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Unknown Regions - Terminus Station

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Terminus Station


Astrographical Information

Stationary or Mobile: Stationary, with occasional drifts

Current Location: Unknown Regions – Outside the Galactic Plane

Grid Coordinates: A-7 << varies slightly >>


Physical Information

Hyperdrive Capabilities: None

Size: 3.8-kilometers (12467.2 ft) Length (Spinal Construct)

1-kilometer (3280.84 ft) Width (Diameter)

Physical Description | Exterior: Shiny plated Black exterior. The metal of the exterior hull reflects the space around it by refracting the light radiation back out. (Ships use a series of comm pulses to locate and communicate with the facility – specifically tailored series of pulses).

Physical Description | Interior: A great deal of the interior is based on what quarter of the station you are in.

  • Q1 – Very utilitarian. This is where the maintenance, power, and utility facilities are.
  • Q2 – A great deal of the interior is hygienic looking. Stark white is used a lot. Low lights, air filtration systems, etc. Each lab is carefully maintained by a suite of electronic helpers and complicated programs. These helpers and technological elements have different settings to allow for adaptation and change over time. Lead scientists can also manipulate the parameters and limits of their labs and helpers (with the assistance of the station A.I – Idarah).
  • Q3 – Hangar and Manufacturing; basically, warehouse-esque interiors. This is where the ABS handle their production and shipping.
  • Q4 – is very much like Q 2 (Labs, white, hygienic).
  • The spinal construct is a large hollow rod that runs through the center of the station. It is basically laid out as if you are walking inside of a huge communications relay. (Because it basically is a giant communications relay that connects to almost all of ABS’ other stations.)


Dormitories are designated in certain areas of the lab quarters and they operate on a different atmospheric setting and preference than the labs do. However, the top scientists and visiting officials have dormitories in the top 3 levels of the facility.


The top 3 decks (3 out of 33) – Administrative. The rooms are darkly furnished and very well cleaned/maintained. The lighting is kept low to avoid overly damaging anyone’s eyes and intellectual property/words are well documented.


Physical Description | Other:

Hangars: 10 Hangars total. Quarter 3 - - - (one every 3rd deck (out of 30 decks)).


Tactical Information

Faction Affiliation: N/A

Crew Complement: 30,000 personnel. (85% Arkanian – 15% Other)

(1000 Officers/Leads)

Fighter Complement: N/A

Shields: N/A

Armaments: N/A

Defense Protocol: Terminus Station has a strategic and very comprehensive ‘kill switch’ program - - - (A.I - Idarah)

- If computer systems are hacked, the program assesses the level of the hack and begins to break down important information. All leads carry physical backups for relevant data. So, if an invasive hack occurs, the systems format themselves and erases/resets all passwords attached to each system.

- If the Lead Scientists or the station is threatened in any way, any relevant data is transmitted through heavily encrypted channels. The program uses a series of smokescreen channels to protect the main information transfer. Once the information transfer is completed and the level of threat is assessed, the station explodes, killing everyone inside and anyone within a few lightyears of the structure.


JediRP Canon History

The ABS has been a subtle staple in the backbone of intergalactic scientific discovery. They have quietly done work to uncover benchmarks in sentient evolution for years. Since the fall of the Republic and the failings of sentient beings to comprehend their individual failures, the Arkanian Bio-Engineering Syndicate has done its duty to search for perfection in any and every facet possible.


They believe they are the spearhead piercing through time, pulling ahead with brilliant minds and inspirational discoveries in Bio-Engineering, Robotics, Weapon design, and many others. Their practices are not morally cut and dry. Their methods are harsh but efficient. And they aren’t afraid to take a Machiavellian approach to life and the pursuit of discovery.


The Terminus Station was founded with subtlety in mind. They built where no one would think to look, to protect as much of their enterprise as possible. The station is a way to conduct their most unorthodox experiments away from prying eyes and share those results with other facilities across the galaxy, using the large communication array built into the cylindrical station.


