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It seemed as though solidarity was a habit of Tobias, no matter what situation he was in. He has spent the last few years in quiet isolation, drifting as a Force Ghost. He searched for everyone that he once knew from Torin, to Quela, to even his long-term rival- Lucifer, then Adenna. Never finding anyone, not even Sooba. To which he surrendered himself to Rhen Var. The ice planet was large enough to get lost in for a long time. Discovering breakthrough’s in his understanding of the Force, it was often hindered by his actually physical presence.


The time in solitude was spent well, he had enough time to calm down and refocus. What had his Grandfather wanted? What about his Grandmother? Tobias resigned himself to his family’s legacy, which wasn’t much. The Vos clan had always walked a fine line between the dark and light. After several months on Rhen Var, he finally had enough power to leave the planet.


Returning to Kiffu he searched for his family, often visiting the graveyards looking for answers. Nothing was to be had. There were things afoot in the universe, but Vos had reserved himself to finding his own path, since he couldn't find his relatives, or anyone.


One day he had the feeling that he was to leave Kiffu. To which he ventured onto a cargo ship. After spending several days in hyperspace, and traveling. He found himself on Taris. Continuing to follow this… feeling? Tobias found himself at the base of a hill. Not sure of what he was looking for, but he could tell it was close.


Things started to, change. Tobias knew he was invisible at this point, but he could feel with wind, taste it even. It was as if he had lungs once again. The sensation brought tears to his eyes. Tears? That was new as well. What was happening? The cold sensation ran down his cheeks. This was most perplexing, it was like nothing he ever experienced. It was beautifully painful. Tobias didn't scream out, he was a little overwhelmed with what was happening. It felt like it was a drawn out process, but when He opened his eyes to look at the sky, the clouds were still in their relative spot.


Blinking, looking down and stretching out his hands, he was astounded to see his hands, arms- everything was back. Feeling his face and the tears, Tobias breathed a sigh. He was meant to come back! Whatever is on the other side of this hill was the reason the Force returned his body. Tobias’s hands went to his hair- nothing but stubble. It had been years and years since he last felt his scalp. Tobias was lucky enough that the Force had wrapped a robe around him, outside of that he had nothing.


Tobias’s mind raced. “I mustn't get caught up in identifying what I have and don’t have.” He thought. The man had spent the last few years shedding and coming to terms with the lack of social interaction and possessions. The sweet air filled his lungs, he was back.


Losing himself in this experience he had forgotten about what he was here for- this calling. Deciding to exercise his new muscles a bit, he climbed to the top of the hill. Looking with his new vantage point, he was what he was looking for. It was a figure- a man. Someone that looked familiar. Flashes came back to him from his exploits years ago, it was the Jedi known as Dahar.


There was a gap in his memory how the left terms, but Tobias had always respected the Jedi- regardless of anything else. This beacon he was supposed to find was the Jedi himself.


“Dahar?” Tobias’s vocal cords squeaked out.

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Tobias chuckled for a second. Smiling, he moved his hands through the air, as though to feel the wind. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath in as he contemplated Dahar's question.


"I am afraid you are going to have to be more specific than that, my friend. Do you mean the feelings of having a new physical body for the first time in years... Or the wind against my newly forged skin? Or the vibrations the grass and the wind are creating?" Tobias gazed at his hand in the wind. "The way the Force ripples through everything, bouncing- touching- warping - creating- destroying? To which feeling do you refer? Because I can feel it all."


Snorting with amusement, his hands caressed one another. "I can feel it all..." Tobias repeated, with a sense of peace. Tobias was elated, but calm.


"What do you feel, Dahar?"

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  • 2 months later...

"It seems I have spent..." He paused, putting his hand up to the window, as if trying to see through his hand. "Years..." His voice continued, softly. "I remember the light, and the darkness of the next realm we walk in. But now I'm here in the- I can't say real, because it is all real. What would be a better label for this? The Chaos, yeah. The Chaos, or the universe as you know it as called me here, I suppose. I did not wish to come back, I found myself back, seconds before you found me. I do not know why it chose here to give me a rebirth. Or was it something of your doing?" Tobias wasn't thinking of his words in terms of offensiveness, otherwise they would have been a little more discrete. The question was meant to linger.


Tobias's voice was soft and sincere, but alarmingly deep. Tobias thanked Dahar for the juice, pausing for a moment. He laughed a little. "Juice, actual juice!" Tobias chuckled for a second. He waited for a moment of silence and sipped the beverage. It was mind blowing. The first time he had tasted anything in years, let alone swallow. His new stomach groaned at the new addition. Tobias welcomed all the new sensations, relearning them. Noises and voices made a constant ringing in his ears, while the bench felt as though his bones were going to break under pressure, his stomach lurched at the beverage, both his lungs burned with the atmosphere. A bit over whelming but newly resurrected was tolerating it.


"What of you, Dahar? I sense the light within you, a shadow in your past, but a Disciple of the Light never-the-less. Why are you...here?" His voice was firm and direct, but not his gaze or general attitude. Vos was relaxed as he had been. It was still out the window, as if expecting something to fall out of the sky.

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  • 1 month later...

