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Everything posted by Skyshatter

  1. Sigil of the Shattered Sky Birth of Clan Skyshatter With the Liberation of Onderon fresh upon the minds of Nobles and Senators alike, the Sovereignty is abuzz with political schemes and economical gain. A few of the Great Houses have even set eyes upon Lok Skyshatter in its conclusion, seeing the Sovereign Knight as a means of rising in social standings and potential sway when Onderon becomes accessible. Lok, however, sees the potential in an arranged marriage, a few offers put forth to consider, as a means of establishing a colony for the remnants of his Clan now that the Sith's occupation has ended where they can strive in peace away from the allure that has tainted their homeworld and grant his Father more sway in Onderon's Reclamation as a representative for all Beast Riders alike. Clan of Shattered Skies "We were born of the shattered skies, my son, thrown from the heavens by angered Gods when we attempted to usurp them in their weakness. What great warriors our ancestors were of then." - Ki Skyshatter to Lok Legend tales of great warriors thrown from the skies as it cracked and split with the roaring of thunder and song as the Gods cried in their weakened pain. Seven Warriors emerged from fire and steel, drunk on the prizes they had stolen from the heavens, and unleashing their might between Onderon and Dxun. The Goddess Arya, despite her weakened state, rejected her immortality to stave off these warring invaders, and in the midst of their fierce battles, their leader Nevra found love. Throwing the prize he had stolen from the God Thorus aside, a blade of brimstone and sunfire, the warrior fell to his knees before Arya and threw aside his armor, pleding that she either killed him on the spot or marry him. Taken by his offer, she offered marriage for peace in return, and thus Clan Skyshatter was born amongst the Beast Riders. Clan Skyshatter Clan Skyshatter, often referred to as Clan Shattered Skies, are a nomadic and devote Clan of Ancient Beast Riders said to be born of the Seven Defiant and the Goddess Arya's marriage to their leader Nevra at the final battle of the War of Gifts. Most legends of the Seven Defiant list them as Plunders whom came from another world to wage war upon the Gods and the gifts that could be granted after killing their own and destroying their own realm. But when Nevra laid eyes up the Goddess Arya and her beauty, he knew no other gift could ever be granted. Throwing armor and gift aside, he begged for death if not her love, least his heart burn from his chest. As the Gods were fearful of the Defiant, and Arya intrigued, Arya would accept his offer only in peace. With them wed, the Defiant Seven became Clan Shattered Skies. Despite the authenticity of the Legend, Clan Skyshatter has remained devoted to both Nevra and Arya in tradition and in lore. Across the centuries and millennia that has followed its birth, Clan Skyshatter has roamed the world of Onderon and its moon Dxun as Nomads and fierce Warriors bent on Peace and Augmentation of the Gifts. It is often spoken that the Beast Riders wouldn't have survived the many wars of Onderon and Dxun if it hadn't been for Clan Skyshatter and have been a spiritual figurehead in negotiations and treaties and never turn down a chance to fight. Because of this, Clan Skyshatter is respected and revered by both Beast Riders and Onderonian alike. The Gifts When the Defiant marched upon Heaven, there was a fierce battle with the Gods and the Three Gifts were stolen. The first, the Spirit of Thorus, was the gift Nevra stole. It was said the ember the blade of any who was of pure heart and of warrior's soul. The second was the Tread of Gyan, a gift that was stolen by Kyrix. It was said to steady the footing of those who found courage in the face of fear and wished to hasten the end. And lastly was the Armor of Promo, the gift stolen by Justar. It was said to amplify the strength and endurance of those of whom sought honor and glory in battle without hatred or vengeance. With these three Gifts, the Seven were unstoppable. With Promo, Gyan, and Thorus dead, the remaining Gods were fearful of their demise. Except Arya, whom gave up her gift and immortality to aid the Beast Riders of old. It was in her marriage to Nevra that the gifts were returned and Arya placed them in heaven for all to share. And yet, as she placed them beside her Gift, the Stratagem of Arya, the four became one and is said that all Beast Riders gained their shared ability. With the Tread of Gyan, Beast Riders found courage even in the darkest times. With the Spirit of Thorus, their hearts would seek destiny. With the Armor of Promo, they would tame the world around them. And with the Stratagem of Arya, passed down to Clan Skyshatter alone, they would fight until peace settled upon Onderon. Patron God of Clan Skyshatter Despite having given up her gift and immortality, it is common belief that Arya returned to the heavens, and the three who remained, upon her death and is revered as a Patron God by those of Clan Skyshatter while others still worship her as part of the Parthenon. Clan Creed The Clan Creed is a prayer that each member of Clan Skyshatter attempt to live up to and adhere by. It is as follows: "We, of Clan Skyshatter, commend our blades and hearts to the Spirit of Thorus so that we may burn away injustice and corruption. May our path walk upon the Tread of Gyan, so that we may be beacons of hope in the hours of strife and despair. And may our form be the Armor of Promo in life and in death, so that our end is glorious and honorable to all. With the Stratagem of Arya, we shatter the skies. As we ask it, so shall it be." Augmentaton For millennia, generations of Clan Skyshatter have set themselves apart from most Beast Rider in their uses of Augmentation. Nearly all members of Clan Skyshatter have augmented their bodies with cyborg augmentations to better attune their bodies to the Gifts and the world around them. Most notable augmentations are characteristic to the many animals of Onderon and Dxun such as amplified sight, hearing, lost limbs, and otherwise disabilitating hindrances. It is widely believed that this retains their promise of peace as well as helping them better understand the needs of Onderon and Dxun on a spiritual level. Members Ki Skyshatter: Shaman and Leader Lok Skyshatter: Sovereign Knight and Second Born to Ki Skyshatter Ruk Skyshatter: Warrior and First Born to Ki Skyshatter; Brother of Lok Skyshatter and Apprentice to his Father Ragvald Skyshatter: First Cousin of Ruk and Lok Skyshatter, Warrior and Sage Kohnrath Skyshatter: First Cousin to Ki Skyshatter and Giftist; Armorist and Augmentist
  2. On his decent, Lok's mind moved toward the last time he stood on Coruscant. It was a different time, a different Galaxy. It was was right he walked away from the Jedi Order and before he was the man he was today. This was where he met Alekseyev, where he first set upon his journey with Kyrie. It was her introduction that would forge him as an Imperial Knight. And it was broken before it very eyes. The anger within wanted to boil and his plight upon the Sith felt only more determined. He sighed outward, letting his breath flow for a single six count before inhaling for four. As his demeanor calmed and the surrealism set as reality, he turned his heading as the Command Tower determined his destination. The Imperial Palace. To meet with the Emperor. A man who was not Lady Raven. He looked back at his life, son of a beast rider, a student of Ossus, a renegade Jedi, and now Imperial Knight... or was. Now that he thought about it, his life was anything but the stability that he thought it was. And the possibility of Raven's passing was always out there, a customary tradition that had been set as a trend for the last hundred or more years. In truth, without the technology that was readily available to him, he wouldn't stand here at all. And whether or not it was a blessing or a curse, or right or wrong, wasn't a subject of debate. You lived as many lives as you possibly could in order to stabilize and defend the Galaxy until you won or wore out your DNA sequences. And this was the weakness he saw in Jedi, especially one's who gave themselves entirely to the Force. It was cowardice, it was giving up. Whether they became one with the Force, or walking away from the Galaxy, it was letting the Darkside further rein by not standing their post, and taking from those they left behind. It was selfishness. With a rocketed landing, Lok clunkered the old freighter down and turned off the remaining engine. It was time to meet this man who would be King. Lok was fresh from the pod, hair clean, high and tight, with a drapping locket of hair twisted up at the center and braided down. His crimson armor glistened anew, and his Saber and shoto were clipped upon his right hip with the Imperial Cloak adorning his attire. Not since his rising to Knighthood, had he been so pristine. Guided into the Grand Hall from the ship, updated on what was transpiring as he walked. When he arrived, he stood at the entrance a forced smirk upon his face, an instantaneous surprise by the number of Imperial subjects present at the galla. Coruscant laid most in shambles, and here it was business as usual.
