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Other Worlds


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At last, Kel had exited hyper space and found himself in the Garn system along the outer rim. he traveled through the system until he had found the planet for which the system was named for. the planet was full of barren landscapes colored a putrid and sickly yellow fog. kel detached the ship from its hyper space ring, and descended to the world below. As he descended to the planet came across what could only be described as a forest of rot and decay. Though for such things to exist would mean that the world still desperately clung to life. Such is the balance of life and death. As his fellow Padawan Frond would say, it is the force as it wills.


Kel's trusty astromech R5-N7, picked up a transmission signal from an active ship. no doubt, this was the very ship that Frond and Ficcabin had used to come all the way out here. Frond must have figured out how to transmit a signal. "R5, lock on to the source of that transmission." the droid beeped in the affirmative and kel steered the ship in the direction that the signal originated from.



At long last, Kel had found the ship belonging to his brother in arms. Kel deployed the landing gear on his ship and began the process of landing the ship. once it was safely on the ground, Kel opened the cockpit hatch and practically leaped on to solid ground. Kel walked up to the ship and stood before the door to the ship's interior. "Hey Frond, It's Kel. Open up, the air here stinks so bad that i'd rather be on felucia without my breathing mask!"

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Frond? Frond open up!" still no response Kel tried sensing his fellow jedi through the force, but was shocked to find he had simply vanished. what in the world is going on here? as if to answer his question, he received a transmission from master Vos stating that both Frond and Ficcabin gone into the force and to return to his ship. "Understood. I'll meet you up in orbit and follow you." Kel gazed at the ship's entry way briefly before slamming his fist upon the metal door. "I'm sorry. I should've gone with you."

After that Kel boarded his ship and returned to outer space where he reconnected with his ship's hyperspace ring and flew out to Join master Tobias and company for their next task.

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