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Felucia - Jedi Temple


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When Frond left the first with the command of eating and finding a ship, Ficcabin stayed still. He still felt out of sorts with everything. A lot had happened in the past few days. And while he had time to process some of it, he still felt he had stepped into something too big for him to handle. The situation was one he had no control over. Still, that was to be expected for now. As a scientist, it was his duty to make sense of chaotic situations, study them, and put them to order. It would just take time.


Ficcabin went back to devouring his food. While this was done, something caught his eye. Across the room sat three youngling humans, just a bit younger then him and full of youthful joy, ignorant of what was happening in the galaxy. As they talked, one was fiddling with a small utensil between his fingers but then suddenly dropped it as his companions made a joke. Embarrassed he began to reach down to grab it, but something interesting happened. While his hand and the utensil were still a foot away, the utensil nudged itself slowly towards the open palm, slowly dragging itself closer until the youth grabbed it. The other two made no notion of surprise and continued to talk. Ficcabin wondered. Was this the Force? He recalled how in the Beyond Shadows he could begin to sense the plants around him and how the breeze had came up with the leaves. Perhaps this was something else? He needed to test this more in the future.


You Jedi are an interesting lot if I do say so myself... Ficcabin said to the Kel Dor.


Frond however returned, to which Ficcabin was embarrassed that he had eaten so much. He had been told he was still growing and thus food was always important, but he never liked the fact that he could gorge himself on so much. Still, the question he asked did give Ficcabin a chance to do one thing he loved doing: selling himself.


"Actually, yes, I am a professional pilot as one might say. Flown from Tatooine to now Felucia. We have to go far from Felucia you say? Ficcabin took a moment to translate what was being said. There was something about souls being in peril. Was it thing the Jedi believed about the Force? As a mathematician he didn't truly believe in souls or the afterlife, though Shadow Beyond, including where the ‘souls’ dwelled in the lake, had taught him to think about things twice.

While Ficcabin would've liked to stay at the temple a little bit longer just to see if they had some sort of scientific database to look through, he felt he did owe the tree something for introducing him to this new world. A simple flight would do Ficcabin some good too. The open empty vastness of space always called the Givin.


"Alright, give me the largest number of a moment and...." Ficcabin quickly took one last gulp of the Fungus Ale before him and grabbed a few small pieces of Mynock Tail that he stuffed in what little room he had on his suit and stood. He nodded to Frond and looked at Kel Koon. I hope your, um, lightsaber construction goes well. I don't know the proper farewell custom for Jedi so let me just say I hope to see you again soon. You seem to be a pleasant fellow.


With that, Ficcabin was off. With the help of Frond navigating the temple, Ficcabin found himself at the hangers, where a variety of ships awaited. Ficcabin noted how the hangers weren't full and guessed a great deal of ships were gone helping everything with Corescant. Still, as Ficcabin looked around, a faint feeling of disgust rose up.


Stupid fish people seem to have a capitol on your guy's vessels... He groaned as he walked past a few organic shaped ships. Each one he recognized and calculated in his head whether or not to use them. He weighed on how quickly he would adapt to them, how much room there was, whether or not it would have something to provide energy or at least a window for Frond, and most important of all, if it was geometrically shaped or more organic.


"After all, the most important things in life rely on both looks and usefulness"


However, the one who discovered a prized ship was Frond. Ficcabin glanced over at the tree who was investigating a fine, if not old, vessel. Ficcabin recognized the design immediately.


"Action II Transport, originally designed by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, rumored to be inspired by the suitcase of a Givin scientist ironically.... no weapons on this one, but we are only transporting me and Frond so we won't need to defend ourselves hopefully....hmm, the armor is a bit rusted... I don't think pirates will attack us...you, Frond, seem to like the dirt. Do you gain nutrients from dirt like trees? Sorry, distracted, um... there should be a few droids on board who can help us get it flying, though none of those overcomplicated calculators will compare to me...


Ficcabin stepped back and looked the ship over again. Yes, this would do.


After some negotiating with the hanger guards, which Frond proved most useful, Ficcabin became the temporary pilot of the oddly named ship Huttsinger. Ficcabin was able to point out that wherever the two were going, they should be able to acquire another ship if necessary to go somewhere else before returning to Felucia. The automated crew could return the ship easily.


Ficcabin sat at the controls, and breathed in the stuffy air. There was nothing like the smell of a ship. As the ship began to lift, after a false start, Ficcabin's spirit began to rise. He was returning to his natural environment.


"So Frond, where exactly are we heading to?" The scientist asked as the ship broke Felucia's orbit.


(To Space)

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Kel stayed in the cantina with Ficcabin after Frond had left making conversation with the givin while he ate. At one point the Givin had dropped his utensil. Kel felt the familiar stirring of the force as the givin reached out and called it to his hand. 'His connection to the force is growing. Perhaps one day he could be a Jedi.' kel thought to himself. "Yes, we jedi are an interesting bunch. Though not as interesting as the force. The thing that penetrates and binds everything in the galaxy. Everything from the largest of planets to the smallest of pebbles. Even man made things like droids and that utensil of yours are all connected through it."


Soon enough, Frond came back to the cantina and asked Ficcabin to accompany him as a pilot. Kel would have gladly offered his services as a fellow pilot, But the fact that he asked Ficcabin must have meant something. He knew Frond was a devout follower of the force. And if his Brother insisted on ficcabin accompanying him, he would not question it. For now, his place would be here at the temple, training with his fellow Jedi. "May the force be with you Frond. And you as well Ficcabin."


After bidding farewell to his new friends, Kel went back to his quarters in the temple where he was greeted by his trusty astromech, R5-N7. The familiar sound of the droid's mechanical beeping filled the room. "Yes, yes, I missed you to. Now, did you get the parts and tools I asked for?" A couple of compartments on the R5'S torso opened up and he held out the requested parts in his mechanical limbs. "Good job buddy. Now it's time for me to get to work."


Kel placed training saber, quick six blaster, and other parts on his desk. Using the force, Kel disassembled the former two so he could begin the process of constructing his saber from the ground up. His first step was constructing a detachable, double bar frame. Since the light saber was intended to be a melee weapon, the frame would need to be detachable in order for Kel to perform maintenance when necessary. He also added a low power setting so that he could use the saber to its full ability in sparring matches without causing severe harm to his opponents. The second step was integrating saber with the frame itself. the saber would also function as the blaster's power source. So connecting the two in such a way without causing a malfunction took much trial and error. In a handful of hours Kel had successfully constructed his saber. sliding open a compartment on the saber, Kel had removed the crystal that came with his trainig saber, and replaced it with the one he acquired on Ilum. "Time for a test Run."


Kel went to one of the training areas within the temple. standing roughly fifty feet from one of the wooden training poles, Kel aimed his new weapon and fired. A green bolt of laser fire racing across the room and making contact with the topmost part of the pole leaving scorch marks upon impact. He fired again and again testing the weapon's accuracy and rate of fire. Satisfied with the results, Kel ignited the light saber. the green hued blade of energy measured three feet in length. Kel immediately began practicing the forms he had witnessed from the revanchists so long ago. While the fast and fluid motions of Ataru were thrilling to perform, Kel would need to start expanding his repertoire of skills if he wished to realize his goal of becoming a master still there was only so much he could do by himself. Perhaps tomorrow I could practice with master Sarna. Or maybe master Tobias and his new apprentice. I believe he was called Kota.


After the successful test of his light saber, Kel returned to the cantina to obtain some much needed nourishment. once his belly was filled, he returned to his quarters to rest.

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Mjan smiled as he rose, feeling a sense of ease wash over him as he gathered his tray and made his way toward the dispenser where he unloaded the trash and placed his tray atop. But as her followed her, he innocently gazed upon her in silence. She was a merry soul who seemed to take life one day at a time, and despite the dangers she spoke of, she showed no fear. In fact, a smile remained upon her face for most of the time since they met yesterday. Mjan couldn't quite describe what he was feeling, only that it surprised him to find such qualities in an Order such as the Jedi. There was more of a familia feel in the air than what he had expected.


As they entered the room that Aira had led them to, Mjan's gaze met first the large overlook as he entered, and he noticed the planet's beauty for the first time in depth since arriving. He could see why the Jedi had chose to erect a Temple here, noticing the sunlight still glimmering upon the morning's dew like a thousand grains of sand had dusted the canopy below. A smile still gracing his face, he felt most at peace in this singular moment than he had ever in his entire life. He had finally been accepted for who he was, and he didnt need to hid himself. It was the most refreshing he had ever felt, so much so, that his eyes watered slightly at the realization, forcing him to turn away and wipe his eyes.


Hoping she hadn't noticed, he approached her side and joined her in sitting as she had motioned him to do. Listening closely to her words, he fixated himself in a cross legged position and closed his eyes as he took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled. Hoping not to freak her out, Mjan began a low pitched chant as he began to focus and calm his mind, but as his presence delved deeper into focus, his chant became an almost roaring monotone. Almost instantly, she would feel the Force beckon to his call, swirling around his form as if he called forth a gentle relaxing breeze. But that was expected for one of a species so strongly connected to the Force like the Tsis were. Yet, what wasn't expected normally, was the tranquility and peaceful nature that came with it.


But even with his Tsis heritage and natural affinity to beckon it to him, it was untamed and wild, unfocused in such a nature that it would not listen to his pleas. Though as calm as it was, and that it did aid in focusing his spirit, it would not flow through him. The marble within his hand did nothing but rock back and forth for a singular moment before it settled back to its stationary position. Yet, despite this failure as most would have saw it, Mjan's eyes opened and a smiled returned to his face as his chant ended and his gaze turned to Aira.


"I'm not sure, Master Aira." He spoke in his usual jovial deep tone despite the look upon his face reminding one of a yuengling having first touched the Force. It was kind of comical in truth. "But I think I felt the marble move."

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I'd heard some master somewhere say that every student was different, and that one could learn completely different lessons from their second padawan than they had from the first. When Mjan started chanting, I realized just how different he was going to be than Aelyn. He is simply starting where he knows to start, I mused. No different from anyone else.