“Perfection, at any cost…”


((Summary compiled by Idarah. Thank you!))

Immediately reachable by  charlesjhall@gmail.com


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  • "Deep in the Unknown Regions of space, a force of science and medical innovation worked feverishly to push forward in the pursuit of their ultimate goal: Perfection."


A large seamless cylinder of black plated metal spun silently in space. It was a massive station that was cut in the middle by a series of large metal dividers, attached to a large titanium shaft in the center of the structure. The dividers split the station into quarters. And the station had a total of thirty-three decks and floors. The last 3 floors sat atop the cylinder like large discs. The first of these was a large lab devoted to special projects and the last two were devoted to administrative rooms, offices and conference centers.


Center Shaft (Spine of the facility) - Communications Relay

Quarter 1 - 30 Decks = Maintenance, Power, Utility.

Quarter 2 - 30 Decks = LABS/Cleanrooms Scientific/Medical Experiments (Biological, Physics, Propulsion, Incendiary, Chemical, Genetic)

Quarter 3 - (Opposite Q1) - 30 Decks = Transit, Production, Distribution (Hangar bays, Manufacturing, Factories)

Quarter 4 - (Opposite Q2) - LABS/Cleanrooms Scientific/Medical Experiments (Biological, Physics, Propulsion, Incendiary, Chemical, Genetic)


Deck 31

Special Projects


Deck 32/33






When the Golden Link Casino dropped out of hyperspace, a hailing frequency immediately hit. Shuttles sprang to life and began swarming the Casino with rapid motions. Technicians, scientists, and mercenaries poured through the Golden Link and started to tear pieces and parts out of the facility. They didn't leave much of anything behind. They were extremely thorough. They expertly removed the A.I core and offloaded it to a shuttle. And after everything was removed, they jettisoned the Golden Link back to its original location through hyperspace. When that business was finished, they offloaded all the equipment from the shuttles and immediately started to install the A.I and all of its trappings, in the Terminus computers. Idarah would be the new face of the Arkanian Syndicate. She would help them in many fundamental ways. Reconnaissance and surveillance were valuable assets after all.


The A.I would interface between cells and assist in communication between the different stations and substations all across the galaxy. That was Arcanus' plan. The central spine of this station held one of the strongest communication relays in existence. It could hit a comm buoy at the galactic core from their location in the Unknown Regions -- of course, the burst of that communication would be highly illogical and frowned upon, but it could. And Idarah could transfer her signal through any communication relay available. That was the beauty of her programming. That was the beauty of her design.


Arcanus Verdunn fiddled with his mechanical right arm. The fully articulated cybernetics would sometimes feel like a real right arm. But Arcanus thought himself a fool for musing such idle pleasantries. Now that Idarah was here, the station was complete. Their operations had expanded again and maintained strength, but the lack of cohesive communication was starting to break the cells apart. This would fix that; like a large adhesive de-coagulant.


He sat in a large chair, abutting a huge round table that sat in darkness. Other chairs sat around this table. And as the moments drifted by, blue lights began to flicker at every chair. Old Arkanians, like Arcanus, looked up at him, sitting at the head of the large table. Each of them nodded solemnly in turn and smiled. It wasn't the warm smile you gave on a happy day, but the smile you made when you succeeded at something in your life. And it was tinted with Arkanian flavor, which meant it had an ample supply of self-service.


Arcanus was the last to smile. He tapped quietly at his seat and the large round table lit up. Maps, charts, and graphs of various experiments illuminated the dark and filled the room. Colors were arrayed by the types of each experiment, the locations of each experiment, and the successes or failures of each experiment. It was a comprehensive display of progress that the entire room sat and watched for a few moments. Beeping continued all around them and a few of the Arkanians deliberated with themselves, which broke the silence.


