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The Eternal Vigilance (The Maw)

Tarrian Skywalker

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Sandy looked back at Aidan with an embarrassed expression on her face, a blush slowly and silently filling her freckled cheeks. He was totally right of course, the Jedi training vessel was a floating safe space for the Jedi Order. Was she really just ignoring every little bit of her training in the effort to be too safe for her Apprentice and Aidan? It was ok to spin down once and a while and not be so high strung right? Of course it was, and now her paranoia was very apparent to everyone aboard the the ship. She sighed loudly and shook her head. 


“I am sorry Aidan you are perfectly right, there is little there that should threaten us, but with what happened at Gala and Frond I think I am just on edge.” She fingered the lightsabre on her belt and looked back at the control panel. “But I think I will feel better if we prepare just in case. Who knows, the ship might have a lot of rabid Mynocks or something.” She smiled to ease the tension. But the shadow of doubt was still in the back of her head.


What were they getting into? 


The vessel triggered its hyperspace countdown and dropped them out of hyperspace on the edges of the expansive Maw. A field of black holes and hawking radiation that stretched out for lightyears in either direction. Tucked in the safe space between three of the clustered behemoths, the grey hulk of the Eternal Vigilance sat. Once a great underwater vessel, now looking oddly out of place against the pale light rings of a distant event horizon. There was no danger from the black holes themselves of course, but the darkside was present here. Not as oppressive as the Wound back on Gala, but it permeated the entire cluster. She looked up at Aidan, her brow furrowed in concentration as the distant feeling of darkness splashed over the ship. 


“Have you been to the Maw before? I can't say if it is the system itself or the EV.”


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The sight was truly breathtaking, and Sandy could feel a strange longning in the back of her mind as she watched the swirling existence that was the Maw. Ionized gas from a long dead nebulae gave the entire field a blue tinge that misted into the pine dark points of the black holes themselves. There was something incredibly awe inspiring and dreadful about the entire field that pulled at her subconscious, this was certainly not a stable system, nor could it ever have naturally formed. She looked back at Aidan and then back at the control panel. 


“It’s so beautiful…” 


That tinge was there again, a faint feeling of shadow in the back of her mind, creeping across her subconscious. 


“But it’s so dangerous…”


She grimaced and looked at the reading from the initial pass the ship made on the system. Very dangerous indeed. She looked back at Kel and motioned to the shield relay system on the control panel.


"Ok watch and learn, work on preparing the ships shields to resist Hawking radiation and ionized gases something tells me we will be hitting a lot of it. Draw on the force and let it guide you."


She hit the deep scanner controls and the ship began to search for the frequencies of the Eternal Vigilance. But it was doubtful that it would return anything of value at all, not with all the interference. She reached her hand out to Aidan. 


“I think we may need the force to guide us to the EV. What do you think, should we try?”


Such an attempt would require a lot of trust, a mind meld of the type that was required for navigation was something that she had not tried since she was an apprentice. 


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The deep range scans brought up Kerns vessels for the split second it took for either ship to acknowledge each other, a single unidentified blip against the background static of massive amounts of radiation. It was not that however, that brought Sandy’s attention, it was the very sudden and very real spike of the presence of the darkside. It had moved, it had focused into a blink of rage enough to tighten her grip on Aidan’s hand and for her presence to give warning to both he and Kel. 


It was enough to know that there was a Sith here, likely on the Eternal Vigilance. She let the stress and fear escape with an exhale of breath. Then, concentrating on the force, she hit the accelerators. Riding the edge of dangersense and the pull of the force, she pulled the starship in a long loop, bouncing between eddies of ionized gasses, trusting in the force and in her friends. 


The grey blip of the Eternal Vigilance slowly grew in the viewing pane mounted in the cockpit, still safe, still silent, but the force raged there. She could feel its pull from kilometers out as she plotted the approach. 


But there was the other ship, tucked there in the safety of one of the boarding tunnels that the Eternal vigilance used. She looked at both of her friends. She was doubtful, but the darkside was definitely present aboard the EV, and that meant the Sith had gotten there before.


“Should we attack it on the approach?” 