After chanting for a few moments, the Force came to Mjan. I noted how easily he had called on the Force. That was something that many students had trouble with. But apparently his former order had taught him at least that much. The marble wobbled in his hand, and then he stopped chanting and looked at me with surprise and joy. "Indeed, I believe you are right," I chuckled. "I want you to try again. This time, let's try leaving out the chanting. There's nothing wrong with it, if it helps focus your mind, but you need to be able to draw on the Force immediately, instictively, and as habitually as breathing. I don't want the chanting to become a crutch that makes things more difficult for you down the road."


I fell silent then, waiting to see what he would do.


Captain of the Galactic Alliance & Jedi Knight

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Feeling a urge to wake up, Trushaun opened her eyes in a flash. She was used to coming alert quickly and this urging felt perverted. As if there was some tainted emotions that seeped into her message to wake up. Gently, she swayed in her hammock in the Jedi Transport ship. Really it was the only way for her to get a decent sleep. Beds were not practical when living on the move, and up in trees. Sending her awoken state, but also reluctance and a dash of humor- Trushaun hoped that was good enough. Master Tut Maris acknowledged the feeling in the Force and let her be.


As she straightened and hopped out of her hammock, she looked over at the small green rectangle. Smiling with happy memories, her newest creation, a Wroshyr tree seedling, was coming along quite nicely. She had been gifted five seeds from the wookiees, and she decided she would create a bonsai out of the first one. She would be a knight soon, and would therefore be allowed an actual room. Rather than the bunkhouses of apprentices. With the happy memories came the sad ones, and she pushed that out of her head as she hopped out of the netting and down onto the floor. Going into a full body stretch to get her blood moving again, she held there for a minute. Then down to the floor to stretch.The reason why the message from Tut was perverted was his lingering sorrow for his lost friend- Jedi Master Chal’lar. She hadn’t known it at the time, but the fireball in the sky that alerted her squad that there was something big about to happen- was his death and that of many others. She knew all this not because she read through after-action reports, but because she was a Jedi. The danger she sensed, the winking out of so many lives; it all spoke to her.


Silently, she made her way up to the common room and was joined by Tom, who was twice her height- and blue.


“Padawan Trushaun, you had a restful sleep?”


Trushaun nodded, the last thing she wanted to do was be aboard a small transport ship with two Jedi Masters. But they each had started her refresher course, and catching her up on the latest galactic happenings. All which was good Coursants impact event… She shuddered at the implications of that. “The ship has reached Felucia?”


“Indeed, we are descending to land it seems. Tell me, you are a naturalist, yes?” Trushaun nodded, as they got to the cockpit, Tom taking the co-pilots station. “Tell us, what do you feel here?” He started to bring up navigation data as Tom pushed the yoke forward and the ship bucked under the resistance of the atmosphere. Trushaun strapped into the communication stations chair and concentrated.


“So many forms of life- I sense fungus, decay, death, life, rebirth, spawning- I feel it all. I feel remorse and regret amongst the living.” She had closed her eyes to concentrate on the sentient beings- it was a tad harder for her to feel them. Plants and animals were her thing. In front of her, through the back of his chair Trushaun felt Tut stir in response to the sentients comment. Of course he would relate to them. He turned a bit steely in the Force, an unconscious reaction to Trushauns words. Tom pressed forward, he had not missed his peers reaction. The next few moments passed in silence, save for the reentry friction and some comm chatter. Each of them had other things on their mind, so they debarked in silence.


It wasn’t long before they found another trio making their own way to the temple. There was Master Vos, the Kiffar that had questioned her about the relic hunt she had been on for the past few years- and whom she saved back on Kashyyyk. Inside, she was happy to see him; she didn't let anything show on the outside. The two others that accompanied him were newer to the Force. It was almost a direct opposite of the group she found herself in. Two masters and one padawan versus Vos’s group, a master and two padawans. Funny how these things matched up.


Vos smiled and he seemed to brighten in the Force, as if he were a light heating up under a few inches of snow. Except it was happiness and stress. She bowed to him, and the apprentices. The Fosh allowed the Masters to speak, she knew her place was to be quiet; she preferred it that way.


She bowed as Tobias introduced Aurora and Kota. Then he introduced Tom and Tut to his padawans. Then the three masters took the vanguard, and the six of them made their way into the temple. Falling in beside the other apprentices she matched their pace, but her attention was elsewhere. This place felt- wonderful. She was in love with their surroundings; such color was magnificent. Her joy was dulled slightly, she missed Kashyyyk and didn’t want to replace it so soon.

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Tobias greeted the trio warmly; it was a coincidence they had arrived just in time to join him and his two padawans to the Temple. He had sent the message to Trushaun and the other two as soon as they left Ilum to prepare- then to report to Felucia. Things were happening, and Tobias wanted to make sure he had his closest two colleagues here to back him up or to provide input as needed.


The Jedi Master introduced the Fosh to his two apprentices, Aurora and Kota, then to the other two masters. “This is Master Tut Maris, a Nautolan Jedi Master. A fierce warrior and loyal friend. Professional swimmer and comedian, most days.” The green skinned alien bowed to the apprentices, and smiled, but didn’t flash his teeth- he was still hurt. Tobias could feel it. He was recovering, and that was good. The death of your redeemed best friend would do that to an average person. Tobias embraced the alien in a giant hug that was given right back after a handshake. The friendship expression was shared to the blue skinned alien. “And this is Master Tomalauin’kquintan’tus. A Chiss Jedi Master, whose core name is just ‘Tom’. Cunning and insightful. He’s not a comedian, but he is always willing to help those who need it most.”

Small conversation played out as they all greeted one another, then they all set towards the temple. Tobias was flanked by the other two masters. Their pace was a bit faster- but within a few heartbeats they slowed for the younger party members; their short stride would ease as they wouldn’t have to rush to keep up.


The three dove into conversation. The after-battle discussions, the fall out of some Jedi joining the Imperial Knights. The funerals for those that had died on Kashyyyk, Onderon, and elsewhere in the galaxy. Tobias clenched his left fist as he was told about the Battle at Onderon. A spike of anger flashed within him. Two full crews of Jedi had been killed publicly… However; revenge was not the Jedi way. He had to keep telling himself that. The Jedi do not seek revenge. Pushing that internal argument aside, he wanted to pepper them with questions of Corusant. Apparently a massive relief effort had been launched and the Jedi had tried to prevent the moon from crashing into the planet.


“Glancing blow, my eye. That’s still going to have major repercussions. What of Lady La'Quaine, Tom?” Tobias asked, his concern was real and could be felt within the Force.


The alien let a smile creep across his face, “She and her staff had left the instant the catastrophe was made apparent. She also coordinated several of her cargo ships to assist with the evacuation. She footed the bill herself, and is not seeking any reimbursement. It is good the Peregrines did not encroach on her territory, otherwise she may not have been able to save as many as she did as quickly as she did.”


Tobias smiled and agreed with a nod of his head, remembering his schemes. Lord Peregrine, as each of these three masters had once been called, as well as others- were the Peregrine Circle. It was an attempt to push against the Sith and Black Sun without calling out one specific person. The scheme had barely taken off when Kirlocca passed away, and Darex ordered him to cease. That was all background now, he had more pressing matters to deal with.


“Good. I’m glad she is well and did some good on Corusant. Doubtful her competitors see it as inspiration. They will make a move on her if they sense weakness.” Tobias replied, and Tom snorted a laugh. Remarking that she was capable of defending her territory from even Jedi, and that he had faith she would be fine.


Anyways, pressing on. I would like to begin my apprentice training in its entirety. Trushaun is almost there, but as I said; she needs a refresher and a few more tests. I’m also acting as a guardian of Miss Aurora…” Tobias could tell the three were paying attention again even without turning his head. The masters knew how to pick up some of verbal cues of each other and they knew not to press him for details. As they started past the entrance, Tobias made sure his two charges had datapads and commlinks and knew how to use them and reach him. They were outside the dining hall when Tobias looked in to see a few dozen folks milling around. Some Jedi, some not. Most had a sense of defeat and exhaustion. Remaining frozen in the doorway for a moment, Tobias tried to think of what he could do to rally them; what would it take to give them all hope again? What would it take to get Tut to feel that way again? Time, mostly.


But Tobias needed to find the Jedi a purpose, a goal they could work towards. The wave of darkness was spreading and the Jedi needed to do something about it. They couldn’t be reactive anymore. The Jedi should be out in the galaxy defending those the darkness would claim. Who knows, they could utterly fail at trying to beat back the darkness- or they could bring the light to the galaxy. Anything he thought of was too broken of a strategy. What would the Council say of his proposal if he ever formed one that would lead them to victory.


Planets came to mind and what he knew of the galaxy; there was so much he did not know. The Jedi Order was not the Mandalorians, they weren’t in it for the wealth and glory, they sought to defend those who cannot defend themselves, such as slaves or primitive species. They were mediators and philosophers. They needed to act though. Other wise… his mind flashed back to Kashyyyk, and the dead bodies hanging out of a hut along the treeline.. terrible tragedies take place. Consigning himself to meditation and short-term goals, he turned from the chow hall and dismissed his fellow masters and Trushaun. He was left with Kota and Aurora. These would be the stepping stones he had to take. Kota could be a warrior; Aurora on the other hand… perhaps… perhaps not. Small steps… He reminded himself. Small steps would be bolstering the ranks of the Jedi- and that part he could do. Fighters or not.


His two Master friends along with Adenna and Sandy would be good to plot a strategy with. Hopefully Darex would be willing to listen to Tobias’s concerns… If not…


Tobia pushed the thought aside and addressed his two charges. “Well then!” Tobias clasped his hands together as if crumpling a page of flimsy. “We have some time to kill. We should go to the training yard.” Tobias scanned the room one last time and then departed down the hallway, knowing his two shadows would be following. If they wanted to do something else, that was fine. A breather was good every once in a while. Even just to orient oneself to their surrounding or an incoming changing weather pattern.


