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Bespin: (Black Sun's) Cloud City


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((Double posting for a bump))


Two messages arrive for Silas on a secure channel and line. The first is of Faust's Ritual at Dantooine, absorbing both the small Wound in the Force left by the infamous killing fields, and the recent drain of life force. The video is graphic, showing the slow electrocution, concluding with the soul steal that reduced the victims to dust.


A short time later, Faust himself comms in personally, appearing with his arrogant grin.


"Silas... we're going to need to have a talk about the future. I'm hoping you've had a chance to review the video because we need to discuss next steps."

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A response message was left waiting for Faust on the Black Sun network.




I'm very pleased with your work thus far, Lord Faust. I'm anxious to hear about your plans for the future. You know where to find me and my door, as always, is open. I expect I'll be hearing from you soon.


--End Message--


After the message was sent, Silas alerted his secretary that he was prepared to play host to Mr. Menethil should he still be around.


Proud member of the JNET Addicts Club since November '05

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Landing outside Corellian airspace, Faust receives Silas's comment. A smirk passed over the Hunter's face as he gains clearance to land, and he sends a simple reply through the same secure channels.


Will be stepping up Ritual sites across the Galaxy. Push RAGE into populated systems. Life drain ritual can be altered to offer a select few immortality when time comes to execute checkmate at Ground Zero. About to speculate on the Corellian Stock Exchange. Short-sell in what ever futures you have.

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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The Hunter's message was happily received on Cloud City. Silas took the Sith's advice to heart and began selling of the various securities and commodities that he had acquired over the years. If Faust was to be believed then he would be turning quite the profit on them in just a few days.


At the same time shipments of rage began flowing out of the Black Sun hangars. Their destinations were numerous, encompassing the entirety of the Core Worlds and much of the Inner- and Mid-Rim worlds, reaching as far as Naboo. Before long, the entire galaxy would be boiling with RAGE.


Proud member of the JNET Addicts Club since November '05

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Sir, you'll want to see this.


Silas looked up from his computer monitor to see a young comm officer standing before him holding a print-out. He took time to light a smoke before motioning the man forward. He took the piece of paper from his outstretched hand and scanned it briefly.


"The communication was picked up coming out of the Kwymar Sector, the old base on Artus Prime to be specific, sir."


Silas puffed silently on his cigarette while considering this news. He wasn't quite sure why the young comm officer had been set a-twitter about the intercepted message until he reached the bottom of the report. The officer had run a voice recognition analysis and had been rewarded with a match.


No, that's impossible. He's been dead for years. There's no way...That facility would have been destroyed years ago. But...maybe.


He looked back at the young man before him.


"Dispatch a team. They are to bring this man back to me...alive."


Proud member of the JNET Addicts Club since November '05

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  • 3 months later...

One of Faust's more loyal agents, ensconced within Black Sun, makes his way around Cloud City. While Faust knew he has Silas's trust, Faust's plans tried to take care of loose ends and keep a pulse on things. Though Black Sun's active role in the endgame was over, the agent also knew that there were possibly loose ends to take care of. Some things, even Silas did not need to be troubled over, and once the finale at Ground Zero went off, the matter would be moot.


From a terminal in an office not that far from SIlas's, the agent sets about his task, knowing full well if he was caught, he would be killed with extreme prejudice. If he failed, it might even implicate the Master, so the agent had documentation on his body, well forged, that tied back to both the Hutts, and some of the other Sith leadership. The agent joined roughly around the time that the schism occurred in Black Sun, when Piccolo and the others fought over who was Daisaku's heir. The Master played a vital role at that time, and also still commanded a small force within. Still technically being a Vigo never hurt either for getting access. Reports were downloaded and erased from Black Sun's mainframes regarding the spread of RAGE. Reports showed saturation in several key areas, helping prime the way for the Master's wounding.


The second was dangerous, and where Faust's interests diverged from Black Sun. Careful enough not to use Faust's own internal credentials, the agent followed directions to use former Vigo Mindan's to order an assassin strike on both the Jedi, the Sith, and CoreSec. That Vigo dropped off the Galactic scene ages ago, so unless he were to miraculously return out of nowhere to scuttle things, that would be enough to both hurt both enemies pursing Faust, others who might be rivals for his power, and use Black Sun to take the fall while Faust moved on with his plans. The call and bounties went out, in Black Sun's name of course...


The last, was accessing Black Sun's financials, starting with the raid from which it profited during the actions Faust took at the Coreillian Stock Exchange. Though not part of the Master's mainline plan, he knew the Jedi, CoreSec, and Alliance were marshaling forces. While Black Sun was an ally, it was not one able to fight back on the same absolute terms. Money Black Sun needed to operate could instead be used to finance disgruntled Imperial soldiers and engineers already heeding the call to meet at Kuat's Drive Yards, or build droids at Midsengard to help arm for the final push. By having Black Sun gain the funds on a massive scale, it would help Faust in a way that he could not on his own muster. Once more using "Mindan"'s orders, funds started to slowly drain out of Black Sun's bank accounts in a series of small, unremarkable transactions that would shuffle them through the markets and ultimately place them where Faust could access them.


That program at work and set to finish within an hour, the agent mops a bead of sweat from his human forehead and makes for his private shuttlecraft. He would have to escape and report back to the Master that things were executed successfully.

