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Everything posted by Non-Playable-Characters

  1. Eisa walked through the ruined streets with purpose, her cloak hiding her armor and her saber. Kadi had asked her to pick up a new hopeful while she was on Duros finding a monk, and Eisa had obliged. She had just finished up a mission near Kuat to find a pirate craft that had stolen a few minor Jedi artifacts, and had been close enough to help Kadi out. And, as it turned out, it was a good thing she was. She had arrived on the planet to find the hopeful, a young man by the name of Arghalon, only to find him captured by a few of the Mandalorian Crusaders that still hid on Coruscant. They were on the edge of Ground Zero, the ridge of the crater from when Hesperides struck the planet, annihilating most of the ecumenopolis. Now, most of the city was under some form of reconstruction, but this area was still incredibly hostile. Law and order were a rarity rather than a given, between the scavengers, the Mandalorians, and the other such criminals, most who couldn't handle themselves stayed far away. She was more than capable of handling herself. The Mandalorian camp was unassuming- if she wasn't looking for it, it would have blended in well with the wreckage and upheaved ground. A pair of sentries stood guard, raising their weapons as she approached. She lowered her hood as one spoke. "Get lost, scav. We don't want whatever you're peddling." Part of her wanted to reveal her lightsaber- it would be the most direct option. They would know who she was and why she was here. It was also dangerous- The Mandalorian Crusaders enjoyed fighting Jedi, and a fight risked young Arghalon's life. If one did break out, she would have to hope he could handle himself until she could find him. "I'm not peddling anything. You've taken a captive. A young human male. I've been hired to bring him back. I'm not foolish enough to pick a fight with a camp of Mandalorians though- I'll pay ten thousand credits for his release." "No. Now leave before I decide that you'd look better dumped into the crater." Eisa sighed. It would be tricky to attack the camp, even for her. If Kadi were here it would be no problem- they were a great team, and both veterans of the Sith Empire's downfall. But Kadi was half a galaxy away on Duros, and time was limited. She shifted her cloak, revealing her lightsaber. She opened her mouth to rephrase, to issue a command that they release the boy, but they opened fire before she could. The shield on her arm flared to life as she lifted it to defend herself from the hail of bolts, using it as cover while she rushed forward, using the Force to augment her speed. A bolt glanced off her armor, and another whizzed past her head, but most impacted harmlessly on the shield. She ignited her lightsaber, the cerulean blade illuminating the area in a harsh glow. On of the Mandalorians realized her plan, and drew a vibroblade, but the other was too slow as she knocked his weapon aside with her shield. She drove her saber into the man's chest, throwing him quickly so the ground and pivoting, raising her shield against a downward slice from her second foe. She pushed against him, driving him backwards as his weapon slid off her shield. He lost his balance and hit the ground, his weapon skittering away as he hit his head on a chunk of metal hard enough to knock him out. She used the force to send his blaster flying into a pile of debris. She could only hope Arghalon took the fighting as a que to make his escape.
  2. @RitaEstrazda @Hagark The Knight raised her eyebrows at both of their responses as she led them towards their drop shuttle. The battle was mostly over, though through the force she could still feel the distant pangs of death ticking at the back of her neck. She outstretched her senses but could feel little close danger save the intrinsic danger of those two that walked behind her. One was a creature of some degree of sentience, likely recently evolved on the galactic time scale, a being that previous galactic governments would have scoffed at giving any kind of rights to. The other was the Toruguta woman whome she did not know. Strange company to be found on a starship but such was the way of such things. The Knight gestured to the Dropship which would take them to the star destroyer. “If you have no objective in your travel then perhaps you can accompany us to Ylsia where the main redistribution and refugee camps are. Would that interest you two?”
  3. Some degree of disgust could be heard in her voice as she responded. Her eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Do you not have ships? Do you not care for your own heir? Send your own forces to Naboo and collect her corpse. Do not pretend that you care and yet lift not a finger.” She leaned forward to press another button on her control console which dispatched a longform encrypted data file to his communicator. It was a long list of legal papers with very serious implications. “If you are unable to produce your heir within the next several days please sign these immediately. The House of Contispex would never let such a house as yours fall into such disrepair. And we will take you under our wing and provide the means to furnish your house into the next generation.” She looked back at the holo of the man. “This will maintain the galactic order, it is non negotiable.”