  3. A lone freighter exited hyperspace and in good timing as one of its engines failed with a small burst of momentum. Lok cursed beneath his breath as he opened a transponder comm to the Sovereign Forces and identified himself, complete with his Imperial Authorization Code and Empirical Identification Number. "Imperial Knight Authorization Delta 8-6-7 Alpha 5-3-0-9..... Empirical Identification Number Zeta Omega 2-5-1-0 Identity verified: Lok Skyshatter... Sovereign Knight.... Missing in Action after Cloning at Nar Shadaa under Empirical Protocol Revanchist... As the transponder briefed the Sovereignty upon his spontaneous arrival, Lok gazed upon Coruscant from the freighters viewport, Hesperium still lingering upon the cuspise of Coruscant's upper atmosphere and the remnants of where the two collided dotting its orbit.
  4. With the looming Nal Hutta on the horizon, Lok stumbled into the Spaceport. His throat parched, every swallow felt like sandpaper rubbing the inside of his throat and gave the urge to cough or gag. And yet, he resisted the urge of his new body and continued on inward, intent upon finding a way off this moon and back into the wayward Galaxy at large. It wasn't to say that Nar Shadaa didn't need him, nor was it to say that he could do some real good work upon the destroyed Smuggler's Moon. In fact, it was something he had contemplated during his trek quite often. But there was a pull upon him, a natural curiosity that plagued him to find this Sovereign Alliance and to see what true destruction was left in the wake of the Sith's War Machine. It was almost obsessive within his mind. The Spaceport, much like the rest of Nar Shadaa, laid in ruin and shambles. Lights flickered and systems still sounded a half hazardous alarm that threatened to die at any moment. And it was in this moment that Lok almost gave up. But the obsessive compulsion to find what he missed was a powerful pull that refused to relinquish. And Lok soon found himself pulling what he could manage from the holostation before it's cells frizzled out in a burning spark. All he managed to get were coordinates to the Sovereign's flagship from the elder Imperial Remnant channel and months old news reels on the final battle that transpired here. Months.... it had been months since Nar Shadaa was laid waste to. Months he laid in stasis within that Cloning Pod while the Galaxy continued turning, and months since Byss. His face soured with a small hint of shame as his mind crossed the thoughts of perhaps he should have had remained as part of the Force rather than awaken here and now of all times and places. If it hadn't been for the Imperial Cloning Protocol where each member of the Knights were chipped to be activated upon the stopping of their heart, he likely would have. Or would he? His mind still wondered what woke him from the pod and why the Force seemed to encircle him like moths to a lit beacon. He shook the thoughts from his mind and began his search for a haphazard ship capable of hyperspace. And one he would find stored away, a dented and beat up old freighter that laid buried beneath a crumbled command tower. It wouldn't take much to blast out of there, it's shielding and hull rather tough by the looks of it. A few hours later, the old freighter shot into the upper atmosphere and inevitably hyperspace, leaving the crumbled command tower finishing it's fall. Lok was off to find the Sovereignty.
  5. To compare Nar Shadaa to a post apocalyptic holovid or even its freshly ruined cityscape of half melted towers and rubble for miles that buried and entombed the less fortunate as a war crime did not do its truth justice. It was more than words could even justify, for even his eyes barely could believe what it was he saw as he traveled it's ruins for days. There were survivors, and rumors of the Sovereign Empire that was reformed from his own in course of rebuilding. But Lok saw none of this. He may have as well been the lone survivor of what remained of the Imperial Knights, and what he saw made him question everything he thought he knew as a Knight. Hunger pains stabbed at his gut as he climbed up from a small passage that had been formed from the falling rubble into a new section of the upper streets. Dusting the glass and dirt from his crimson armor, blood staining a portion of his hair above his left ear from where he cut it on rebar stinging against his sweat. In truth, this form felt alien even if it was forged from his own DNA, and to inhabit it felt wrong to a degree. But this was what he agreed upon when he pledged himself to Kyrie and Raven, and he felt that he would eventually find it as comfortable as his own in the passing of time. Stopping for a brief moment, he ate upon a small nutrition bar he had found a few miles below as he made his way to the spaceport in hopes of finding a ship that escaped damage, or better yet, the Sovereignty he heard had replaced the Imperial Remnant. Looking out across the landscape as he chewed up a bite of the bar, he couldn't believe the devastation. Even as he crawled and climbed across miles of it, it seemed surreal, almost dream like. It's sun was blotted out by the hazing dust that swept up into the upper atmosphere giving day an almost dark night, and fires still burned in the distance. He had only met a few that remained, having survived hell and one or two having lost their minds to the ensuing chaos. If it had not been for the Force that danced across the planet like an angel, he would have swore the Force had forsaken Nar Shadaa. He understood the concept of war, and of the Darkside the Sith worshipped like ravenous hounds lapping at a puddle of water during a drought. And yet, he could never have had comprehended such a horrific truth as the one he saw plainly before him. And in that moment, he wept. Wiping the tears from his eyes as he finished the bar and toss its wrapper to the side, he stood and looked to the east. He knew the spaceport was still at least a three day hike from his position, maybe more depending on the obstacles that laid between him and it. Before this destruction, it wouldn't have been but a few hours on foot. But after traveling two miles below and back up through a maze of devastation and debris, he had soon found that his trek would be significantly longer. His surmise was that it would be the same for the rest of his trek. Grabbing a bar, encircling himself with the passing Force, he lept across the gorge that once was likely a warehouse to its other side with a stumbled landing. Recovering, he continued on. But the question remained: What would he do when he did find the Sovereign Empire that replaced the one he swore life and limb to?
  6. Beneath the rubble and debris of the Red and Black, the Force swirled with purpose and excitement as it flowed through both the physical and pockets of emptiness. Nar Shadaa once stood a beacon of hope and prosperity under the Imperial Remnant and the Alliance that followed, but now, even with the war won, it was but a glimmer of its former self. But even in the darkest of places, buried beneath destruction and death, a glimmer can shine brightest. A simple shift of debris, duracrete giving way against the winds that flowed across it top, a small pebble breaking loose and tumbling downward until it lands upon a small pulsating button alit red, and with just enough juice left in the pod's power cells, a hiss rings true as its confines equalize and opens. Eyes flicker open and a hand presses against plasteel, wiping away steamed atmospheric dew, and for the first time since before the war ended, a breath is taken in cloned lungs. Memories of Death return, and of before, etching into the clone's mind like hardware as the Force sweeps across its exposed form and a soul is anchored to its host. Wincing from the abrupt headache, Lok pushes the cloning pod's door open as far as it would go, a gap barely big enough for his nude form to crawl out from. Legs weak from not being used, muscles cramped from flexing for the first time as he reaches up and pulls forth the feeding tube from his bowels, regurgitating what little substance had been pumped into his stomach as he fell to the floor below him. Byss had been his damnation, and his end. But now here, on Nar Shadaa where the ghosts of ages past walked amongst ruins openly and freely, he found himself reborn. Not just cloned. But truly reborn, his death his saving grace as redemption became his own to bare. Standing up, Lok looked around, realizing the room which he had been entombed within, and with what he could muster, began to look for a way out. But first, realizing his nude form, needed to find a fresh set of armor and weaponry. Hours would pass as he became accustomed to his new form, his rebirth, finding what he sought and climbing his way to freedom from his would be tomb. And as he set gaze on the aftermath of the war's final battle, the rage within him hinted at what Byss had brought out in him. And yet, Byss had been a lesson learnt, and his new eyes saw a different vision. Nar Shadaa may have laid in rubble, but rubble could be cleared and civilization rebuilt. But this was the will of the Force. Birth, death, rebirth, all were cycles of Life. But the evil that brought about this conclusion for Nar Shadaa... that was a different story. It was one thing to be a criminal, a murderer even given the right circumstances. He now understood the plight of sentience. But this evil, the Darkside that permeated from the very streets he stood upon as he stepped out of the Red and Black, was unwarranted. And he would end it even if it saw his death a second, or even a third time. He would wipe any Sith that remained from the face of the Galaxy. And at that notion, RUIN came to mind. The Terror Droid had it right. Blood and guts, guts and blood. Entrails of the Sith to bath and baptize in. Death or Redemption would be his only offer. For the Empire.