A rush of images ran through Vos's head. Almost as if someone stabbed a needle into his brain. Concentrating for a second, the images went away. The pain was still there. Scratching the side of his face, he thought on Dahar's question. "When you're out there... you lose all concept of time. You..." Hesitation. Tobias couldn't decide whether it was a pause to accept the truth, or to figure out the truth. Maybe the answer would scare Vos. Was it two years? Twenty? "Time is irrelevant. It has existed for years before, and will exist for years after us. The Force will always dictate when and where we leave. With cases like ours- where we pass away- it is up to the Force to let us back into this realm."


"I do not recall a disturbance that I have felt. I think I remember..." His voice trailed off again. He was unsure of what brought him to Taris. It was as if the time in Transcendence was slipping through his mind. "I remember leaving Aden..." Adenna... Tobias's eyes widened. He remembered calling to her through the echo's of transcendence, but couldn't recall if he ever found her. The pain in his head was more of a dull throb now.


"I remember my mistakes." His heart sank with the thought of Adenna, his ousting from either order, how he always joined with master whom had always abandoned him. "I remember you disappearing...But here we are now. You're thinking of leaving this hut, or this world? Or the known Galaxy? Because I don't remember specifics, but I can get us to the outskirts, and vanish- if that's what you want to do. But I think the Force has called me back for a reason, and the fact that it summoned me back here and you're the first person I saw... I think that means something. The Force may think you need help with your next chapter, and I am supposed to help you."



Vos reached out to the plate in front of him and lifted it up, ensuring that he still had access to the Force. Eyes locked on the plate, he thought for a second- aloud- "Maybe I am here to be your opposite once again, maybe I am sent to kill someone that this sickness was meant to kill, but you saved them. Time will tell what the Force wants." Tobias chuckled, the throbbing pain still constant in his head. The plate floated gently back down into place. "The Force is a curious thing...Not many people can tell what the next move is, or how the next move is done. Glad to see you are still good for some conversation, Dahar." The words were strong, but there was no hostility backing them.


Tobias rubbed his forehead. He had been gone for years, learned so much, and now it was fading away. Why did he have to come back? He was unsure of what exactly Transcendence was, but he knew he loved being in that state. Not the alone part, he missed Sooba terribly. But the part where he didn't have to worry about entanglements, he could just study and learn everything or anything he wanted. The Force needed him here for something, and until that something was completed, he would abide. Vos would abide. For now. It was going to be important to meditate later on, this headache was spreading.

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  • 1 month later...

Tobias looked over the mug in his hand. It was as if he could feel all of the atoms, as well as the Force bouncing off the container. "My dear, Dahar...." The Kiffar smiled, and inhaled. He had just gotten back to fresh air, and Dahar wanted to go onto a ship with recycled air. The thought played around in his mind, but he decided that it would be better to leave with Dahar now. "Disappearing has it's uses." Vos continued, "The ones who love you, those who admire you, will spread your tale for ages to come. Your enemies will either be relieved you are gone, panic when and how you come back. Some may obescess over where you may have gone. All are either advantages you gain to your goals, or retreat and regroup." The cup fell from Vos's hands in a controlled decent to the table. Standing, the new muscles cried with joy as they stretched and moved- still brand new.


Vos looked around, Dahar was right. It was always best not to stay in one place too long. Tobias could feel something coming for him, and he had to go else where. The Force was still mysterious as to it's goals, or if it had goals.


"Let us leave, then. Do you have anywhere you wish to visit? Any callings?" He took steps to the door. "I'll join with you and your mysterious bag for a while. Sorry, but I don't think a ship came here with me." The man chuckled.


As soon as he got to the door, he felt uneasy once again. Something or someone was watching him. Kiffar had a keen sense of that, at least Vos did. He did nothing to engage the feeling though, best not to let anyone suspect he knows.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Tobias listened on what Dahar had to say. There was hesitation in his voice, however scarce it maybe. Was Dahar still cautious about Vos? Perhaps. It would make sense, if an old acquaintance just appeared out of nowhere, Vos would be suspicious as well. As they hiked down the hill.


"I would like to describe to you where I was or what I was, but to be honest it is an experience that you need to feel. It is not some story that I can share. It was a mind blowing experience. Perhaps it was the way I was killed, the way I accepted it. I let the Force come and take me away. As a result I saw the essence of the..." Tobias trailed off. His eyes went wide as a flood of memories flashed through his mind. He knew he couldn't share them, but something triggered those memories.


"The Force is as it is- there should be no light side, or dark side. At least not the Faction. Mere mortals..." He trailed off again. It was too early to say anything about that. He hoped he had not given too much away. He was nervous about divulging the new Philosophy just yet. Although there was a new sense of purpose that was coming to his mind. But this is where the Force sent him. It sent him back to Dahar.


Dahar needs to do something. That will directly feed into what the Force wants Tobias to do. The Will of the Force, it will be done.


"Where are we going? Which world?" Tobias tried to transition to another topic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The sight was nothing new at the bazaar, Tobias had seen these on a million different worlds. It was another thing to feel it. He remembered his former lives to where he used to meet spies, fornicate with the local ladies, start fights, and general destructive behavior. As Dahar asked if he wanted to stay for a moment, part of him wanted to give in. Pleasures of the flesh and mere trinkets that don't matter in the grand scheme of things. One could not buy the Force. The Force has you from the moment you awake in this realm to the moment you take you last breath. Sometimes even further, if you were lucky. Of course, things in this world had to be bought in the mad game of Credits.