  4. The grey sliver of a Victory III star Destroyer emerged from hyperspace over the outlying world of Andara. Home to the once great house of Maximus, which was now but an infertile ruin. Devastated by internal politicking and anti natalism, the house had fallen to such a low that they were not often invited to great stately events, and though the arrival of a vessel from the house of Contispex may have once been a cause of reflection or rejoicing, there was little doubt why the vessel was here now. “A message I bring to you, Jensen, Patriarch of Maximus, we are in search for the Lady Pandora who we know has a cloning contract with your family. Please let her know that she is expected at court, and that she has been requested by the house of Contispex for a meeting. We await your rapid response most eagerly.” The blonde haired woman sat back on her command chair, and stared listlessly into the optical receptor of the holo device. She herself was not a knight, for none could be spared for such a mission. But merely from one of the cadet branches, and served as a minor bannerman of the household.
  5. For @RitaEstrazda and @Hagark ——— The knight looked back and forth between the creature and the woman. Her eyes skeptical as they scanned the two of them. Her voice was soft in its admonishment. “Be careful that in hunting monsters you do not stray into becoming one yourself.” Without a care she brought up the saber and intercepted a red blaster bolt which careened back to whatever shadow had shot it. No more blasts came, and the silence told the story. “Now let’s get to my shuttle. Where were you two headed?”
  6. “Akaste Mirani of the Royal house of Contispex. At your service Lumare and… Hagark” Clear blue eyes looked at the Felucian with a great measure of disgust and curiosity. Barbarity was to be expected in the outer rim, even as close in as the mid rim, but this? She had not seen such a thing in the few years she had served against the Sith in the civil war. Her eyes lingered on his strange and bloody appearance, then drifted back to his face. Or what she assumed was his face from the fact that he had been chewing on an arm of all things. “You are a sentient creature I presume due to your speech so spit that out and let's get you both off this damned ship.” More blaster fire echoed down the hall.
  7. To the ears of Hagark and Lumare there were a series of dull thumps that sounded through the ship. Carried along the durasteel bulkheads as a new group of boarders arrived onboard the passenger liner. A second later a great deal more blaster fire echoed down the hallways as the Sovereign forces began to clear the ship of its unwanted Trandoshan trash. Light spilled down the hallway from a form in brilliant silver armour that carried a lightsaber that shone a pearl white. He intercepted the last two running pirates and with an easy cut dismembered them both. The rule of law was clear and for slavers there was no mercy. “Get back in your rooms!” Came the voice of the Knight, a feminine voice that carried a high core worlds accent. Another word perhaps would have been said until the pile of trandoshan bodies could be seen. Then the knight laughed. “Perhaps you did not need our assistance after all! Well met strangers!” And more heavy blaster fire echoed down the hallways
  8. Blood. We need blood. Demand Blood One of the remaining priests seized one of the young women they had tied to the altar and ran his wicked knife across her glistening emerald coloured throat. Blood arced from severed arteries and coated the altar with a bright misting of crimson. It caught the light of the jedi in a dull reflection, and though other priests added their sacrifices to the altar of the fanged God the room trembled. It had been too soon. This ancient malice had not been fully awoken, it had not been fed enough to have the strength to overcome the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. A waste of blood and a waste of countless lives. The presence seemed to manifest in the blood for a moment, a towering creature of malice. A nightmare from another age. Reaching to the vaulted ceiling with arms that dripped and splattered. Consume us. The Priests chanted but their voices were failing. And the presence pulled upon the ceiling. Perhaps in frustration, perhaps in spite. To bring the great temple down upon the priests, unkilled sacrifices, and whatever Jedi might have wanted to step foot into his wicked domain.
  9. The pirates wavered in that moment, being creatures of a natural kind of weakness. Predators that only preyed on the weak, stealing, kidnapping, enslaving those that were cowering in terror. They had not signed up for such a fierce resistance, and several of them took the opportunity to run down the corridors away from the two combatants. Making for their boarding vessels, believing the fight already lost. Only two remained in the fight, and they fired away, resorting to their claws and teeth if needed. On the outside of the ship, the Star Destroyer was just as busy, its new crew easily running through firing drills as they blasted away at the trapped pirates. Disabling engines, shields, and main power with well placed turbolaser shots. And from the bottom hangar bay a shuttle whisked towards the stricken civilian cruise liner, carrying a mass of troops and several of the Knights.