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Delta sat sipping his eighth shot of whiskey and playing a fast paced game of angry mynocks on his comm link. He cursed and downed the tumbler of whiskey before throwing the device against the wall. He demanded another round from the barkeep. When he was denied he immediantly regretted throwing the comm against the wall. He had built this damned place and he would be damned to be kicked out for getting drunk. He glared at the barkeep and asked for one of the abandoned comms from below the bar. He showed his ID and got his pick. He picked the gold one and looked through the contact list. No one he could get clearance from to blow up naboo again to get rid of stress.


He pouted and looked through his contact list for anyone that he recognized. He glanced across the names and hiccuped. He coughed and looked at the name again. Mindan


His mind sobered up instantly. That bastard had died of a heart attack too many years ago to be still alive. Delta grinned and sent a text message.


Hai bebe wnt sum phuk 


Now that was a weird auto correct for "Have a mission for me?"


Who's phone was this?


He turned the comm over and looked at the nameplate. Smash Daisaku



That explains that


Delta pulled his pistol and shot a few rounds off at the general direction of the barkeep. He nailed the man in the lower groin, which Delta found hilarious enough for a quick video. Before he walked to the turbolift to the docking bay and off into space.




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  • 2 weeks later...

The agent boards his ship and makes a casual escape from Cloud City. The orders went out to the assassins, and at the same time, the funds were drained in a way to help aid the mustering of the Master's forces to help pull off the strike he needed to secure his power. Troops and mercenaries needed supplies and ships, a batch of old Nightcloaks needed repair, and last, but not least money to secure the last few artifacts needed to amplify the Master's power the critical moment.


As his ship clears hyperspace, the agent chortles. Faust, despite being an ally, had stolen from Black Sun and gotten away with it, and set a few key assassins in motion to eliminate some of the Master's foes.




Black Sun Agents, code named R3-NO, RU-D3, 3L3-N43 and their leader TS-3NG were normally the favorite trouble shooters of Daisaku, and even Faust when running strictly Black Sun operations. Competent, the Agents were among the best of the best.


Sadly, they were on vacation and not available.


More fearsome though was their stand in. Agent J3N-0V4. Her home world unknown, she was born of the experiments of an old ally of Black Sun, simply known as Dr. Sin, combining the cells of humans and several aliens. While she had a bit of a father complex, she was comfortable with her unnatural birth, having had her growth accelerated by Kamino style cloning techniques. Still under "Mindan's" orders, the Agent had a single mission, declared Top Secret, even among Black Sun's ranks- kill the enemies of Black Sun, starting with the Jedi on Coruscant. Her favorite method was an absurdly long vibro-katana he wielded almost effortlessly, though she also had a fair amount of Gen'Dai cells mixed into his make up, allowing a "reunion" effect if she was severely wounded in battle, combined with a Clawdite's face altering abilities. Called to action, this loyal trooper set forth to fulfill her mission.

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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  • 2 years later...

A very lame and uninspiring story had taken over for Zalis. She was rather bored, and it seemed like the bounty placed on the Jedi drove the galaxy into some sort of quiet frenzy. There was no real noise, outside of the capital and some minor news on the outskirt planets. She herself had been moved from location to location in service of collecting fees and dues for Black Sun, but she hadn't yet seen any other agent in a very long time. It was slightly mind numbing for her, but it was her job. As it now stood, she was piloting her ship, Nimbus back into it's landing berth at Cloud City. She had managed to bring along with her some major credits that she collected over time on each assignment. The total was just over 80,000 credits she was able to collect personally on top of the fees and dues. She somehow knew she would eventually have to turn it in, but with as quiet as everything has been recently, she hoped that it would allow her enough time to secure it away from any of her supervisors.


Upon landing her vessel, Zalis began to comm in to the main office and let them know that she had arrived back and that she would be waiting in the briefing room. She of course wouldn't go straight there, she would hit the fresher in her own little oasis within the City first. Part of her still had that stink of that Zeltron from her last job on Nar Shaddaa. He was disgusting and smelled like a trash compactor, but he paid her well enough. If she could remove his stink, she just may hit him back up when on the planet. She even managed to pull from him a good case of death sticks. As she entered her apartment, the smell of caf that had sat in a pot for well over three months immediately hit her nostrils and made her gag just slightly. Ignoring it, she turned on air scrubber to remove the smell and then hit the refresher and cleaned herself up. It took her around five minutes before she was dressed in new clothing and headed off to meet with her supervisors.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Zalis sat within the meeting room for well over two hours before it dawned upon her that her supervisors were not coming. She got up and moved herself from the room and went storming into the main headquarters, ready to raise hell, but was quickly disappointed with the fact the office was empty. Data ports, com links, and there devices were still up and operational, and from a quick scan saw that multiple agents were still active within the galaxy. But with the entire setup, it seemed like those who were always above her were not present. In fact, they may not have been active since since her last assignment. For her, this presented a few choices and reactions. She was grateful for not having to worry about reporting her own side income anymore, but it also meant that she was not really employed either... Unless...


It took her all of around five seconds before she made her choice to move to take fully over the company. Black Sun always needed a head, someone to move the pieces into place to collect funds and maintain contacts. And for what it was worth, almost all of the equipment was left fully intact, so all she had to do was control it for a few weeks before making it well known that there was a change in the head. With a fast sit down at a data port that was connected to the Holonet, she began to issue a few new drop locations for agents for funds, and began to move some funds back into the Bounty Hunter's Network. She would need to work fast to secure herself into her position, but she was more than confident that she was able to do it, and that she could easily handle an organization such as Black Sun. Smash had run Black Sun since forever. It was indeed time for new management.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Zalis was informed that most of the expected agents were beginning to show up at their Coruscant location, so she made her final system setups and then went and got her ship, Nimbus, ready for it's tour to Coruscant and her meeting with the agents and Vigos of Black Sun. It was about to be her outing to them as the new head, and it would prove useful to get things setup to fully take back the galaxy the only way Black Sun knows how.