  7. There was a coldness in the air, and not just from the dampness of their clothing and armor, nor from the salty sea air that surrounded them. No. This coldness was unnatural. And it seeped into one's very fiber of being down to the bones and soul, causing the chill of it to ache one's center. Lok's gaze shifted about as he stood center amongst the gathering group as he peered upon carved stone and ancient machinations through the gleams of light that managed to penetrate the cliff's side and underbelly. And in his silence, he focused his serenity. As the others spoke and made entrance, Lok quieted his mind and his soul, using his skills as a former Jedi and current Imperial Knight to call upon the remnants of light that found patronage amidst the darkened aura. Focusing on his breathing and silencing his emotions, he stepped forward into the abyss one foot in front of the other, standing as a beacon of light adrift the darkness. And as the light engulfed the ancient tar and rolled forth, illuminating their path, Lok caught glimpse and knowledge of what had been their calling. A smirk adorned his face as the Ancient Sith Temple within the cliffside was revealed, his gaze briefly shifting to Ruin before focusing upon the innards of the cavern that blossomed before them. So it was a world of the Sith, ancient and unbridled. The unnatural darkness of the world now made more sense, as the world its self likely was driven into creation by the darkness. Stepping aside the group, Lok ignited his silver blade and further illuminated the statues, some he recognized from Jedi Lore while others remained unknown and lost to time. And then there was the tree in the center of the room, the humming his blade reverberating as it changed directions toward its location. "Sorcery." Lok spoke above the sloshing of his steps through the knee high water they still remained within as he made a limited approach toward the caverns center and the tree. "This temple is filled with it. It must be destroyed." Lok's gaze turned briefly to Zaris before honing in on Leena and awaiting her interjection. It was the Jedi's nature to preserve such things for study, but Lok's nature had always been to destroy the remnants of the Dark, even as a former Jedi Shadow. His sole reasons was felt all around them, both in the blood the tree sought nutrients from and in the hauntings of the souls that perished. It was the source of the unnatural chill, and perhaps even the sentience he felt lingering at the edge of consciousness. Still, he wouldn't make a move until Leena replied, as he felt concerned. He wanted to see the effects of the realization.
  8. Beneath the surface laid a world even more alien than its surface, devoid of life even amongst its reefs as Lok stared into the abyss that it was. Barely able to see Leena before him through the murk and mystery, Lok reached forth into the Force that swirled aimlessly, calling forth its will to calm his fear and aid his control as he fought both against the element he found himself in and his inability to breath. Feeling a warm embrace from the Force as it covered his body and his lungs relax against their natural urges as the pressure of the sea pressed against his form, Lok struggled against the crashing currents as he attempted to keep up with the Mon Cal in the lead. The roll of the crashing tides and the pull of the sea pulled at his Force enveloped form, threatening to both throw him from the sea's depth and sweep him out to a watery grave, an eminent threat on both occasions for someone who only learnt how to swim after becoming a Jedi. But with the aid of the Force that wandered aimlessly around them and a little luck, Lok persevered, guiding himself as he tugged upon the stone and foliage that made up the ocean's floor as his form swept back and forth. When he surfaced with the cliff facing, wiping the salty water from his face and eyes, he turned to Leena's serene stare. "The darkness of this world is deep and ancient. It roots itself in its very nature, even as the sea calls to end one's life." Lok spoke to her as he adjusted his eyes to the dimness of the crevasse and looked around the outermost interior. "And it feels strongest here. We will need to be careful and to tread as lightly as possible. If those things from last night appear, they will have the advantage and our foothold will be limited." With that, Lok turned his gaze toward the entrance and awaited the others, his Saber still in hand and unactivated. He didn't like the nervousness he felt, and it seemed to only get stronger once they arrived here.
  9. Lok squatted as the group stopped, running her fingers through the sands as he looked toward the cliff facing, letting the moment of dread and unease climb his spin. Everything he knew as a Jedi, as an Imperial Knight, was thrown to the wind in the case of this world. It was saturated in the Darkside, even the small pebble like shards of glass that made up its sands and dirt. It felt as if every molecule and atom was drenched in its unnatural divide. And yet, there was life. There was flora and fauna all across this world, and even the Force that flowed from its core and across its surface tinged with it, as dark as it may be. There was life, but it was corrupted. And a world such as this, even all the exorcists within the Remnant would question their combined ability to cleanse such a saturation. Replacing his glove, Lok stood and averted his gaze toward the others as one by one, they dove into the murky depths below. "Water. Why is it always water?" Lok questioned as he made the short trek to catch up with the group. It wasn't to say that Lok feared water. Nor that he lacked the power to course it. That wasn't the case. It was simply a primal fear that had always plagued him, a simple fear of darkness, the unseen, that set his nerves tingling. A few feet, he was okay, as light could penetrate. Even a few meters, and visually, things could be still be made out. Any deeper than that, and only the cold blanket of darkness would be all one could know. Shaking, he approached the lunge. Grabbing his blade in hand, unactivated, he took a few deep breaths and followed the others into the cold abyss.
  10. The rest of the night laid uneventful for the Imperial Knight Lok Skyshatter, or as he was known on his world as Lok Shattered-Sky. As the others rested as best they could, Lok spent most of it removing and cleaning his muddied armor and patching the wounds that were inflicted. His ankle ached where the tendrils had bound themselves to him during the fight, and his body weighed heavily from the action. He moved against the soreness with minor hindrance even as he located scratches and a few minor cuts around the gaps of the plasteel. But the major of the damage laid in his stamina, the ache of tiredness calling to his restless mind. But how could anyone sleep with the looming threat of enemies at their door? He would spend the rest of the night in the silence of his hammock, one leg propped against the supplies that held the makeshift bedding together as he watched over those that found solace in the deafening silence that inevitably fell upon them as morning dawned. And during that time, his mind played out the visions he received during his link with the beasts he fought. This world held a darkness that encased its very core and bled into any life it sustained. The mind he encountered in leading the horde was likely a byproduct of such a ill conceived fate. As the others began to stir, Lok rose from his dreary rest and began locating the MREs, finding a box of nutribars mixed with a few packages of instacaf. After regaining what nutrients he lost over the course of the night, Lok replaced his patched armor and meditated to regain his strength. And as Ruin stepped out upon the shoreline, Lok followed. Letting the rain fall upon his face and rinse clean the murk from the night before, he turned his gaze upon the shore. It was just as he thought. The inhabitants they fought left little trace of themselves behind after returning to their home before dawn. But as with all life, presences cannot be swept away, and each lingers even after departure. A small piece is always left behind where one had been, just as a part of them would remain after they were to leave. But leaving this day would not be in the cards for Lok and this group. Leena's tribulations were of importance and Lok would not abandon her despite his dislike for her Order. Gazing down the shore, Lok cleared his nostrils of the local pollen before heading back to the ship. As he climbed the boarding ramp, he turned toward Leena. "Their presence lingers down the shoreline. I'm sure we can follow them and find the mystery behind them and possibly your dreams."