Arcanus held up a hand to stall the inquiries. "What is it, Davros?"


Davros, a slightly smaller Arkanian with wispy hair and wide-rimmed spectacles, huffed. "My agent on Corellia was unable to get definitive results from the Cerean Jedi that visited her. I might need to have another agent on Cerea look out for him."


"Did she get any results?" Arcanus asked a sense of mild irritation to his tone.


"Yes, she did." Davros bleated, passing a litany of glowing charts to Arcanus' side of the table.


Arcanus looked the charts over with silence and nodded. "Good. We know that that species of plant is not responsive to those types of experiments. We will have the Jedi fix the problem while we continue observation. And if he can't, we'll continue with our experimentation regardless. Proceed Davros."


Davros huffed again, his bushy beard rustling a little at the movement, and settled back in his chair.


"Now that we have that out of the way," Arcanus continued. "I would like to say welcome. Welcome to the seventh annual Arkanian Syndicate Council Meeting. I am Arcanus Verdunn and I will be presiding as the Archon for these proceedings. Idarah will take the minutes." Arcanus waved his mechanical arm in the air and a Twi'lek hologram illuminated the center of the table.


"Yes, Master Verdunn." Idarah chimed. Her voice was cold. Her eyes were set.


Arcanus' smile widened, and his cybernetic eye lit up with a dangerously pleased gleam. "Now gentlemen and ladies. Let us proceed."

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  • 3 weeks later...

The meeting ended as all the meetings typically did. Idarah was the only exception. Arcanus sat in the conference room. The lights were dim and he sat alone. His form was composed and silent as Idarah read back the minutes. And he quietly took stock of all the business that was conducted. The Beta Terminus Station was registering good numbers on the other side of the galaxy. The Corellian offices were lagging a little, but keeping at a good pace. The results on planet Cerea looked promising but inconclusive. The cloning facilities on Kamino, Coruscant and Nar Shadaa were busy collecting DNA from anyone that they cloned and each strain was piling up. Soon the Syndicate would have DNA on all the prominent galactic figures. Davros even thought about picking up a cloning facility on Corellia, but the move was deemed too risky with their other assets in the area. More facilities were always good and with their backers supplying them with ample cash it was simple, but they had to move carefully. One wrong move, one wrong turn or one improper investment and they would find themselves smack dab on the galactic radar. Which is someplace Arcanus, and their investors never wanted to happen.


Arcanus revealed some facilities in the space near the Echani and Thyrsian homeworlds. Their genetic creations were doing famously and those that survived the genetic trials in utero eighteen years ago were now experiencing the first symptoms of their evolutionary leap. The nanoscopic mechanical monitoring devices implanted in the fetuses were keeping up to date on certain progress benchmarks and the results were amazing. Testing could move forward in that arena and push for more extensive trials.


There were other floating lab facilities that reported back daily, but their locations were more mundane. They were normal medical facilities that reported average data with only occasional abnormalities. And the only other assets that the medical conglomerate possessed were stocks that were held in numerous galactic businesses. That, coupled with the support of companies on Arkania and other industrious planets, is what helped keep the Syndicate afloat. The Paragon initiative, as it was affectionately labeled, was proceeding on schedule. Progress was hard won, but any progress was good progress.


“Is that all you wished for today Master Arcanus?” Idarah said.


Arcanus nodded and the blue form of the A.I winked out, leaving Arcanus in the almost pitch black of the conference room.


He twitched his cybernetic arm, feeling the phantom sensation in his fingers again. He walked slowly to the door and only once looked back at the table.


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  • 1 month later...

“Arcanus, a moment?”


A bookish looking arkanian scientist that sat at exactly five feet, approached Arcanus with a worried expression. “It seems the plague on Aivatom II has spread to Coruscant.”

Arcanus’ expression soured considerably. His glowing yellow eyes and long white hair that loomed a foot over the tiny Arkanian bookworm, seemed to tense. “I know. I’m not happy about it.”