Minutes later, she was off to Coruscant, fully ready and prepared to make herself the public image of Black Sun, and send the agents back out into the field with confidence. The system was setup to give her everything she would need, and with the most recent purchases of the most grand casino, the Golden Link, she was certain all funds were secure.


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  • 3 months later...

"Fifteen minutes, Mr. Sprockets."


The aide poked his head through the door, reminding Bendar Wondersprockets, Magician and Illusionist Extraordinaire, of the dreadful deadline he was on. He nodded, smiling weakly through his aged lip folds. Of course, Bendar Wondersprockets was hardly the Bith's real name, but it had been so long since anyone had called him by it that it might as well not have been his anymore, anyways. Behind him, Thak shuffled up, still working on getting into his assistant's costume. Thak was like most Gamorreans, loyal to a fault, but not very bright, and clumsy as the space lanes were long. He fidgeted in his chair, a length of rope from one of his acts in his hands, absentmindedly tying it into knotted forms and twists.


"Thak...I need you to go get something from me. A trick hat. I've forgotten it in my room."


Thak almost fell over as he turned suddenly at the request, still struggling to get his arm into part of the costume, and Bendar winced at his clumsiness. Squealing an acknowledgement, Thak just let the sleeve hang freely as he left the dressing room. As the door closed, a whisper escaped the Bith's lips.


"I'm sorry, my friend. You must find your own path."




Thak searched the room twice, but could still not find the hat Sprockets told him about. Feeling an urgency of time, he left the room alone, and began making his way back to the dressing room. It would probably mean getting yelled at again. But that was okay, Thak was used to getting yelled at. Even as a hogling growing up on Nar Shaddaa, Thak couldn't even get tasty food left out on open windows without getting yelled at. That was okay. Thak was just hungry. Sprockets knew that when Thak took some food from his room, but that was really just the first time Thak hadn't been yelled at. Thak wondered briefly if that was irony. Ironically, Thak was the perfect size to fit in Sprockets' magic sawbox. For some reason, people like seeing Sprockets supposedly saw Thak in half, then bring him back like nothing had happened. But it was a trick, Thak knew. He wasn't supposed to tell anyone.


Over the years, Sprockets had come up with different and better tricks, but the audiences always got smaller, the applause quieter. Maybe it was because Thak wasn't a hogling anymore? Hoglings were cute. Most nice people liked hoglings. But Thak was big now. Now Thak helped Sprockets on his stage, handing him things that needed handing, and 'acting magical'. That's what Sprockets called it. Sometimes Thak tripped over himself. Thak actually did that a lot. Sometimes the audience laughed at Thak. Sprockets always yelled at him after for it, though. Recently, Sprockets needed to get money from bad guys, Dark Sun or something, and Thak was supposed to take a bag to a place and give it to a Dark Sun guy, but Thak forgot the bag when he stopped to get some food. Sprockets had yelled like he'd never yelled before, but it was okay. Thak had thick skin. He still liked Sprockets, and Sprockets would still like him.


Thak reached the dressing room, taking a big breath before it was time to deliver the bad news. Then, he pushed the door open, and began explaining himself.


<<Thak looked all over for the hat, Sprockets, but Thak can't find hat anywhere. Thak sorry. Thak really sorry, Sprockets.>>


Sprockets didn't talk. His head was down, his body hung loose. Thak noticed his feet were off the floor, maybe Sprockets was trying a new levitation trick. Sprockets was always trying new tricks, and he'd always try them on Thak first. Thak loved when he did that.


<<Sprockets hear? Thak no find hat.>>


Thak poked Sprockets in the back, causing the Bith to sway from where he hung. Still no response. Suddenly, the nice stage aid opened the door again, poking his head in.


"Five minutes until- OH MY STARS."


Thak turned, grinning wide.


<<Hello, Mr. Aide. Thak getting ready right now. We will be at stage.>>




The aide quickly assessed the situation, knowing there was no time to do anything. There were several high-rollers in the casino that night, and if they weren't entertained, the casino boss would be pissed. Someone had to go on stage, and the idiot Gamorrean was already dressed for it, mostly.


"There's no time. Just grab what you can, and come with me. You're doing this by yourself, or you're going to be made into sausages by the time this is all over."


The giant pig picked up a few things, then dropped them, fixing his costume, picked them back up, and finally started following the aide. In moments, the aide had the Gamorrean positioned behind the curtain, and began announcing the entrance.


"Ladies and gentlebeings, due to an unforeseen incident, there has been a slight change in venue. I give you, Truffles, the Gamorrean Magician!!"




The curtain rose. The lights hurt Thak's eyes at first, as they always did. For a moment, there was laughter, mostly at the absurd announcement, but Thak didn't know this. Another moment passed, before Thak heard the aide whisper loudly at him from the side of the stage.


"Do something!!"


Thak looked around a moment, and realized he had a few things on him he'd used to help Sprockets. Sprockets wasn't here, but Thak knew the finishes. An idea came into Thak's head, slowly, but surely. He began to pull a line of small flags all tied together from his sleeve, grinning widely as he did it. Unsure as to what he was actually doing, those sitting in the audience were largely unimpressed, having no context of what was happening.