"If we are going to be moving place to place, I suggest we earn some credits. If not, we need to move on. This is nothing more than a..." Tobias sighed. It was nothing but a distraction to slow them down.


There was a firecracker. Vos's attention snapped to it and something clicked inside his head. If the Force willed it, something would come to them. Tobias was still hesitant on seeking the Force out, what it wanted Vos and Dahar to do. Vos was put here, before Dahar for a reason. Dahar was important, was the next deduction. Good or bad kind of important, was the question. A thousand different outcomes came to mind.


"I'll follow your lead, Dahar. If we have enough credits, so be it."


The Kiffar's face went from excitement, inquisitive, now it was back to it's relaxed shape. An eased brow, and calm eyes.


He heaved a chuckle- What if he and Dahar found an Ancient Star Forge and tried to take over the galaxy? Could be possible, equally not so much. He preferred to not take on the entire galaxy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tobias followed along with Dahar, keeping tabs on all his senses. It was a bit of a shock to be around people, buildings. At least in this density. It's times like these where Sooba was missed terribly. Tobias could hardly recall his face. But he remembered the purr the beast used to make. A touch of sorrow came across the man's mind. Before Vos knew it they were entering a hanger and Dahar was talking to a rather unpleasent fellow. They spoke in a odd dialect, Vos concentrated on the man's body language. Something was off.


Reaching out, letting himself go- his mind fell on a vibration in the Force. Ever so slight, it was as though a flood of memories came over him. The memories weren't his, and they didn't make any sense. A headache set on, but that didn't stop Vos from trying to sort out these visions. It was as if there were people in the hanger before, talking, exchanging money, weapons, the works. Some deal. As Vos observed Dahar reach out to the Force as well, there was a pull behind them. Tobias slowly turned as five mercs, who looked all too familiar, held their weapons up.


Slurred at the Jedi. Being called a 'Jedi' was never something he experienced. Or at least remembered? Some bits and pieces were still hazy.


Dahar activated his lightsaber, Vos remained calm. There was a certain aura about him. He chuckled, breaking the tension.


"Haha!" His voice shot over the lightsaber noise. "You lad's are really loony. Me? Jedi? Far from it..." He chuckled again. He was inbetween, but he implied he was a Sith.


Vos connected the mercs to the vision he had, the visions were theirs! He reached out, pointing down the line. "I know you, all." He paused over each one.


Vos paused at the first merc on the flank. "You will die, horribly. My sympathies about being stuck in a vacuum."

Second merc- "You'll live into your elder years, but you will lose all feeling below your neck. You'll wish you died, but my friend will only wound you."

The lead merc, the middle- "You're just about to cut me off, and you are already squeezing on the trigger. Reflected blaster bolt to your neck.

The fourth- "You will never see the love in your daughter's eyes, I will take your eyes if you try to fight."

The last- "You'll live, but require medication for the rest of your life, well... all two years of what's left. You'll end up killing yourself to escape the mental torture that I can inflict on your mind."


Another chuckle, withdrawing his arm. Reaching out with the Force with all his capacity, he invited it in. It was such a rush, better than anything had ever felt, or at least remembered. Light and Dark surrounded the Kiffar, almost like years ago, where he floated inbetween. Now Tobias was going to embrace it, instead of fighting. The Force was the Force, no light or dark, just it's mysterious will and how it was used and harnessed. His confidence enhanced his will and in turn, his power with the Force.


"You will tell us why you're here, who hired you, and anything my friend wants to know." Tobias focused the Force onto the Mercs. His intent was to trick/force them into telling the lad's what they wanted to hear. "And to prove my point..."


Vos casually moved his hand as if moving an object, nothing visible, but he knew what he moved. All the particles of air were removed from near the merc's mouth. The first merc stumbled back, eyes wide with surprise. Dropping his rifle, he clutched around his neck, then clutching at the air. It looked as though he was suffocating. "You remember my remark about the vacuum? There's no oxygen around his face. I just made a small vacuum."


Vos was ready to fight, but all his effort was on those merc's and his trickery.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The man collapsed. Vos wasn't in control of that vacuum. That was something he would have to work on later, but now they were getting shot at. One man crumpled after the blaster bolt was deflected into his neck. Dodging the shots with some know-how, he felt the adrenaline surge through his body. What a welcome feeling! The rush was almost too much to handle.


Somersaulting over the next bolt, one dashed off down the hallway. The Dark Side called to him in two ways- to let him go, and tell stories of what had happened. The other side of that was to hunt him down and scramble his brain. Or kill him, either one worked. The Light called to him to show mercy, to let him go. Maybe this was how it was supposed to be.


Dahar questioned going after the runner. It was difficult to get a read, but as he had just killed someone and the Jedi next to him had dropped a merc, the man's fate was sealed. He would live. The Light had to shine over the Dark, had to be the balance. That and it made Vos a little nervous to be off on his own again.


"No, we stay and focus on this guy. Leave the runner be." By now Vos had taken cover behind the ramp with Dahar. "Let me deal with this."


Pop pop pop. The mans blaster bolts were hitting the ramp, with fairly decent accuracy. The man was consistent. One shot... pause, two shot, short pause, three shot, long pause, four shot. Repeat in that pattern. Right as the second shot impacted, Vos poked his one eye around the ramp as the third shot impacted. The man hesitated just for a second, that was all Vos needed. Penetrating the man's head, he implanted the thought that the man was lost.


