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Anaxes - Military Base


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Anaxes... it was a world that Mythos had never held the pleasure of visiting, most of his time spent between Coruscant and the Unknown and Outer Regions during his time as an Alliance Marshal. But that was years ago. Now he sat here aboard Von Howlster's Reach, gazing upon the fortress world after making his decision to return to the Core, he knew he stood on the precipice of a new era, an era that would require those of his caliber if it was to survive the oncoming onslaught. With a grimace of his snarl, the Shistavanen grabbed his comm.

"This is former Alliance Marshal Mythos Von Howlster, requesting an audience with whomever is in command.." He spoke, his voice gurgled and raspy from the age old scar that crossed his neck. His ears coiled backwards as his clawed hand reached forward and he transmitted his identification. "Submitting encrypted Transponder Codes now, Badge Number 6266-008."

As he awaited a response, Mythos' gaze shifted out the viewport in Coruscant's direction, the glow of the fire in his eyes soon being covered by the mask he adorns as he grew ready. He couldn't believe the bold audacity of the Mandalorian Crusaders. They came into his home, ransacked the place, and now believed they could get away with it. Not as long as he drew breath. It was time for retribution, and he was the being that would deliver it. All the GA would have to do at this point was but to ask.

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Mythos grimaced beneath the duraplate mask he adorned as the Traffic Officer's voice teased, the aging Shistavanen chuckling beneath it as he grabbed the comm unit and gave a simple yet snide rebuttal. "Son, first time I walked the corridors of a MC90, you were likely still suckling your mother's teat." He chuckled once more through his cuspids before hanging it up and turning Von Howlster's Reach toward the Steadfast. As his gaze fell upon the war torn vessel, his suspicions were confirmed. It held the many scars of its age and stories, most notable the burns of the Mandalorian mounts, and his eyes only burnt with more fuel within the fire. Landing in Hangar Three, Mythos disembarked, placing his shield and folder upon his duster as he made his way to the bridge.

When he arrived, Mythos removed his mask as he looked on in a mixture of sorrow and rage. He placed a clawed hand upon one of its framing beams, closing his eyes briefly as if apologizing to the older ship for its defeat, before turning toward the magcon and Admiral Slaughter. As the towering beast made his approach, his face revealing a singular across his snout and one large one across his throat, he gave a formal but fumbling salute as the Admiral spoke. "Admiral Slaughter you say?" The Shistavanen jested briefly, his voice gnarled and congested as he sat his mask aside. "Fitting."

His face turned to a serious note as he stood there, his breathing deep for such a large form, the Shistavanen standing over two meters tall, and his rage was self evident even as his reached a paw up and wiped the drool from his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket. "These Mandalorians... They come to the heart of a Galaxy I swore to protect, playing conquerors of a planet struck yet again by the hands of powerful Sith, and think they can get away with it under the guise of a holy crusade?" Mythos' tongue licks his chops briefly. "You'd be damned right that I would come out of retirement for that. This was my beat, my turf, and they've declared war upon it. Retribution is but nigh.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Probably for the best... Mythos snarled in a raspy voice as he took in behind Slaughter, his gaze shifting as his towering form began to fall into old habits. "I've never been one for formalities. Grunt work is my specialty."

As the the privacy field generator powered up, Mythos remained standing. Mostly due to the fact that most furniture rarely held up to his weight and stature, but also to the fact the Mythos wasn't much for sitting. He was Shistavanen. He was a warrior, a hunter, and it was his nature. As Slaughter spoke, Mythos could see and smell the duress within him, only amplifying the seriousness of the threat in which he spoke of. He could sense that Slaughter knew first hand of which he spoke, the smell of his wound still fresh.

"I suspect it was one of the Mandalorians that gave you the wound on your leg?" His raspy voice came across slightly concerned for the admiral, but more curiosity than anything. Raising his head to reveal the scar that ran across his voice box, Mythos continued as his gaze returned to Slaughter. "The first of many I recieved, a small undercover op I undertook portraying what my species are known for, a hunter. What do you have in mind Admiral?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mythos grimaced when Slaughter mentioned the Imperials and their head, his disdained taste for them stemming back decades. And the GA's formal Alliance with them had been like pouring salt into old wounds for the Marshal. But politics and formalities had never been the Shistavanen's strongest suits. He was a being of orders and actions, nothing more, nothing less. That was just his way.

"Forgive the lackluster, Admiral." Mythos spoke, his raspy tone little more than a growling whisper as he watched the images before him unfold. "I'm not too keen on Imperials, or even those carrying the name. Too much bad blood befalling Coruscant and the Core Worlds under their name even if these prove themselves to have been different."

Mythos brought his clawed paw up his mane, open handily stroking the long locks of fur that would have been a beard had he'd been born human. Despite his dislike for the Imps, he knew what Slaughter was asking of him with understanding. With the Sith Empire on one side, and the Mandalorians on the other, the GA needed whatever allies they could afford at the moment. As stubborn as he was, Mythos also lived by an unspoken creed among the Marshals, a simple but truthful one: The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend, for a time at least.