Thak put on his biggest grin. Nobody clapped, which was unusual. He finished the trick exactly as Sprockets had shown him. Another long minute passed, and there was no applause, though a few people coughed. Well, Thak probably just needed to try something else. Dropping the flags on the stage floor, Thak held up a flat square thing, shaking it while at the same time removing from the hidden pocket some glitter concealed within. The glitter seemed to come from nowhere, but again, the audience had no context.




Thak tried to grin even larger this time, but still nobody clapped. A few even got up, leaving the small theater, muttering about getting their money back. Thak didn't know what he was doing wrong, he hadn't even messed up once. He tried crossing the stage to the table where the rest of the magic props were, but forgot about the tied line of flags, and tripped and fell. Thak sighed, knowing this was a bad thing, but interestingly enough, the audience began laughing, lowly. Thak stood, tangled in the flags, and the audience began to laugh louder and harder. Thak paused a moment, before struggling to get the makeshift flag rope off himself, and the harder he struggled, the more hilarious it seemed to be. He even fell again, to uproarious chuckles and guffaws. Finally, he freed himself, and after pausing another moment, he posed, grinning wide.




Thak had never heard such thunderous applause.




After the show, Thak sat behind the building on the steps of one of the emergency exits, an ambulance crew nearby that was scrambling to get to Sprockets. Apparently something had happened to him and Sprockets needed to go away for a while, to a place called 'Morgue'. Thak had never heard of that planet, but it was okay. Thak also knew he should start calling himself the name everyone else had already started calling him - Truffles. But there was time for that. The Gamorrean looked up into the night sky, the big blue eyes glimmering in the starlight. This was a beginning for Truffles. He could feel it.


Everything was gonna be a-okay.

NPCs for boardwides and small stories on request

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  • 3 weeks later...

The profits were raking in.




Or more likely, Credit chips up the wazoo.


Black Sun Base Commander, Cathryne Atali, a Twi'lek of a blue complexion was sitting in the high spire of Bespin. Casually counting billion dollar chips that had been spliced off a Hutt Lordling. Business is good.


It wasn't like the Empire or CoreSec was really going to do anything.


She shrugged. A bunch of children in police uniforms.

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  • 2 months later...

A single Cutlass-class Corvette blasted out of hyperspace above Bespin. The Clout Lord was a mark of Imperial superiority immediately within the system. Beck stood on the bridge and looked down at the planet from afar and knew this was about to be a fight. But one that would eventually cost the Imperial Remnant nothing in the long run. From here, they would begin the first Imperial strike at the heart of those who would oppose the new order. Turning towards the tactical officer, Beck spoke calmly before the crew.


"Send the Sentinel-class landing craft with commandos down. I want us in position to begin some havoc with our turbo laser batteries, but not close enough to take any real damage. I'm willing to sacrifice our own accuracy in order to do this. The landing shuttle can have air support from our TIE squadron. Save our interceptors for later. Have the bombers on standby. I want to be in range to strike around the city before the commandos land. The Clout Lord should be the city's main concern. Not them."


Beck turned around to watch the planet's orange surface grow ever so slowly before the viewport of the bridge. A smile like smirk came to Beck's face as the Clout Lord moved closer to the Black Sun held Cloud City...


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Cathryne Atali's eyes narrowed as she watched her display from the governors mansion in the highest tower of the cloud city. By the force... That's an imperial ship. she grimaced, her sharp teeth bared behind her blue lips. Making up her mind swiftly she went to the command center at a jog and ran to the communications centre. She triggered the unit and broadcast on known imperial frequencies.

"Imperial forces, I must inform you that we are an independent installation outside of both GA and Imperial dominion, though you seem intent on beginning some kind of armed conflict I have a better solution for you. Please feel free to land and install an imperial garrison. We are surrendering the facility to you, that is unless you take hostile action. I hope you will respect our libertarians paradise we have set up here and allow this facility to operate normally. Please advise."


Turbolaser batteries and point defense cannons powered up all across the cloud city, and the 10 thousand man wing guard mobilized in case of hostile action. Catheryne herself and a large contingent of wing guard made their way to the central core in case the station was to be seized. What is happening? Why are the imperials out here so far outside their borders? That would be a question for the viewers of a dozen holonet networks that were now recording the imperial ships, their anchors asking the pointed question; Is this War?

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Beck was quickly informed of a communication coming from the facility on the planet to their ship. Upon hearing it, he turned towards an officer on the deck.


"Are they serious? What good would a garrison do us here?"


Beck felt some confusion rise within himself, but quickly thought of a good response. He turned to his communication officer and had them open a channel to the facility on the planet.


"This is Corporal Major Pilon. Your offer intrigues me. But I also have order to remove Black Sun. Perhaps a deal can be struck here. I will land along with a few of my commandos so that we may meet?"


"Send word to our new Lieutenant, have his shuttle await me. We will travel to the surface together and sort this mess out. If a single shot is fired off, I want that facility reduced to rubble within minutes. Spare no expense. If you have to have the Clout Lord rammed full speed at the facility, then do it. But wait my word if there is no shots fired."


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Khargav had barely readied himself when he felt something odd. And the next few moments were a blur of back and forth. He couldn’t calculate what was going on and instead continued putting his armor on.


