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Sleep is solace to the eyes and ears of those who are open to it...

Who stays the assault of banality for favor of peaceful breath;

What corruption and innocence share upon equal amenity;

When weary worlds cast their lulling gaze on bitter trials;

Where mind and body embrace each other with no hint of declination;

Why the soul is culled of past pestilence;

How earthen misfortune melts to gentle repose...



Hours drifted past with amicable haste as sleep dulled the Cerean's senses progressively. Here in this state of complete vulnerability, the Jedi hopeful rest with little to no inclination of changing his current stasis. It was rare to strike a moment of silence, let alone comfort, within the forest as the light of day rested far beyond the horizon; it was traditional for nocturnal hunters to begin the prowl and although their movements were small Roene could often hear them in the brush. It was quiet now though; none of the beasts pushed from their homes, with the blanket of darkness combing over the echo of light left by crude shadows.


The sounds of leaves rustling upon the hollow wind brushed out of Roene's mind; The smell of the night air as it caressed the fresh wildlife began to fade; The blades of green grass beneath the Cerean's fingers began to diminish until their points were insignificant; the majestic image of time progression escaped the Cerean's mind as he finally drifted into a deep sleep.

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Tirius frowned. Can a lack of instruction be countered with use of the Force? he wondered. Honestly, he was a little bit frustrated by being tested in something without having been instructed in it first. It was like an academic nightmare, like taking a quiz over material you hadn't even read. Only this time, the test was over something he could be using the rest of his life while academics were only ostensibly over such information.


But if his master insisted that the Force could teach him what he needed to know, he was content to try it. Still submersed in its energy flow, though his connection with it wavered with his frustration, he listened more than thought. As he washed away his emotions, a picture formed in his mind, and he felt a phantom tug at his wrists. The picture was the next block he needed to perform, and he complied. He dropped to one knee and brought his saber up horizontally above his head, feeling Fitt's blade smash down on his.


Then he counterattacked with speed he hadn't known was at his command. Pivoting with his grounded foot he stood, pushing his Master's blade off to his right side but standing square towards him so that his lightsaber was effectively on the inside of Kitt's defenses. Then it was a simple matter of sliding his blade down Kitt's and driving it point-first at his Master, hoping that he wouldn't impale him and yet amazed by the Force's instruction.


"It controls my actions, but also obeys my commands," he said aloud.

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Kitt merely took a step backwards to avoid any impale from his padawan, holding his blade up horizontally at his side. The Jedi Master knew that his apprentice was slowly making his way to learning the lesson that was in store for him. As Tirius rose from his attack, Kitt took a few more steps backwards as he slowly lowered his blade. He could still feel a bit of the frustration flowing through Tirius as he walked backwards; However, not as strong as it was before, but it was still there.


"A lesson within a lesson. The Force does not need the mind to memorize anything for it. I cannot offer any instruction to you, unless you allow yourself to be swept away by the currents of the Force. Then and only then can I offer aid."


While Tirius did not have a problem with finding the current of the Force, he struggled with staying in it. He allowed his mind to take over every now and then, and only recently did he fully stay in it through his movements. Kitt decided to take a new approach to it, and deactivated his lightsaber, placing it back at his belt.


"Keep yours on."


Kitt walked over to a storage container within the training room and pulled out a helmet with a blast shield. He quickly lowered the shield and locked it in place, and then walked over to Tirius and placed it on his head. In stead of walking away and into a sparing position, he walked behind his apprentice and stood at his back.


"Find the current of the Force, allow yourself to get lost in it. Once you are submerged with it, stay with it and begin moving with the flow as if you are creating a dance between you and the Force. Your lightsaber will be a tool of its beauty."


Kitt waited for Tirius to begin. Once he got started and was able to stay within the Force current, then he would provide his padawan with some instructions.


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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Tirius frowned when the helmet was placed on his head. Being without the ability to see wasn't the best strategy for entering combat. He knew that the Force was powerful and that, when he was calm and focused, it showed him the right motions to perform and guided his hands in doing it. But however little he actually used his eyes in interpreting the Force's suggestions, it was still completely different to be without the ability to see if he wanted to. Before his eyes was only darkness, and he was holding a weapon with a blade that had no weight. Therefore, he had no sense of where its weight lay and thus his only way of knowing where precisely the blade was was by how he position the hilt.