Or was he pushing his two charges past their comfort zone? That was where a lot of growth did occur, but if you pushed someone out into the elements from the safety of a house and they are injured or even die- all that growth was for nothing.


The hallway down to the training yard was down two flights of stairs that lead out to an indoor and outdoor arena. There were training dummies and droids, as well as traps, training weapons from a dozen exotic worlds. Tobias eyeballed a bipedal droid that had two sockets for bulbs as eyes. Their limbs seemed to be able to flex and rotate well beyond a typical being with bones. Idly, he wondered if they could wield lightsabers. It had been too long since he squared off in one on one blade combat. Back on Nar Shaddaa…


Tobias shook the memory out of his mind. Wishing to go back when he was on the preparation path, and not this ‘flying by the seat of your pants’ nonsense. Back when he didn’t have to think about plots and schemes about everything- but that time was past, and he was now stuck here with these problems.


And two apprentices.


In a training yard.


One apprentice, and a maybe trainiee. Why had he brought her to the training yard? She hadn’t indicated she wanted to become a Jedi- she barely knew what it meant. Loathing bookwork, he hadn’t tasked her with any, and Kota was just digging in. He was primarily a warrior, not a teacher. He sighed as he looked over the empty training yard; everyone was still eating.

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Adenna was frustrated with the news that she was getting. So much of what was going on in the Galaxy had been of no note to her while she was so focused on the internal battles waging within her. Now that she was awake, it was time to address them. She realized that, despite her role as a more senior Jedi in the group, she had very little connections or interactions with those Jedi who had been traveling with them. She wasn't much aware of it before, now she was and felt a bit guilty. She wanted to correct that soon, but there were some other, very important things she needed to get done first.


There were a few Jedi here on Felucia, but among them, it seemed that Adenna was among the more senior, or rather, perhaps it was that she was one of the few that wasn't occupied. It could have been for that reason that Admiral Antilles of the Adi-Wan and a few of the captains of the other smaller ships approached her. They were growing frustrated at being here on Felucia when Coruscant was falling and chaos erupting. She talked to them for well over a while, evaluating their situation and what might the best course of action be. It was odd to her for them to come to her to get directions as she wasn't in command of anything. In truth, she had been on the verge of leaving the Jedi Order for the Imperial Knights had the Jedi not taken some action.


Tobias was working with the other Jedi, and Adenna was glad for that. Someone needed to take care of the newer Jedi, and despite his protests, he had proven himself quite adept at looking after and teaching them. She smiled at the thought of the burly man surrounded by younglings all hanging on his every word, waiting for him to teach them something new. He would protest and complain, but she suspected he would love such a thing.


Leaving the assorted officers in the briefing room, Adenna went out to think and consider the options. Felucia was rich with life and she did love being around other Jedi once again, but she couldn't sit here. She couldn't let herself be consumed by her own inner desires, but had to put the greater good first. She had always been a woman of action, one who wouldn't stand by and allow evil to flourish. That is why she pushed the Jedi and other allies to liberate Thalassia from slavery. That is why she led the Jedi and CoreSec to destroy the Sith Temple on Coruscant. And that is why she went back to Thalassia to finish more of what she had started.


The Jedi needed to do something, and not a token effort. Evil was evil, and it was growing. If the Jedi stood by and did nothing, or only gave a half effort, then they were helping that evil to flourish. The Jedi Order had tried to keep to their peaceful ways, opting to defend only instead of take the fight to the enemy. They tried to preserve life, tried to restrain themselves, and failed miserably in doing so. She was no supreme tactician, but looking at the makeup of the Jedi fleet, even she could tell it wasn't designed to wage war, but rather to support and offer aid. They had only one true capital ship while their foes had many.


Looking out over the strangely fungal landscape of Felucia, Adenna made up her mind. If the Jedi leadership wasn't going to take action, she would. She would take command of the fleet here and move it to Borleias to regroup with whatever Galactic Alliance and remaining Jedi forces managed to flee from Coruscant. There, they could decide their next course of action. If someone higher up than her took issue with that, they could come and remove her from command. Until then, she would take that action and hopefully make a stand against the encroaching evil.


She sent messages to Sandy and Tobias telling them of her intent while she walked back to the briefing room. When she got there, she told the gathered officers to ready their ships for the jump to Borleias. It would take them an hour or so to ready the fleet and load up with whatever reserve medical supplies that could be found. In the meantime, Adenna went to the landing platform and waited, watching the crews scramble and shuttles lift off.

Adenna Sig


Send PM's to Travis.

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Mjan nodded his head toward Master Aira, taking her advice as a new perspective or a breath of fresh air, and he knew the Sorcerers of Tund had only used the chants as a means of focusing one's mind. Perhaps the Jedi had a different form, and he was curious about it, so he would try it her way. He was training to become one after all, so at least in his mind, it only seemed fitting. Closing his eyes once again, Mjan held his hand out, clearing his mind and thoughts without the chants of his former Order, focusing solely upon the marble he held. Yet, this time nothing happened. Try as he might, as much as he focused, he could not lift the marble.


Opening his golden eyes, frustration became apparent upon his face. At first, it was like any students, brow furrowed and tense jaws. But just he cursed in his native tongue, his tone echoing his discontent in a singular word "Tach'kaj!" or "Begone" as his temper rose, the marble shot across the room as if a stray blaster bolt had whizzed from his hand, leaving a look of disbelief and embarrassment upon his face. He held no words as his gaze shifted from his hand to Aira, a simple realization of what had just transpired settling into his heart and his embarrassment inwardly becoming horror. The Sith lineage was strong within him, his power apparent. But he had witnessed for the first time just how easily the Darkside came to one such as he. "For... forgive me Master Aira."


Mjan stood up and went to gather the marble a few feet away, finding it shallowly bored into the duracrete across the room as he used his nails to dislodge it. As he returned to sit beside his Master, the guilt weighed heavily upon him shoulders. He knew the darkside was an easy path for many to walk, especially for those of his lineage. But he never imagined how easily it came, or how simple its path could begin. Now as he closed his eyes, he understood more than he wanted to. This path he chose to walk would be long and difficult, and he would have to fight the very nature that resided within him every step of the way. But this was the path he longed for, and one he wouldn't easily give up on. He only hoped his little display had not alarmed his Master nor made her weary.


"I'm going to try again."

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He had spread his arms wide- showing off the training dojo. Eager to begin here, he hesitated for just a moment. Was he doing this the right way? Breathing in the aroma, not of sweat and general body odor, but the training sessions that have occurred previously, and some that were going on out in the exterior routes.


Tobias looked around, bringing his arms back to his sides and reconsidered. This was where he wanted them to go; how he wanted them to start. It was his apprentices call, and speaking of calls- his commlink buzzed on and off with soft wind chimes. Having put his link on silent- the chime meant that it was someone from his emergency bypass - level two. People that were just important enough to bypass the first level of the do-not-disturb. Specifically it was the chime that would always ring through- Adenna’s tone.


Taking out his datapad, her message was transcribed. He read it once, shook his head as if to clear his vision. A second time he read through it, understanding the base of it. The third time he knew this required him to be there in person. Silently cursing to himself.


Turning to his two apprentices, he motioned for them to take a look around. Racks of wooden replicas of melee training weapons lined the rooms exterior. There were dummies, droids of a dozen varieties, and target ranges. The looked around for a moment and Tobias leapt up the stairs they had come down. Pausing at just out of sight he concentrated and moved his hands accordingly as the particular technique required it. After taking three steps, he turned around to see three exact replicas of Tobias stood there. Slightly unsettling but it was the only way he could get through his to-do list. Granted they were all would walk and talk like him, but they were not tangible. Doppelgangers. The headache that accompanied these particular apparitions was like a little kid in the back of his mind that was screaming ‘pay attention to me!’ but he couldn’t let that roll through him and take over his head just yet. This was a newer technique he had learned while on their way back to civilization, and only the third time he had used it. Slicer would have found this amusing, the Master of Illusions. Tobias snorted and dismissed one of the apparitions, his plan reforming in his mind as time went on.


He set the intentions for the two remaining then turned on his heel and marched towards the landing pad. It was not long before he found Adenna there- a statue in the torrent of activity around her. She was sticking to her tenants, keeping the Jedi fleet moving. Keeping them here would only make Felucia a bigger target with the Sith and Black Sun running around.


Despite being dressed as a commoner, Tobias could easily be identified by his height and yellow facial tattoo. If one were to miss all that, you might as well get surgical eyeball implants. As the dark man approached, he looked around at the bustle of activity. He joined her on her left side and took up the same surveying position over the landing pad. He was quiet for the first few moments as a shuttle engaged it’s repulsors and lifted off.


You’re leaving me. On a Jedi world, with apprentices assigned to me. I never thought I was the ‘stay at the temple with the younglings’ kinda guy….” Tobias sighed. Shaking his head in disbelief. “I suppose I could fulfill that role.”


Jokes came easy to him, and after a moment of conveying his disbelief, he chucked. Amused at his own revelation and joke. Glancing over to her out of the corner of his eye, he hoped she was smiling.


Before she could reply he opened his mouth again to speak and moved his mouth as if trying to form words, but nothing came out as he reconsidered how to communicate what he was about to say. When he did speak, it was in a relative whisper. “I know you must go, and you know I wish to join you. I want to stay with you, fight by your side. However, the Force is telling each of us we must part ways for a time. I must stay here and see to my charges… you know as well as I that we will need more Jedi Knights for the fight to come.” His shoulders heaved a sigh, one of slight frustration. “I’m rambling again…” Tobias shook his head in disapproval. “... I am much better at battle rather than words. And no, you do not need to give me a snarky retort.” Tobias chuckled again. Then sighed once more.


I will see you soon, my Love. Stay safe.” Tobias refrained from holding her hand or kissing her infront of everyone. Too many wrong impressions could be pulled from the scene. Tobias fell silent, other topics coming to mind and other things that he wanted to say. Most of them was his own overthinking. Another part of it was that he wasn’t ready for a few of those discussions. He remained at her side for a few moments, letting his words sink into the Jedi Knight he was insanely in love with, just to see if she had something she wanted to say.