Silence came over the hanger. Vos flew around the corner, reaching into the merc's mind again. The man crumpled, almost as if he died that second. The merc shouted out, well, more like mumbled. The man had no control over his body or limbs. Vos walked over in a sort of a hesitation/stalkingish way, swaying side to side a little bit.


"I was right, you realize now?" Vos knelt next to the merc. The guards hands had let go of the blaster and were immobile to boot. His eyes screamed that he was terrified, because Vos was right. The Kiffar knelt, "You work for me now, understand?" He kept his voice low, but the statement was clear. It wasn't as if the merc had a choice, if he wanted to live. That's the code these rent-a-soldier follow- switching sides if it saves your life, do it. Vos was aware of this, but the words were laced with the Force, making sure they imprinted on Vos's new employee.


"You tell this man what he wants to know." Tobias pointed back at Dahar. His voice returned to a whisper- "And I will let you walk again."


The two locked eyes, the merc would do as Tobias said. He awaited Dahar's questions.


Vos looked at Dahar, "You don't need that anymore." Nodding at the lightsaber, "Our friend is going to tell you everything he knows."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Slowly, the man passed away. Right in Tobias's hands. A flicker of frustration- a light in his eyes. A split second as he quickly got into control over the emote. There was no way this could have happened with what Vos had done. It has been several years, but if it's one thing he learned from Slicer, it was to be in control of the situation. Even if you're failing, you had to be in control. How ever backwards that was... The blood was not of Vos's doing. There was nothing Vos had done, it was a pacification move. He reached out, feeling over the fresh corpse with the Force. Something was off. Something Tobias knew, but still didn't.


Poison? No, that was too much of an investment. Especially on low guys like these grunts. There was a middle man. But then why this tatic? Who was after Dahar? Tobias was less than a few hours old, there was no one who had that kind of intel. Slicer had disappeared. A shiver down his spine. Tobias knew better than that, the Mastermind was around, somewhere... If it wasn't poison, it obviously wasn't him or Dahar, or someone killing him. A slight rise in blood pressure and pulse rate, or it was one of Slicer's tricks. Classic Slicer move. Tobias gulped, controlling his emotions once again.


"There is more than this that meets the eye, Dahar."


Tobias rose to his feet. "Let us leave this place, I will explain on the way?" Tobias motioned towards the ship they were about to board. He would have to discuss this Slicer thing with Dahar. Did Dahar know Slicer? Even Vos's memory was blank on the subject. "Besides, that survivor will run back, tell them that he ran and we are alive. Either way..." Tobias walked towards the ramp, "I don't have money to pay for this mess, we should go."

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  • 2 years later...

Sarah piloted the ship down to the surface. Slowly- about the minimum speed allowed for planetary decent. Both her and her apprentice could feel the place they needed to go to. It was like a beacon in the Force- and it was sick. They landed, going through the standard docking procedure. Taking a deep breath- they headed out to the outskirts of town. They could have hired a landspeeder or shuttle- but then the task would be over quickly, and neither of them wanted to even begin with this mission. While Sarah's whole reason for existing was this mission- she wasn't going to like what they found, and wasn't going to enjoy this. It would be nice to return though, maybe take DuVos with her... Tobias had been great- and this was literally a clone of the former Sith.


As a hut came into view they both slowed to a halt and pulled their hoods up as it began to rain. Sarah sighed heavily, fingered her lightsaber for a moment then started towards the hut. There was a flickering light coming from the one window, and it seemed as if it was from a candle and not a lamp. The path was dirt, the hut was wooden and small- big enough where six adults might be able to stand around- but only two could sleep comfortably. It was obvious the trail was once worn down and maintained but had since returned to its unruly state. DuVos dropped behind as the brush closed in on them. They were closing in, about forty feet away when it all started to die away. Cascading in death towards the hut. Both of them had seen this before. Another deep breath and the two entered the hut- it was as bad as she feared. There was only one thing to do now so she pressed her commlink to send a message to Tobias.

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  • 1 month later...

As the Prism entered back into real space, Tobias was sitting down in the common room of the YT-2000. When he and Sarah had been sent back- along with a squad of long dead friends and colleagues for the Irak Glan Orb, it seemed like such a daunting task, and there was such a rush to get it. The memories of that final battle between him and his former master Sabatin played over in his mind the fierce determination behind those yellow eyes. His former master of the Seekers who elevated and trained him so well, had died at Tobias's own hands- after the senior Seeker killed everyone in the task force... The war that was raging Beyond the Veil was hard to wrap a mortal mind around the scale and depth of the actions taken by both sides. It wasn't a mortal realm after-all. The High Council had two sides pretty much, the Seers- who foresaw events unfolding and could often shape the very future that impacted this plane of existence- specifically relics and artifacts. Then there were the Seekers the ones who actually went after the relics- and took care of issues within the realm. The Seers had wanted to halt all meddling after the last big catastrophe, and took steps to stop the mission the Seekers had been assigned. After all that- the two that made it back... that lived... had not even found the object of their quest. It was severely disappointing, what would he say in front of the Council of Knowledge? Would he be stripped of his holdings and charges along the western front? Was that even important to him? Was going back important to him? Or was he just trying to hold onto the associated and implied status of that?