The Imperials had given him a large plasteel breastplate, two large plasteel bracers, two large plasteel spaulders, and two large plasteel legplates. The entire suit of armor was jet black and gleamed in the low fluorescent light of the Clout Lord’s armory. They outfitted him with a small side-arm, and – by request – a massive double-bladed two-handed vibro ax. It was extremely garish by imperial standards, but Khargav didn’t feel like he was fighting without a melee weapon in his claw. Sure, fighting hand-to-hand had its advantages with his species and he enjoyed it from time to time. But he thoroughly enjoyed ax fighting. The heft of the metal weapon and the gravity of it as he swung. It filled him with indescribable euphoric glee.


It even managed to assuage a portion of his nerves, but he still couldn’t shake a measure of his uncertainty. Still, he promised CoreSec and subsequently the Empire, that he would do this. And he did what he could to stay loyal to those that he owed allegiance. If they didn’t compromise his honor. And killing criminals hardly compromised his honor.


But just as Khargav readied himself, there was a rap on the armory door and the familiar swish of its mechanical operation. “Lieutenant?”


The word came from a captain that stood in the doorway. Khargav turned his head and looked attentive, but didn’t say a word.


The captain took this as acknowledgment and continued, “you have been commanded to transfer to a shuttle with Major Pilon. You are going to land with him and investigate the enemy plea to investigate its legitimacy.”


Khargav didn’t understand what he meant. He had no context to fill in the blanks that filled his mind. But, he understood the counter command and immediately stood and sprinted out toward the shuttles.

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"You are cleared to dock on landing bay 3927L-9. I assure you Black sun has no operations here as we are an independent company."


Twelve Turbo laser battery towers and twenty four point defense cannons tracked every movement of the Imperial armada in a nearly impenetrable AA grid, if the imperials deviated of showed any hostile intent they would be killed like a ship on a non faction world like mandalore. On the platform 3927L-9, a heavy defensive guard were set up, forty Black Sun Wing guard in their blue uniforms stood ready should any thing go down armed with heavy weapons, turrets, missiles, and the like. Assistant governor Chalik Garstan in her red and blue tunic stood at the entrance with another twelve troops as a greeting force a friendly grin on her Green Rodian face. Her hands clasped behind her back. Heavily armed cloud cars zipped around the cityscape overhead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As the detente between the Empire and Black Sun was in progress, a scrambled comm came in for a particular individual its sender believed was still in Cloud City. The code was older, but still valid, and belonged only to those of Vigo ranks and above. The sender of the comm had thought of sending a communication to potential allies on the Imperial side who had alerted him to the negotiations, but what the sender had in mind required a level of what he'd consider... delicacy. If the comm ever did get sliced, which the sender had counted on, it would have originated from an Imperial defense satellite off Carida instead of Coruscant like the coding indicated.


The receiver was a low level "cleaner" for the Black Sun organization. He didn't quite have the talent, nor the ambition to rise higher in the organization, but he was good at his job. Calling him an assassin graced what he did with more finesse than his jobs deserved. They were often quick, brutal, and had the surgical precision of a brick, but they were effective. Ronan Felz looked like a human brick, big, heavy, chiseled, and strong. He'd lived up to his reputation, having once crushed a man's head with his bare hands, a story he often told to his fellow Black Sun agents.


The comm's security amazed him, its decrypt only held by a few within the organization, all high placed. He read it, and gave a grunt. The codes checked out, and while he was confused by what the order was telling him to do, he was told to obey, and he would. His massive hands crushed his comm to pieces afterwards, bits of chips and metal falling to the ground. He went into his chambers and found the weapon he was instructed to use. He was fond of explosives and other big guns. The gun he was asked to use was a standard Imperial blaster rifle. Concealing that under a large jacket, he headed off towards his destination: a turbo laser defense tower.


Accessing it was easy. No one paid him any mind, all the attendants within the control room on stand-by, their attentions and the gun they controlled all trained on the Imperial ship. Ronan closed the door behind him, locking it. Within twenty seconds, the room was devoid of life, save for him. He shot the control panel to the door, sealing it further, then again at the door itself, the blast melting the metal door, soldering the middle shut. It'd need to be blown open. Ronan was very glad that everyone was dead before an alarm could be raised. Shooting them in the back was easiest, and by the time the others realized what happened, they were already under fire. One almost hit the alarm, but Ronan Felz shot him square in the head, reducing everything above his neck to a smoldering stump.


Pushing a smoking corpse out of the chair, he grunted, deciphering the console. He'd used heavy artillery only a handful of times and new the basics. He let the guns follow the Cutlass Class Corvette, and waited for just the right moment to fire, knowing he'd have little time before he was found out, his rifle still in his hands. The comm still had him confused. He didn't know who sent it, but only that it was someone high up in the Black Sun. He replayed the words in his head, brow furrowed.


Your superiors are going to sell out Cloud City to the Empire. We must not let that happen. Kill the Imperial delegation cold using Cloud City's defenses, but use an Imperial blaster to wipe out any agents in your way in securing one of the city's gun towers. We are counting on you, Ronan.

O how wretched is that poor man that hangs on princes favors! There is betwixt that smile we would aspire to, that sweet aspect of princes, and their ruin, more pangs and fears than wars or women have, and when he falls, he falls like Lucifer, never to hope again.