  10. As the sound of blaster and concussion rifle fire broke out and quickly died, more of the pirate raiding crew began to make their way towards the scuffle. Six of them began to run towards the fighting, skidding to a halt when they saw their collapsed and beaten comrades. They hissed with apprehension and slowly advanced, their weapon lights scanning the walls and shadows. Outside, in the depths of space another ship was pulled from hyperspace. Every Pirates worst nightmare. A Star Destroyer from the Sovereign Alliance, fresh from Kurt Drive Yards, on its first run trials. The Gallinore It’s crew very happy to have found themselves in the middle of a target rich environment.
  11. So the thralls had been laid to dust. What power was this? They had seen it before, ages upon ages ago, where eons stretched back and reality became myth. An old enemy that they had been sure was defeated. A power that had gone out of the universe! And now this girl, this fish and her friends was wielding it against the thralls? The dark presence in the temple reached out its own senses focusing on the trio of Jedi. What had brought them here? What fate had given them this mission to defeat him? He had consumed and he would consume. Blood demanded it. In the temple a half dozen priest began their incantations, staining the alters with blood of unwilling victims. There was little time left and the Jedi were close
  12. A trio of slavers made their way down the concourse of the bulk transport. Trandoshan in origin, their forked tongues flickering over their rows of sharp reptilian teeth as they stalked the corridors. They were nearly silent in their movements save for when they ducked their heads through the doors of cabins and hissed in laughter as they gunned down the occupants with their stun or concussion rifles. Those occupants they deemed valuable for reselling they slapped stun cuffs onto. Those they did not view as valuable, mostly the elderly, they slit the throats of with their long knives. It took them less than a minute per cabin, and they did not expect resistance. A whistle blasted down the corridor towards them and they looked up, hands reaching for their knives. Smiles stretching across their leather like faces. “Who goes there?” Came the hiss like whisper of their leader
  13. “Drop the mine.” The voice was a harsh one, that echoed harshly in the headsets of the heavy lift ship’s crew. A heavily modified Maka-Eekai L4000 transport first registered out of the Gallofree yards on Ca’amas some time during the clone wars. She was as old as dirt, and outaged its crew by at least a factor of nine. But as the mechanics who serviced her always stated in their reports, ‘The bones were still good,’ so the ship served its purpose. With a punch of a button and a turn of a key switch, the bulbus hull swung open and released its cargo into space. A pulse-gravity interdiction mine of hapan make swung loose and drifted a few hundred meters until another call from the boss stopped the firing of its micro engines. Another call from the boss and the massive mine activated. To the unfortunate passengers and crew of several low class space liners, a gravity well the size of a large planet opened up in front of them and the safeties hard built into their hyperdrives pulled them out into realspace before they could smash at twenty times the speed of light into a solid object. Except it was a simulated gravity well, and a half dozen pirate vessels were awaiting their prize. There was no place to flee. And the price of slaves was already high enough to make the venture worth risking a life over. In minutes the ships were swarmed by slaver crews looking and searching for innocent, exotic, and young slaves that they could resell. They fired indiscriminately at crews and passengers alike with blasters. working their way from helm to stern.
  14. For Lenna Kill and Keenava (Also Tharn and kadi) Frustration was building in the horde, their voices raised in a great groaning and a wailing which filled the air like a chorus. They tried, they surged forward towards the two Jedi but where there was no darkness they could not go. One brave and foolish consumed rushed too far, stepping out of the shadows. But where his feet found the light he found unbearable. He screamed a wicked scream. A violent unending scream that seemed to echo on every corner of the landing pad. He tried to turn, to pivot and return to the darkness but his feet found no purchase. They were beings of the darkside. Whatever they had once been had been fully surrendered to the shadows of the serpent. They had devoted fully to him, first to the princes of shadows, then to the shadows themselves. For as water washes away dirt so too could the lightside purify the darkness. And if the being was fully in the service of darkness, what was left behind when washed away? Like wax melteth before the fire so the darkside would perish. The Linnorm screamed again, this time a whimper. A child's cry of fear as he pawed at his eyes. His flesh melted away, bones and sinew too, until only ash remained. A ripple of fear coursed through the crowd of red eyed linnorms. Some at the edges of the crowd turning and running away. But the woman at the center stood still. Unwavering as the light began to creep towards her feet. She reached out her hand again to the girl. But now. She was out of her reach. The child twitched in a violent spasm as the bright light of the force surrounded her. Vomit and blood spewed forth from her mouth in a spray. Hissing and sizzling when it was exposed to the brightness of the force, as if it were water upon a frying skillet. The girl shook, her arms outstretched, pale green fingers convulsing as whatever shadow had been bestowed up her by ritual was drawn from her like poison from a wound. The woman screamed then and turned. Running away towards their temple. The heart of darkness. For the gemcut Solus Linnorms obeyed his orders, though he and those in the palace were fiercely set upon by the militia and civilian fighters. They would have their planet back. Damn the Sith and all their demons. For the Sovereign Knights The tanks intercepted the first few coil gun bolts with the makeshift cages strapped across their turrets that had been specially designed by some smart engineers to stop tandem charge rounds. But alas they only stopped a few blasts from the coil guns before the next few blasts penetrated armour and the tanks were utterly silenced. One crew was able to bail out, but the other crews were not. Consumed alongside the ammunition stores in a gout of fire that blew the turret of their tanks in a fantastic explosion. For now only a few heavy gunned Chariot LAVs remained as mechanized infantry. The rest of the local forces on the line having either fled or reduced significantly in strength save a linnorm Eweb and mortar team who laid down a withering barrage on the Sovereign forces and their Knight leaders.