It was only a few minutes away at the rate of approach, and it was a simple question, but a necessary one. Take the risk and send a half dozen torpedoes into what could be innocents? Trust that somehow not attacking a Dark Jedi’s vessel couldn't possibly bite them in the ass? She wanted to for sure, but this was not her decision alone.


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Sandy simply nodded in return and settled back down into the arms of the force, letting it guide her every movement. The slight touch of her right foot on the pedal that controlled the starboard thrusters, that, mixed with the twist of the control yoke that slewed the ailerons brought the craft into a sharp banking turn that snapped them up over the large expanse of the Eternal Vigilance, to the exterior docking tunnels on the other side of the ship away from the other docked vessel. She pulled back swiftly on the throttle, ceasing the starships motion and just edging it under one of the long wings that jutted out of the EV’s side. She matched the speed of the drifting starship and initiated the docking sequence. With a double ‘clunk’ the two ships were magnetized together, the two docking tunnels connected but not yet sealed. 


She looked up as her concentration waned. 


“Very well done you two.” She kept her voice soft, as if the Sith inside could hear them. She picked her lightsabre off her belt and took two deep, steadying breaths. 


The boarding tunnel was right behind their cockpit, and it was now or never. 


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The sudden stab of danger sense that flashed up her spine was more than enough to bring her lightsabre up and into her hand. It was an old lightsabre, rebuilt from the one that Fynn had given her so many years before. Her finger hovered over the activation switch as her emerald eyes scanned the winding corridors that stretched out in front of the three of them. She took a shallow breath and looked back at Aidan and Kel. 


“The Bridge is a good Ide-” 


Her voice trailed off as another flash of danger sense brought her head snapping back around and the lightsaber back up. At the sight of a blaster raised and levelled at her and her friends, her finger did not hesitate to ignite the sabre. A blazing pillar of white light filled the dark corridor from her silver blade and she held it in a high guard. She extended one hand and with an ample amplification of the force, she seized the blaster in the woman’s hand and snapped it harmlessly to her outstretched palm tumbling several times over the ten meters. Sandy’s voice was more of a growl then normal as she spoke. 


“This is a Jedi Ship. We are Jedi. You and yours must leave immediately, this is not a ship for scavenging.”


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Sandy let an eye settle onto Aidan as she gave him a smile. This was a dangerous game to play, but she trusted him. They could all feel the very real darkside permeating this entire ship and the darkness of a force user harnessing its power. He was just much better of a negotiator then she was, she knew that already,  so she trusted in his plan, and improvising, she handed the blaster pistol back to the woman who was now very neatly smoking a death stick. She let her eyes wander to the wall, where a giant if faded insignia of the Jedi Order lay adorned on the white walls. What was the woman’s plan here? The ship’s transponder signal, the insignia's on the outside of the ship, and the requirement of the ship to be powered by holocrons indicated pretty clearly that this was a Jedi vessel. Was the woman really going to claim ignorance? But she kept her voice calm, and lowered the sabre a degree to show an accommodation of the woman’s worry. The brilliant light of its brilliant silver blade reflecting from the broken Gonk and scattering across the tiled floor in a myriad of rainbows.  


“If there is danger to us all on this ship then we can help each other. I am Sandy Sarna of the Jedi Order and Rebel Alliance. I have no intention of killing you or anyone else actually. But Jedi have senses enough to tell us that there are Sith aboard so we reacted to the threat. Are they perhaps, in your company?”


Her voice was calm and friendly again, but her eyes looked to the shadows. 


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The feeling in the back of head that she always associated with danger sense spiked yet again and she glanced at the blaster she had handed back to the woman a moment before to check that its muzzle wasn’t pointing at her. It wasn’t, and she was safe for the moment. Sandy took a step back and expanded her force presence to fill the area, searching for that evil feeling. She caught hold of Aidan’s inclination and let him go, if there were Sith on this ship they would be close, and Aidan could take care of himself long enough to get reinforcements. She began to draw the force into herself with an intake of breath. The force was strong here, and she would be prepared if something rounded the corner on them. 


She eyed the woman again, “If you are a hostage here to the Sith, then stay behind me, we will free your people. We will not retreat in the face of the Sith and their terror.” She looked to @karyu128 and glanced at his belt.  “Kel. Sabre on, get ready.” 