-William Shakespeare

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As a single agent blasted through a faction's defenses like a hot knife through butter, the lack of communication from Imperial agents got the Cloud city’s defenders on edge. Cathryne Atali, sat in the central computer and generator room of the city alongside her bodyguards and waited for a response. Instead what she got was a report of attempted hostile takeover of turbolaser eleven. The bloody imperials were of course trying something fishy while they were flying a holding pattern. She cursed and screamed into the comm link, “Fire all!” This of course was all that the many jumpy gunners needed before lacing the air of Bespin with hundreds of blasts from Turbolasers and point defense cannons. One over eager point defense cannon commander managed to shoot down a civilian tug barge and left a dozen children without a father. But the rest were relatively on point. Eleven Turbolaser towers and two dozen point defense cannons churned away at the Clout Lord with reckless abandon for innocent life and the environment. They had one objective, to destroy the corvette and anything that came from it. The Wing Guard cloud cars setting up a defensive perimeter over the city, the laser canons on board the twin podded speeders charging up.


Cathryne Atali sat holding a Plex Missile launcher in the main generator/computer room alongside her heavily armed guard. If there was to be a fight, she had several options. And as technicians sat, quickly and efficiently transferring great gobs of cash from casino servers to the black sun main accounts, she readied her mind and soul for what was to come.


((Killshot requested on the Clout Lord and its occupants))

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Ronan Felz, thinking he was acting on orders from above did the only thing he could do. He wasn't aware that he'd been duped by old codes, or by a Sith using old knowledge from channels to splice and relay a communication. He wasn't even sure if his firing spree or use of an Imperial rifle did what he thought was needed to bring the City's administrators around. He did what he was instructed and with only a single grunt and the flick of a meaty index finger. He pushed the big red button that marked "fire" for the turbo laser.


And the turbolaser battery fired, locked in on the Clout Lord and its occupants in a shiny green bolt of death and woe.


((Joining in the Kill Shot on the Clout Lord and its occupants))

O how wretched is that poor man that hangs on princes favors! There is betwixt that smile we would aspire to, that sweet aspect of princes, and their ruin, more pangs and fears than wars or women have, and when he falls, he falls like Lucifer, never to hope again.


-William Shakespeare

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From the bridge of the Clout Lord, the senior deck officer took notice on his scanners of the all too familiar energy from turbo lasers and defend turrets being fired from the planet. He quickly caught Major Pilon before he was fully off the bridge.


"Fire from the surface sir."


Beck turned and gave a loud shout. "Don't just stand there, shields up, double up on the front deflector shields and have our own turbo lasers fire return. Pull us further away from their range." Major Pilon now began to walk towards the front view port of the Clout Lord as the first few shots left the atmosphere and headed his way. His eyes narrowed with a grin on his face. Black Sun had given him a reason to fight. This was the first many of those within the Remnant would begin to understand the reputation of Major Pilon. "Have our fire keep their fire at bay. Launch all TIE squadrons in Zeta-Omega patterns. They have permission to go to the surface and begin to fire. They may actual distract the gunners and eat of few of their shots."


((Defense Post))


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A thin veil of anxiety wormed its way up Khargav’s spine and over his ambling thoughts. A thousand tiny hairs stood up on his back and the Togorian shook from the sensation of cold air as it passed into the open hangar bay. He sat by the shuttle, as instructed, and was doing what he could to pass the time. When he first entered, he busied himself with light sparring with his ax. Now, he was reading the back of a repulsorpack. On the back, where the thrusters were located, there was a moderately sized instructional sticker. It was written in arubesh, but Khargav followed along decently enough. The diagrams helped a lot. The instructions ran through how to fasten the pack to your chest and how to use it in an emergency should you need to navigate toward the ground. It was time-consuming. But that’s what he needed, something to pass time. That and Khargav’s curiosity wouldn’t abate for logical arguments made against it. Khargav even went so far as to strap the repulsorpack to his back and use it a little in the hangar bay while he waited for Major Pilon. A few of the officers looked at him and rolled their eyes. It was clear they didn’t see the mirthful contentment that Khargav felt when he satisfied his curious whims.


But frivolity, like most joyful retreats, is usually cut short. As was the case when a pounding sensation hit the hull of the ship and sent Khargav sprawling. His over-large frame rattled on the cold durasteel floor of the hangar and he felt his fangs tittering around at the impact. The Togorian, usually accustomed to solid ground, was all-of-a-sudden realizing all the cons that came with flying on a ship. His heart rate accelerated to levels that were beyond average. His claws tried to find a root in the solid metal ground and his eyes were looking for an exit. His ears were squirming around, screaming to find respite from the thundering noise, and his muscles yearned for the fire of action. Fight, not flight, was his driving force. But he had nothing to fight. Khargav cursed the air and raged against the empty bay with little success. He scrambled for something, anything, that would help him through his torrential mental decay.


It wasn’t until he saw the open hangar bay that he had any idea. It was crazy, but he couldn’t think of anything else. He couldn’t comprehend the damage that was being done to the Clout Lord and had no idea what the right course of action was. So, without the ‘right’ thing, he did the ‘crazy’ thing. Khargav mustered what courage he had, dropped his vibro ax, adjusted the seals on his repulsorpack and jumped out of the open hangar bay. The Clout Lord had positioned itself high above Cloud City. The Corvette was in the atmosphere, which was great, but the Khargav still had a very long fall ahead of him. The Togorian aimed his dive down toward the Cloud City platform and had enough wits about him to trigger the repulsorpack if needed. But the noises were louder out here. Whether it was dumb luck or poor aim, the gunners seemed to miss him when he started his fall.


Khargav’s anxiety and fear were pulsing in his mind. But, some part of him couldn’t help but feel mystified by the sensation of weightlessness. He had never flown or glided like this before. There was something mesmerizing and uplifting about the whole ordeal. Even with the screaming wail of terror trying to seize his momentum, a small sound of enjoyment coaxed some peace of mind out of the big cat.


