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The Ossus Fallen hurtled from the blue embrace of hyperspace above the sandball of a planet. Terra was deep in meditation, calming her mind for what was to come. She hated diplomacy with a passion. Within her mind, she began to build a barrier against the baser, violent passions which would interfere with any diplomatic negotiations that were to take place. They would hold, if but for a short time. Long enough to deal with Dordjooba alone.


The pure blackness of her eyes dimmed and retreated, shrinking and diminishing as the logical side took hold of her body, reverting into an unnatural silvered tone. The lust for blood lightened, but remained ever-present within her skull, urging destruction and the path of demonhood. A small beep from one of the war droids wrenched her from her meditations, and her silvered eyes glanced up to see the swirling mass of tan. Upon the planet's surface, sandstorms swirled patterns of red and white into the background of the desert's glory. Tatooine.


She plotted a course towards the largest city, Mos Eisley, and set The Ossus Fallen into a steep descent. The black and red shuttle resembled the outstretched talon of a raven as it streaked through the desert sky, the emblems of the Sith glowing red upon the pitted hull. The ship shook slightly as it cut through the air, but Terra remained in control. At such speed, every course correction took upon itself great thrill, the consequence for poor judgment being death by atomization. The claw shrieked as it took pause in midflight, and began to hover above the wretched hive of scum and villainy below, casting a dark shadow upon the cityscape. Terra toggled a widecast.


”œDordjooba the Hutt. This is the agent of Black Sun, Terra. Prepare for negotiations... The Great Smash Diasaku requires your presence...”


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Terra's silvered eyes moved their gaze from the swirling sand, which clouded the distant, blued skies, and focused on the comlink transceiver. From it, a line of Hutt spoken basic was springing forth from it, like garbage overflowing its barrel. The language was normally beautful but now it sounded disgusting. She focused on the Hutt's words as he spoke, translating the filthy language in her mind to Echani.


”œTerra, I will meet you. I take it you are in a ship? If you are, come a few miles out of town and look toward the sand, you will find a large rock formation and an arrow in the sand."


She toggled a basic affirmative back through the encrypted channel and placed a gloved hand against the shuttle's steering yoke, letting out a gentle sigh before she eased the craft back into action, following the Hutt's order. As she did so, she sent an encrypted message to Smash Diasaku, giving him affirmation of contact and location. Within a few moments, one of the Krath droids located an arrow being assembled. She set it as The Ossus Fallen's course for the arrow, and set the great Sith craft down in a gentle landing.


As the ship powered down, she slipped on a deep black sandcloak, covering her armor and weapons with the cloth. Terra's booted feet made small clicks on the landing ramp as she strode down it, turning to light crunching as they hit the sand at the bottom. Sand was certainly not her favorite of terrains. Striding past the arrow and towards the large rock overhang, she could not help but notice the lack of typical Hutt-esque elegance. With slight annoyance, she spoke out


”œGreat and mighty Dordjooba... Smash Diasaku, Lord of Black Sun, Conqueror of Corsec, and Drinker of the Finest Liquor, bids you to return with me to our stronghold on the planet Dubrillion...”


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Terra smiled warmly at the Hutt's kind responses to her arrival. Her silver eyes drifted about the encampment, observing the state of the Great Hutt's current living conditions. From the look of him, Dordjooba had trimmed down a bit, quite uncommon for a Hutt, but the now more muscular of his body suited him well, giving him a bit more imposing stature than the holovids made him out to be. There was a slight prickle on the back of her neck, a moment before the exhaust ports sent her long plait of silvery-blonde hair whirling about her pale face. A smile spread across her face as she glanced towards it. Unlike the Hutt's camp, the Yacht seemed to be in good condition, an opulent jewel in the starliner series, rivaling even Smash's craft.


From within the sandcloak, she withdrew a grand bottle of the finest whiskey, decorated in diamonds, whose strength could stop a Wookiee in its tracks. She tossed the bottle high; lobbing it towards the Hutt's spread hand. If all went according to plan, it would land square in his palm. She inclined her head and spoke softly, just loud enough to be heard over the roar of the yacht's engines.