It was disconcerting. As far as he knew, he could think the blade was pointed in one direction but be spatially in error--it was difficult to keep oriented without vision--and the blade could be somewhere else. It was a good way to cut off one of his own limbs, and he wasn't particularly eager to try out the amazing technology of prosthetics for himself.


Well, if I don't take any risks, how can I learn? Tirius did have memories of training he had undergone in his youth that had tested him physically, if only in the kind of way organized sports did. One of the things that had been impressed upon him the most was that if he wasn't changing anything about himself and how he performed, he wasn't learning and would never grow.


With that mentality, Tirius plunged even deeper into the Force and shut his eyes--if they were closed, it would feel less like he was blinded and more like he was concentrating. When he expanded his sphere of influence, he felt the Force feeding him information, just as it had before. Before, it would tell him where to move the blade, and when it did, he could see it move even before he made the action. And why should it be different now? he thought.


The Force controls your actions, but it also obeys your commands. Tirius made his will clear to the energy field and it accepted his wish and granted him the clarity of mind to execute it. He twirled his lightsaber around him, first on one side of his body and then on the other. The motion was perfect, and he had all his limbs left when it was done.


"I can almost see the blade," he said, returning to his combat stance. "Now what?"

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Kitt smiled as he could feel Tirius connect fully to the Force, allowing it to flow more freely then he had before. As his apprentice verbally acknowledged this, Kitt knew it was time to fully begin.


"I always hesitate to start off an apprentice learning this way, as I feel that as a hopeful, one should have been taught these basics already. Clearly, You were not apart of Master Kirlocca's Katarn Clan."


Kitt took a moment to think more clearly on what he wanted to do. He didn't want to spend all of his time training Tirius while Galen still waited, but then again, Kitt could feel that Galen's mind was moving in a certain direction, and perhaps maybe, he sought to be alone during this time.


"As the most simplistic form, Shii-Cho is the first form taught to initiates within the Order. Form I training provides the basic knowledge of the sword-fighting principles and blast-deflection skill that are required for practice of all the other forms. As of such, in order to teach students to draw upon the Force rather than rely on their senses, early level Shii-Cho blast-deflect training is conducted with a blindfold, or some form of being unable to see, forcing the initiate to rely upon his instincts. Hence the reason I have shielded your eyes from seeing."


Almost as soon as the last word left Kitt's mouth, Tirius could hear the sound of a training remote activate. Kitt took a few paces backwards in order to fully observe what his apprentice would do.


"Much as you can almost see the blade of your lightsaber, you should be able to see the remote that is now before you. Your lesson is to learn to blast-deflect the lasers by reaching out through the Force, allowing it to be your perception."


By this point, Kitt had picked up two more training remotes, just in case he felt the need to increase Tirius' training level, or if his padawan ended up destroying the one before him.


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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The ebbs and flows of graceful sapphire that fluttered underneath the Cerean's lids as he slept upon the cold wet grass, pushed his mind further down what seemed an endless stream of methodical chaos. Roene's control had absolved its grasp of limitations and let the Cerean flow down the stream regardless of the probable consequences.


Roene let his mind drift further into the force and embraced the energy as it pulled deep into his body's internal cavities, resonating within his lower organs and pushing his body closer to the ground than before. The Cerean's eyes were closed as normally expectant of drawn out unconsciousness, but his awareness was relatively apparent as the force accepted his remission. He had no idea consciously of how the plants and ground felt beneath his fingers, but most of the Cerean's mind was submerged within elements of the force that drew out artificial senses. He could, in his dreams, reach out and touch living things; he could feel the fuzzy texture of animals, the prickly texture of the grass and insinuated the texture of the ground beneath him as his mind rested in a sidelong manner.