She lifted hers to shield the woman as she reached out to warn Aidan. Then she raised her voice, letting her presence in the force begin to pierce the shadows that swirled around them. It was here, and she was beginning to focus on his presence. The malice that flared bright against the background. 


"Come out then Sith."



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Sandy watched the overly nervous woman pace in front of them, showing all the telltale signs of a severe deathstick dependency. She was obviously very agitated, and the facial tics that showed between each drag were almost disturbing. Sandy had seen much worse than a woman jabbering on and not answering direct questions and she was about to tell her to pipe down and help them find the Sith or to go back to her ship and escape when the stirring in the force brought Sandy fully alert. 


Careful Aidan! She did not need to warn Kel who was beside her. 


She tapped into the force and brought a protective shield around herself and Kel as the breeze blew past them. It took a great amount of concentration but they were protected from the stirring gas or poisonous acid, or whatever it had been that killed the woman. THis was all one giant trap, it always was. At least she had to give credit to that nameless Sith, they hadn’t bungled it like so many Sith she had seen in the past. But with the force, everything had its source. And having found the darkness that flittered at the edges of her vision, and now this new attack the lines were beginning to cross. She took a breath and let the force fill her mind. She let her presence blow away the shadows that surrounded them and fell back to their source. A single being with immense power not very far away at all. The tendril of her presence seized onto the form of the Sith Lord and pulled. Not very hard, not with the strength of ten men, but enough to destabilize him, break his concentration. Her voice followed. 


“Enough tricks, leave now or be destroyed.” 


She adjusted the silver sabre and smiled. A drop of sweat tracing one of the small and hidden scars that plagued her face. 


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“Whoever you are, you must have never met Grandmaster Adenna.” 


What was the aim here? She could kill this thing of course but was that the correct course of action? Her mind raced as he finally revealed himself, a thickly marked being of malice. Glowing red eyes, a cape of crimson and an attitude that coursed with derision and superiority. Or what could be considered a classic Sith Lord or Dark Jedi. She could feel a glimmer of hate in her own heart spike up when she saw his eyes and looming form but with another protected breath she let the anger slide away to cold sadness. Would she really have to kill this thing? But the decision was made for her and any hopes of a negotiated peace flew away in a blast of the force. She could feel Kel’s pain but not his death and she set her jaw. 


She had not killed Lucifer and what a galaxy that had left. Were such beings beyond redemption? Having sold their souls so thoroughly that no light could touch them? But her apprentice was wounded and Aidan was in danger. There was no time to talk, there was not time to grieve. It was time to act. Another breath and she steadied her nerves. Another long breath and she brought the force to bear, stepping forward towards his throne of shattered boxes and durasteel. A king of shadows, a king of night. Her voice did not tremble, and her conviction was brought to bear with the authority of a Jedi Knight. He had given up any discussion with his first blows against his crew and her apprentice.


"The discussion ends here." 


And she struck, tapping into the force and forming a wave of energy that hurled the neat piles of metal he had laid out before them like a thousand needles towards his sitting and vulnerable form. The path was clear and she followed the wave of destruction a split second later, her sabre held before her like a beacon of grey-silver light.




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Sandy let out a gasp as she was hurled back by his initial countering blow, the blow threw her meter until her booted feet found purchase at last and she fell back into the fighting stance of her apprenticeship. Makashi in its essence, mimicking the fluid style of her opponent, her legs firmly beneath her, muscles coiled like springs to launch her into action. The darkside was very strong in the being she fought, but she was not bowed. She couldn’t be, there was so much left to do and if she perished, then surely Aidan and Kel would come next under the blade of the dark jedi. She breathed deeply and drew upon the force, the darkness emanating from the Dark Jedi was smothering and she almost choked on its effect before she forced herself to center. She took another halting breath as he bounded off his throne. But she did not leave those metal shards where they lay. 


What could she draw on? The answer was right there, even in the shadows of the Maw, she could draw upon love and happiness. Thats what defined the lightside to her. She concentrated on the few smiles that Adenna had given her, and her mind fell upon Aidan. That awkward childhood crush, now a dozen meters away and suffering, but he was there. He was calm, and he was a rock in the force that she could tie herself to. Her memories of him, that awkward blushing time on the beaches of Kashyyyk, the armoury of the Misericordia. When she had finally grown up from a girlish crush to a solid friendship. Her mind touched his for a wistful moment and she saw him overcome the fear and doubt in his heart and she was glad. Her freckled face broke into a deep smile as the Dark Jedi rushed forward.