”œIn order to honor you in your retirement, take and enjoy the finest of Smash's stock. It would bear me great pleasure to accompany you in your craft.”


To the Death...

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  • 3 months later...

Terra's greysteel eyes focused upon the distant swirling deserts that made up the planet Tatooine through The Darkened Fear's main viewscreen. It was hardly a gem of a planet, but according to ancient historical records, it had once been a lush world, before its destruction at the hands of a long-extinct species. The planet itself was cloaked in darkness, the twin suns having long before become invisible behind the planet, giving it a halo of fiery orange, an omen of what might be in store for their mission.


With a few strokes on the ship's computer, she activated the scanners on their highest alert, and began to bring the ship into the planet's darkened atmosphere. Terra kept the assault craft at a painfully slow decent, not wishing to risk a revealing flare in the night sky, or appear on too many scanners. Keeping her hands upon the control yoke, she placed the craft into its lowest power setting, for flying at ultra-high speeds in any atmosphere was hardly recommended. Reaching slowly with a gloved hand, she activated the craft's combat systems, quickly making sure all missiles and laser systems were prepped for easy access along with the ship's heavy shielding. Although prepping the combat systems might place a higher strain on her efforts at stealth, it was a better alternative than being shredded by a random rock or inconvenient missile.


Terra flicked on the low-light setting on the forward viewscreen and smiled as the desert appeared before her in green outlines. Placing her helmet on over her head, she activated her comlink, and selected the highly encrypted Black Sun frequency. The frequency was unhackable, so she felt safe using it. Activating her microphone, she spoke in a small voice.


”œThis is agent Terra... We were called in for assistance, give me your location, and we'll be there to blast anything away.”


To the Death...

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Terra raised an eyebrow at the live feed coming through the Black Sun network, transposed onto a small section of the viewscreen. It was a feed from Delta's HUD, and through it, she could see a scene in chaos. Slavers were biting the dust left and right, but their pitiful deaths were not what intrigued her. It was the figure in Mandalorian armor, fighting in the centre of the screen, which caused Terra's eyebrow to rise into her pale, lightly freckled forehead. A fully-armored Mando'a wasn't something one saw every day, especially for an Echani. Terra's greysteel eyes sparkled with intensity as she watched the Mandalorian's actions, drawing Delta's readings off the Mando from the linkup.


The Mandalorian was stacked with weapons, in true Mandalorian fashion, and his electronic signature was very unique, for no other thing in the compound had that kind of equipment. It probably helped the man survive, but now it would help to be his undoing. Activating The Darkened Fear's advanced targeting computer, Terra began to feed the information from the Mandalorian into it, from the readouts on his armor, to the leaching electromagnetic signature the internal equipment of the armor gave off. The armor had the advantage of being packed to the brim with electronics, a hologram projector, and being supposedly invincible, but such upgrades came at a cost. It painted a very large target on his back for someone who could track the signals. A smile formed on Terra's lips, her pale lips parting slightly to reveal her pure-white teeth, she wanted armor like that. She had a feeling she'd like this man if she met him.


With a flick of a button, Terra duplicated the information and displayed it on Malin's screen, so he could see as the ship's computer assigned the Mandalorian a unique targeting and tracking code, before feeding that information to the weapons systems. Following it up, she fed the information of all the targets on screen into the system. Bringing the signal itself up on the screen, she quickly traced it using an algorithm she had used often before. The signal's point of origin was about forty miles away, across the desert sand, a distance that could be very quickly covered if necessary. It was time to prepare for war.


Terra set the craft to start a slow, stealthy course toward the battleground, and made ready for battle. Standing, she carefully removed the duster that she was wearing, giving a smug look in Malin's direction, and pulled a pair of dark, armored gauntlets on over her hands, linking them to the light armor she wore beneath. Taking a folding razor from her belt, she opened it, and slid the blade across her cheek, drawing a line of blood upon her freckled face. Finishing the old, Echani ceremony, she sat back down in the pilot's chair, and gave Malin a small smile.