"But your right. We of the Galactic Alliance cannot afford to forsake any hand we need to keep close to the vest. Consider me aboard. What's my cover?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

What appeared to be a semblance of a smile cross the Shistavanen's face as he took in a moment to remember the information, slipping the plans into his pocket, and nodding to the Admiral. Unpinning the badge that adorn his duster, Mythos slide it across the desk toward Slaughter. "Understood. Take care of the for me, won't you?"

Mythos chuckled as he turned to depart, his gaze shifting back only momentarily before he stepped out the room. "I only need one. Your best. Have them meet me in the hangar in fifteen. And with that, and a small stoop as he stepped outside, Mythos was gone.

Fifteen minutes later, Mythos stood near the ship that the Admiral had prepared and stood waiting for his newly appointed companion, dressed in all his gear and his mask once again adorned. If they were going to make this work, they were going to have to act fast, and Mythos held little patience.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just as Mythos began to climb the ramp of the ship, he turned toward his human companion as his comm link lit up, Slaughter's voice coming across loud and clear. If he had yet to adorn his mask, the poor son would have seen a fierce face claim the Shistavanen's usual bland demeanor. Clinching his fist tight enough to impress his frustration into the ramp's metallic hydrolic arm, his teeth gritted just as tightly, Mythos began his trek back toward Slaughter.

"Those blasted sorcerers will be the death of this Galaxy yet!" Mythos scorned in return, his tone raspy and harsher than usual as the frustration was found snarling out in spurts. "They preach peace and restraint, yet are the first to ignite their tiny laser blades. Hmph."

Despite the shift in the hanger as the ships emerged into hyperspace, Mythos's pace never wavered. Within a few minutes he had returned and was present before Slaughter once more. "I'll make sure to do the wrecking myself when we arrive."

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  • 8 months later...

As the Montjoie exited hyperspace, the sounds of her klaxons resonated throughout her entire form. Fighters began lift off, forming defensive screens around her, bombers soon following suit. Mythos stood on the holochamber, the Shistavanen discontent with his appointment in such a Leadership role as he faced both General Tanakka and Admiral Leadra. 


"Preparations for evac are at nearly sixty percent completed" Admiral Leadra spoke, the Bothan glancing a quick glare at his counterpart. "Would be fully prepped if the Army weren't so sloppy in their preparations."


"Why you half defrosted space monkey" General Tanakka quickly responded, his glare even more presentable of the conflict between the two Colleges. "If we didn't have the Navy at our backs constantly, perhaps we could get something done."


"Enough." Mythos spoke with a disgruntled sigh. "The two of you can play politics later. Right now, we need to evacuate, so get it together and have yourselves prepped by the time I reach ground." 


The two looked at each other and then at the massive Shistavanen eclipsing their own forms even in hologram form, bowing formally before Mythos killed the projections. This was why he preferred to work alone, to worry only of himself and the mission he was tasked with. Oh how he missed his days as a simple Marshal. But they were long gone and now he was beginning to fill the roles that the Alliance needed him to. So Anaxes would now be his mission.


Turning toward the competent Officers aboard at the helm as he exited the holochamber, he simply nodded and left them in charge. He would lead the evacuations personally. It was likely the only thing that would keep his simple mind sane in times like this. Stepping aboard the lift, he returned the hanger, the transports firing up with his arrival as he turned toward the Squadrons he had requested.


First he gazed at the strange Transdoshan(@Vox). "You're with me in Team Alpha" He spoke, his crude voice barely heard over the roaring of the surrounding engines. "But only you. Your compatriots go with him (@ISB Officer(s)) on Team Delta." With that said he turned to the squadrons officially. "I want both Imperials and Alliance members on both teams. I dont care if you dont like each other, only that we get the job done. Team Alpha will be hitting the Colleges and securing the assets in the Evac. Team Delta will be recovering the ships left over from the Galatic Alliance and ensure their return to Nar Shadaa. Am I understood?"


Without a word left to linger or be spoken, Mythos turned and climbed aboard the lead transport that would be headed for the surface of Anaxes. Once there, resources for manning the ships for Team Delta would be provided while Mythos and Team Alpha would recover the Staff, Cadets, Doctrines, and disable the main components of the College to ensure it would never fall into enemy hands.


Once everyone boarded their appropriate transports, they would depart and the mission would be fully underway, his contacts on the ground being Lieutenants McAllister and Damron. 

Edited by Mythos
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As soon as everyone was on board the lead shuttle, Team Alpha departed for the War College at Anaxes. Mythos stood near the front of the ship, his Shistavanen gaze staring out the transport toward the planet below as they entered space and left behind the Montjoie. Officially, this was his first mission in full command, and even for a Veteran like him, he could still feel the knotted stomach of a fresh welp bottling up inside him. His gaze shifted across his men, hoping that each and every one of them would return safely, that this mission would go as planned. But as a Veteran, he knew that it rarely ever did. Fixating his gaze upon @Vox, he moved away the cockpit and made his way toward the massive Trandoshan. 


"First time hunting alone without the pack?" He questioned with a soft tone, one Hunter to another. For Mythos, his transpired many years ago when he was but a pup, half expected to never return by his own having been the runt of the litter. But here he stood the largest of it, towering even over his own parents, as testament to how the truly strong survive. Looking up to his fellow hunter, Mythos patted his shoulder. "You will prove yourself. Do not worry."