He sighed- there was only one thing that was important to him now. At least, since the Orb was found. She was in the refresher, still getting herself cleaned up after the blood and gore on Kashyyyk. Adenna... oh how he treasured her. He had tried to explain what this all meant to the galaxy. If the Sith had found the relic- they would have had such a tap of power. So far though, the ball was entirely in the Jedi's court. Something Dahar had wanted to ensure- based on the conversations they had on Tython. But... he hoped she would not despise him because of where he had been, versus now. He truly had tried, but some of his mental pathways did get a little curvy. Sadly, there was the fact this never really got communicated to Dahar... Somehow... he found his own answers. The Force always finds a way, though.




A cold ripple flowed down his back- and he felt Sarah- and his headache returning. DuVos was close. So was Dahar. With being a tracker and the Force- he could pinpoint almost anyone or anything if they were familiar to him, or he could connect in some way. Basically like a bloodhound, or even a vornskr. Then, he felt the prensence of a titanic darkness. His back did not warm up despite the shiver already leaving his body.


Ni called back to him- asking if he wanted to talk to Taris Space Control. Tobias answered affirmatively and took the call over his own headset- he had long since shed the combat suit he wore on Kashyyyk. A black eye, bruised neck, budges in his shirt that held bandages and his left hand was wrapped in bandages- but he was still an imposing figure. His right forefinger touched the side of his ear, which housed the headset. Taking a steadying breath, he addressed the Controller on the other line and asked for special permission to drop two passengers off at a specific location, then hover to pick them back up if they were done within the hour. Control took a few moments, but after Tobias used his influence as a Jedi Master- something he knew he shouldn't have done but decided to anyways- to get his way. A few moments later- Adenna was at his side as their ship settled down, did a fly-by over the edge of their destination and lowered the boarding ramp to leap down.


As their boots impacted the ground and Tobias's headache got worse- he made sure to examine his surroundings. There was the hut, a little more ramshackle from disrepair and no upkeep. The grass was up to his chest- it was also neglected. The tree that had once been glowing with life- was naked of leaves. In front of them was a small dirt path that the grass was trying to reclaim. Even the air seemed to be stale- as if it had not moved in ages. It reminded him of Gala... Even the light around the hovel seemed to be tinged with an ashen overcast, despite the sunny day that had accompanied them down to the surface. Even the air seemed cold. As the washout from the departing vessel settled, a breeze came in to shake the vegetation gently. Tobias let his gaze drift to the ground- kicked at a small stone and carved a line in the dirt with the toe of his boot- it was clearly a stalling tactic, but stalling wouldn't help them- nor would rushing through this next bit.


Clearing his throat- he glanced to Adenna, nodded, and started to lead the way to the hut. Explaining this was where he had come back and had met up with Dahar- it was walking back down memory lane. A hermit who had healed half of Taris... a lost Jedi Master- a very odd and interesting thing that the Force had manipulated into happening, especially since Sarah had stayed behind- the portal had closed back to this realm and she had still arrived about a month before Tobias. It was as short walk and the grasses were encroaching on them- but not slowing them down. Sullenly, Tobias looked up to the hut after pushing another stone out of tripping range. As if that was a real concern. As they got within twenty feet of the structure- a figure emerged from the doorway- quietly opening, then turning to shut the door. Like a statue, it hung there- waiting for the two Jedi to approach. The figure wasn't a stranger- it was the person who had sent the message. It was Sarah, her vibrant red hair now a burgundy under the overcast weather. Vos was vexed- something in the back of his mind wished to see the hair as he always remembered it. The same thought also was trying to tell him that this was going to be the last time he was going to see it- but he wasn't aware of that thought just yet.


Closing the gap the two stood there, looking at one another- determined not to be the first that broke. After several moments Tobias sighed- and Sarah nodded. "Tobias, Jedi Alluyen.... It's bad. Dahar... is... well, he's already dead, his mind and body just haven't accepted it yet. He hasn't passed. His willpower is keeping him here. He know you, Tobias- he won't give up the Orb to anyone else. I told you we needed to reevaluate the situation and contact someone back home- but you wouldn't listen." She snapped the last sentence- and it almost sounded like a growl at the end.


Tilting his head, trying to identify her anger- he found it. Sarah hated feeling useless- standing around- it wasn't her style. "Sarah, we both know this wasn't going to go according to plan. I am surprised Dahar found it- do you know where he found it?"


Sarah hung her head and shook it in a brooding manner. "No, he just keeps calling for you, Adenna, Kirlocca, and a few others that are unintelligible. It's bad, Vos. We need to get the Orb, and get back to the High Council..."


Vos nodded agreement, looked back to Adenna and tried to give her a smile. Communicating that he was here for her if she needed it- and that he was sorry it had come down to this. His whole aura in the Force was stricken with worry and shame.


"Very well." Was all he said- and Sarah opened the door for both of them to enter. DuVos was removing a damp cloth from Dahar's head. As the clone looked up- he nodded and stepped back to the corner of the room where a small water basin and sink was set up. Tobias remembered that as the kitchen, and there was the table he and Dahar had chatted about leaving Taris and seeing what was out in the Galaxy, there was this that and other other of your typical hut. Interior designing was not why he was here- he was here for the center piece. Dahar.