  11. In the Darkness, there is light.... And Lok could feel it's pull as his mind wandered the void aimlessly, the insatiable hunger and lust surrounding his spirit and pressing against his mind. All were of one voice, of one thought, of one being, tempered only by its singular decree. And her gaze was beautiful, her eyes sharp and skin pale without flaw. She stood before him with a smirk creeping up toward the left side of her face as she coyfully allowed him to see her face in his unconscious state before she screamed across the vortex with fangs bared. But Lok was of the light and he stood firm against her temptations. He would not bow to subtle fear nor intimidation. For he had long faced his own. Flashing back to Onderon in a time where Lok was but a blonde haired sprite, his time in the jungles were a common occurrence given his tender age. But such was the life of a Beast Rider. For they were of the earth as much as the beasts they tamed, living off what little they needed and leaving little marks of their existence. With his father to the front, they were taught to blend in with their environment as much as any predator or prey from the time they were able to stand and walk, never a sound until time came to reveal themselves to the beasts of the forests. But Lok was a mere boy of three cycles, barely matching the weight of a large Gizka or new born Buma. So sound was little to be made, even in hyperactivity. These were skills that he would need later in life as with any tamer. But at his age, it was mere understanding and practice. The real danger stood in the footloose wanderings of a curious mind. And upon this day as the sun shown brightly across the Onderonian sky at three quarters, boredom took hold of said curiosity and Lok wandered away from the group mischievously. The cliffs of Onderon held many wonders, especially for someone small enough to fit through crevasses and smaller pathways uncharted by the tamers, and with their people having ancient origins upon the planet that dated millennia, there were spots that could catch eyes easily seen within if height matched sight. For Lok, on this day, there were older paths unused by the elders with paths marked by children of ages long gone. And in his curiosity, caves long forgotten. Soon, the presence, visuals, and sounds of the others disappeared entirely as his venture led him away and into these forgotten caverns that laid hidden away. And within the deepest of them, a hatchery. For a child, it was a wonderment to behold, Drexl eggs laid about, some fresh while others laid fossilized by the passing of time and enlightened by scarce rays of sunlight illuminating the darkness. But the wonderment would not hold for long as shifting sounds and green scales bore themselves from the shadows and eyes not of his own met his. For in that moment fear and dread replaced his curiosity as Lok met eyes with a blooded Drexl, a creature rarely seen and born from the broods they tamed. For a Drexl to outlast taming and the wilderness for such a span was scarce. In fact, a blooded Drexl had not been seen in over a hundred years. Lok stood firm despite his reaction to flee, his gaze caught in his surprise as he stared down the Drexl in a mixture of fear and wonderment as he noticed the graying of the scales and the wild gaze of its eyes. And in truth, Lok was more likely to be frozen in fear rather than firm in his relucance to flee. So the moment was locked and neither chose to move past it as it in its self passed frequently. And in its presence, it lingered for what felt eternally, until at last, the Drexl turned from the child with little doubt of retaliation and the child turned to flee. As fast as his feet could carry him, Lok took off and never looked back until he saw his father with tears in his eyes. When asked what was wrong, Lok could not bring himself to describe the event, and still hadn't to this very day. For in the darkness, there is always light. And since that day on Onderon, Lok has always been able to feel its pull. And as the presence he felt here on Byss showed its fangs, Lok smirked in return. There is light and darkness in every creature, every living thing. Nothing is beyond hope. Nothing is beyond redemption. And if he could connect with a wild and untamed Drexl that was near its life's end, then he could certainly stand against a lost soul such as the one that presented its self here on Byss. Beginning to stir back in the real world, Lok opened his eyes to the Jedi Master's fish like face close to his own, its bulbous eyes staring down at him. Briefly freaked, Lok scooted across the duraplating floor until her face became recognizable before he settled with a smile. Hearing the storm raging around outside and the onslaught that tore at the ship, rocking it back and forth, Lok sat up and gazed around the room before settling on Leena. Despite the worriment they all shown, Lok's smirk remained. "A memory of my past came to me. As dark as this presence is, light still remains a part of it."
  12. Amidst the chaos of the moment, there was silence encompassing all. Only the steady heart beating within his chest echoed within his mind as the momentum of clarity took hold of Lok's mind within the current of combat that encircled this sea of battle. Blood, rain, mud, air mixed within this singular realm of existence as life and death came to its peak of fruition. And these warriors rang tried and true against those who sought to claim them. For Lok, it was reaction to their actions. Mimicry of the masses. Death sought to claim all and all sought to claim life. For the inhabitants, it was life through death. For the group of aliens that stood to be nutrition, it was survival by taking life. And none truly held a semblance of darker natures. Only the natural order of life. But what was the root of this conflict? What drove the hunger and bloodlust of the inhabitants? As a warrior, Lok sought to clarify this distinction within his own riddled mind. Against a horde that acted in tandem, surely one stood above the rest. Cut the head off and the body will be helpless. His gaze shifted about the battlefield, his keen sight following the Force to discern the abnormal as he arced his blade toward the sky and sidestepped the falling form, cauterized limbs steaming as the slid apart. Stepping forward into his next opponent, Lok's mind expanded. Echoes of intent and hunger flowed like sea breeze across the cliffs that stood as testaments of their conjoined thoughts, the sea below the depth of their singular mind. Lok was a ship upon the currents of the storm, flowing across it's surface in search of the beacon that guided all. As another fell to his blade, sweat beaded down his furrowed brow as he submerged himself into their depths and sought to find refuge within the calm of their chaos, and yet, it was too dark to truly see within the murk that led their onslaught. Focus would be the key and serenity would calm the storm. But could two beacons weather? Or would one falter to guide? Whatever beacon guided the horde had long blinded the ability to see beyond, the minds fogged against the setting. Only the emotion and hunger came across clearly. It could felt, smelled, and tasted. But it was blind as well as deaf, it's purpose hidden for all intents and purposes. Lok delved even deeper, honing his focus as he rode among the waves of emotion and bloodlust, guiding his mind's eye toward the veil that blanketed sight, a lighthouse attempting to slice through the fog that blinded the shore. But not unlike Mon Cal, the darkness that hid it's presence from him felt ancient and powerful. And as soon as he managed to pierce the blanketed veil, it lashed out. Lok faltered backwards as Leena's voice beckoned him through the Force, but it was too late. His mind fought to remain unfractured as the onslaught of the hives minds threatened to break his own and overtake him. Grasping at his head in unbelievable pain, he reeled backwards toward the ship and away from combat as the others began their retreat. But the darkness had grasped his mind too tightly, and after the moment of clarity that it revealed, Lok fell to his knees near the ship's ramp before falling unconscious. Face down in the mud, the Imperial Knight was defenseless.