“Well, sir, it appears that someone mixed up the quarantine records and allowed travel from the planet.” The squat Arkanian continued, driveling on despite Arkanus’ livid admission. The elder Arkanian stared daggers at the short squibbling figure until he stopped jabbering and looked the director square in his frustrated expression.


“I. Know,” Arcanus seethed. “If they break the code, they’ll know that the plague was man-made. It wasn’t even worth the failed experiment. We need to try and clean this up as best we can. See if you can’t generate some fabricated plague results to pad their research. Lead them down the path to curing the disease so they don’t ask questions.”


The other Arkanian, who was sufficiently startled at Arcanus’ reaction tried to scurry away, but Arcanus’ cold metal arm stopped him in his tracks. “Oh, and Fillonious. Please do refrain from sending me messages in person. I would hate to see you at the top of the LTL.”


Arcanus smiled dangerously and the other, shorter, Arkanian blanched.

“Now. Off you go. And see that our research from the Tyrena hospital has been processed properly!”


Arcanus shoed Fillonious away and watched as the man stumbled out the door. Just as the director of operations was turning away, however, a large silhouette played across the durasteel of his office. The shadow of the creature’s massive frame shrouded the bay window that Arcanus looked out of.


“Trouble Arcanus?”


His voice was booming and quite articulate for his species. Most of the Hutts were known for their arrogance toward ‘lesser’ species. While they fiddled away with pirates, gambling dens, slaves and fighting pits, they insisted on using their language and almost never bother to learn Basic. It was for this reason, one of several, that Arcanus appreciated Dordjooba’s council. He was a modest stockholder in several of the syndicate’s parent and sister companies and he was an aggressive businessman. He did a lot of the number crunching and footwork himself which set Dordjooba aside from his contemporaries.


“Ah, yes, well… An experiment we conducted a time ago blew up in our face. With little consideration to the population of that planet, we evacuated and continued our experiments elsewhere; trivial matter. What is it you need?” Arcanus waved his left hand in the air and turned to face the large charcoal-skinned Hutt. The air stilled and the scent of lime and coconuts filled the room. Dordjooba’s predatory eyes looked deep into Arcanus’ bright yellow ones and together they squared off. Mutual respect brought them together and a professional consideration kept their relationship solid. Nothing more.


“Well, it appears a few of my interests have gone awry in my absence. My investments, though secure in some respects, have been dipping in others. I may need to take my leave of you and track down the source of my financial misfortune.” Dordjooba rumbled. His bass voice vibrated the jowls in his face, but his eyes never left.


“Does this mean your investment in us is drying up?” a note of concern lifting the edge of Arcanus’ voice.


“Hajuba no! It just means I must leave to rectify the financial troubles. I am simply here to get the scrambler.” The slug said, reaching out his right hand and stuffing his overlarge datapad in a side-pocket.


Arcanus hesitated for a moment, thinking, and snapped his fingers when he realized what the Hutt was speaking of. “Ah… right. Just a moment.” Arcanus said, following the edge of the room to find a small device. It was a simple-looking machine about the size of Arcanus’ hand. “Please make sure to use this one wisely. It obscures your hyperspace path, but extensive use will fry the machine. Also, don’t install it in your hyperspace core. Install it with the hardware of your main computer.”


“Why is that?” Dordjooba asked, palming the device and putting it in another side pouch.


“It is designed to interfere with other ship’s systems, not your own, so linking it to the main computer gives it access to the primary systems it needs to project the signal. If you put it near the hyperspace core, when it fires, the machine will explode and do nothing but spread shrapnel everywhere.” Arcanus said, grimacing as the memory of previous machine failures spiked in his already tense mind.


“Good to know,” Dordjooba said, nodding a little to Arcanus and slithering out the door to his office. “Good luck to your investments Arcanus Starshatter.”

“And to you Dordjooba.”

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