn't worked, and even tricking the computer into giving them access to the Jedi official channels hadn't worked. Jax for his part had wished that Skye had come to find them after their father's death--Skye was, after all, their godmother--but he supposed that was all in the past. "Hi," he said greeting Skye and her friend. He stuck out hand to the other woman. "I'm Jax. Are you a Jedi too?" "And I'm Alana," his sister said, coming right up behind him suddenly. "Are you here for the funeral?"
  4. Jax couldn't help but laugh a little. "You think your life was supposed to go a way? Who ever said there was a way? Isn't it just life?" He frowned, trying to put his thoughts into words. "Yeah, that stuff about your family is bad. My dad died, too, and while my mom loves us, she doesn't really want anything to do with us anymore. 'Lana and I have had to figure things out on our own, mostly. But...look at it the other way. You had an aunt who cared about you when you were a baby so you didn't grow up in an orphanage. You found your real mom. And you did good by helping bring my dad back." He shrugged. "One of the Masters once told me that the Force doesn't work like it's a trained nexu. We can't predict what it will do or where it will tell us to go or what it will tell us to do. It's a wild nexu. Life is not all good, and it's not all bad. I think it's both." He blushed. "I mean, I don't know. Maybe it'll all make more sense when we're grown ups."
  5. To Jax, Tirzah's idea failing was crushing. He had tried not to get his hopes up, but the journey here had been long enough that he had dreamt of seeing his dad again. But now it looked like whoever Tirzah was hoping to find was gone, and with that, her idea. Alana's spirits bounced back quicker. She was the more skeptical of the twins, and hadn't really expected Tirzah's idea to work. But she had been excited for the adventure, so had gone along with it. So when Tirzah suggested going to the beach, she shrugged, grabbed Jax's hand, and dragged him to the beach, ignoring Tyko's pleas to slow down and come back and her demands to know where Darla was. The three children made it down to the beach in no time. The white sands lay unsullied before them, surrounded by the lush green of the jungle. The water was a crystal clear, sparkling turquoise. Alana immediately pulled off her shoes and ran splashing into the water with a shout of laughter. Jax, however, sat down on the sand. He did take his shoes off, letting his toes dip into the water when the tide brought it close enough, but he was clearly feeling let down and disheartened. We came all this way for nothing... he thought. But as the girls splashed and played in the water, Jax suddenly heard something. Not with his ears, but through the Force. It was the same sensation they had felt back on Tython, but stronger; much stronger. "Alana! Tirzah! Stop! Come here!" Alana ignored him at first, but he shouted their names again. Finally, she rolled her eyes and came over. But when she saw her brother's face, she sobered. "What is it, Jax?" "Listen!"
  6. ((Actions posted with permission)) After their lunch--including cookies--the twins, Tirzah, and Tyko packed their things and headed to the hangar. Tyko wasn't an astromech, but she had arranged for one to meet them that would supplement her flying skills. She logged all the proper information with the Temple flight control, then the two droids and three humans climbed aboard an old shuttle. Minutes later, they were on their way to Lehon.
  7. TY-K0 was a battered old nanny droid, whose formerly silver plated exterior was scuffed and dinged with age and the wear and tear of bringing up rambunctious twins. It was in need of an oil bath and polish, and it had gone years without a memory wipe. As such, she had developed a strong personality. She doted on the twins like an old granny, crotchety but lovable, and Alana especially had figured out how to manipulate her when it suited them. So when the three children breezed into the Trevelian’s quarters ten minutes later, TY-K0’s response was predictable. “Why are you two home so early from your classes? And who is this?” “This is our friend Tirzah, Tyko,” Jax explained. “And we’re not early. No classes today, remember?” The droid harrumphed. “I suppose you’re hungry for some lunch, then?” Jax nodded enthusiastically. They had eaten breakfast not too long ago, but he was already hungry again. “Can I have a sammich?” The droid headed slowly over to the food prep unit and began making three meat-and-cheese sandwiches, cutting the crusts off and slicing them into diagonal triangles. While she was making them, Alana winked at Tirzah, then began to ply her unique skill. “Tyko, after we eat, we’re going to need to pack to leave. Mom called us. She wants to meet us on Lehon.” Tyko paused in the middle of cutting up some carrots into sticks. “I saw no message come through the communications system.” “Oh, it came through the Temple system,” Alana replied smoothly. “Master Gra’li played it for me.” “I’ll have to check with him to verify that,” Tyko replied, “but if so, we’d best leave soon. Don’t want to keep your mother waiting.” “I deleted the message,” Alana said. “Accident. Sorry. And Tirzah is going to come with us. Her mom is on the Jedi Council, and wants to see her on Lehon too.” “These Jedi, always on the move. Why should we have to come to them? Can’t they come see their own children?” Tyko was muttered, mostly to herself, though her words were audible to the children. “Mom’ll be really mad if we don’t come,” Alana commented in an off-hand way. Tyko’s eyes gleamed a bit brighter. “Yes, yes, you’re right. We’ll leave once you’re done eating.” She placed three plates on the table. “Wash your hands first, then come eat your lunch. And you have to eat all of the carrot sticks if you want a cookie.”
  8. Jax's CHARACTER SHEET Identity Real Name:Jax Trevelian A.K.A: Homeworld:Tython Species:human Physical Description Age:8 Height:4’1” Weight:85 lbs Hair:blond, curly Eyes: brown Sex: male Equipment Clothing or Armor:normal little boy clothes that he can get dirty or torn playing in. He has a set of Jedi tunics, but he rarely wears them. Weapon: none Common Inventory: his favorite stuffed toy, a little nexu named Nexu Faction Information Force User, Force Sensitive or Non-Force User Force Sensitive Alignment: light Current Faction Affiliation:Jedi Current Faction Rank: hopeful History: Force Side: Trained by: Trained who: Known Skills: Background: Jax is the son of former Jedi Grandmaster Darex Trevelian and Darla Sar. He was raised among the Jedi, spending most of his time on one Jedi base or another. He has a twin sister Alana who is a few minutes older than he. Jax is kind, curious, and intelligent (a true Hufflepuff). He is good friends with Tirzah Jade Colos. Ship Registration No ship
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