  13. It was a moment of chaos and fright, this singular moment of fight with no option of flight. A moment of consuming, of life and death, a moment of a warrior's rite. Lok's life had always been one of struggle, of survival and strife. From the moment of his birth where he spent weeks struggling to survive to this moment where survival meant everything in ways it had never presented its self before. A moment of clarity for the life of a soldier where he realizes the purpose for every action and decision made leading up to that singular moment, and in that moment, finds himself. Lok had never truly fit in during his time as a Jedi, his personality considered brash and stubborn. He had always been uniformed, quick to place himself in danger's path for the sake of others without regard nor thought of himself. Even as he walked away from the Order along with Kyrie and the others, he did so not of vindication or righteousness, but out of compassion and humility. For in his eyes, not one single soul deserved to suffer and their burden was to be his own. He would take up their strife and claim it in their name so they would never have to carry it. That had always been his duty. That was his path as a Knight of the Imperial Remnant. But now, in this moment of battle, survival had taken hold. His focus was absolute, his strikes true to his aim, and the Force that flowed through him was in near perfect harmony as he stood against the oncoming onslaught of creatures and their bloodlust thickening the air. And amidst it all, the truth of himself shined vibrantly. He was a kyber amidst the darkness, the silver hue of his blade reflecting his intent and the Force rippling his manifestation. For he was an Imperial Knight of her Majesty, tried and true. And against the darkness, he was to be her beacon of hope for all who laid eyes upon him. Where the Jedi had trained him, the Imperial Knights had perfected him. And he was to be their example to the Galaxy. For in war, there is only indifference. There is no emotion nor peace, like a blade unsheathed. It is meant to be used solely for defense. And that's what the essence of his soul was. It was indifference. Lok's gaze glimmered from behind the blackened blood that covered his face as his blade arched it's way through another, the weight of his actions being balanced by the weightless blade he swung in their defense. There was little to be said. They craved the organics before them, a task he had noticed before Fera had a chance to inform him. And that had placed them into the roles of his enemy, and in extension, the enemies of his Empress. Due to this, his gaze was cold and emotionless, stone and blank, as he slayed those who made their approaches. He felt no remorse no more than he felt sorrow for them who had chose to place themselves opposite. They were simply a task to be dealt with, like the task he had previously performed upon the ship just hours before. And even as he felt the tug upon his boot that sent him falling into the mud beneath his feet as rain began to pour across the blackened night sky of Byss, he simply reacted, with a swing of his blade beneath his feet as he sliced the tentacle like vines that had wrapped around his ankle before barreling into a roll and taking on the next adversary. For this was life, and in life, you simply live. You may struggle, and you may fall. But life was life was life. No matter the moment, you lived. And you carried those around you with you into the next. That was his purpose and the Force echoed it.
  14. Deafening Silence was the calm before the storm within the Force as Lok spent the evening in unease and tension. As the others went about their own duties, Lok chose instead to center himself within the Force and explore the world from his mind's eye. And yet, Byss, as peaceful as it seemed in appearence, was a beast of another nature, hard to read and aggressive as if it's very core held a sentience within the Dark Side. For Lok, a warrior monk dedicated to the nature of the heart and of the balance between light and dark, it was especially so, for as his mind flowed upon the Force's current, so did the unease. Just as the purple and orange haze met the blackened sky of the oncoming nightfall upon the horizon, Lok opened his eyes to catch it's beautiful sight as eerie as it was. Rising from his meditations, he dusted himself off and returned to the ship, his mind lost upon the unease he felt, and even smelled, upon the local air of this world as he made his way into the ship and removed his armor for a cleaning. For those present, a big difference would appear between Lok and other Imperial Knights they had met or spent time with. But Lok wasn't your average Knight either. Where most were draped in fine silk or polyester, Lok's garments were fairly common, cotton and handmade. As he sat there, his braids shifting against the movements of his form in his polishing, his commonwealth was abundantly apparent. It made sense given his naturally common personality and appearance, but to outside observances, it was hard to tell with his Imperial Armor adorned. When his armor was clean and all remnants of Outer Heaven had been wiped away, Lok readorned the crimson plasteel, shifting his braids aside with his hand and laying back across the netting he had sat upon within the medium cargo hold as he folded his arms under the weight of his head and crossed his feet. The feeling of this planet, the unnatural currents of the Force, the unease in its beauty, all still weighed upon his thoughts as he gazed up toward the hold's overhang as he barely noticed Leena watching him from a distance. Looking her way briefly, the weight apparent in his eyes, he only spoke a solum "Goodnight" to her as she turned in for the night before he himself did the same. But for him, it seemed an eternity before he was able to embrace the calm of sleep and even in its passing moment, the calm barely took hold. Distant rumbling growing closer, the rattling and shaking of earth and steel, and heightened senses tore him from sleep's embrace just moments before the slamming and shifting of collisions. Lok jumped upward in the makeshift hammock to his feet as his mind slide into a hyperalert state, the Knight's natural reaction to place hand on blade and shift his gaze to his ally as she spoke. Reaching out into the Force, the first he was able to locate outside Leena was the pilot, Lady Zeris as the automations Ruin and Fera were more difficult to read. Without much thought given, Lok was quick to dart to her location and meet things head on in his own manner. As the ramp of the ship descended, Byss it's self seemed to descend into hell it's self in the darkness of night. Silver hue enlightened the darkness as sapient plant based creatures seem to swarm the immediate area in droves as he brought his arm up to call upon the Force and defend himself against their glimmering gazes as their attentions turned upon him, but they seemed to be of one mind and regenerative as the onslaught sought to seek his destruction within the mudded veil of night. Spinning against the currents of the hive like sentients and sweeping his blade in arcward motions, Lok made his way toward Zeris and the two droids as quickly as he could, the screams of the sapiens echoing in the foreground of his movements as blade met foliage in his advance. Byss had finally began to to reveal its self and it's nature was the stories of nightmares.
  15. When Lok first left behind the Jedi Order to follow Master Eleson and company, he was barely a Knight out of his Padawanship with little skill not knowledge. And during the battles and conflicts that followed, Lok found himself learning what he could from those he traveled with until they found a home within the Imperial Remnant under Empress Raven, affirming himself a skilled veteran and warrior of the Force. But access to knowledge wasn't what it was during his time with the Jedi Order, especially for the newly formed Imperial Knights. Knowledge was passed down, given by the Elder Jedi who lead to those who were deemed worthy. It was his skill in battle and his wits that earned him the rank of Imperial Warden, the Imperial Knight's equivalent to the Jedi Consular. And as a Warden, and even as an Imperial Knight, it was his duty to sacrifice himself for the sake of others, to empower those under his command, and to protect the Imperium. And that was where his skills laid. This was what came to mind when Leena asked what he held to offer the group. "I know a few tricks." Lok replied with an. uncomfortable smirk adorning his face, the weight of his misjudgement still lingering on his shoulders and having weighed a little less since his apologies. "My specialty lays in support and combat. With that said, as the others departed the ship, Lok took to the planet's surface and perched himself standing over the shore, the grass of the beachhead flowing in the sea breeze as waves rolled upon the shore a few feet below and across the expanse of sight. The Dark Side here was strong. It could be felt in ever essence of life that roamed around their location, a thriving planet that ached to leech it's self of all life. Opening his mind up to the Force, he allowed his conscience to traverse it's waves, letting the emotions and thoughts of the combined lead his own. As he did, he let his presence flow into those around him, organic and inorganic, as he attempted to lift their weighted spirits against the tide of darkness that attempted to weigh down upon them. If they could not combat it's presence, he would aid them with his own. "I would suggest we use the safety of the ship for tonight." Lok spoke standing atop the edge of the sea dune as he looked back from the shore in response to Leena's question. "This world is pretty well unknown and until we have a tighter grasp on our situation, I would suggest a solid fortification for night fall." After Mon Cal and Outer Heaven, Lok thought it best to rely on a safety net until the reasons behind Leena's vision and their visitation became a little clearer. And he felt an unease that it wouldn't take long before things began to pick up. Similar to smelling rain before a storm.