There was no darkness in this galaxy that could snuff out the light


No Sith, no Dark Jedi, No Krathian sorcerer, could take that light away. 


Whoever this monster was, for he was surely revealing himself to be one, would not prevail against the light. It would be his curse. The force filled her, breaking the hold of the shadows that the Dark Jedi was projecting. Everywhere she looked there was malice, anger, despair. And with those came a hundred lightsaber strikes, But only a few brought with them Intent. Her lightsaber moved with stunning grace as it blocked, reposted, and she moved like a blademaster, avoiding blows and diverting them with little effort as his shadows wasted their malice on air. But he was quick, and a single blow slipped through a millisecond ahead of her blocking blade. Her reflexes saved her from a wicked goring, and her blade batted his aside just as quick, but the red blade had smashed along the light armour that she wore and burned through her tunic and undertunic. Searing a patch of skin with a burn. Not fatal, not something that would hampen her ability to fight, and entirely superficial, but its pain sharpened her mind and she let out a hiss through her clenched teeth and lept back. Saving herself from his wicked unarmed trikes. She countered with two quick slashes at his exposed arms and legs before she pressed her own attack. Reaching out to the room and into herself. 


The force moved in the room, as Sandy drew upon it, touching the many small needle like shards that the dark Jedi thought discarded from her first attack and brought them like a guided lance towards his unprotected flank. Matching it with a pressed attack with her blade. Five, six, seven, strong attacks with her lightsabre, which flashed and danced in her hands as she fell into the rhythm of the force. The cuts arced and spun for his midsection, sabre arm, neck, legs and finished with a solid plunge towards his exposed chest. Sweat dripped down her hairline as she concentrated. She had long favoured forms of mass telekinesis and sabres. Their harmony reflecting an inner monologue, as her mind touched the weapons at her beltline and she drew in another breath. This one tasted of ozone and fire as the light inside her began to grow, her grin nearly shining with it. She didn't need to retort, her actions would speak for her. 


There was joy to be found in the battle, for it was for her friends that she fought, not power, not greed. She fought for love and joy. And nothing could bury that light.  




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So he was human after all, as many monsters seemed to be when stripped of garments of rank and the filaments of power. Or so Sandy considered as she watched her metallic blow land its horrifying display upon the Dark Jedi’s face. He seemed so weak in that moment, but it quickly passed and she narrowed her emerald green eyes. Mostly to avoid the streams of sweat and blood that were busily threading their way into her eyebrows. Luckily it was not her own blood, at least not yet. She could feel a pang from her muscles, but she kept her blade up, strong and steady. She breathed in through her nose, expelling the pain and fatigue with the exhale, filling herself instead with the thrumming fire of the lightside that had been building within her. 


He spoke another taunt that left her unfazed. Love was enough for her, that love for Aidan, happiness from the last few years of life that filled her completely. There was no need to give into passion. No need to surrender to lust, to power. She was satisfied. Even if she never got to taste the fruit of that love. It was enough to feel it now and it filled her with joy in spite of his reckless taunts. 


That joy could not be extinguished, even when he recovered himself and began a ferocious counterattack. That fire stirred within her, fed by joy, love and happiness. It guided each and every movement of her blade and her stance. Her movements were light and willowy, deflecting the furious blows by adjusting her weight, letting the blade glide along her own. Never once taking the full ferocity of his anger. She didn’t need to waste her own strength to defeat his, her eyes watched his moves with determination. Detecting the intent all the while preparing her own counter, her mind never wandering from the weapons that lay on their clasps at her beltline. 