And with that, Mythos turned away and stood at the rear, feeling the pull of the atmosphere upon the ship's hull as gravity took hold. These were moments Mythos treasured each time, almost religiously. He wished to be the first out when the ship settled, the first to lead the charge so that he could drag away enemy fire away from those he led, even if this mission granted none of it. The tinkling of his artificial fingers against the hilt of his blade echoed around him. And as he felt the lunge of the transport touching down, his fist was there to meet the ramp's activation.


And as expected, the two Lieutenants were there to greet them as he emerged. "McAllister, send your men back with the transports. Damron, send yours in the transports heading to the Fleet remnants of the Alliance that remains in orbit. We're taking them back to Nar Shadaa with us and we need them fully manned. Once that's done, we're heading out. We need to recover the Doctrines from the Library and Disable the College permanently. Understood?" 


Then Mythos turned to the approaching College Administrators. "General, Admiral... Report to the Montjoie and begin extractions from there. McAllister and Damron will be under my command for the remainder of this mission, and as such, I'm relying on you two to act in their stead. There's no telling how large of a window we have, so arguments are futile."


With that, Mythos turned to his men as well as Vox and the returning McAllister and Damron. "McAllister, you go with Vox here and take as many men as you need." His gaze met the large Trandoshan. "You take care of the setting the charges and disabling the College. Damron and I will take the remainder and recover the Doctrines. We'll meet back here in one hour for the final evac and detonation. Remember, focus only on the structure itself and whatever the enemy could use if they capture it. No collateral. Understood?"


(@Vox Leader of the naval cadet corps is Lieutenant Vertran McAllister. female Human. Ex imperial. Leader of the army cadet corps is Lieutenant Jen Damron. Human Female. Ex Republic.)

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"On me." Mythos' garbled voice pronounced as he turned and started toward the library, briefly turning to give Vox a nod. He had no worries that the Trandoshan and McAllister would complete their mission successfully. But on the other hand, his own was what worried him. These doctrines he was supposed to retrieve, he held no clue as to what they would be or how to recover them. He considered flash drives, and even brought a handful to be sure. But he wouldnt know the full scope until he got there. "Damnron, you lead the way. You know this college better than any of us here. Men, gather up a few lifts just incase we need more than flashdrives."


"Sir." Damron voiced, a hesitation in her voice as she stood squarely in an official salute. "Yes, Damron? You dont have to salute. Just spit it out." Mythos spoke, the large Shistavanen turning his head back toward her. "Yes sir." She quickly approached him. "The doctrines are easy to move as a whole, and even with explosives, we can't ensure complete destruction." Mythos scratched at his chin briefly the spoke. "Very well then. You heard her men. Get those lifts."


As the men gathered the lifts, Mythos and Damron went on ahead. It wasn't much of a trek where they had landed, just opposite the plaza, and when they entered, Mythos saw why Damron suggested as she did. These drives were state of the art, even on Imperial levels, and there was no way a handful of flashdrives could contain every byte of information stored within. As the lifts arrived, Mythos spun his hand in a circular motion, giving signals to collect the drives, before he and Damron started on their first one.


It would take them roughly thirty minutes to collect the drives and set charges, making sure to get every one before they began the heavy trek back. Despite the lifts aid, it was still a large load to move, and it took another fifteen just to clear the plaza. Once loaded, Mythos gave Damron and the men orders to lift off and head back to the Montjoie as he stayed behind to check on Vox and McAllister. Mythos was never one to leave before the last.


With fifteen minutes remaining to spare, he stayed with the last ship and awaited Vox. They would blow these charges together.

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Looking at Vox as the last of the men boarded and the shuttle began to lift off, he nodded to the Trandoshan as he pulled the trigger on the remote, detonations exploding with roaring galore as the transport shut its ramp and headed for space. Only the College and its ties were destroyed, surrounding buildings, warehouses, and dorms left untouched save the minute particles of dust that settled upon their forms as the structures erupted and fell like a stack of pizzak cards. The mission to Anaxes was a success and now it was time to head home. Mythos stepped the front, opening a comm.


"Evac successful." His mangled voice expressed as his artificial finger tapped the earwig, a sense of relief emanating from within him. "Prepare for hyperspace once we arrive Montjoie"


Just as Mythos finished his words, the Shistavanen had to rub his eyes briefly, the apparatus of a dark figure creeping up in the corner of his eye, only no one seemed to notice it. Worry sat within his mind, the visage a remnant of what he saw during his duel with the Sith at Dark Sun. His gigantic paw slapped the side of his head quickly, playing it off as the earwig bothering his sensitive hearing. But in truth, Mythos just wanted the figures to go away. As the episode subsided, Mythos looked ahead.


As the transport sat down in the hangar, the Montjoie sat front and center of the fleet that Mythos had assigned the Imperial Agent. In unison, all ships jumped into hyperspace and headed straight to Nar Shadaa. Anaxes was complete.


(Next post is at Nar Shadaa)

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