  16. There was an aura of mixed emotions surrounding Lok after the group left behind Felucia and began the trip to Byss. Atop the supplies, Lok sat in a near brooding position, one leg brought up to his chin and the other dangling off one of the crates as he submersed himself in thoughts. On one hand, he felt he had came off too abruptly at Master Kil despite his past and feelings toward her Order. But on the other hand, his trust in anyone who carried the title Jedi whether it be Padawan, Knight, or Master had been lost long ago. He felt that maybe he had mixed the two in his words before departure. But on the same token, as wise as her words had been, he held no knowledge of the woman he had been tasked with protecting. As their journey deeper into the Core traversed, the more he could feel the flow of their surroundings dim against the backdrop of the lightside. It was as if the deeper they went, the more chaos became apparent, primordial and leaving a chill. He often felt this during his past within the Jedi Order during his pilgrimages to Tython, but this time, it came with a calling. As if whatever awaited them, knew of their journey toward it. And it's affects on the others lingered in the air. Tension, expectations, his own brooding, the unknowing. It was ever present in this singular journey and most felt more than one of these, including the pilot. It made the journey it's self feel bleak and hopeless. Especially in Ruin's actions. "I was once a member of the Jedi Order." Lok spoke to Ruin as his pacing began, feeling an unsettling need to explain himself to the droid's artificial intelligence. "But that was a few years ago during the beginning when Master Eleson, myself, and a few others felt that the Order's inaction served no one and decided to fight against the Council's wishes. We found a home with the Imperials and became Knights in service of it's Empress, unbound by the Jedi Tenents and open to our own delegations in her name. So now, when we fight, we fight for the betterment of her and her people." And what he spoke was the truth, even as the sadness of the beginning shown upon his face and deep in his eyes. He did not crave war, but he would fight it to the very end of it meant saving others from having to. And having been labeled as tyrants and evil in the militant sense, he knew too well how the drawbacks of such burdens could be carried. And yet, if he was truly a tyrant or evil, then he felt what he was, was necessary, for what they faced was by far worse than anything he or his Order could every produce. If it meant walking the fine line between light and dark, he would walk it until the day he would fall and face the execution that would follow. That was the truth of his duty. And he was proud of that very duty. Lok could feel Byss as they exited hyperspace, an aura of relaxing from the tension of the journey briefly settling amongst the crew before the tension of the darkness pulled upon them all. It was an uneasy feeling, almost similar to the onset of anxiety or schizophrenia lingering in one's mind before being completely incapacitated and swallowed up by it. Rising from his perch, he followed the others to the cockpit for a visual assessment. As beautiful as Byss appeared, there was darkness in it. What life could be felt, felt corrupted and twisted as did the planet it's self, through the soil and to it's very core. And the lingering Imperial settlement upon the horizon felt to be at its heart. There was no doubt in his mind as he looked Leena's way that what she spoke of originated here. It was strong, like eyes watching your every move while unable to be found when one was to turn toward it's errie feeling, leaving the hairs upon the back of your neck lingering straight. "I owe you an apology, Master Jedi." Lok spoke through a hard admission once they departed the ship and he was able to pull Leena to the side. "I allowed my distrust for the Jedi Order to cloud my judgement and allowed for me to judge your situation with blinded eyes. This world is wounded and there is a darkness in the horizon. I can feel it now that we are here. The Force here seems to want to attack us instinctually, unnaturally rather than flow in harmony. The Darkside is very strong upon this world." Lok grinned briefly, scratching at his dreaded hair. "It isn't any easy thing for me to admit..." Lok began in another explanation. "But I judged you as a Jedi and not as a person, and something I tend to do when it comes to members of the Order. Our history isn't one I am fond of, especially in my departure with Master Eleson and the others, our views and opinions shunned which led us away. It left a bitter taste in my mouth I guess you can say. But either way, my apology still stands." As hard as it was to express his change of heart, the evidence was in Lok's voice and in the Force that swirled around the Onderonian. Lok has always held an additional sensitivity to the Force, capable of feeling it's flow and current deeper than most. Perhaps it came from his Beast Rider heritage due to their ability to commune with the untamed beasts of Onderon and Dxun and their natural worlds. But standing on Byss shined a new light upon his weary eyes and he could feel the bitter cold of the Darkside nipping at their heels and threatening to overcome their resolve. In this, he was happy to be present. The Force may have worked in mysterious ways, but his arrival felt almost preordained.
  17. Lok lowered the nail of his thumb from his mouth as Leena's energy transferred into his own, a sense of tranquility coming over him briefly before he recoiled and pulled his shoulder away with a disdained look upon his face. He held nothing of note against the Jedi Healer, at least, other than her being a member of his former Order, the Jedi. But in some circles of the Order, he was among the opinion of being considered fallen, a Revanchist. And he held no knowledge of where her opinion in this matter laid. In this, he was reserved and cautious, even if they happened be allies at the moment. "I can translate Fera well enough. Her questions were similar to my own." Lok responded to Leena's own concerning the small Buzz Droid before turning his own concerns of this mission back to the Mon Cal Jedi. "In essence, we're going into this mission blindly, with no real reason to pursue it other than the visions plaguing you and upon the advice of friends outside both of our Orders? I must confess Master Jedi. The reasoning alludes me and I am uncomfortable in this task. Could these friends of yours be behind this with the information they have readily available to give?" In all honesty, what Leena revealed to Lok and Fera made the Knight question her sanity. Everything was too vague, half truths, and barely made sense. But given the effects upon her mind and body as the Force flowed through her, Lok questioned her narrative. Perhaps she had misspoken, or intentionally left something out. At this moment, he couldn't tell. For sleep deprivation could easily mess with the mind as much as the sanity of someone, triggering such ailments. But so could the Dark Side. And given her reluctance to keep the Jedi Order out of this situation, he could easily see both sides. Still... An Order was an Order and he was a Solider through and through. Briefly, his gaze turned to Fera as the trio walked along the path set out before them. "I suppose that Byss is worth checking out, simply to put both our minds at ease or to get to the truth of this matter." Lok spoke, having turned his gaze back to the Jedi and his stern eyes focused upon her own. "In this, I am greatful for the small group we have amassed. But, and I say this with all due respect Jedi, I am a Knight of her Imperial Majesty's and my days as a former Jedi are over. I will keep this mission and those under my care professional at all costs. I have a duty to them as much as I do my Empress and at the first sign of things going south, I will pull the plug on it. I hope you can respect this." Lok couldn't help but feel he was being overly harsh by this moment as the ship began to distantly come into view. But whether this turned out to be dire or not, he was openly blunt about his mission directive. He wore the Crimson Armor of an Imperial Knight and as long as he adorn his armor, he had to keep appearences tight. Plus, if this truly was the work of the Dark Side or a Practitioner, he had to keep his guard up. Especially with Ruin's affinity to slash and bash.