Tobias took a step forward and caused a tremor. Immediately they all, save for Dahar, looked around, slightly unnerved. Tobias stepped again- another tremor. There was another five steps to Dahar's side. Tobias just leveled his gaze and opened his mouth to speak before Dahar interrupted him.


"Heh, heh.... gotchya again." He wheezed- his eyes affixed to the ceiling. Dahar's eyes were whited out- there was no color in them at all- so he must be sensing Tobias through the Force- or even the feelings Tobias was having with this whole thing. Tobias was clearing his throat then Dahar interrupted again- holding up a hand that was wilting away. "Let me have my fun, Tobias. I didn't even get to cash in my retirement."


Another raspy chuckle came from Dahar- and a coughing fit. Tobias snorted and chuckled as well. It was poor taste to say an inside joke with three observers in the room- but Tobias was willing to let it go. "Dahar... how-why-"


As Tobias closed the distance between them- Dahar, clearly bed-ridden, held up a hand with his index finger extended- asking for a moment. "Tobias, it was in this very room, we met again- and you asked the same kriffing question. Now that I am dying-" Dahar's raspy voice was terrible, and it sounded like his windpipe was simultaneously scratchy and on the brink of collapsing. "- let's not cover the same ground." he managed to get out.


Taking a knee to Dahar's right, Vos knelt. "Fine- where did you find the Orb? Where did you go after Catnip Station?"


For the first time since entering, Dahar closed his eyes, smiled and shook his head almost imperceptibly. "It doesn’t matter. Do you want the Orb? Have it-"


With a swirl of wind inside the hut- Dahar's eyes came back with full color- his skin seemed to reverse its desiccation in three quick bounds. His voice- everything about him seemed to heal- as a ball of liquid black rose out of his chest as if it weren't even tangible- it just arose like an illusion out of Dahar's chest. Tobias heard Sarah gasp- DuVos even took a step back. It was the Orb alright, and it wasn't an illusion. It was as if the Force itself had reached out and clutched Tobias's heart and held it in place as it tried desperately to beat.


Dahar's hands lifted with the Orb as if he were holding it inbetween his hands, suspended in midair. It was a massive black... thing that rose out of his chest. His eyes were locked on the artifact which pulsed and melted then evaporated all at once- outward then tried to escape and come back in on itself like pillars of liquid smoke arose and came back in on itself. Kind of like if there was a long section of pipe that had been mangled together and smoke was pumped in at a tremendous speed- then the pipe vanished but the smoke was still boiling around. At least- that's what his mortal mind saw- and how it tried to rationalize what he was witnessing.


Sarah had gasped, while stepping forward. "Tobias, you know what we have to do."

Tobias hung his head- his heart still feeling pressured. "Yes..." He directed his eyes back to Dahar, but still spoke to Sarah- "Sadly enough...." His voice changed to a gentler undertone- he was now addressing Dahar- "Dahar Raikanda, Jedi Master, Former Grandmaster. My foe turned ally turned friend. You have shown me so much, and I am sorry I have not returned the favor. Allow me to correct that error, I am going to take you to a place where you will obtain such knowledge as I have found. Let me show you... but first, I need to let Adenna say her peace. Sarah, help me with this." Tobias nodded to the Orb. The two cohorts moved to either side of the bed and reached their hands out to surround the black mass from Dahar’s immediate vicinity. As long as one was paying attention to the Orb it wasn’t a danger, or so the research had mentioned. Tobias communicated this to DuVos and let him take over as the original went back to Dahar’s side.


As Tobias placed his right hand on his friends left shoulder, a slight nod was given between the two of them and then Vos injected his own memories into Dahar- and even getting him to take the first step of the path to becoming a Seeker. Feeling the fellow Master urn for what lay beyond- it was right call. Slowly the two started to walk in the mental image of the path to the High Council- the simplistic way of living, there was a proper duty, and you were still a shadow of your mortal self. Or something like that. As the two ventured through the first step- it was here their secrets were laid bare. Tobias apologized and forgave as much as Dahar did. There was unspoken intentions there. Dahar had wanted to fight back against the Sith- before they became a problem. He was sad to see that Kilocca had passed, and that Kashyyyk had fallen. Both of them regretted that they were correct. There was part of Dahar that wanted to go back- to fight and continue on fighting for the light side. Tobias silently held his friend, a hand finding Dahar’s shoulder. Sorrow filled his eyes and Tobias shook his head. "No, my friend, you're set on a different path now. I will continue on with my side of things, you must embark on a new path." Vos said, gently as they worked their way through the process to walk Beyond Shadows.


As they slowly counted their way up to number seven, Tobias could feel the group leaving their bodies and starting their journey beyond. Sarah had contained the Orb with the instructions they had been given almost a year ago, and now they were all there. There was the doorway, and Dahar was on his feet looking healthy again. A slight echo could be heard and colors were noticeably duller. Much to his dismay, Tobias noticed three figures standing there waiting for them in the field that matched the one outside Dahar’s hut on Taris.


They shook their heads at Tobias, as they beckoned everyone else forward. “Farewell, you three. I will see you again.”


Dahar looked hurt, DuVos looked nervous, Sarah looked confident- which was to be expected as she had called this realm her home for the past 1,200 years. Silently, they all nodded- and Tobias let his mind and spirit sink back to his body. Alas, he did so against his own selfish wishes. He wanted to linger, see the vast expanses of libraries and laboratories that the Seers and Seekers maintained here, to see what had happened in the last year of violence. Obviously though, he was not welcome back just yet.