He pictured the instructions to the repulsorpack in his mind and kept vocalizing them until he could trigger the pack through the thickest brain fog. And despite his rising confidence, he continued to fall. He was falling into a sea of gunfire, darting between cannons and turbo lasers that were meant to hit a target much larger than him. The Togorian prayed to whatever god that would have him. He asked that they spare his life so that he may die fighting, and not die in midair or when he collided with the ground.


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Black Sun's Cloud City vs the Imperial Corvette Clout Lord:


Situation is pretty cut and dry. Cloud City opened up with its turbolasers on the Imperial corvette during negotiations. Even though they may have been caught by surprise, the corvette did clearly come expecting a fight, as it had explicit orders to evict Black Sun. It probably took a good few hits before getting shields up, but I doubt that's enough to destroy it outright. Killshots are best used in situations where the odds favor the attacker considerably, and this one didn't have enough going for it.


I think it's reasonable to say that it sustained moderate damage from the initial barrage. The ship's captain ordered it to pull back but, being in the atmosphere, that will take time that it may not have unless its situation improves due to some outside force.


In any case, Khargav has no problem getting off the ship via freefall.




This preliminary volley out of the way, the fight can begin in earnest.

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((Thank you for the ruling, great posts guys!))


At the first long green bolt that stretched out towards the upper atmosphere that appeared out of the Northern Turbolaser tower, a place where children had long held birthday parties, the normal citizenry of Black Sun’s Cloud City knew that the place was under siege. Flashing lights went off all across the city and alerted all the inhabitants of the coming imperial invasion. A few of the several million inhabitants went to hide with their families, and all the others armed themselves in local militias that would easily repel any invaders like on any Military society world like mandalore. The ten thousand man Black Sun elite security wing ‘The Wing Guard’ in their black plastoid armour and heavy weaponry cleared the streets of screaming civilians and set up series of fallback points and security checks, erecting Ewebs, traps, and turrets on every corner. In the skies above the city, the Point defense cannons tracked everything in grids that moved in the skies, searching in vain for any non allied craft. The Wing Guard Cloud cars patrolled the skies under the point defense guns, their pilots scared and their gunners only slightly more so. If the Imperial Remnant wanted to rid themselves of Black Sun on Bespin, they would have to bring a hell of a lot more than one Corvette.


In the main Reactor, the provisional governor stood holding her Plex launcher and surrounded by guards watching anxiously as the turbolasers two dozen levels above still fired away at the Imperial Ship.

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Apparently whatever prayer he did was effective. Khargav made it to the city with little difficulty. Landing, on the other hand, was another matter entirely. The repulsorpack managed to lessen the severity of his descent, but Khargav’s inexperience meant that he didn’t know the proper moment to trigger the repulsorpack and he still tumbled to the ground. His bones rattled and his body shook violently. He could feel every joint in his body threaten to break. Yet, in addition to the hardiness of his new Imperial Armor, his people were made of thicker bones than general human stock. If he weren’t Togorian, he would have crumpled. But, landing hazardously through a field of gunfire and being rattled so severely, wasn’t without its consequences. Rage poured into him. He cared not for Black Sun. He cared not for the Empire. All the irritation he’d felt from the battle pits onward was catching up to him.


Khargav’s eyes dilated. Every hair on his tail and body were standing on end. His tail was held low and furiously darting back and forth. His ears flattened against his head and his claws were bared. The Togorian hissed violently and then boomed into a loud and feral roar. Black Sun agents saw his descent and would no doubt know of his survival. So Khargav had already lost the benefit of surprise. Instead, the raging Togorian kept low to the ground and sprinted to a nearby building. A few armed militiamen came from both sides of the walkway he landed on to try and intercept him, but Khargav wasn’t seeing reason. The peaceful scenes of pastoral serenity that had filled his mind were replaced with scenes of seething anger. Hate was pulling at his body and he would brook no resistance.


One of the militiamen shot him in his plasteel chest plate and Khargav slashed at him so violently that his face ripped off. The thin membrane that held his face to his head was severed and the man fell to the steel plating with violent gurgling screams. The next gunner was a woman. She tumbled a pace or so back to get a better shot and escape Khargav’s onslaught, but before she could fire, Khargav’s claws skewered her throat and dislocated her neck. The next two gunners tried to run at the sight of their fallen comrades, but Khargav grappled both militiamen with massive arms and sword-like claws. He smashed them together and then pummeled them to the steel plating until they stopped moving. The sound of more boots on the plated ground meant reinforcements. But Khargav didn’t stop to check. He had made his way to a small building on the outskirts of the city and was determined to push his way through this.


A small part of his brain was trying to regain control of the adrenaline machine. And it hoped that the change of scenery might soothe Khargav’s feral charge. But only time would tell. It knew that furious and relentless killing was not the way to win this. Yet, rage was a bit more potent and could bring even the most logical creature to its knees.

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Major Pilon allowed for himself to asses the damages that were done, which were very minimal. There was maybe two turbo lasers down, and some minor hull damage. Now that that fight had started, Beck stood upon the bridge and watched for a slight three seconds before he decided upon what action needed to be done. With a loud and stern voice, he barked out orders.


"Bring our shields to the max, ready our weapons again. I want us to provide full cover for everyone on the surface. All sets need to be focused on the far side to keep the enemy from retreating further back. Once our ship is above the city, all troops will drop airborne style to bring the full support. The TIE's may continue to make strafing runs and hitting whatever targets they deem needed to cause panic and chaos. And send word to our CoreSec corvette friend, they may make their jump to assist with more air support and supremacy."