  18. Lok watched the young lady before them, her posture and half met gaze speaking volumes about her where words mattered little. Her words were to the point and short, but her movements and actions lasting longer. She held experience, of this, Lok held no doubt. As she spoke and started her departure, Lok offered her the lead with an outstretched arm and quickly fell in line behind her. It seemed that fate had brought them to her and her part had yet played out. "Tensions and exhaustions..." Lok responded to Ruin as he broke his silence amidst their casual stride, his gaze steadily forward as they traversed the distance to the Jedi. "Felucia... It is a world I haven't sat foot on in many years, not since I left the Order behind." Lok briefly glances to Ruin and Fera. "Not exactly on good terms." Turning his gaze back forward, Lok let it drift across the tents and fields. The pain here echoed the Jedi's usual inaction and it still pained him to see it despite their newly appointed and active roles in the war that claimed many worlds like Felucia. He couldn't help but ponder the course of actions and reactions that could have saved those worlds if the Jedi had acted sooner and not dealt with the schism that led to his leaving. Perhaps the Sith would not have grown so powerful and held such a grasp of command upon the Galaxy. Perhaps Onderon.. Lok shook the thought from his mind as the group entered a medical hut, the clanking of the wooden door and the squeaking of it's hinges shouldering the announcement of their arrival. Shifting his gaze to the Mon Calamari, a sight rarely visited outside that of the Rebellion or Mon Cal due to their reservations about space faring, Lok simply nodded. He could see the tiredness and exhaustion that wore its self upon both the skin of her face and in her eyes, and her presence within the Force regarded it highly even as the sun shown it physically once outside. "A blade is only as good as the intentions of his wielder." Lok responded in course as she spoke to each and then in general. "Forgive my reservation, but we haven't been informed of much... only that we are to escort you. Can you elaborate slightly more? I don't want to walk into this blindly, especially if the Darkside is involved." After the events of Mon Cal, Lok had remained guarded against even his own emotions, the Darkness he brushed upon while there still lingering upon his mind. And with Outer Heaven, he felt the call to take life without remorse, especially where the Shistavanien had been concerned. It seemed the intentions and emotional composure of those around him was affecting his own, and Lok had pulled up a mental barrier to block such influences. With the missions as of late delving in the Dark Side, Lok had very little time to center himself against it's currents. Lok watched as Captain Mons and Ruin departed, his question hanging upon the wind as he awaited her answer. And it seemed that Fera held her own reservations, her questions similar to his own as the Droid returned and poised them, and sparking his own reservations about Ruin. He was beginning to actually like a droid, and Ruin's personality was a good fit with his own. But just as Ruin and Fera's mission was to escort and watch over Healer Kil, Lok's was to escort and watch over Ruin and Fera. If Ruin was to go rogue, Lok was ordered to stop him. And in his silence, Lok's facial expression revealed this. Biting the nail of his thumb, Lok looked to Fera.
  19. Felucia... It was a world that Lok hadn't been to since he left the Jedi Order and followed Master Kyrie into what was now known as the Imperial Knights. To step out of the transport behind Ruin and Fera upon his soil once again only antagonized his mixed feelings about working with the Jedi Order, and as he felt the pain of the world flow through him, he could only grimace at the Jedi's failings. In silence he wandered about, not straying too far from the two he was meant to watch over, but far enough that he could gather a feel for the world he last stepped upon as a Jedi Knight. He could see the world's pain as much as he could feel it. The injured wailed, the broken sat stagnant, and everything laid in ruin. In his heart sat sadness, for this world would take generations to recover even with their aid. But Felucia was not why he was here. Nor were it's citizens and misplaced refugees. No. It was the Jedi Healer they had came to support, and upon opening his mind and soul to the Force, he was quickly able to locate @Leena Kil. Her presence was subtle, yet powerful, a Master of her craft. But she was a Jedi, and he still held a disdained belief in their weakness. Not personally toward the Healer, for each had their own role to play, but in their reluctance to fight. In their inability to react, worlds like this one suffer. This was why he walked away from the Order with Kyrie and the others. And he didn't attempt to hide this fact in his emotional presence. "Ruin...Fera..." Lok spoke as he stepped beside the two droids, offering the young girl a brief nod in his arrival as he pointed out the fleeing guard. "I don't believe we will be requiring her assistance. Our ward shall know of our arrival momentarily."
  20. As Ruin and Fera spoke and then moved on, Lok's mind returned to the realm of reality. He sat upon a Duracrete perch, one knee raised as he twisted about a lone piece of trash between fingers, lost in the constructs of his own thoughts as the Imperial Assault concluded. The Shistavanien had struck a cord, using the strife of Non-Humans as an excuse to maim and murder. And Lok, as a human, had simply been locked into a lot as an enemy simply because he was human. It was Idiocracy, but as old as time. Standing up to follow Ruin and Fera, Lok nodded to @Nikolai Kolchakas he handed over the datapad of his report, which had detailed Ruin and Fera's actions during the assault as well as the findings of the terror cell housing the disruptors for Imperial Intelligence before he departed for Felucia as well with Ruin and Fera. Despite his kinship in development with the two droids, he now had to go deal with his former Order and one of it's members. Taking out a cloth, he began to disassemble his armor and clean the blood and dust from it's form. Today just wasn't beginning to look like his day.
  21. Dust and debris erupted within the warehouse as the lift tore through it's exterior, the sentients within caught off guard and amidst confusion. Three of the immediate seven swung blasters and disruptors about in haste as fear consumed their minds and hearts while their leader stood with one of the hostages within his grasp. He quickly turned the human female into a shield as he sucked behind her covering as the air grew foggy and dense. "Our oppressors have came to claim our lives!" He shouted from behind his living shield toward the others, his intent to drive hatred into the hearts to counter the fear that enveloped them. "Do not go quietly. We will free our descendants from the human tyranny!" But fear was a powerful oppressor in its own right and blaster bolts along with explosive disruptor rounds echoed toward the gaping hole through the fog of dust and duracrete powder only to be followed by silence as the unknowing played with the psyche. One, two, three, four, five... Seconds passed within the confines of the fog as the suspects pondered their accuracy. And then the ignition and glowing hum of a silver blade amidst the fog echoed in the center of the room. Lok had already entered into the fray. Blasters and Disruptors turned inward upon each other as the scene became a torrent of friendly fire, the Imperial Warden amidst it's center as his form twisted and contoured. Disruptor blasts whizzed by in near misses and saber met blaster bolts in deflection as Lok's determination met vibrantly with his skill, and within moments, aid would drop from the heavens in a literal sense. Shifting from the center as the mass fell to the earth from it's explosive release, Lok came up from a forward roll as he sensed the flash bangs following in suit. With a little persuasion in the Force and a flick of his wrists, they found their targets lacking in a blinding revelation. As the suspects wandered in blindness briefly and the Talons descended, Lok took the moment to counter his quarry. He drifted within the fog across the forms of both hostage and suspects alike as they laid upon the duracrete flooring and with a pull upon the Force, he tugged both hostage and capture to the floor before him. Before the Shistavanien even held a chance to recoil, Lok had pounced upon him like a Sand Panther upon its prey and his blade hummed closely against skin. "Kill me human. Show the Galaxy your species' oppression." He spoke through spit and anger, his bloodied paw pointing toward a localized camera that was linked to the holonet nearby. "Do it." Lok stood there, his gaze shifting from the Shistavanien and the camera. Anger boiled within as he remembered the intent he felt from the creature and the bodies he crossed due to its dark heart. His face flushed with his boiling blood and Lok struggled not to kill the creature instantly. But with a deep sigh, Lok smiled as the dust began to settle. Rearing his head back, he slammed his forehead hard against that of the Shistavanien's, knocking the creature unconscious as he released his grip. Turning toward the pirated broadcast, Lok approached, raising his blade high and striking the floating probe. As the holocast went dark, Lok turned to the settling scene. It was over, for now....