As he returned to his body- his hand was still where Dahar’s would have been, and upon a glance around Sarah and DuVos had gone as well. The air inside the hut was…. Warm again… colors were brighter and the breeze was inviting. Tobias sighed, his hand rubbing where Dahar’s body had been. Tilting his head in surprise- his headache was gone. So it was DuVos that was causing that disturbance…


Getting back to his feet, he rubbed Adenna’s arm in a comforting gesture and then led the way out of the hut and ultimately back to the ship. How many of his friends had passed in the last few hours? How many Jedi had just died? His mind was heavy, he wanted a vast quantity of Hull Striper or Dragonjuice but nothing beat that blue Kashyyyk Wine he had had after Kirlocca's funeral. Something to take his mind off all this death and loss he had experienced recently. And yet, Adenna was still there at his side... something he would forever be grateful for. She beside him, and he beside her.

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  • 8 months later...

The Prism appeared in the appropriate shipping late, at an appropriate time, with no inappropriate red flags to Taris Flight Control. Completely inoffensive in every way. Unobtrusively, the YT freighter fell into a stable orbit and would stay there for an appropriate amount of time. 


Tobias had deactivated the personality subroutines on the PIT Droids- so they were finally behaving. If they, the collective they of all organic and the three droids on board, got in a fight he had a macroprogram to reactivate the droids personality. Ni was stationed in the cockpit, Tobias gathered @Kota Ni and @The Architect in the main hold on the YT as Apprentice Kel (@karyu128) flew in formation next to them.  Idly, Tobias wanted to get a bigger ship so that he could collect the Kel'Dor, but he had made this his home- this ship. To abandon it like his old N1 was unthinkable. Besides, with the Peregrine Cirlce starting back up, and the Order's increasing hostile stance on the Sith and Black Sun, with the Mandalorians on the rise- the communication capabilities of this craft would be invaluable. 


"Kota, I'd like for you to meditate for a moment- do you sense your sister here?" Tobias questioned his apprentice. "Clear your mind, and try to feel for something familiar."


While they all had come into the system with no remarkable maneuvers or eye catching classifications, Tobias would burn their way to the slavers that took youngling female Ni. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Good." Tobias said, inclining his head. "Now, focus on parts of the hurricane- the debris floating in the torrent. The rain and hail. The cloud and lightning. Down to the swirling of the clouds. At this moment you can pull the pieces apart from one another- look to see if there is something familiar there. Your sisters scarf floating by, carried with the wind? A necklace she wore on the ground, hidden away from the winds that would pick it up? If you know one of the aspects- like rain, for example. That would be an emotion you don't need to worry about- ignore the rain. Ignore anything that wouldn't help you see your sisters scarf or necklace. Those things are there, you just have to push aside what will not help you for what you seek. Examine each part of the storm- and block out what would not be helpful."


Tobias hoped @Kota Ni would understand the metaphor. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Tobias had come to that conclusion a moment before Aurora had voiced it, she was picking up on social queues better now a days. The frozen being was learning how to read social body language. "Kota, call if you need anything, think on it for a bit. We'll resupply and check in with the Jedi Order." he quietly said, exiting. 

He nodded a 'good job' to Aurora and the pair turned to walk away in unison. The door to Kota's cabin slid silently shut behind them. In front of the pair was a PIT Droid, offering a datapad to Tobias. As the droid had its personality matrix shut off it didn't engage either of the organic beings in conversation, it just moved along to its next task. Tobias looked at the device to see that there had been a momentary black out of communications, but Kel had left to join Sandy on Chandrila. Precisely what Tobias was going to mention just before Kota had screamed out. The droids were currently working on getting the communications back up and running. 


As the pair started to walk down the hallway into the ships common room, Tobias looked down at his apprentice. "I should have turned their personalities off a long time ago, its much less stressful." Tobias chuckled. "Anyways, is there anything on your mind Aurora?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Vos nodded a reaction to Auroras' remark about the PIT Droids. "Yeah, the droids... *sigh* yeah... their programing had a flaw in it- I can't fix it and I think it will be better if the loop snarl they inadvertently got programmed with isn't engaged. So fair the personality deactivation seems to have worked. They were gift and designed to assist me with another project- but since that hasn't happened, their original programming hasn't changed. Something I should have been proactive with instead of brushing it aside all the time." 


Turning the corner into the common room, Tobias found his customary spot- and sat at the table. "Fair point. You've been keeping up remarkably well- with everything not just learning to utilize the Force. I wish I had a better structure for you, Kel and Kota to learn in. The only other trainee I've had was Sandy Sarna, who Adenna had already laid most of the foundation and structure. I just-" Tobias caught himself, as he remembered the bloody scene aboard his Space Station. Visibly, he shuttered. "-helped her through one of her last trials. and became a Knight." 


"To be blunt, I think Kota is feeling like any teenage- angry at the world, feeling alone, stressed. But I will, we will hopefully help him through some of that. I know I wasn't a great teenager, but... that was peculiar circumstances."


