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Darth Jade

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Jackson nodded and followed along as Skye toured him around the complex, mostly still speechless from the amount of green and plantlife displayed on their way into the hangar from orbit. Plus there was even more in the underground area than there was on the ship, from his assigned room to the gym, and even a much larger hydroponics area. It was something he would have expected to find a moderately sized gang operating out of back on Coruscant, and he would be staying there for... for however long it took. The boy realized shortly after unpacking his meager belongings that he had never actually asked what they would be doing after they had made landfall, or how long they would be staying. They did still have to deal with whoever Faust was, he supposed, though whether he would be able or even asked to help still remained to be seen. It would be a shame to not use the new toys he had been working on over the past few days.


With that in mind the young Padawan wandered his way through the complex until he managed to find his way to the nearest exit, where he floated towards the lake in a daze. It had all been so beautiful and overwhelming when he was just watching in the ship, but now that he was there in person, on the ground, it was just... so much more. And the air; it was so clean and fresh, pleasant to the senses event. It almost made him a little lightheaded with how much easier he could breath there than on Coruscant, or even on a ship, regardless of how well the air filters were running. Everything was so different that he almost missed it when he passed by his tutor.


"I'm here." He slowly announced, after backtracking a few steps and giving an awkward bow. 

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When Jackson spread his metaphysical feelers, really opened himself to try to connect with the universe around him, it was bliss. It was... not easy, exactly, but natural in a sense. It felt like the more he opened his senses the more he was pulled into everything, and he felt himself rocking to the rhythm of the life surrounding himself. At the height of his expansion he even felt something like a strong breeze, or... no, no it was more like a gust, perhaps. Or even a shockwave.

Not even another moment had passed before the rug was pulled out from under his feet, then, sending him tumbling down deep into the abyssal blackness he stood above. All at once his physical and force senses were buffeted by horrors that previously lied unknown to the Padawan. The air in his lungs, clean and healthy, turned into a vile and heavy mass that he couldn't help but choke on. The pleasant breeze turned savage in an instant and stabbed into his every nerve, doubling him over and sending him to the ground. Even the food he had consumed earlier that day had rotted inside of him, bloating and squirming inside of his body until it had freed itself onto the grass between his hands. It was only then that he noticed he could no longer see, and that the only sounds he could hear were horrifying grinding, screeching, and gurgling noises that submerged him in a frigid slime.

When he finally came to, Jackson found himself gasping for air and shivering on the ground. Slowly everything started to come back, only muted and colorless. A vibrant and thriving world having turned into a barren landscape of ash, for all he could tell any more.

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  • 2 months later...

Jackson followed his mentor in a daze, stumbling over his own footsteps before starting to pinch and pull at his skin in confusion. He could hardly feel his own skin. He could hardly feel anything, in fact: from his own pinches, to the clothing on his body; even the wind brushing through his hair felt... unusually cold. Detached. That spark of life just wasn't there anymore.

"Hwhath... hmmh, what do we do now?" He asked quietly. It was difficult to speak, at first. Jackson felt like his tongue had swollen up, almost; not badly, or even detrimentally, but noticeably. It was enough to slur his first few words before he realized what was happening.

An slight frown creased his lips as Bloome tried shaking off his sluggish daze, only to find that his efforts were futile. He would have to check in with the medbay later to see if he had hit his head harder than he thought. It wouldn't do to hinder his efforts at meditation or the forms for any longer than was absolutely necessary. He still needed to fine-tune his force control before... before what? He couldn't remember anymore. There was definitely a reason he was in a hurry before; but what was it? Some sort of feeling, he remembered; a sort of pressure that had built up in the back of his head.

Perhaps, whatever it was that was causing it, had already passed? That was possible. Probably even, considering that... wait, Coruscant?

Jackson's eyes blinked slowly as he tuned back into the world around him, and he focused his tattered attention on the holofeed.

Someone had... stolen the moon? And then they used it to scrape a chunk off of Coruscant. He had lived there, under those top layers of the ecumenopolis. That had been his home, and in some ways he still saw it as where he really belonged: crawling through the undercity and scrounging for scraps of... well, of scrap.

It was strange, then, that he just couldn't bring himself to feel much about it. It could have just been the shock setting in, but he had been in shock before. He knew what that felt like; what it did to his body. This was just... nothing. A numbness unlike any sort of breakdown he had ever personally experienced. Jackson had seen others go through something similar in the past; usually following intense emotional or mental trauma. It was a common enough sight down below.

But he hadn't gone through anything like that himself, and certainly not recently. He and Skye had just spent the day touring around and doing some meditation so far. Even thinking back to when he had noticed he was numb, Jackson couldn't think of anything. He had tried meditating for a little bit, as he was instructed, but before he could really do anything they were already on their way back to the estate. It was strange, to say the least. It felt like he was missing something.

"Hey," he started slowly, brows furrowed in thought. "Well... no. No, nevermind." Jackson shook his head. He was simply being paranoid. He was probably just numb because the sudden exposure to all the local flora had his body in a weird state. It fit the timeline almost exactly, so that must have been it.

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Jackson rubbed his hands over his face and licked his lips in thought. "Water, please." He whispered, only then realizing just how dry his mouth had become. His legs carried him listlessly to the nearest seat shortly after, only stumbling over himself a few times on the way. "I will... say, here." The Padawan mumbled, more to himself than anything else. It was still difficult to parse through the information being passed along through his senses; the background numbness blurring sights and sounds, and muddling his hearing. It would pass, surely.

Instead of dwelling on it any longer, Bloome resolved to do something more productive with his time. His eyes closed and his attention turned inwards, only to be greeted by an only vaguely familiar place. The threaded core that he once recognized as his internal plane, of sorts, was gone. In its place hovered a disconnected mass of energy; a dense construct of defensive layers and jagged edges, blasted and fragmented apart before being slapped crudely back together in some poor facsimile of what used to be.

What was worse, he could hardly access it at all. Some small manipulation was all that he was able to manage before either the ache became too intense, or the entire thing shrunk back in on itself far tighter than it had been when he had first tried meditating. That was going to be a problem. But, he would be able to manage with it, right? It would heal. And if it didn't, then... he would have to figure something out.

For now, though, he'd follow Skye's instructions. If she believed that they should bide their time and rest, then he wouldn't argue with it.

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