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Taris laid before them, a sight that made the small astromech droid tremble with slight fear as his gaze sat upon its visage after exiting hyperspace. He had been here before, been here during his time under that Hutt. And even as she mentioned Czerka, he knew it only held a small presence upon the planet compared to the one who truly ruled it from behind the shadows, a hidden flag that forever flew. Whether or not this being would show himself or his reach, he held no clue. Only that he frightened him so.


Remo's small mechanical arms reached up briefly, tugging at the sleeve of her uniform in a motion to turn around, answering her question as best as he could in binary, its chirp echoing vaguely "Re-Mo, Re-Mo" as he ached for her to heed his fear. But even then, Remo held a strong feeling that it was lost upon translation. No matter, for a comm soon began to chim. Only, before either could answer it, it came up upon own.




Before the two sat the visage of a crimson haired fellow close to his late twenties, properly dressed in a white dress shirt and a long pipe in his hand as he drew upon its tip, his devilish blue eyes gazing first at the woman and then at Remo. He smirked briefly before speaking.


"Hello R3-M0, or should I say Remo now? And a welcoming hello to you as well, Zalis Krales. You've been making quite a name for yourself lately, mi'lady. Please join me for a chat, if you will, at my estate. Coordinates are being transmitted now and clearance is being given."


And with that, the visage disappeared as the smirk left his youthful face, coordinates being recieved by the ship's computer that would lead to a lavish mansion upon a cliffside overlooking the vast sea. When they landed, the man would be waiting their arrival, a small escort of only two personal guards clad in grotesque armor, all unarmed of course. Only Zalis would end up going alone as Remo would not accompany her for his own reasons.


((Hope you dont mind the twist. Seeing as we were coming here, I felt we'd reintroduce an old character and have a little fun.))


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Celteo smiled as Zalis departed, taking a refill of his own glass into hand and drinking it upon it slowly, letting the spiced flavor and hint of wooden barrel dance upon his tastebuds. Everything was seemingly in motion and coming together. Shifting his gaze toward the Nekghoul, they dismissed themselves to parts unknown.


With Zalis' arrival aboard the ship, Remo took little time firing the ship up and getting as far as he could from this house, his memory of not a very fond one. Once they were into the upper atmosphere and entering space, the droid looked toward the red haired beauty inquisitively, wondering what transpired with Celteo and where she planned to go next.


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