Before she could speak, an alert passed on-screen from the ship's dedicated tracking computer. The Jedi and Sith vessel she had met up with on Thallassia was now in hyperspace, crossing holonet s-thread. From its calculations, it was headed right towards her, the planet of Tatooine. Thank goodness she had planted the XX-23 on their YT cargo shuttle. Her smile widened, and she passed the information to Malin. She activated the advanced scanners, and set a portion of them onto hyperspace detection. Her sensors would pick up the ship Tobias Vos and the Jedi piloted when it exited hyperspace. If she felt it necessary, and labeled them a threat, Terra would ambush them with half a dozen concussion missiles, and a discord missile for good luck.


Reaching behind herself, Terra grabbed her duty-bag and pulled a nutritional cage from the bag. Placing it next to her, with its harness ready, she began to bring the ship up a bit, so it would be in the middle atmosphere, instead of almost skimming the ground. She kept a careful eye on the distance locator, and the scanner readouts. They were drawing close, and she was ready for battle against any that would have her.


To the Death...

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Terra's greysteel eyes flashed as an alert came onscreen, notifying her of a high-priority call to Black Sun agents abroad, for an immediate return to Black Sun headquarters. She paused and glanced over to Malin, catching his eye with her own. Their plans were not going as well as she had hoped. She had not gotten any contact from Black Sun agents, and now their mission was being overridden by Black Sun Command. She blew out a small sigh, smiled at Malin, and brought the nose of The Darkened Fear up, heading for the atmosphere.Once they had cleared atmosphere, she activated the hyperspace drives, and the craft blasted into the swirling veil of hyperspace.


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  • 6 years later...

The hum of nerves coalesced with the pounding of her heart as Terra stepped through the vast passenger ship, The Avastian Jewl. On bare feet and without armour, the journey was vastly different than any other time she had traipsed amongst the bourgeoisie and aristocrats within the shipping business. There was no parting of the crowd to let her through, or hushed words of fear. Now there was only the disdain of the patrician upon a beggar. In a former life, she may have ended the humiliation in a bloodbath, but now she had more to gain and to lose.


She slipped past a crowd of Ithorians, listening to their rippling voices, to the debate they were holding on climate change and the ill smells upon the slightly moving air from the oxygen scrubbers, and ran into a squad of mercenaries that made a perimeter around a noble. A quick knee aimed at her chest sent her sprawling, and she turned it into a somersault with the momentum. From the HUD, she could see they were armed with scatterguns and sonic weaponry, all things effective against her in her current state of affairs. Unarmed there was no reason to fight. Terra skirted the group, allowing them to pass before darting into a turbolift to the lower levels of the ship. As they descended, the smell of rotting sweat began to invade her nose.


“Girl, if you need credits, I can put that pretty mouth of yours to good work!”


Terra turned to look at the other occupants of the turbolift, a group of university-aged males, who were undoubtedly slumming amongst the downtrodden as part of their fraternity pledge. She looked over the finely dressed speaker from the group, a sandy-haired portly man, and took an involuntary step back as he began to unbuckle his trousers. The turbolift’s decking felt cool upon her feet. His mates cheered him on with inane words of encouragement. She cleared her throat and flashed them a smile, showing her sharpened fangs of darkmetal. The doors of the turbolift rushed open and she stepped out, leaving the men confused and wary.


The ship shuddered under her feet, and she could feel the ship’s hyperdrives powering down through the decking. It was far too early for such an end to the trip, they had at least another day of hyperspace travel to endure. The young woman sped up her footsteps, picking her way across the grimy decking, avoiding the excrement and trash that had been piled up in the hallways by the crewmembers and vagabonds. As she passed a viewscreen, she saw the reflected glow of sandy Tatooine, and an all too familiar sight, the Corevette, The Marie.


“…Passengers of The Avastian Jewel, we have made an emergency stop at the planet of Tatooine to deal with an attempted mutiny. However, it would appear we have gotten pulled into the range of a pirate fleet, please stand by for further orders.”


As screams of panic and the rush of boots began to fill the halls, Terra slipped a credit chit into the nearby holocall center. She accepted the charges and methodically typed in the number of Delta’s comlink


“Before you vape this passenger liner, let me get off first. Dock up on…”


She scanned the vessel-map that was beside the holocenter, squinting her robotic eyes to see past the lines of graphitti


“Deck 223-A.”


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  • 7 months later...
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