  22. Lok smirked briefly as Bryce's comm was received loud and clear. Running up a escalating stack of crates, Lok took to the roof tops of the warehouses with sweat beading down his brow before being wisked away into the streaming air. "Roger-Wilco." The Onderonian Imperial Knight responded mid leap as he cleared one roof to the other in bounds, a brief thought that he likely look rocketed in appearence. "I'll see if I can sense anything up ahead at your location." The Force was beginning to take its toll upon the Knight as he delved even deeper into his reserves, expanding his mind across the battlefield to garner Intel. He could sense Talon Squadron, as well as Ruin and Fera, and even Escort Team Four. But the enemy felt blocked from his sight. Instinctually, he felt a coldness to the Force. And this didn't sit right with him. Stopping briefly, Lok settled his gaze on the distant Talon Squadron across the rooftops, the distant sounds of battle drowning out the quiet of the night and the roar of the Interceptors twin engines filled the skies. It was hard to focus his mind, but he had to. He didn't like the feeling he felt within the Force, and he didn't want to barge in blind and put either him or Talon Squadron in harm's way. So he had to focus deeper. Feeling his mind wander, he visually scoped the Force as his thoughts scanned the ground below and fought to see what his eyes could not. Something dark and sinister was present and it pulled at his thoughts and countered his focus. So Lok poured himself more into the Force, slowing his breathing and steading his heartbeat to tune his mind's eye. Warehouse Three was well warded, the intent of the Dark Side permeating like a fog rolling in over his eyes. He pushed farther, walking his mind within the dense fog and searching for answers. And that's where he saw it. Almost all the hostages were dead, lifeless carcasses spread apart sporadically as the inhabitants within callously stood over them. There was fear within, most of the seven or so sentients housing knowledge of the Imperial hunt for them, but one stood atop and alone. That was the darkness he felt. A being with no care for life and no regard for self preservation. Lok could feel his intent permeating. He held no false hope of survival and held no care. He wanted death. And the Disruptors were his reasons. He intended on carrying out terrorist plots across the Galaxy and a few were already in place. Lok could feel his anger flared by the darkness he felt in the Shistavanien's heart. Could feel his disgust at the Alien's beastial nature of using a Non-Human's Rights Activists group as his personal excuse to slaughter and terrorize. And it was about to end. Comming @Johanna Bryce, the hatred was evident in his voice. "Skyshatter to Talon Leader. You've got seven plus hostiles within. Two Hostages breathing. Be careful. We've got one with a death wish. I'm going in hot. Use me as a distraction." With no more words spoken, Lok, with determination in his eyes and fueled by anger, leap down from the rooftop and set his eyes toward the warehouse. Outside there was a small lift that sat alone. Whatever sentinels had once stood as guards had long taken refuge within, so Lok took the opportunity to make his approach in the darkness of the warehouse district. Mustering his strength, he sent the lift tearing through the side wall of the warehouse with enough force to shred steel framing as his lightsaber stayed silent. He had only one intent. Give the Shistavanien what he wanted. The rest were gifted to Talon Squadron.
  23. Battle was not something that Lok was unfamiliar with, nor was jumping from ships into warzones. It was something he held a long history with both during his days as a Jedi Knight and as an Imperial Knight. Did he like it? No. But such was the way of combat both in the skies and on the surfaces. And Ruin's maneuver was not one he had not been a part of before. There was always a brash one on the field of battle. Only this time, they came as droids with upper class programming. With a hard swallow, Lok quickly followed Ruin and Fera to the rear as the boarding ramp lowered and the ground became a passing blur. "But why..." Was all Lok managed to get out as the two disappeared into the blur of momentum as his gaze shifted toward the front of the ship and then back to it's exit. He always hated this part, even with the Force to aid him. With a deep sigh, and building his courage, he reached out into the Force and leap. "Ahhh." His voice echoed his unintentional scream as he billowed from the rear into the draft of air that fell behind the ship's wake, wrapped up in a barrier of the Force as blaster fire ripped toward his location. In a twisting torrent of energy combined and focused at the bottom of the sphere of the Force, it was all Lok could muster to slow his descent while maintaining his defense until his feet could touch the sweet feeling of solid ground. And once he had, he would quickly roll out of his position with his silver blade ignited. To be honest, for someone who had never seen a Jedi or Imperial Knight in combat, or a Sith for that matter, Lok likely seemed like a mesmerizing and intimidating sight to behold. A blur of a man with a silver laser sword traversing the terrain at Force embued speeds likely looked unnatural and demonic. Especially as beams of crimson and emerald darted in his direction only to be flicked away like child's play save for the disruptors that reserved caution and a sense that was beyond sentient thought. And yet, still, he drove on, his mission clear. "Talon Squadron, this is Skyshatter." Talon Leader's @Johanna Brycecomm lit with chatter behind Fera's, Lok's voice heavy with exhaustive breath. "I'm at Block Two Eight headed west toward your location hot and heavy. Our automaton friends are taking care of the eyes in the skies." With that said, he continued on course. It wouldn't be long before he would arrive on location with Captain Bryce and the others.
  24. As Lok stood there with a cold and concerned look upon his face, Fera seemed to be the one to react more than Ruin in this case, which gave room for a pause in Lok's thinking. A developing sentience. So that was Ruin's designation, his purpose. Not simply to slaughter and kill Sith. There was more afoot here than generally realized. For a brief moment, Lok seemed to sympathize with the droids, something he had ever seldom done. But would Imperial Command allow it's growth? That was the true question. Along with, who would be it's greatest teacher? "Understood." Lok responded after the small buzz droid scanned the comm chatter and relayed the messages, Lok not falling too far behind as Fera and Ruin took off in pursuit. "It's a matter for another time" Lok's words trailed off in their joint dash as the trio made their way toward the impound, numerous ships lining the yard like graves of fallen eras. Though his thoughts still played upon Ruin's outcome, he didn't linger upon them long as Ruin took the seat of the ship and Fera communicated Orders. That was a topic for another day. Lives we're at stake. "Skyshatter as well." Lok spoke as he took his place behind Ruin within the cockpit, holding himself in place by the cockpit's seats during liftoff, focusing on Fera as it spoke to Command. Slapping Ruin on the shoulder to get it's attention, Lok gave fair warning. "No bash and crash this time. Understand?" Lightsaber still in hand, Lok prepared himself mentally. Whatever laid in Sector Seven below had beckoned a reckoning... As long as Ruin remembered he was only flesh and bone.
  25. Lok watched the exchange between the Droid RUIN and his smaller counterpart Fera with weary and bewildered eyes briefly before the Droid Fera explained Ruin's predicament more clearly. As much as Lok disliked AIs such as Ruin and Fera and the technology that created them, he knew the burden of one's inability to achieve one's goals. His own being his homeworld of Onderon and it's freedom from the oppression of the Sith. "Onderon, my Homeworld, is one place." Lol replied with sorrowful eyes. "But that is a suicide mission with very little outcome, even for a droid." Lok turned to Fera as Ruin paced back and forth. "What is his programming? Can it be changed?" Lok turned quiet as he searched for the words he sought, his background into technology and it's technical terms about as deep as a Drexl's dropping. Finally he spoke, his words as frank as he could put them. "I cannot stop him no more than I can liberate Onderon by sheer will. But Ruin has earned my respect, so I will be blunt. I was ordered to watch over him during this mission and prevent useless killings." His gaze shifted from Fera to Ruin and then back to Fera, his eyes cold and concerned. "I'm not sure if Imperial Command will allow his wandering without standard memory wipes or an Entourage to ensure he doesn't mistake civilians from Sith Sympathizers such as our mission here. I know I wouldn't." Wiping the sweat from his brow, it's perspiration more due to the stress of what will happen to Ruin and Fera than the mission at hand. "His directive is going to have to change, either here and now, or by Command. I'd rather it be us, but it's up to him."
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