She could feel the singe of the hair on her wrist, the hem of her sleeve left smoking from a quick attack that nearly took her hand off. She brought the silver blade around to counter attack under his defense and she caught a strong elbow on her chin. She could feel more than hear a crack from her jaw coming out of its alignment and a flash of pain from her mouth. But it was not debilitating. She breathed out, letting the pain slide away and her grin, though now lopsided, remained as began to strike with a kick. It was time. It was now that she had to use that fire that she had built for so long. Despite the pain from her jaw, she knew she was in imminent danger if she kept within striking distance of this dark Jedi. So she counter attacked at his exposed limb with a flick of her blad towards his legs and leapt into a backflip away from the striking Dark Jedi. Letting him waste his energy on the strong attack. 


Though not as graceful as she may have hoped, or even imagined, the weapons on her beltline shot from their places towards the monstrous Sith. Dropping like missiles from a starfighter's wings as she leapt  back. Three vibroblades of highly polished durasteel came first, propelled with all the force that mass telekinesis could muster. Ripping towards the Sith's centre of mass, where her lightsabre blade had left a multitude of entry points for them to potentially exploit. Then alongside, hidden in the darkness left from her leap came the parang. A leftover from the defeated Massassi Sith she had dispatched on Nal Hutta, it ripped forth from her belt, a glass wedge coming for his undefended neck. Into all these strikes she poured her fire. That unquenchable power of the lightside that flowed from herself to her deadly missiles. 


She landed lightly on her feet two meters away, near the crates the Sith had intended to hurl her into, bringing her blade up into a defensive makashi. She spat out a mouthful of blood and saliva and took another breath through her nose. She was ready for anything the Dark Jedi could hurl next. Her mind reached out for her friends as a line of blood dribbled down her chin to drip onto her polished armour and to redden her green tunic.


But Aidan had defeated his enemy, he had defeated the fear, the pain, and the chaos. She could feel his mind on hers and she was glad. She could feel his victory and it stirred that love, joy, and happiness and so the fire rose again, and with it her blood dripping grin. 





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A horrible storm was released with his final trap. Though it was slow at first, the icy wind picked up its speed as the doors began to open in earnest behind her. But she held her ground, placing her feet securely, pinning herself there with the force as she felt him weaken. His strength draining from him as he expended the last of it in a final futile act of hate. 


But he was overtaxed, and the strength left him utterly spent. The dark jedi let go of his grip on his anchoring lightsabre and slid towards her and the open gulf of the Maw, and so she did what she thought she must. She bounded forward and lowered the blade to intercept him. The glowing tip of the lightsabre caught him in the chest as she pinned him in place with a knee. 


But as his body slid onto her lightsabre blade she saw his smile. That momentary smile, and for a moment in her eyes that corruption passed away, that face was horribly mutilated in hate and anger was done away and replaced with the smile of a man from the distant past. 


That smile elicited a memory of a time on Tython, a transport, a lightsabre, hair tousled by a caring hand. The Argos. The preparation for the great raid on the slavers bay. A duel in his illusions, a kindly smile. She had been twelve, and still a bright headed little twerp, before...before that fateful mission. And that had been the last she had seen or heard from him. Though she had carried his gifted blade for seven years. That self same sabre that now impaled him. The one that he had given her so long ago. And that realization battered her more than anything that this Dark Jedi had given her. 


Fynn? Fynn Relmis? Fynn? “FYNN?” The cry was harsh and painful from her broken jaw and some degree of her own blood splashed onto him. Her emotions boiled over for a moment as she held him against her, tears surging forth to fall down her cheeks. 


She screamed the words against the howling wind, her face contorting in a scream of horror. While her sabre burned the life from him and her fingers were covered in his blood. She fumbled and the sabre extinguished, its bright light replaced by the fiery hue of the great Maw. She replaced her sabre blade with a hand to staunch the blackened blood from leaving his chest cavity but she couldn’t fix that wound. No one could. How had he fallen so far?


And so she was left with him. Unredeemed and dead. Surrounded by the terrifying sounds of a ship groaning in equal agony. 


So it had been a failure all along. She finally tore her eyes off of Fynn Relmis and stood, the force strengthening her against the assault of the slow depressurization. She looked at the hull breach and took a stuttering breath. The force flew from her to form a barrier across the massive hanger bay doors, but it was not something that could last forever.  She was exhausted and bleeding. Perhaps it was too late for Yava as well. 


“Aidan!” Her voice was desperate, as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “Kel! We have to go!”

As if to accent this, the decking beneath her knees began to buckle slightly.