His mind spilled to the proverbial ground in what seemed like leagues of idle thought and trivial pursuits. He could see stars from miles around and felt as though temperature meant nothing within this relatively large sphere of cognizant influences. Within a year of constant reliance on himself it was often nice to trust and keep faith in the force to keep its guidance fruitful. It stood the test of time like no other being could and although Roene knew people were of vital importance, he couldn't help but muster trust more in his connection with the force than in his connections with other beings. It wasn't that his lot was not a sociable one, but within the vestiges of the forest dark the only consul he had was that of the force and his own mind; the intricacies of which would draw speculation from the most random conclusions from the land itself. The rawest information that the world had to offer would still, in the future, amount to nothing other than words on paper. It was the actual application of this knowledge that brought any true education ...


Roene's sleep was majorly uneventful as to the outside world however; his snoring as audible as it was, was not quite loud enough to wake the nearby resting creatures, but just loud enough to brush the Cerean's white beard back and forth.

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Tirius stretched out with his feelings when he heard the remote activate. Jedi were infamous for their ability to deflect blaster bolts off the blade of their lightsaber, a feat which took almost unimaginable control. A lightsaber blade was round and a blaster bolt was a stabilized packet of energy. To place a lightsaber blade at exactly the right place to intercept and redirect a blaster bolt would take nothing short of perfection. Tirius had no idea if he had the right stuff to do it, especially so early in his training.


But once again, he found himself examining his doubts. Were they really founded? He had already begun to witness the unbelievable power of the Force and its ability to guide his actions. Why should this be any different? This was something the Jedi had been doing since the start, which probably meant that it was the Force itself that willed for this ability to be inherited along the generations. So much of using the Force was a matter of intuition and visualization, and much of it was instinct.


Just as a newborn spider knew how to spin a web or a butterfly emerging from its cocoon knew how to take flight, it seemed that every Jedi was endowed with a baseline of abilities that were necessary for their survival. Tirius had read about Jedi that had strengths and weaknesses in the Force--some that couldn't use telekinesis, for example. But never had he read about a Jedi that couldn't deflect blaster bolts off their lightsaber blade.


And he wouldn't be the first. With perfect timing and an extremely clear perception of what felt right to do in the Force, Tirius deflected the first and second stinger bolts from the remote as it neared him. When he felt the bolts impact with his blade, a profound sense of wonder and accomplishment soared through him as his abilities transcended the natural and became supernatural. Always before it had been on his own skill that he had challenged the trials of life, but now, he was linked to a higher power, one that would let him do things that he could not before conceive.


For a moment, he forgot everything about himself. He let go of all his life experiences, everything that made him what he was. He stopped thinking about yesterday and tomorrow, and his whole past was wiped clean. Even his biology was forgotten, his race ignored, as he became a creature of only this moment, of only this challenge... of only the Force.


He forced himself to maintain this state, thinking of nothing and simply feeling, and he knew that this was what it meant to be a Jedi. Who he was before didn't matter. What mattered was who he was becoming. One, two, three more stinger bolts ricocheted off his blade, and he realized that he hadn't missed one yet. But that very sense of achievement linked his consciousness to the past several bolts he had deflected, and that link to the past made him realize who he was. And what he wasn't.


Then one got through and he flinched before once again calming himself, returning to the moment, and concentrating. His record didn't matter. Only the Force mattered, and the lessons it had to teach him. Even Master Fitt's lessons were nothing compared to what he could learn from the energy field that bound the universe together. Of course, he had a ways to go yet before he was a Jedi Knight, and only through instruction, through guidance down the roads of discovery, could he get there.

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Kitt almost interjected when he could feel Tirius' mindset bring forth a trying one, but he knew that he would overcome such a thought process. Much as he suspected, his apprentice was fast to pick up what he was doing. All in all, most Jedi when given the chance to surrender over to the Force normally could. Tirius was no exception. He carefully watched as his padawan began to succeed with a strong presence, and then a shot finally got through.


"Remember to feel, don't spend your time thinking about it. Your instincts are very valuable for exercises such as this."


Kitt then activated the remaining training remotes, increasing the difficultly level of the exercise. Tirius did very well against one, but now he would have to fend off three of them. Whether his apprentice was up to the task was yet to be seen.