In the distance, through the throng of crews, Tobias noticed a few Jedi Knights walking towards he and Adenna. It would take them a few minutes for them to reach them. Tobias wondered why they were making their way towards the pair. Idly, he focused on the visions of his doppelgangers and their errands. The headache still ignored.



Elsewhere in the temple- A visual imitation of Vos wandered the hallways, looking for Sandy or her apprentice Kel. Frond had left already, that much was evident in the Force.



The second doppelganger walked back down the stairs to the dojo. There, Tobias’s image stood patiently waiting for the two young apprentices to start with their questions. If they didn’t, the apparition would lead them away. The image could engage in conversation as it was connected to the real, tangible, Tobias. Tobias had left it there because he really did need to be in several places at once, and this advanced power, despite it being straining might be too much for them to comprehend. So there was the illusion. The doppelgänger. For now.


Thankfully this wasn’t a combat situation and he could concentrate on keeping the illusion active.

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The wind whipped against her small frame as Sandy Senya made her way down the long landing platform. The wind was warm and was kicked into horrible gusts by the ignition of capital repulsorlifts and Galofree engines from the transports that launched beside them to refuel them once they burned to orbit. The firing of those massive engines to get the heavy capitals into space was always a marvelous thing to witness. Especially when it beckoned the beginning of the Jedi actually doing something about the threat to the galaxy. Or at least that was what the young jedi knight believed as her emerald eyes took in the Jedi fleet preparing for war.


Those green eyes next looked to her old master, and a smile traced itself over her freckled face. She walked forward until she stood behind Adenna, then she bowed, her bright blonde hair falling off the grey imperial pauldrons on her shoulders, to hang shadowing her face. She straightened back up, and with her gloved hands pulled her loose hair back behind her shoulders, and tucked it back into the hood of her white cape, whose green embroidered hems were whipping in the wind. It had been a long time since she had stood next to her old master in such a way, and though they had shared words in the ship, they now stood together as friends. Though Sandy had no doubts that the armour she currently wore would test her master’s patience. With its bright imperial crest sitting at the center of her chestplate, indicating that the young Jedi Knight was ready to go to war, and not only on behalf of the Jedi order.


Her lightsaber hung on her hip beside a blaster, and as Sandy adjusted the armoured gloves she was wearing, her voice spoke in its Galan accent.


“Master Adenna, thank you for finally seeing this threat. I would ask to join the Imperial Survivors at Nar Shaddaa…”


And not just for patriotic reasons, that dashing Imperial Knight also made her heart sing. But her voice reflected the reality she knew would bring her hopes crashing to the jungle floors.


“...But I sense you have other designs for me.”


Calix Meus Inebrians

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The air of Felucia was refreshing for Aurora as she stepped out upon his humidity filled atmosphere. It was fresh, the smell of flora and fauna giving it a sweet scent that she had not smelt in so long, only the stench of recycled air even before her imprisonment. Not that she minded either, but to smell the freshness of a planet's atmospheric air was a welcomed blessing. She took in a deep breath of it, reaching her arms into the air and stretching as a smile crept upon her face, her eyes meeting the planet lush surface. Silently to herself she wondered if she had been here before given the length of her imprisonment, and that singular thought kind of put her reality in perspective. Perhaps life could have returned to her own world in such a period, even if she was the last of it's original inhabitants. Maybe one day she could see for herself.


Falling behind Tobias and Kota, they began the trek toward the temple. She had so much to take in, so much to understand, and despite the headache over the thought, excitement filled her heart. Thirty Thousand years was a long time, so many changes taking place that nothing would look the same. The prospect of rediscovering places she had been, to see what has became of it, both filled her with dread as much as it filled her with hope. To see the galaxy after so long, few could even dream of it, let alone live it. But as they neared the temple, her timid nature kicked in as Tobias was approached, causing her to hide her form behind both he and Kota.


While she had hoped to go slightly unnoticed, Tobias was quick to point her out along with Kota as he introduced the trio to them, and them to the trio. Hesitant, Aurora kept her gaze aside, nodding her head in greeting, but keeping her eyes advertised. It's not that she meant to be rude, but she had never seen the species before, and despite Tobias' familiar nature with them, she wasn't. Yet, on occasion, she did manage to bolster the courage to glance over toward them as the began walking again.


Despite Tobias quickened pace, Aurora remain on his heels, only slowing as he did, her gaze shifting about and taking in the canvas that was Felucia, noticing that while some of the flora seemed familiar, it still was completely alien to her, just as the life around her felt. Though the Mother's breath flowed eternally around them, the Immortal Masters held no influence upon it nor upon the planet, causing the young humanoid to ponder briefly if they even remained. Even as they approached the temple, the architecture and technology held no remnant.


Familiarizing herself with the datapad and commlink she was handed, this would be the first time since leaving the ship that Aurora seemed calm and at peace. But that was her nature. She had always held a knack and interest in tech, and in truth, it had always been a vice for soothing her nerves. Raising her gaze momentarily to meet Tobias' as he spoke, she simply nodded in agreement and shifted her gaze back toward the datapad and following in his steps. It wouldnt be until they arrived at the training yard that her gaze would shift away from the tech and toward what would be her future.


As Tobias departed, Aurora stepped in to take a look around. The weapons she looked upon, as well as the training droids, mesmerized not only by their simplicity, but at the purpose they served. She was beginning to gain a slight grasp upon what Tobias and his Order of Jedi seemingly stood for. The Rakata used advanced technology that she had given on behalf of the Kwa and Celestial Masters to rage war. Yet, standing her, the training weapons she gazed upon seemed to echo of defense. Not that weapons and war were a specialty of hers, as technology was where her true strength laid. But she knew enough to summarize the subtle differences. Were the Jedi Tobias spoke of warriors of the Mother, enemies of the Rakata? Or were the Rakata as the Celestial Masters, long and forgotten just as she? These questions ran through her mind as she noticed a replica of a weapon she was familiar with, running her fingers across its elongated form and three pronged tip. She had seen its use before with an aquatic species that served along side her own people under the Immortal Masters, mostly serving as guards to her and those who were designated as Architects by their Masters.


Pulling it from its perch, she swirled it around her body and twisted it with her fingers before it came to rest on her hand, its stave pressed against her forearm just as Tobias reappeared to her and Kota, her gaze falling upon him almost as if she could gaze through him.


"Forgive me, my mortal kin, for I knew not what I did."

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My eyebrows shot up when the marble rocketed off Mjan's palms and embedded itself in the wall. My padawan was immediately contrite, so I kept my thoughts to myself. This is going to be interesting... For a moment, I wondered if I knew what I was getting myself into. What if despite all my training, he ended up turning on me and becoming a Sith Lord? The future was unclear, and worry stirred in my heart. But I knew I couldn't think that way. Falling to the dark side can happen to any of us at any time, I reminded myself. Even to me.


Mjan dug out the marble and returned. I could feel the guilt weighing him down, and it prompted me to speak. "Let go, Mjan. Let go of your emotions. Only when you are calm, and at peace, will you be able to move the marble in the correct way. You messed up? Make it right, and then forgive yourself. No one is perfect. Accept that."


I had more thoughts on the subject, but they'd be best served until later. For now, I would let him try again.


Captain of the Galactic Alliance & Jedi Knight

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Adenna was glad that Tobias came to see her. She knew he was busy, but if he hadn't come to her, she would have come to him before she had to leave.


She smiled at the burly man's words, especially in their awkward, rambling sort of delivery. He was generally a bit odd with speaking to her, though it was an endearing trait. "Of course," she said. "You did so well with Sandy and the others, I think it is best you do stay here to tend to them where it is safe and you have room. I won't be gone long, just a few days. I just need to get the fleet to where it is useful and the Council can take some action with it. I won't leave you with the apprentices for long, and then I can see how well you have done."


Seeing that he wasn't going to take any further action, she slipped her hand around his waist, pulled him close, and lifted herself up onto the tips of her toes to give him a warm kiss. "I love you too, though I would rather see your handsome face than a bunch of whiskers." She gave him a big wink and slowly let him go to attend to another familiar presence.


She definitely took note of Sandy's attire. As much as it dismayed her that someone who had so earned peace had to continue to fight, she was proud that the timid young girl she first came across was now a strong, determined young woman. She would never get used to seeing the Imperial symbol or their armor, but in these strange times, it was better than many alternatives. There was sadness in her voice as she responded, "I am no master, and I can't order you to do anything. We are equals, and you have earned that. I know you want to join the Imperials there, but I think even you see that may not be the best path to take just yet. There are other Jedi on Borleias who have the authority and ability to use this fleet and there are people there who also need us.There will be a time to take action, truly, but rushing in unprepared is what got us into trouble in the first place. The Jedi need to refocus, not split up into small groups to be picked off one by one."


Adenna let out a long breath. "I know that I haven't always done that, but going on our own path leads to weakness and ineffectual order. Going to the Imperials on your own would make you but one more in a crowd: easily lost and hardly effective. Staying with the other Jedi will allow you to strengthen and drive them to action so that, when we do help the Imperials, it will be with ships, armies, supplies, and strength. I will need your voice to be added to my own when I urge the Council to take action. The Imperials have offered support before, and the Jedi were hesitant. They proved themselves, and I hope to come to their aid as they did the Wookiees, but the Council needs convincing. Who better than two who fought with the Imperials and their Knights?"


She put her hand on Sandy's armored shoulder and said, "You must do what you feel is right, but I urge you to join me and help convince the Council that it is time to fully commit to this war." Not wishing to put the younger Knight on the spot, Adenna then turned and left her to make up her mind without her staring expectantly. Adenna truly hoped Sandy would join her, but they were both Knights and she had already put her faith in the young woman, she wouldn't question that or force her to do anything.


All she needed was her small carry bag from the quarters that she and Tobias shared, and she was ready to go. As the last of the preparations were underway, Adenna boarded a shuttle and was taken up to the Adi-Wan where guest quarters were set up for her. Once onboard, she reported to the bridge where Admiral Antilles was overseeing the last of the preparations. When all was done, he gave the order for the fleet to jump into hyperspace on its route to Borleias.