  15. For Leena/Pinckz/Tharn/Kadi The being laughed, a croaking and evil laugh. The words slipping from its mouth pronounced with the harsh hssing of an utterly foreign and serpentine tongue. “Do you know how many times we have heard those words? How many of your great warriors have died with those pathetic words upon their lips? What next will you utter dear fish? That you swear to never hide that light under a bushel basket?” Another, wicked, ancient laugh. But the creature had stopped. Shuddering, it did not venture further into the light, instead reaching a slender finger up. Slowly, unerringly, to its wrist. Pressing on the ring of blood that had encircled it. The markings changed suddenly with the press, glowing a pale red that matched the eyes of the many that lay behind in the shadows. The force moved heavily as the darkside made itself known in the senses of the Jedi, and all about them red eyes began to appear in the shadows. As the Consumed began to close in. Several hundred at least if counted together. It was time to deal with these intruders. For His ritual would not be interrupted. _____________ For Kirlocca, Tilt and Squad, and Sandy The young woman smiled wanly at the clone, her face close enough to his to kiss him if she had felt the inclination. Her voice dropped to a low tone, sensual and dark. “We need young blood for His ascension. The children and whoever you bring to us will be sacrificed on the alter of the Fanged God.” She said it as if it were common knowledge, and though she was about to speak again she gasped instead. Her eyes unfocusing for a moment as their dark pupils shifted and changed before the clone’s gaze. Their natural dark stillness replaced with a raging fire of red. She dropped his arm without adding the blood mark and turned towards the door. For those Jedi that remained inside the bar, the darkside was in full swing now and their blood marks urged them towards the fight. For vengeance, for blood, for Him. The Fanged God who sat upon his throne of blood. _____________ For the Sovereign Knights The Defences of the throne world of the fanged god were not completely at a waste. Most if not all competent troops, pilots, and gunners had been sent to Nar Shaddaa and had not returned, leaving in their place a vast amount of fresh recruits and draftees held together by sparse ranks of the Linnorms. Those that had been marked as Linnorm, with their red glowing eyes seemed to be the most brutal. Holding together their lines of men with force if necessary, acting with one mind as they fought the troops of the Sovereign houses. Here and there were fierce pockets of defence, and three land tanks emerged from their covered positions to engage the men of House Edsbryder. While artillery dropped upon the heads of Contispex and Malczewski. Draftees and enlisted men shooting from covered positions as they screamed in terror. While others simply dropped their weapons and fled in terror. A few catching rounds from their linnorm commanders who calmly shot them in the back. _____________ For the Sith Lords of Korriban Those soldiers and militia that recognized the Sith either ran or tried to form ranks to assist. There would be some order restored by their presence, but it was like fighting a forest fire with a hose. Disaster was in the air. And those oppressed citizens that had cowered for years in fear were now also making themselves known. Turning ever corner of the capital city into a potential firefight as militai fought militia, linnorms tried to restore order and citizens added to the mix with hunting rifles A few militia fired at Solus before they ran. Judging that the war had already been lost. There would be more organized resistance as he approached the palace. There were many soldiers there, and they werte itching for a fight. Things planetside were falling apart quickly.