Scratching the side of his face- he let his eyes wander- off to the cooler. He held out his hand, wrist resting on the table- and imagined a Ithorian Ale in his hand. Remembering the weight, feel, and looks- he imagined it in his hand- and with a pop of displaced air, the cooler door bumping against itself- he was set. The cold glass resting in his hand with all twelve ounces of liquid in it still chill to the touch. Twisting off the cap, he took a drink. The rush of satisfaction at the first gulp was like a teetertotter. On one hand he was elated to have a drink, on the other side he knew he shouldn't have this drink.


Putting the drink back down on the table, motioned for Aurora to get something to drink as well while they chatted. He meant with the Force- as an exercise. He knew she would not be able to do the same trick as she did, but... actually... he didn't. He blurted out his question- "Tell me, what do you know of the Aing-Tii? Anything at all from your life before?"

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Tobias nodded in acknowledgement of her offer to help fix the programming error within in the droids. Idly, he threw out a barrier, mentally wanting to protect the trio- or be possessive of them. Which, a moment later, he realized was silly and he should trust Aurora and her abilities. If she said she could do it- she could.  


If Tobias' face was anything to go by it would show how delighted he was with Auroras control of the Force- and the elements. He beamed with a ear-to-ear smile. As she hydrated and answered him a sense of pride could be felt from him to Aurora. "You're getting stronger with the Breath, The Force. Good Job, and nice choice of beverage." Tobias winked, and toasted Aurora with his own beverage. 

After another sip, he sighed as she answered about the Aing-Tii. "I suspected not, but I was just curious. A species typically doesn't shelter themselves away from others unless they are extremely xenophobic or trusting. Typically there is a moment in time where the species has learned from their error and retreated back to themselves. I spent a lot of time with the Aing-Tii in my journey Beyond the Veil... and I still know little about their history. Their ways of manipulating and interacting with the Force simply fascinates me, and I've been emulating them more and more- and even you are now by proxy. And speaking of proxy..." Tobias hung his head after another longer sip. He pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose, pinching it. A expression of pain crossed his face as he rose up from his seat and walked out of the room. But he was still there- sitting across from Aurora.


Tilting his head to one side at an extreme angle, he kept his eyes closed and pressed the bottle to his lips again. "The Aing-Tii would be very impressed with your use of the Force just then. The trick I used to get this drink was a technique they taught me. Well, one, but that is another story. I was just hoping to learn more about them. Once you they trust you, they will let you learn from them. As long as they trust you, which doesn't happen often, and not as deeply as I have. There are different factions of dark and light side Force users, they view the Force as a rainbow- the path from light to dark is shaded by that of-" Tobias set his drink down on the table between him and his apprentice and lifted his hands with the palms up indicating their surroundings. "-a Prism." His hands returned to the drink and he winked at the young woman across from him. "Which makes all this... quite the unique experience as my views are more in line with the Aing-Tii 'Rainbow Theory' but we'll keep that between you and I for now." Tobias shrugged. 




Avatar Tobias--


Standing down from the common room, the avatar reached out to Kota. As it was a nearly identical copy of Tobias it was doubtful the young lad would detect it. Afterall, the doppelganger was link to Tobias, it was just easier to have two separate conversations like this. It reached out- "Yes, Kota?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

"There are Masters that cannot hold that together- and you did so with a natural talent. Some would have tried to hold the liquid together at the base- or manipulated the individual atoms to hold it all together. Its hard to hold liquid together- and plasma is worse than that- but all things are possible with the right mindset and skill with the Force."


Taking a sip to stall a immediate response- Tobias carefully considered how he would formulate his reply. With a second sip of his beverage he let the bottle rest on the table and held his hands palms up with his elbows resting on the table. A white orb appeared in his left hand- and a black orb in his right. Nodding to the white orb he began to explain- "The Jedi Order are servants of the Light Side- they hold themselves to a high moral ground- but do not look down upon those they are entrusted to protect and guide. They try to avoid emotions and instead to rely on the Force to guide them. A Jedi does not seek personal status or power, but will be inserted into such a role if need be. They also do not seek revenge, and dislike slavery. The Dark Side relies on their emotions and seeks control over the Force. They kill, seek revenge, hold slaves, and other terrible atrocities that are too numerous to get into."


Tobias took a deep breath. "Now a days- Jedi allow themselves to feel emotions like Love, sadness, pleasure, so on and so forth. Like how Adenna and I are- she is the reason I turned my back on the Sith. But in between these two extremes are the products of a prism- red, orange, yellow, green, purple and all the colors between." the light between the two orbs shattered into a spectacle of smaller orbs floating around the table. "And there is a following for every interpretation of the Force." 


Slowly, the orbs started to wink out of existence- until a greenish blue orb came to settle in the space between Tobias' now empty hands. "This is the interpretation that I have of the Force- symbolized with colors, of course." He closed his hands, and sighed- he was getting better at the idle illusions through the Force. "Hopefully that fills in some gaps for you, or doesn't confuse you any worse than what you were already." Chuckling, he made a mental note to have his doppleganger try to reach Kota again, and did. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

"Several. But..."


Tobias sighed, collecting himself all over again. "Unfortunately, we are being called elsewhere, my young padawans." He finished the datapad message he had just received under the frequency between he and Adenna. The PIT Droid walked away right after delivering the message and was going to program a course to the rendezvous point. 


"I'm sorry..." Tobias whispered through the ship- and the hum of the hyperdrive answered back. @Kota Ni would have to wait. @The Architect Aurora would be introduced to a few more Jedi soon enough.

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