[[All wanting to join at Borleias, assume you joined and post there]]

Adenna Sig


Send PM's to Travis.

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Vos chuckled, letting the critique roll over him. Perhaps he would shave. On Felucia, his beard was itchy. "Yeah, but despite it only being a few days... I sense that we all will be dealing with some changes here soon. Some good, some bad. Either way, I'll see you in a few days. Don't get into too much trouble." Vos turned, letting Sandy have her turn with Adenna. Before they passed one another, Vos paused beside her, looked her over. He was not... happy to see the Imperial Crest on her armor, but he was glad she was ready to take the fight to the Sith. Reluctantly, he sighed, smirked, and patted her on the shoulder.


"Look after yourself, kiddo." He winked and returned to the Temple. He supposed his first step would be returning to the Dojo.




The first doppelganger still was searching for his target, now just Kel- as Sandy was heading out with the Fleet.



The second doppelganger stood there, a silent watchdog almost. Tobias wanted to split Aurora and Kota apart for now. They needed to be addressed separately. How to get them apart, though?

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Hearing Master Aira's words, Mjan's usual smile returned to his face, the young Tsis returning to his position and closing his determined eyes as he crossed his legs. His chest rose and fell slowly, the deep breaths he inhaled and exhaled resonating with his soul as he concentrated on the marble within his mind. Yet, the events that had just transpired tugged at his conscience, the words of his former Master echoing in his mind. "As one of the Tsis, the darkness is ever there. All we can ever do is stand against it in our knowledge of the unified Force so that our mistakes of the past remain unrepeated."


Mjan knew what he had meant, even back during his tutelage under the Sorcerer of Tund, yet, whether it was ego or the blatant disregardance of adolescence, Mjan had never believed one such as he could ever feel its touch. And here he was, having felt his anger rise, his power reacting without control, and how easily it came. It was a frightening experience to say the least. It wouldnt be the darkness within him, bred from generations of infighting and war, that would make him fall. It would be his overlooking the fact that he would be what would led him down that path, whether in anger or in frustration, ego or pride, which would be his downfall. And he saw it just mere moments before in a simple burst of frustration.


"Let go of your emotions. Become at peace." Mjan spoke aloud to himself, focusing his mind upon his own inner thoughts and pushing aside the guilt that was weighing upon him. All he wanted was to lift the marble that laid within his palm, nothing more, nothing less. He pictured it, grasping the concept within his thoughts alone, and envisioned its rising from his red skinned palm and floating before him. "Forgive yourself. You're not meant to be perfect."


But try as he might, Mjan couldn't feel the marble move within his hand, the remnants of his frustration remaining buried behind a disappointed sigh as he began thinking that he would never touch the Force as Aira had instructed. Little did he know of the torrent of power that swirled around him as his mind began to open to the light in his realization of the darkness within and the stepping stones that led down the path, a hidden truth of the Force revealed to and acknowledged by Practioners of the Lightside.


Mjan opened his eyes in what he thought was another failure, his gaze beginning to shift ot Master Aira only to be caught distracted and forced to take a double glance at the marble that still remained floating in front of his face just seconds before shock took it's natural hold and it fell onto the floor at his feet, his face in disbelief. Questioning what he saw, his gaze remained upon the marble. "I...I... I did it?" Mjan managed to stutter out and his gaze shifted toward Aira, his facial expression as a child opening a birthday present in disbelief that he finally got what he had wanted all year. "I actually did it?"

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Mjan was just about to try again, muttering to himself, when I felt my comlink buzzing. Pulling it out, I checked it to see an immediate recall from my newest post aboard the Ataru. I was secretly glad. I hadn't minded the work here on Felucia, but it would be nice to be on the cool, sterile ship, working on something a bit different. Or rather, I amended, likely more of the same, though from a different post. The Jedi couldn't afford to ignore this disaster, although we'd have to keep our eye out for those taking advantage of the situation, too.


Lost in my momentary reverie, I missed Mjan moving the marble until his startled exclamation jerked me back to the present. I smiled. "You see? You can do it when you are calm and allowing the Force to flow through you instead of trying to direct it. It's a balance--we can use the Force, manipulate it's energy, but only ever as it's the will of the Force to do so."


I rose and dusted off my tunic, though it wasn't dirty. "Come on," I said. "We can continue later. For now, I'm expected onboard the Ataru, part of the Jedi fleet." As we walked, I filled him in. "You might not have realized this when you agreed to be my padawan, but my assignment here on Felucia was only temporary. After I knighted my previous padawan, I rejoined the fleet officially. I'm honestly as much a soldier as a Jedi most days, as much as that may be an oxymoron to some. But I've found balance in it, and my previous experience with the New Republic and Galactic Alliance fleets during my own apprenticeship allow me to be an excellent liaison between fleets, as well as between our fleet and the rest of the Order. Anyway, much of the fleet is leaving the system, and I'm--we're, now--due onboard in an hour. Grab anything you need and meet me in the hangar. Your ship will have to stay here, but it'll be fine."


We parted, and I headed to my own quarters. There I grabbed my sack that I kept packed and ready to go, as well as the rest of my accouterments, including two clean fleet uniforms. I'd be in my Jedi robes most of the time, but I'd found it useful to be able to blend in with the rest of the crew better sometimes. Everything else I'd need, I'd have access to onboard the Corvette.


Ten minutes later, I was in the hangar. Striding over to where Mjan was, I nodded. "Ready to go?"


Captain of the Galactic Alliance & Jedi Knight

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As Aira went to stand, Mjan stood with her, his hands rubbing out wrinkles that had began to form upon his robes before reaching down and picking up the stray marble, placing it within his satchel. Perhaps, when he grew bored, it could come in handy as a training tool. As Aira turned to walk off, Mjan was quick upon her heels, listening to her words as she spoke. He had never really seen a fleet outside the few capital ships that regularly orbited Krayiss II, and the concept of the Jedi having their own fleet intrigued him in truth. But what she spoke of from her own tutelage, Mjan could understand.


To have known something for so long, a part of it would always stick with one's self. It becomes a part of them, and them a part of it, intertwined. Her life among the soldiers of the Republic and Alliance, as well as her own Apprenticeship , brought out both aspects in her character. Something Mjan could similarly relate to. After all, he was a Kissai, a caste of the Tsis species. As a former Sorcerer of Tund, he knew the innerworkings of the Tsis. He had played a part, albeit a small one, in many rituals in aiding the Sith Masters whom fell in battle. This is how Mjan knew of what herbs relieves pain and which healed burns.


As the two parted ways, Mjan bowed and turned toward his room to gather his things. All he really had in there were a few balms and a few canisters of dried herbs. But he would need to return to his ship and gather the rest of his stock. Locking the door behind him, he turned toward the hangar and his ship. As he made the somewhat of a long trek, he took in the sights and smells of Felucia once more, wondering how long or if he would ever return. He stopped for a moment, watching the sun beam down upon the forest laden canyon below, etching the scene forever into his mind, and admiring its beauty in its entirety. With a sigh, he continued on.


Just as Aira came walking up, Mjan had just stepped down the boarding ramp of his ship, it hissing closed behind him as he lunged a duffel bag upon his left shoulder. In it was containers of healing herbs and plants, a mortar, and a few cantinas of water along with a few changes of clothes. He smiled as his gaze caught hers.


"Perfect timing." He spoke with a chuckle. "Forgive the larger bag. I just want sure how long we'd be gone and I wanted to make sure I had plenty of my supplies. It's not much, but its capable of being on par with most bacta." Offer her the lead by extending his right hand, he spoke. "After you Master."

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I hadn't even noticed the size of his bag. Mjan kept bringing up things that didn't matter as if they would matter. I smiled to myself. He was just getting used to life as a Jedi, that was all. Culture shock would wear off and he'd settle in.


We climbed onboard the shuttle, and it wasn't long before we were above the swirled purple-and-green planet. Fifteen minutes later we rendezvoused with the fleet, and no sooner than we were onboard than the fleet jumped into hyperspace. Perfect timing, I thought, pleased. The deck officer greeted us as we arrived, and verified my assignment and berth. "You're in the officers' barracks, Captain Cadan," he said. He looked at Mjan with skepticism. "And who is this?"


"This is my new apprentice, Mjan Sadow," I replied. "I just took him on, otherwise I'd have let you know he was coming."


The man pursed his lips, but just consulted his datapad. "There is one other padawan onboard, a Rodian male named Torchuk. They'll have to share, and he can bunk there."


"That sounds like the best solution," I agreed. I would be comfortable quartering with the other non-Force users, and they with me, but it would be better for Mjan to be with other Jedi.


"Right, deck 5 section 6 Besh."


"Thank you, Ensign," I replied. "Come on, Mjan. I'll show you around and then I'll need to report to the bridge."




After a quick tour of the ship, the two of us headed to the bridge. "Captain Mahlon," I said, striding forward to greet her warmly. "It's good to see you again."


The purple-skinned Twi'lek didn't smile, but there was warmth in her eyes. "You're always welcome aboard my ship, Captain Cadan. Or should I say, Knight Cadan?"


"Either is fine," I waved it off. "As you know, I'm here in both capacities. Captain Amienne Mahlon, allow me to introduce my padawan, Mjan Sadow."


"Pleasure," she replied shortly. She turned back to me. "What do you know about our assignment?"


"Nothing," I answered. She motioned for me to follow, and I started that direction before stopping and turning to the Tsis trailing after me. "Mjan, for now, you don't have security clearance. Your status as a Jedi gives you automatic basic level access, but nothing beyond, unless you wish to enlist. For now, you have access to all public areas of the ship. I suggest you look around, get your bearings, meet some people, see what you can learn. If you get bored, I've set you up with some basic educational reading that you'll need to do eventually. You'll be able to access it from your terminal in your room. Read up on the Jedi Code: I want to have a discussion on it later."