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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Tirius' sharpened senses immediately noticed that there were two more remotes now floating toward him with the mechanical version of malicious intent. Two more? No problem, he thought. He was at total peace in the Force, transformed from an uncertain hopeful with some basic skills to someone with no doubt that, as connected to the powerful energy field as he was, he could overcome such simplistic challenges as batting aside a few stinger bolts.


His faith was not misplaced. Simply put, something had clicked within him, and he melded his insticts and intuition with the Force's keen direction. He was in excellent physical shape, especially for a businessman with little reason except personal satisfaction to be so, and his motor control was advanced as a result. Even as sweat began to bead on his forehead, he performed bolt deflection at the level of someone of much more experience than he had, catching bolts from all angles, seeing clearly where they would be almost a full second before they were there and thus having plenty of time to get his blade into position.


All of this was with his blast shield down, and he had to say, it was good for his spirit. Since he had put aside who he was, he didn't think about his accomplishment, and neither did he fully realize how advanced his maneuvers were. It just felt good, deep inside of him, to be in touch with the Force and feel how its energy transformed him into a being with few limitations. He continued in this way for perhaps several minutes.


He could sense more than incoming blaster bolts, too. He could sense Master Fitt watching him, appraising his advancement. But in even more detail he could sense the remotes that were assailing him. He knew where they were without using his eyes to locate them, and his sense penetrated their metalloid casings and he knew their circuits. He asked the Force to show him what was on his mind, and as clear as having a map of the devices in his mind and the Force making a bright red circle over the circuit he wanted to affect, he understood.


Then he turned all three of them off to hover in place, and finally he stood still, sweat pouring out of his helmet (it was hot under there with so little new air!) and down his tunic. Straightening from a combat stance he hadn't registered he was using, he deactivated his lightsaber and pulled off his helmet, feeling the cool air on his face and readjusting his eyes to the light.


He was facing Master Fitt, and finally he let himself crash back down on him, all his experiences and self-esteem. His thirst. And he let himself register what he had been doing with a touch of pride. "Whoa," he said to his Master. "That was... enlightening."

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With his nourishment achieved, Roene awoke, covered by a blanket of opaque darkness and fresh early morning dew. His sleep schedule had been altered heavily due to his current habitation, but even his radical adaptation to such weird living conditions was nothing to be truly admired. Roene liked to sleep, even if it led inevitably to a prolonged stretch that indicated small areas in his back that failed to receive the comfort they needed.


Pulling in his metallic hand to deal with the aforementioned small twinges of pain that were slowly emitted from his side, the Cerean shook from mild frigid surprise at the low temperature of his grip; the sensation was rather small, but it was enough to pause his movements momentarily and register wakefulness in the rousing Cerean. He adjusted though and as he maintained his gentle massage, Roene took in the cold air of the still night, pulling the soothing air into his weathered mind. He could feel the world around him, and summoning his metallic hand once more as a ballast, drew his body up to a comfortable standing position. The Cerean stumbled slightly at his renewed posture, but the blanket of dark musk that embraced him offered no small courtesy as how far the ground was from his face. So the Cerean cautiously felt the ground around him with the area around the ball of his foot, searching for any surprises before he continued. Then, as he pressed his bare and callused feet into the wet, mushy ground, the Cerean strained to find a finite balance within the muscular core of his body. He stood, allowing himself to breathe heavily;his form took in it a crude, but stable horse stance; his arms were out to his side and his knees bent out as if his stride set him upon a rather large beast of burden.


With his eyes closed, the Cerean breathed in, building up the air pressure in his skull, pushing his hands closer into his body and gathering up the remnant thoughts of dreams and vague abstractions. Then he pushed all the gathered waste out with a large exhale, thrusting his hands out, emptying his body of the vital oxygen needed to survive while simultaneously purifying himself of his own Negative thoughts and derision.


The Cerean repeated this process several times to ensure the transfer of energy was complete, but Roene eventually stopped as a small but familiar sensation tickled the back of his mind. The Cerean was all to familiar with the force, but not all of its vast knowledge flowed within his mind. He could feel, understand, sense, embrace and touch the force, but his powers were unlike that of a master. This sensation though, however familiar in origin, seemed a little alien to Roene since the beginning of his 1 year alienation from the Jedi order.