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Sandy watched her apprentice run off to assist the scavengers and felt a great shudder run through her, and she quickly clipped her bloody lightsabre on her belt. Her hands and arms were covered in it. That blackened, burned, congealed blood that escaped from around a lightsabre blade. Almost like the juices that ran out of a well cooked bantha steak, and her hands were sticky from it. She shuddered again, letting her grasp of the force slowly fade, and the stiff reality of the beginning to set in. Her muscles were exhausted. Pushed beyond their limits, and her jaw hurt so much. She wiped at her mouth with the hem of her sleeve and it came away bloody. 


She looked back down at Fynn and reached out with a trembling hand to close his listless eyes. She took his sabre and her weapons, not as a trophy, but as a rememberance. She would have said words over him, but the ship was coming apart. Pulled ever onwards towards an event horizon that was fast approaching. This would be his tomb. Where his body would never be corrupted by the touch of star or night. It would be his sepulchre in the short minutes before the Maw consumed it all.  


The Eternal Vigilance was a graveyard now, but it was not her graveyard. Nor was it Aidan’s or Kels. And she was glad for that, she tried to smile back at Aidan’s joke as she stumbled to her feet but her mouth hurt too much to give anything other than a crooked grin. She nodded and followed him back to Master Tobias’ Ship, offering him an arm if he needed support. He looked drained to the bone as well, and Sandy almost blushed to think that he might have felt some of her own feelings toward him during her fight with Fynn Relmis. But she ignored the embarrassment, she was too tired now to even think it. 


The walk up the connection shute to the starship seemed the longest walk of her life. But only a minute later, she slid into the cockpit flight chair and punched the ignition sequence. As soon as the power came to life aboard the ship, a thousand warning alarms blared to life and were silenced by an angry strike at the warning board. 


"Aidan if you have any energy left, can you plot is a course out of this mess?" Her voice was a slurred mess from her broken jaw but she followed it with a strong hand on his arm. Giving him a push of reassurance. She was so proud of him. Their last few weeks of time together had taught her a lot about the man he had become. Her eyes slid off his exhausted face and looked back to the viewports as she kicked the engines into overdrive. 


And below them, the Eternal Vigilance. That once great vessel of the Jedi Order, began to break apart in the fiery gloom of the Maw. 



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The numbers ticked down as she accelerated the starship past its limits to pull them out of the tidal pull of the massive black holes. As the Eternal Vigilance collapsed into nothingness at the event horizon, the R5 unit blurted out a string of additional numbers and she jerked her tired arms to even out their course. When the turbulence settled into the long dark of a steady course through the minefield of  micro black holes, she finally let her grip on the steering yoke relax and she slumped into her crash webbing. Her eyes drifting from the instrument panel to look down at her blood soaked form. Not all of it hers, though there was still a steady drip from her lips that fell onto the armour on her chest. Crushed capillaries and ruptured salivary glands had made a good mass of her cheek, and the steady drip of blood was unsettling. 


It was several moments before she could really feel the pain in her jaw, and she released the flight controls to place both of her hands on her jaw. She squeezed her eyes shut, then pushed, snapping the jaw back into its joints with a burst of pain that caused her to hiss an exhale. She blinked several times then tested a grin. Still very painful but at least her mouth wasn't hanging open like a fool. She wiped off her bloody hands on a scrap of her tunic that was only slightly sweat soaked, then programmed the autopilot to follow the R5’s and Aidan’s indicated flight plan. But every movement was exhausting and a glance over at Aidan told her he was likely worse for wear. She smiled at him again and nodded. 


“It would be much worse if they had gotten the location of all our secrets, but the knowledge died with Fynn luckily.” She looked back at her hands and suddenly found herself wishing they were very far away from the Maw. Back in the barracks of the Misericordia, polishing armour with a stupid crushing grin on her face. But all the good times seemed to slip away so easily. She wiped again at her hands to get her mind off of that uncomfortable feeling. “Do you want to use the refresher first?” He looked exhausted, and the encounter had nearly taken his life, she could pull on a little longer.


She considered sending a comm to Kel telling him to meet them on Nar Shaddaa, but figured he would know to do so already. She was proud of him in a way, he had come so very far.


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