  16. A singular coded message arrived at the communicator of the Lord Akheron. Code F4403 Invasion. It was automated and had no further details
  17. A long drink of the yellow green tea that the wife had packed him. Yeah it was early in the shift, but it was so good, and it smelled like home. He would have to swing by the commissary and pick something up with caffeine in a few hours. What were another three credits against the weight of school loans? It wouldn’t cause a fight when Clara found it on the statement. She would probably sigh but understand. Times had been tough ever since the promises had fallen through about the Sith government paying off scho- His display flashed. Nothing of interest. A shuttle inbound from some obscure planet called Kashyyyk. What a stupid name for a planet. He punched an automated code that gave the shuttle a landing clearance planet bound. Same Starport as he had sent the last four to. The very same starport which was now being surrounded by the Consumed. But he couldn’t have known that. He sadly stared at his empty mug and debated reaching into the still full lunch container. But before he could have reached for a package of Linnormeos, (Packed with nutrients and flavour!) his display flashed again, then turned a bight red. He looked up to his partner who was helpfully napping on the other side of the control tower. “Hey Malcolm, what the kriff is this!” His voice reached a high pitch as a force of huge starships emerged from hyperspace. “Oh kriff its starting!” And of course they would be the only two assigned to the bleeding Golan I when the invasion started. He wasn’t going to die for this kriffing government. He slammed the red button hard enough to crack the panel and dove for the escape pods. ______________ In the bar far below, the Linnorm bodyguard placed his blood covered thumb on each of the wrists offered in turn. Marking them as one of the followers. The Darkside radiated from the blood, attempting to draw those that wore the mark into the service of the Fanged god. Perhaps it had been learned from Dathomiri witches, or perhaps the Dathomiri had learned it in the eons before. The Bodyguard himself thought of it as magic. “Now go and hunt, and if you find anything you can’t handle by yourself, say a quick prayer and touch the mark. He will answer, and his temple will rush to your aid.” ______________ “A Thousand credits each, and your wrists if you please.” The woman whispered to Tilt and his band. Repeating the offer that had been accepted by the two others in the bar already. She placed a holographic chip out on their table that outlined the children targets. They needed the sacrifices. Quickly. ______________ The black ink of night touched the raising dew. Eclipsing it. Hissing. Pain. Burning. Red eyes in their concert shuddered in black abyss. Fear. But the woman herself was not moved. She smiled an orgasmic smile. Ancient. All teeth that showed in the shadows like bitter slices of summer moon. Stained with deep and dark blood. The being twisted her neck. Looking up towards the heavens, staring for a second as if looking for something. “Is this all that your ‘strength’ summons to you Je’daii?” She took another step. The smile widening. “Do you fear us little one? Do you fear our passion? Or will? Our Carnality? The unknown of chaos is beautiful. It feeds us like the blood that is spilled on our alters It is a cup that you have supped from before...” Another step. Close now. “Now give me my child.”
  18. So they had at least a few of the bar’s patrons to count on. That was a good turn of fortune. The bodyguard grinned widely and touched his hand to the amulet that hung around his neck. Its tiny eyes glowed brightly with a red power. His finger came away bloody, as if it had been cut. “Our price.” He slapped down two silver lined thousand credit chips. One for each of the mercenaries. Though the wookiee would likely deserve the payment much more. Next he pulled out two of the older model disposable imperial era holo projectors. He clicked the button on the top and a series of five faces slowly scrolled across the screen. All the faces were young, scared, and some defiant. “Five of the temple offerings escaped their place of confinement this morning. They are needed. If they can not be found. Suitable young flesh can replace them which can be harvested from the lower classes. Some of the poorer families will gladly part from their children for the right price...” He shrugged and beckoned to the two mercenaries. “Come! We will make a contract then! Hold out your wrists.” ___________ What is this? Who refuses the consumption? The dark shadows seemed to withdraw, almost hesitant to approach the figure of light. Red eyes peered from darkness as if around a corner. Scared for the moment against a figure they had not anticipated. Vocal sounds, whimpers that came from the back of a hundred throats echoed through the landing zone. Even the dark woman looked shocked, her bright red eyes wide in exclamatory horror. She seemed to shudder, her body twisting and relaxing in a convulsion that lasted several seconds before she took another step towards Leena. Her mouth opened and closed several times before she spoke. “Je’daii.” The voice did not fit the woman's body. It echoed harshly, sounding masculine and ancient. Its vowels grating on the mind like the whipping sands of Korriban. “Long have the years been since we have seen the presence of those that call themselves the light.” Another step. Black ink staining a white page of flimsiplast. Then another step. Whimpers turning to groans. “Give me back my child.”