He hadn't the slightest clue as to its form, but could tell that it resembled the energy signal of a being far to the east of his position. The Cerean hesitated for a moment, thinking about his situation and the possible reactions taken by a proverbial wild man coming from the forest itself, but as the tranquility of the setting floundered upon Roene's mind's eyes, he concluded that there was a time and would come a time for him to leave the place of his stagnancy in favor for further travel and understanding of the universe as a whole.


Roene sat upon the rock from before, where his crystals lay and although his legs were pumping from his rather intense meditation exercise, the Cerean's eyes shot open. He took the bag of crystals and secured it safely around his left arm as his body shot forward quickly through the forest with no receding stares of regret.


The Cerean jumped from tree to tree like a rabid primate and occasionally touched down for a small bout of sprinting amplified by the force's kind intervention. His senses were of little importance as the east side of the forest was brought into view, and although his running path seemed dull from familiar patterns, he was greeted by a majestic temple that stood as an architectural beauty of man made nature.


The Cerean marveled at its design from afar, but he monitored the sensation he felt moments before. The sensation was brimming now, as if the usurper was the temple itself, but something didn't seem right about that. Roene felt a rather odd closeness to this energy and although the Cerean had heard of this temple before he had made a point of trying to avoid it for as long as possible... Kind of ironic huh? Roene thought to himself as he ignored the chilling sweat adorning his body and started walking toward the temple...

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As Galen was studying the holocron, it made a reference to another one. More than that, it should him where in the facility that device was. Galen found it quickly enough. It spoke about the nature of the Force and a Jedi's connection to it. It even spoke on some of the contradictions that Galen perceived in the Jedi code.


After much deliberation, Galen bid farewell to Kitt and Tirius for the time. He informed them of his plans to follow the trail that this holocron had left. Galen took the holocron and left the sanctuary heading into the forest. There was a network of caves and ruins close by that the holocron mentioned my provide some insight.


He was not seen again for a while.


((Hopefully I'll be back this summer. ^^ Have fun y'all.))

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Kitt titled his head downwards slowly as Tirius made his own findings of the lesson. A soft smile appeared on his own face as he knew that Tirius had fully stepped into the Jedi world.


"Such submersion within the Force is always the best way to full learn any lesson that I teach you. I hope that through our time together, you will learn to do so automatically, but never to depend on it."


While he fully understood that such is the basic lesson of learning of Shii-Cho, Tirius was not yet ready for any further lesson at the moment. While eventually such lessons would need to be taught, Tirius would get by with such a small amount of learning, as the lesson will be the corner stone for all that a Jedi does with his lightsaber.


"You can put the lightsaber back at your side, and put the equipment away, we are needed else where... I can feel it."


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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Taking deep, controlled breaths and letting them out, Tirius nodded, then clipped his lightsaber back on his belt. He felt marvelous at the moment, like he had just finished the best night's sleep he'd ever gotten. His muscles were loose and, although his forehead was caked with sweat, Tython's cool breeze washed over him like the Force washed through him when he called upon it. His experience was lucid, and the path before him had never been more clear.


Kitt's words caught his attention, though. "Where are we needed, Master?" he asked as he did as he was asked, gathering the remotes and returning them, along with the helmet he had been wearing, to their appropriate storage lockers.

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Kitt's gazed became distant for a moment as he tried to feel out through the Force where exactly they were needed. He could feel it as clear as day, there was a strong tug of the Force, but where it wanted him to go was still unknown to him.


"I can't say. Its elusive to me."


The Jedi Master did his best to refocus himself and clearing his mind. Much like what he just said, it was now a time that he could not depend upon the Force for a full decision. After a minute of quick thinking, Kitt slowly lifted his head, as he had slowly lowered his during his thinking, he had found the best move.


"We're going to Gala."


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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With stealth a minor deficiency to the Cerean's flowing feet, he felt the force cradle his steps as the sounds, although existent, made no formal echo upon the rock of the temple. He could form no cognizant form of the energy that his interest took, but what seemed apparent is that the energy was not only familiar, but it was moving at a slow pace throughout the temple.