The second deck officer stood up and made it very clear he was in protest.


"Head of State Raven Zinthos gave orders to take Black Sun presence off the planet, not take the whole facility and civilians out."


Beck wasted no time, he pulled his blaster and swing and hit the officer with the butt of the weapon, hitting him hard enough to knock him to the floor. Once the general gasp was let out from everyone, Beck spoke.


"I am not Zinthos. I am Major Pilon, and you are under my command. I deem it necessary to give such orders, and I will NOT have some officer challenge me in such a way. This is a warning to all. The next one gets me to pull the trigger. Now move and carry out MY orders!"


Beck now turned, his black cape making a slight scene and he walked off the bridge and headed to the docking port, where he would join his forces on the ground.


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Little did the Imperial self styled warlord above Cloud City know that to eradicate Black Sun from the planet, they would need to kill every single civilian to the last child. Provisional Governor Cathryne Atali believed this new Imperial Remnant to be at best incapable of such a heinous act. As such her, and nearly every person on the Cloud City prepared for an Imperial Invasion. As the TIE fighters went down for an assault on the city they would run straight into a well set up and coordinated mix of Point Defense Cannons and atmosphere capable well armed cloud cars. The Black Sun was well prepared for any strafing runs. As the TIE fighters began their strafing runs point defense cannons and cloud cars targeted and began to shoot at each one of them. Counting on the lack of maneuverability that a TIE had in thick atmosphere as well as complex targeting patterns and gunner experience.


((Set up is in my last four posts))




As reports came flooding in about a possible cat like intruder, more and more men (and women) began to position themselves on the streets and rooftops of the city in an effort to kill him. All the while the turbolaser towers continued to fire away at the Imperial vessel. Causing a horrendous son to overcome the normally peaceful city.

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Beck had the Clout Lord move more power to the shields and speed of the vessel as almost the entire corvette's compliment of commando brigade unit and two other special forces brigades gathered within the the main hangar hold of the Cutlass-class Cruiser. As the corvette began to take a massive beating, firing it own barrage of shots back into random points of the city, and along with the TIE's out swarming and drawing fire away as they were supposed to, Major Pilon began to have the many 600 plus troopers begin to drop out airborne style and create a landing zone for the Imperial force. Their time of taking the air was over. This was forfeit a while ago. They would begin to fight and take the surface until the other CoreSec Corvette arrived to assist them in air superiority. Beck knew that the TIE's would be lost, as would his own ship, the Clout Lord, but the objective was not keeping his ship. It was taking the city and wiping it clean of Black Sun.


Slowly, all of the trooper began to follow the commandos who went first, and jump out of the ship. The Clout Lord was low enough to make this possible to not lose many forces, and angled just right to provide shielding from possible fire that could come their way. The TIE's were also swarming in such a pattern to keep the gunners focus on them, a noble sacrifice that would be worthy of mention in the victory today. Many of the senior officers joined him last as the last to jump to the surface. Once they hit the ground, Beck Pilon gave the Clout Lord it's final order.


"Launch full speed at sector, oh-four-seven. Keep guns blazing, take out as many buildings as you can. Major Pilon out."


Beck now turned and gave his hand motion to move forward, giving a loud shout along the way.


"All launcher troopers, begin to fire at will and any buildings you can destroy. Commando units Alpha, Beta, Zeta, and Omega are to push forward. No prisoners, all engagements that are not Imperial or CoreSec are considered hostile. Civilians and children included. Commando units Rancor, Nexu, and Black Star are to go to the lower city and destroy the power to this floating abomination called a city. All special forces are to take out all buildings from within. Thermal detonators and mines work very well in closed spaces. The Imperial Remnant doesn't care about having any survivors. All must be destroyed. NOW MOVE!"


Beck turned towards the last two commando units, Malign and Turpitude.


"You are to come with me. We march on the headquarters. Let's move."


With that, Beck and his compliment of 12 commandos moved as swiftly as they were able into the city's main structure. Staying above ground meant the turbo laser and fire could reach them. only the 24 commandos he assigned to move forward were to stay out, as they were some of the best trained commandos in the Imperial Navy. They would do their job and cause panic and chaos where they roamed. Although the men Beck walked with were personally trained by him under the same exercises he went through when he was first trained by KAIN as an Imperial Commando. These men knew the cost of losing meant their own death at a superiors hand. They would not fail him in reaching the headquarters of the city. Even now as they walked through the buildings, the ground began to shake and loud BOOM's were going off as launchers were being fired into buildings, thermal detonators and mines were going off taking buildings down. Black Sun choose to stand and fight, so they will pay for it. Even if the Remnant didn't win today, Black Sun would have all of their credits depleted in having to rebuild the place or call it a lose anyways. That would be the end goal for the Imperials today. Destruction and death to the max.


((No defense given. They did their job.))

*(Edited a wrong name post out to help avoid confusion down the road.)

Edited by Guest


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This looks fairly straightforward. With no defense posted, the ruling goes in favor of Black Sun Agent(s).




The TIE fighters get torn to ribbons, a cost of acting as a distraction against firepower designed to eliminate them. One or two might have survived the slaughter, but their craft are now crippled, and there is nowhere to retreat to. By the end of the day, those pilots will also be captured or dead.

Immediately reachable by  charlesjhall@gmail.com


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