  19. “No. Fret not little clone.” The priestess smiled a bitter smile, revealing teeth that had been filed into brutally sharp points. “We are looking for someone. And we would pay top dollar to those mercenaries that might be interested in some contract work.” She shrugged her scantily clad shoulders and looked back at the cluster of cloned soldiers. “It is, as you would say, easy money.” ______ Her bodyguard shrugged at the Wookiee. “You can tear off any enemies of the state’s limbs you want in fact. And with a physique like yours, well you would be welcome in the service of the temple any time.” He grinned and walked towards the table where Sandy and the Wookiee still sat. “We have been sent by the very same temple on a mission should you be interested in joining us. Quite good credits, and there can be some suitable arm pulling if you wish it.” ______ Consume us. The sound of running feet echoed in the landing zone. Lights flickered and died, and the earth trembled. What was that feeling in the air? Fear? Hate? Resolution? Despair? It mixed together like a paste, scooped and dumped onto the planet's surface. It felt ancient, though it was reflected in new faces of shallow pale green. A sweep of dark shadowed fog swept its way into the landing bays. Its deep dark bringing the shiver of the darkside. In its wake pedestrians froze, and children cried in fear as they clung to parents and buried their faces. But those soldiers, those Linnorm beasts that had been made by the Sith it did not cower. They raised their furrowed brows and walked into the darkness. Their red eyes joining the masses of others that stared out of the abyss. Looking to all before them like a field of red stars in the pitch black of night. A solitary woman walked before the storm of fog. Almost lazy in her jaunt, her footsteps matching those of the young girl as she strode towards where she lay. The woman stared towards the trio, her red eyes glowing like iridescent pools of blood. Pitiless in their stare, set like rubies in her skull, ancient beyond the years of the form it now possessed. Consume us
  20. Consume us Bare feet made little noise on duracrete walkpaths as she ran. Gods she ran. It felt like the very spirits were with her as she made her aimless sprint. Anything to get away. Anything to leave that terror behind. She could feel the cold ice of the blade still pricking at her chest, even though she had left the temple far behind. Every ragged breath an exposition of agony as her lungs struggled against the rising blood that was likely filling them. She could feel her knees weaken with every step, but still. Still she had to find mother. She had to tell her she was all right. That she was alive and to stop worrying. But every breath was an agony. And she could feel the thick foam of blood upon her lips. But running felt different, duracrete had turned to durasteel, and though she blinked her eyes to bat away the black at the edges of her vision it still covered most of it. Was she at the space port? She took another breath and broke into another coughing fit. The black disks covering her eyes like a shade as she pitched face first into the ground at the feet of a hooded Mon Calamari.
  21. Offworlders. Her lip twisted into a sneer at this vague collection of huddled masses and drunken soldiers. They were always far much more trouble than their credits were worth. It stank of them in this shoddy bar. Their fear was palpable, their rowdy alcohol fueled sexual discourse even more so, it mixed with the pale calming pheromones of the waitress to create a stink that curdled in the back of her throat. She sighed loudly and looked towards the Hutt bartender with a wry expression before turning her eyes to the cluster of soldiers that were making themselves known with a disgusting display. Ruffians. Kali-Kera, priestess of the fifth temple, smirked at their harassment of the Hutt and walked straight to their table, stopping behind the leader and placing her hands on his shoulders. Strength she could pull from the Fanged God. And she applied that strength to the man before her, pushing down with a might that rooted him in place and made the durasteel chair he was sitting in groan, as she leaned forward to whisper into Tilt’s ear. “I do not know where you came from. Perhaps you have been in carbonite since the clone wars, or you are friends of General Delta, or General Delta himself. But we do not tolerate these kinds of shenanigans in our Domain.” _______ One of her bodyguards smirked at the display and turned his head to the Wookiee, giving him a look of a man long bored by stupid questions. “Yes this is one of the representatives of the Gods on our world, how may we assist you.”