Once I was sure he had no questions, I turned and followed the captain into the conference room.


((To Borleias...also I'll be traveling so my posting will be less frequent.))


Captain of the Galactic Alliance & Jedi Knight

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Now that Kel had rested, he holstered his new saber at his hip and went out to the halls of the temple looking for either master Sarna or master Tobias. He did need to inform them of his saber's completion after all. The young doran soon came upon master tobias' doppelganger. "Hello master Vos. I was just looking for you. I thought you and master Sarna should know that I have completed my light saber. I know that Frond has ventured with Ficcabin to parts unknown, but perhaps I could train with your apprentice Kota sometime? I'd be happy have a go a few rounds with a fellow Padawan."

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Aurora turned her gaze toward the trident, the reflexes of her muscles sluggish but still as elegant as ever. She smiled briefly as she grew thankful that not much had changed about her in the thirty millennia since she had wondered this galaxy. Thirty thousand years. The thought still sent shivers up her spine and caused her much grief. So much time had passed. So much had changed. It was as if waking from reality into a dream world, where she knew nothing about anything and only her own mind and body remained the same. Her gaze shifted toward the world outside, causing her to walk toward a viewport and gaze upon the jungle world.


This world, Felucia, it was beyond beautiful. The humidity was a bit extreme, but so was Ilum from the singular moment she remembered waking during Tobias' trek surface wise. Only Ilum was freezing, and it held nothing but ice. But this world, life was thriving. She wondered for a brief moment and wondered if she had been her before, a question she would likely contemplate upon with each new world she visited. But she knew she hadn't, or if she had, it was primitive and newly developed. Nothing like the one she stood upon this day.


As she gazed upon the world outside, the crystalline tear upon her neck began to pulsate with light, a warm joyful feeling beginning to wash over her as she felt herself slip into despair. She chuckled under her breath. This little one seemed to feel her emotions, and urged its self to pick up her mood. What a curious little object it was, and she pondered upon its mystery. But little did she know of its connection to her and its birth from the power that imprisoned her. It was born of her sadness and her betrayal at the hands of the Celestial whom had imprisoned her. It was a rare oddity indeed, holding a shared sentience with her.


Across the room, all could hear the grumble of her empty stomach as it ached for food, Aurora oblivious to its call as she stared outward in wonderment of the Galaxy she had woken in.


"Forgive me, my mortal kin, for I knew not what I did."

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The imitation Vos found Kel, coincidently- looking for him. “Of course, Jedi Kel, you may train with Kota. You two would have a good time of it I am sure. He, however doesn’t have a lightsaber yet. Knight Sarna has left with the Fleet- so I will train you until she returns, or you have passed your Knight trials. In the meantime, Kota is in the Dojo, if he wishes to spar- feel free. Should we need one another, you may comm me. Otherwise, we will pick this up tomorrow.” the doppelganger nodded and disappeared.




The real Tobias walked back down to the Dojo and saw the pair wandering around, inspecting the weapons and selections of armor and training droids around the wall. He called out to them that they would meet back here tomorrow and until then- eat, read, rest, or do whatever they needed to settle in. They each had a room assigned to them, and their comms had Vos programmed in there. He paid the pair a small farewell, and made his way past the cafeteria; it was starting to fill up since it was time for the evening meal. Tobias, however did not want to join in- there was food on his ship, he would eventually get there.


There was so much on his mind- the waves Force energy rolling across his mind from the galaxy at large. Idly, he wandered to get food, then back to his ship where he spent the night. As he lay there in loose fitting exercise clothes, he just locked his eyes on the ceiling. Trying to decipher the messages the Force was sending him. Eventually, he drifted off to sleep- and didn’t dream.


He awoke the next morning to a cloaked figure at the base of his bed. Black Robes?! Combat senses flared and he jerked up right, knees bent into a combat stance now. One of his hands shot forward in an reflexive excited push with the Force. The figure shot backwards and broke into three bundles.


“I told you that was a bad idea!” A mechanical voice called. Another mechanical gave grunts, whistles and chirps as a response back. All three blobs were moving on their own now as Tobias’s mind caught up with what he was seeing. Through gritted teeth, Tobias hissed his frustration with the PIT Droids as if he were a snake.


They continued to chatter at one another as Tobias got up and walked over to the boarding ramp. PIT Droids, especially this trio, tried his patience. Leaving them to their own agendas wasn’t a great idea- but the ship was kept in tip-top shape and so was its responsiveness. His past was unknown to them, so he couldn’t punish them; they didn’t know about the times he had worn dark robes. As he started a jog to the temple, his mind wandered from the initial flood of emotions that incident had caused. Now that he was alone, he even chuckled at the whole stunt. Trying to spook him like that, what were they thinking indeed?


After jogging back and forth between the temple and his ship three times forward and once backwards, Tobias started on other exercises and was done an hour later. He sighed and wondered what was at the back of his mind that was nagging him? Sweaty and slightly fatigued, he showered and changed clothes from exercise to casual. Clipping his belt to his waist, he fastened the top part of his staff to his belt, as well as another lightsaber. Doubtful that he would need them, but in the absence of his Jedi Robes this would tell folks who he was.


He had come a long ways since Tython, where other Jedi had stopped their conversations and let their gazes linger on Tobias. Treating him as an outcast. He was, he knew, but they were almost hostile to him. Now… he there was an aura of almost… respect? Tobias was humbled at that. However, the nagging feeling in the back of his mind kept him from being truly at peace with it.


As he departed The Prism once again, he took stock of the path into the temple. The flora of this planet was so… intriguing. Tobias wanted to linger, to run through the responsive vegetation, test himself against the carnivorous plant life, but that nagging feeling at the back of his mind was still telling him to return to the temple for an appointment.


He cocked his head to one side as he questioned the feeling… appointment? What appointment? There was nothing on his schedule and the apprentices were still on their own. Following the feeling though, he ended up finding himself at the council chambers. There was a need to enter. A member of the council, he was not- and it bothered him to enter the chamber when he was not a member… Looking down the corridor to each side, he was alone. But not…


“Whelp… might as well figure this out… Sorry, Darex- if you’re recording this…” Tobias hissed through gritted teeth as he walked into the room.


The room was darkened, why waste power lighting a room that should not be used? There weren’t many other Masters here. Looking around though, he couldn’t quite shake that he was here the nagging feeling wanted him to be. There were a dozen chairs as well as a few windows in the room and little else. What was there to be found? Why was he here?


Clasping his hands behind his back, he started to walk around the outside of the chairs- looking in at the center of the room. Soft footsteps were all that could be heard right now, those that he was making. Circling a second time, he idly traced his finger across the tops of the chairs. He made sure to wear his gloves; his psychometry was still uncontrolled and he didn’t want anyone to find him in here collapsed or otherwise. About halfway around the second time he started realizing this is what he exactly needed to do, his stomach settled. On the forefront of his mind he knew he was trespassing, perhaps even disrespecting the council by being in here. There were boundaries within the order after-all. Knowing he had to, he reluctantly sat three seats right of where the Grandmaster would have typically sat. That was his seat when Dahar and Kirlocca were around, and a successor had not been named. He sat down in his old seat, respectively. As the fabric around him started to warm with his body heat, he felt the opposite happen- a prickle on his back.


He forced himself to relax. Breathing the dark air in through his nose, and exhaling through his mouth his eyes surveyed the other chairs.


Jeeeedddiiiiiii a voice hissed in his ear. His expression turned into a scowl as he turned his head to see who was there. No one.


Turning his head, he slowly looked the other way. There was nothing in the Force that would indicate another living being there. This trick had been used before though, a ysalamiri or they collapsed their force presence… but there was no malice or danger spiking his danger sense. Narrowing his eyes, he tried to discern what he was hearing.


The same voice barked a laugh while he scanned the room. What was here that was watching him? A microphone? Was he being watched? No, doubtful. No Jedi would have been making those remarks. Visions of Slicer had long since been conquered. The voice mocked him again, his time making a sarcastic remark about meditating the problem away.


Not a bad idea, Tobias thought. Matching the tone of the comment. So he settled in for a quick session. There were some things he did want to settle in his mind as well. Mentally shrugging, he decides he wanted to find out why the voice was so confident as well. Crossing his arms and settling his mind on floating off into the Comfort of the Force.



He imagined sitting at the side of a pond, a gentle cascading waterfall pushing the air around him in a soft and gentle breeze. Cool, but refreshing under a sun that could be found on a typical summer day. Birds chirped, leaves rustled, the forest behind him let the sounds echo to him. There was no pain here; there was no purpose here though. A small cluster of insects buzzed past him. Why was the Force giving him this vision? Perhaps it gave him peace? The scene was relaxing. However, there were other things he should be dealing with. Perhaps that was the lesson; finding peace despite the looming responsibilities demanded of him. A small fish jumped after the insects that had just passed Tobias, the splashing wasn’t loud. Everything seemed to flow into one another, contend with one another.


A small crunch of leaves and twigs beside him didn’t make Tobias startle. He simple turned his head to look at the reason for it to crunch. There were several options that the Force would manifest there. What wasn’t expected though was who had manifested there. A yellow skinned being in dark robes stood beside him. Sabatin. Tobias looked at his former master, eyeing him up and down; Vos took stock of the alien. Looking healthy enough, for a dead man.


“Death is treating you well, Master.” Tobias cooley said to the statues alien.


A reptilian snort came from the the trandosian nostrils. “In Life, and in Death, the Force has treated me well.”


Tobias refocused on the pool, and moved over on the bounder he was sitting for Sabatin to sit beside him. “There is only the Force…” Vos whispered.


“Indeed, my young apprentice.” Sabatin made no move to look at Tobias or to sit down.


“Death is treating you well, Master.” Tobias cooley said to the statues alien.


A reptilian snort came from the the trandosian nostrils. “In Life, and in Death, the Force has treated me well.”


Tobias refocused on the pool, and moved over on the bounder he was sitting for Sabatin to sit beside him. “There is only the Force…” Vos whispered.


“Indeed, my young apprentice.” Sabatin made no move to look at Tobias or to sit down.