  22. Having lived primarily on a Sith occupied world for the last several years, the waitress was not adverse to seeing strange sights. An entire armoured squad of look alike human soldiers was certainly not ordinary even before the departure of the grand fleet. In fact they were so look alike that the waitress could swear they looked like clones and they carried a distantly familiar face. A dangerous element, especially with all the heavy crack downs the government had been doing recently. Her mind wandered as she selected the best and most expensive bottle for her patrons. Could this be the rumored rebellion coming? After leaving them to their own devices for so many years, having defeated their sons, brothers, and fathers, over Nar Shaddaa, now slowly seeding the world with operatives for a final confrontation? No, that would be silly. Something out of a holo-film. Not real life. Nothing interesting happened here, she was not a main character of anyone’s story. She knew that, and had no aspirations to be a part of anything grandiose. Still, this development bothered her and a glance back to the bartender, told her he felt the same. She swallowed the sudden bile of fear that pulsed up into her throat, and she smiled back at the Wookiee. “I am sure three fifty will be far more than enough. You are most welcome to hire yourselves out as contract mercenaries or whatever you have a desire to do, just make sure that the Priests and masters get their cut. I can call a priest for you if you would like.” ____ Outside the bar, in the dark streets amongst the oppressive tide of the darkside, three individuals approached the bar. Two huge and muscular men and a lithe woman who was covered with ornamental jewelry of a priestess. They tread past the hooded Leena without a second glance.
  23. The waitress let her well groomed eyebrows creep towards the dark shadowed ceiling as the ‘crew’ made their welcomings. She took her green thumb back towards the bar top, then looked at the wookiee, who seemed to be the most in charge. “It’s the tax to the temple. The priests, all the rest.” She tapped the serpentine locket whose beady crimson eyes stared platonically back at the travelers. “Any business, transaction or contract signed needs to be witnessed by a priest, and the proper toll paid to the serpent God. And don’t think you are exempt because you just stepped off the ship from Taris-stan or wherever.” She sighed and looked at the fish faced Calamari. “So you want a bottle but don’t want a table?” Outworlders, how bleeding exhausting. She reached behind her and dragged one of the free standing chairs from a partially occupied table to this one. Well this tip would be atrocious. Outworlders were two types of people, core logged spacers whose flight hours included the Hydian way who came to slum in the mid rim with all that remained of the sith empire. Or those that were truly lost and preferred to keep it that way. But there was a third type of Outworlders. Those the priests screamed on about in their sermons. Those that would seek to undermine the god himself. If only they were that lucky. She sighed and went to grab the bottle and a few clean glasses
  24. She reached a hand out to touch the cloaked stranger’s arm, as if to feel the taught muscles that might be hidden there. The Masters were always looking for the willing, the strong, and the confident. She flashed her pretty smile. “Muscle is alw-” But a fish faced Mon Calamari stepped rudely between them. Carrying a brilliant gem, and one that was very obviously imported and very obviously expensive. Both were rarities on this world, and alongside the Mon Calamari she also saw three others, equally as cloaked, foreign and obviously right from the star port. She raised a well painted eyebrow and breathed again. Letting off a bit more pheromone than she was used to dusting. Maybe it was nervousness, or maybe it was the odd feeling that was creeping up the back of her neck. She flashed a smile to cover it. “Oh more friends? We do have a larger booth available in the private back quarters if you would wish it. Though any transactions and contracts signed will have to pay the master’s toll.” She referred to the heavy tax thrown upon non sanctioned contracts which had at one point helped pay for the grand armada before its destruction. And pointed a thumb behind her to the ugly looking man who tended the bar, and the equally ugly poster of the red eyed serpant that perched over the taps. She eyed the new comers. “What will you be having to drink?”
  25. Consume us Tendrils of the dark side seemed to reach to nearly every falleen native, echoing strongly in those that carried amulets of white bone. The symbol of the serpent etched in crimson staring at any wandering eye. For the Sith may have gone out of the Galaxy, but their scions were very much in power on the serpent world. ______________ “How exotic.” The Cantina’s waitress gave the bartender a bitter look, and he raised his eyebrow. “You know the process. See what he is up to, the bosses want to know of anything suspicious.” She glowered at him, took a gulp of water from the stand and with a thin green scaled hand, adjusted her white and very low cut outfit to show more of her body. Perhaps for more tips, and more open mouths the serpent would hear of, then walked the short and crowded space to where Kirlocca and his friend were sitting. She took a breath and let her natural Falleen pheromones dust the area around them as she sat the two ordered drinks beside Tarvo and the Wookiee. “Gentlemen! Your drinks.” She gave them as genuine a smile a young woman could give. “What brings you to our humble bar?”
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