Tobias snorted a laugh, a small sliver of amusement showing. “So, what can I do for you?” Tobias looked at the Trandosian out of the corner of his eyes, looking for a reaction to his question.


“Nothing.” He replied, unphased and unmoving.


A minute passed, and as Tobias parted his lips to ask what he was doing over all- Sabatin interrupted just as the first syllable started to come out. “Well, it’s more of what you can do for yourself. You are at a crossroads, my padawan. You will soon walk the path of which there is no return-”


A derogatory snort came from Tobias, and his head shook with mirth. “I’ve heard that before.”


Sabatins’ lips curled into a snarl. “You would do well to remember your place, boy.”


The phrase had always irritated Vos, he would not let it affect him now. The two looked at one another, and Sabatin gestured over his shoulder. As they turned, Tobias found himself back in the council room. Just like on Felucia. The dozen seats were filled now- but not of Jedi Masters. There was Dahar, Kirlocca, DuVos, a flaming apparition that looked human enough- but you could see right through him as if he were a hologram, the opposite sat next to it- cool waves of light and energy enveloped the being sitting cross-legged. Sarah sat there, in black robes and a scowl on her otherwise beautiful face.


Tobias was once again in the council chambers. As Sabatin moved to take a seat, Tobias let curiosity show on his face. Just as he tried to ask what was going on here, Sarah snapped at him. “You know what is going on. Stop pretending. We have things to do, and I’d like to get this over with as soon as possible.” Her body language indicated she was stressed and irritated.


Digging deeper into what he was sensing and feeling here, he looked at the two apparitions. Trying to piece them together. What were they? Who did they represent? In unison, they turned their heads towards Tobias. The flaming figure hunched forward, Tobias got the impression it was forcing its opinion on those in the room as if it was talking to a group of children who just didn’t get it.

“Do you think we should be forgiven for everything that we have done? Truly?” Its voice rang out as if it were talking with several voices at once.


Tobias refocused on the figure, caught off guard by it saying ‘we.’ Was this a glimpse at his former self?


The counterpart chimed in, “One can be redeemed, you know….” the blue silhouette became more animated.


“You seriously think that with Corusant and Gala?!” the flames grew more intense on the other figure. “We’ve never called ourselves a Jedi, and with the crimes that we have committed, we will never be. It’s an act! You know this, you’re just too dumb to realize it!” it shouted.


Dahar bristled and acted as if he wanted to chime in, the flaming figure continued to rant.


“There are some things that should not be forgiven. That's why we’re holding grudges against half of the Order right now!”


The blue figure paused and countered; “That is the old way of thinking, the Jedi way is the light side, and they will forgive and forget.”


Flames barked back; “You see that is the problem- they haven’t yet. Three grandmasters later and we are still treated like a fresh turncoat.”


Blue calmly replied back; “Patience leads to trust.”


Flames made a motion as if he were swatting away a bug at its counterparts comment. “The light side is full of fools.” it dismissed, all of its voices echoing into one another.


Sabatin snorted; “Indeed, but you must realize that they are not weaklings.”


Flames mocked him. “My whole point is that we are not Jedi, and never will be we have this cloud over our head that when the dam breaks- we will fall back to what we knew before this path.”


The argument exploded from there, all sides chimed in. Flames was adamant about standing his ground- his point was not something he was going to move on from. Tobias, for his part, started to realize what all this meant- this meeting. The Flaming apparition resembled his Sith life, the Blue apparition resembled the life he was trying to lead. All the other apparitions here were their own images of what he had thought they thought of him and their guiding principles. It was all fake- but he did need to have this conversation. This wasn’t a bad way to have the conversation anyways. It was good to have this all broken down and laid out. This was a conversation he had been dreading to have for a while.


It was impossible to say how long the session lasted- eventually Flames was the only one holding his ground that Tobias was not truly changed- and if Adenna dies or the two split up- he would fall back to the dark side. Trying to stave off his destiny while trying to chase a dream that was impossible to get to in the first place. If he tried to chase it- he was doomed to failure as he would always be carrying around the guilt and regret of his former actions. If he were to ‘toss those emotions overboard’ would he truly be able to be a Jedi? Walk solely within the Light Side?


He had a job to do- protect Adenna and protect the Jedi. Could he do that with being his former self? Angry and manipulative?


The arguments were still going strong when Tobias held up a hand trying to get them to stop. The gesture went unnoticed and so, he clenched his fist and sent out a wave of Force energy that made everyone take a moment to recover from.


“This conversation is done, if it needs to happen again, we will do so.” Tobias said, not looking at anyone in the room. “For now, I will fill the roll I have been since Dahar and I were in the Gala Ruins.”


Flames growled, but everyone else started to fade away. Blue Flames, the light side apparition of Vos also stayed. “You know it won’t last.” Flames said, cooly.


Tobias nodded, solemnly. “I know. Until then, however…” he trailed off, shrugging.



Then the scene faded to gray, and Tobias found himself in the council chambers once again. Unsatisfied with that scene, he managed to get to his feet and return down to the cafeteria, and to his three apprentices.

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As Tobias called out to her and Kota, Aurora turned around and nodded in the Jedi's direction before turning it once again toward the weapon she held in her hand. The strangest of feeling had washed over, as if the weapon called to her. And although she was at one time a warrior among those she served, after all this time, she had felt that rust had set in a few millennia ago. There were no telling where her skills leveled now, if they even still existed, the joke in her own head causing her to briefly chuckle under her own breath. Still, she felt a connection with the trident stave she held in her hand, and after shifting it in her hand for a moment, noticed something quite odd about it.


The Trident stave were pretty common issue for most aquatic species. And each held their own variant, as most were used primarily for hunting or defense. Others were ceremonial or heirlooms. This one, however, felt and looked alien even for her, as the three tips were of different design from most spear like design you would see in common Tridents, almost as if the center blade connected with the two outside pieces to make one singular blade. At at the bottom of the outside blades seemed to be connected with sway arms, is if they swung back in to rejoin the three blades. Curious, she ran her fingers along the elongated hilt until she found was she sought. Roughly about a third of the way down the handle was a hidden button, upon which when she pushed it, the blades not only joined together to make a singular blade, the hilt's bottom shot upward into the handle's innards and formed a perfectly shaped short sword, the sway arms mimicking an guard of sorts below the top blade. "Curious indeed" She spoke in silence as she placed it through her belt and turned to exit.


The rest of the evening was magical, yet simplistic. She made her way to the cafeteria without getting lost as the aroma of food drove her senses toward it. And after roughly three servings of food, she began to grow tired and began her trek toward her assigned quarters, stopping a few times for directions and the directions before she finally made it to her room. As she entered, she found a lonesome feeling return to her as she climbed into the soft bed, only to realize that it was morning before she knew it, the viewport's shades opening automatically as the sun touched upon them. She had fallen asleep before she had realized it. After a quick shower and getting redressed, continuing to carry the Trident she had found, she made her way toward the cafeteria once again to enjoy a bit of breakfast. Just as she entered, her gaze met Vos's.


"Forgive me, my mortal kin, for I knew not what I did."

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"Good Morning Aurora, join me for the morning meal, please." While Tobias' tone was light and friendly, it was clear the invitation was not optional. He had just listened to Adennas' message and he was swelling with pride with a side of jealousy. He needed to be there to protect her- and fight beside her. Internally, since the council chambers, he had been fuming with what to do. He would resort back to the schemes of the Peregrine Order. As the pair wondered over through the buffet, he wanted to break into serious conversation with the Ilum Prisoner, he would wait until they get to their table.


Yes, he would restart the Peregrine Order movement- but not in name. What to do about his current situation though? Could he abandon these apprentices here? What would Kirlocca do? Dahar? The three could fight- well, except Aurora. Kota had a long way to go before he could begin to think about dueling a Sith apprentice. Kel... Sandy had given him the basics- but they all needed a much tougher training course. Thanking the attending and serving droids absently, he made his way to a table towards the middle of the room. A room that could hold a few hundred if need be. Just loud enough where there was background noise. Tobias set his tray down, and invited Aurora to sit across from him.


"Well, Miss Aurora, you seem healthy- no side effects from your long slumber?" Again, his tone was light- but this time it was inviting, he was genuinely curious about her and her condition. There was something there underneath it all though, Tobias could casually feel it at the edge of her mind. If he wanted to, he could press and figure it out with his own sensing abilities; there was no need to do that however- to do so would be to invade her privacy. if he were to be her teacher, she needed to learn to trust him. If not a teacher, at least a friend. He started to dig into the small nerf steak with mejo gravy. "You're handling food and everything alright?"

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Kota kept his own eyes on the overgrowth of the world around him. There was much of it that seemed strange to him, yet somehow very familiar. Even as he sat on a cot within his quarters that were given to him, he felt as if all he could do was stare at the crystal that sat within his hands. He still wasn’t exactly sure what he should do with it. He had been told it was used in the weapon called a lightsaber, but to him, it seemed odd to place such a rare thing into a weapon. Letting out a sigh, he placed the crystal back into the pouch that was upon his belt. He fell backwards onto the cot for a moment before realizing that he had not eaten for a very long time.


He stood up and walked to find himself some food that would taste decent enough to help him think on something else that wasn’t the crystal or Haata. He would have much rather be thinking about Sandy, but she seemed to be far too important to even give him the thought of day. He was just another person who was in and out her life. In the end, he understood that such a thought of her wasn’t something that he should have on his mind. So instead, he thought upon the type of food that he might encounter on this humid planet.


As he walked in, he quickly spotted Tobias and Aurora sitting down eating. He turned his gaze towards the line of food that he could choose from. He slowly walked through and picked up a single piece of fruit looking thing that looked appealing and what smelled and looked like a pastry of some kind. That was about it. He didn’t find anything else that really stood out as something that he could muster to eat. So, taking his two pieces of food, he went and sat down with Tobias and Aurora, offering up to both a half smile of a young teen who had way too much on his mind. Lifting his pastry and taking a bite, he found that the texture of it was far crunchier than what he assumed, and held a taste that reminded him of Malastarian fuel. He quickly let the majority of it fall out of his mouth and back onto the plate. Feeling very disappointed with his food options, he decided to ask for something that was well worth his time.


“Master, when can I learn to do… Force stuff?...”

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Aurora smiled at Tobias as he spoke, the youthful and yet extremely aged female getting in line behind him with an empty tray. She gazed at him briefly as they waiting those in line before them to shift forward, able to tell that something weighed down upon him, subtle movements, facial expressions, his over all stature. Whatever the case may have been, he remained silent as she gathered some food from the serving line as they went. Most of it was mundane entrees, an egg and meat wrap, sausages, grain pourage, fruits, and some milk. What wasn't mundane was the abundance of it, likely enough to feed a whole group, all piled upon the tray at near tipping point. Following Tobias, she did as he instructed.


"To be honest, yes, I feel fine..... aside from the fact that I slept thirty thousand years." She spoke as she began to eat. And did she ever eat. Even as she had spoken those words though, it still seemed surreal, missing out on so much and everything that had known and cherished long gone. In truth, the only thing that felt off about her was a sense of loneliness and unknowing. She thought perhaps though, that this would disappear too in time. "To tell you the truth, this world... this galaxy, it all seems like I'm waking from a dream and back into reality, a reality I've never known. In one sense, its exciting and thrilling, and in the other, I feel as if I've lost my whole identity and previous life. So I'm just taking it one step at a time."


As she spoke those last few words, a bit of embarrassment reddened her face slightly as she realized how forthcoming she was beginning to become with this stranger. When she first met him, she had clung to him in an almost animalistic nature, like a cub to her mom. But now she had come to see him as an equal, a friend, as her mind began to heal and this shock began to wear off and her life now began to set in. Even as Kota approached, she did not shy, but instead watched him observantly as he ate, pushing a large plate of sausage before him as he found disdain in what he had chosen. He was a carnivore, after all, evident by his fang like teeth.


"Forgive me, my mortal kin, for I knew not what I did."

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Vos chewed through both the words and food on the table. He had once been able to pull off a brilliant sabaac face, keep his emotions in check. Here in this room there was no need for that to be- and his face reacted as Aurora spoke. Wincing at the long slumber comment then raising in eyebrows and trying to understand yet relate to her statements.He too had drifted off only to come back to a different chapter in his life. There was no saying her understood what she was going through, he could relate. Only to the comparison of a raindrop relating to a pond because they're made of the same molecules.


“I am glad you are adjusting smoothly. When I came back… It also was to a new chapter of my story. So to speak. I was once an enemy to the Jedi, now I am somewhat welcome in their ranks. Now here I find myself training apprentices, running the financial books and sometimes leading Jedi into battle.” Tobias tried to suppress the cold shiver that ran up his spine, but was only slightly successful.


Visions of a Jedi Knight with a hole burned through his chest wide enough to fit a fist through flooded his mind.He was trying to ignore the call for a hard drink as well. There was nothing more that he wanted to do was get up- join the fleet and drink away these terrible scenes. But, here he was and he started to come back to the room.


“Ones path is never easy, if they are destined to become something great.” Vos quoted. “I am set with a task, and I am sure you are as well- the Force demands it of us sometimes and we must answer.” Tobias winked with amusement then leaned back and took a bite of the tapatos he had on his tray. Kota sat just as Vos took a bite- and so he nodded greetings to the young boy. Before Tobias could swallow his food, Kota spit his own food out. If he was anyone else, Tobias would have laughed at the site. This boy was his student, however- and it wasn’t good to foster these tendencies. Auora pushed a more carnivore tray towards Kota. Just as the boy asked- Tobias smiled. There could be a lesson right now…


“Good morning, Kota. We can start right now, actually. Something small, though.” Vos tapped his finger to his chin thoughtfully, and called out to take Kota’s and Aurora’s utensils away from their hands and trays. As they danced through the air he slid a napkin under them as they came to rest on the table. “Try to move the utensils. Call out to them with your mind- feel the room around you and gently - gently - call the utensils over to your hand - which you can stretch out in front of you of course, I had to. If we are successful at this we’ll be catching starships by the end of today... “ Tobias laughed at his own lame joke of course. The other two wouldn’t get it as Ficcis ship came down while both of them were elsewhere. “Just remember to breath and be patient.”

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Aurora watched closely as Tobias lifted the utensils from her and Kota's hands and plates, a look of surprise that not only did they flow as he commanded, but that he took the fork holding her last piece of sausage with it. Truly he could have cruel moments for a woman much elderly than he. That aside, Aurora had began to put two and two together, this power these Jedi seemed to call the Force seemingly what she once knew as the Mother's Breath, that which gave life to everything and dwelled within all. She knew most had an affinity for its gift, but during her time among the Masters, they were the only ones who dared its practice, children of her life. Curious as to his touching and teaching of it, she pondered more.


"Perhaps the Masters allowed its teachings after the great war and her imprisonment..." Her thoughts wondered about her mind as she gazed upon the utensils before him, and more so toward the last bite of sausage that had went with it. "Maybe this is the destiny the Mother wishes for me, as Tobias as pointed out using the name of the Force. Why else would I have survived a thirty thousand year imprisonment when it rarely lasted half that before the imprisoned died."


Sighing, Aurora stuck her hand out toward the utensils out of natural reaction, closing her eyes as she followed his instructions promptly. She focused her mind on calling it forth to her, attempting to feel the room around her and know its placings within her mind as she hoped to touch the mother's breath more than the utensils he aimed for. Only nothing happened as she peeked one of her eyes open in curiosity. But this would not hinder her emotionally, as she if he was capable outside the Masters, or if his Order were descendants of those whom were taught by the Masters, this was surely the first step. So she would try again.


Yet this time was different. This time nearly mimicked Ilum as they had arrived. The air around Aurora whipped up around her as she began to convulse slightly, her eyes rolling into the back of her skull as her hair stood straight up, the aqua green hue they saw on Ilum pulsating not only in the shifting color of her hair, but the small tear that hung around her neck as the two seemingly synchronized harmoniously in a way that even Tobias had only seen once, if that, before. The Force flowed around her in an almost attracted way, as if it was drawn to her presence around her, almost symbiotic. And in a moment, she returned to normal, unaware of what had transpired. Yet as she looked gleefully in her hand, she held the fork as well as the sausage, which she ate with a smile upon her face, completely oblivious as to why those around her would likely stare in disbelief.


"Forgive me, my mortal kin, for I knew not what I did."

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Kel was surprised to learn that Master Sandy had departed as well. However, before he could express said surprise, Master Vos had disappeared right before his eyes. After his short lived encounter with Master Vos, Kel returned to his quarters and began meditating as he pondered today's events. 'First Frond and Ficcabin, and now Master Sarna had left as well. Truly, there is no rest for the weary.' Kel's meditation session dragged on into the late night hours. His body and mind grew a strong desire for sleep. taking this as his cue, Kel lay on his back and drifted off into sleep.


As Kel slipped deeper into sleep he began to dream. he saw a planet dense with a yellow fog. the ship carrying Frond and Ficcabin arrived was heading there. according to ficcabin the planet was called Garn. once they had landed, the two of them had split up. from there his vision drifted to frond doing battle with several droids, along with a neimoidian he had not seen before. The stranger radiated with fear and the dark side of the force. Frond fought bravely, but in the end, the sith won and had taken Frond's hand as a trophy. Meanwhile, Ficcabin was being hunted mercilessly by a serpent like creature. the serpent bared it's fangs and lunged at the givin.


Kel shot up in a cold sweat panting heavily through his mask. The Doran stripped himself of his clothing and went to take a shower not only for the purpose of bathing, but also to ponder the nightmare he had just experienced. as the warm water ran over his nude form, Kel attempted to clear his mind of any negative emotions so he could decipher the vision more accurately. Once he had finished washing himself, Kel had deduced that his vision was no nightmare, but rather a vision of things to come. He needed to see Master Vos. the Doran dressed himself in his Jedi robes and proceeded to the cantina. He found Master Vos attempting to teach Kota and Aurora the art of levitating objects with the force. The very same lesson that he and Frond had first learned under Master Sarna. As loathe as Kel was to intrude on an important stepping stone, these were desperate times. "Master Vos, when you have a moment to spare, I need to speak with you about something rather...urgent."

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Across the cosmos on the waves of the vast ocean of The Force, Frond's mind reaches out grasping for that of his brotherly learner in The Force, Kel Koon. The Neti's familiar sense of peace tinged with hints of physical pain and an otherworldly desire to destroy, spoke the following words in the silent voice of Frond; his usual vernacular warped by the pain.



”Crawling worm defiles

Waves of darkness crashing down

Ficcabin is lost”


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Aurora had lost her sausage, then claimed it back. Tobias smirked at that- he noticed Kota having a little trouble getting the spoon to move. With an encouraging whisper Tobias gave a little bit of advice- "Clear your mind Kota, you have all the time in the galaxy. Breath and think of nothing else except the spoon floating into your hand." As they worked their way through this exercise Tobias felt Kel approaching with some apprehension and nervous worry. Kel whispered into the Jedi Master's ear.


Resting his torso weight on one elbow with his body turned to catch all three of them, Vos nodded and quietly knocked on the table once- snapped his fingers twice- knocked again and 'tapped' his index finger in the air. Kel would have felt a finger tap on his shoulder. When he turned around there would be a doppelganger- almost an exact replica, except there was no mass to the apparition. Tobias had used the Force to trick Kel that there was a tap on his shoulder. It was good to show the aspects of the force in a variety of ways. The apparition would beacon Kel away from the table to speak about what was on his mind. Tobias wished they would be done soon, he didn't have long before he started to get a headache from this technique. As they turned, the Kel'Dor and the other Vos, the apparition guided him out of the cafeteria with a sweep of his hand. "What is on your mind Apprentice Koon- what has you troubled?"


The real Vos sat patiently- ready to guide Kota through this process if he needed it. Breath, just breath. He silently thought.

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