What could it be? Roene thought to himself as he climbed the side of the temple's walkway, hefting his feet upon each rock, cementing his footholds with the power of his calves and will. Once he reached the top of it though, he could see no formal guard; the Cerean looked swiftly about for reasoning as to this gap, but it seemed none aside from the temple's elusive nature drew away its assailants.

"This seems a fatal design flaw," Roene mumbled to himself as thoughts of Sith invasion cascaded into his mind, pushing the security of the temple into a ridiculously low caliber, "but I suppose the Jedi will be ready when they come" Roene replied to himself with a wide smile...


Then gallons of ice cold recognition pummeled into Roene as he stood upon the walkway, his jaw half open. "I know... Who it is..."


The Cerean had learned to control a bit of his emotions, keeping them supplanted in favor of balance within himself, but Roene often practiced the crucial balance between humanity with its expression, and its absence; a modicum of each were what kept the Cerean sane as he moved through the woods. Allowing himself a little fear helped him with his trials in the woods.


So when memories of the past - although they weren't completely absent - came rushing back quickly, their swelling mass culminating into a slight sense of regret, Roene's face contorted to adapt its mildly depressing tone.


He saw his path further with slightly wetter eyes and a heavy heart, but even so, Roene continued with as much gusto as he could muster into the large temple

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Tirius almost laughed when Master Fitt said the name of the world. I travel halfway across the galaxy to get here from Gala, and now I'm going right back again, he thought. It wasn't that Gala wasn't a nice world or anything, but Tirius' last trip there had only really resulted in the sudden disappearance of his previous master, Dashel Illioni, who really hadn't taught him anything except the Jedi Code and that he was a bit paranoid when it came to his apprentices' well-being.


Nevermind his slight distaste for Admiral Starlisk, the military commander who was also a Jedi, something that couldn't really work in Tirius' mind. He would go where Master Fitt led, and though he had no desire to get involved in the war, especially at this early stage, he wouldn't back down from doing even that.


"Sounds good," he simply said. "When you're ready."

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Kitt placed his arm around Tirius' shoulder and began to lead him out of the temple and into the forest of Tython. Kitt knew that it would be a some what long journey out of the forest and into Ashla. While sure that He would enjoy the peaceful walk, he wasn't so sure about Tirius. He seemed to be a Jedi with a strong connection to the Force and an even strong mind to back it up, but he lacked ability to simply let go of one or the other to fully commune with it, and even more so to find a balance between. He was hoping that deep down, the walk through the giant forest of Tython would inspire him to connect to the Force more freely. Although, he wasn't sure that he would after he told him not to become too depended upon it.


So strange that I should come to the very crossroad that I came to when I was an apprentice under my master. Perhaps Lei-Kim Ness was right when she said that the Force always showed humor when it could. It was a slightly amusing thought, even more so for the fact that he hadn't thought of Lei since he last saw her. In fact, he hadn't thought about any of his old Jedi freinds since he last saw them. Ara, Lei, Mari, Sly... they all just simply faded away. Maybe I could do the same one day. Kitt had to push the thoughts away. It was no way for a Jedi Master to be thinking, especially when they had a Jedi padawan around to train. No, he would think of them more fully when he had more time to do so.


*Edited in*


As they were on their way out, Kitt had to stop. He felt a presence within the Force approaching, one that he was now slightly embarrassed that he didn't feel it before. As the two rounded the corner, he stopped and allowed for a smile to appear on his face. Before him and the entrance of the old Jedi temple was walking in was none other then Roene, a padawan of his that had left for further training while the two of them were aboard the Enigma.


"Roene, I see that the Force has kept you safe."

Edited by Guest


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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Tirius started the journey out with his new Master and found himself approaching it a bit differently. He didn't know what Fitt would expect of him when it came to everyday presentation, behavior, attitude. By spending time with the other man, he would eventually learn these things, and actually he intended to find it interesting. But until then, he would assume that, as had been the case in earlier times in his life, he was to keep his mind always on the Force, for the more used to it he got, the easier it would be to become a Jedi Knight. Fitt was but an instructor to help him reach that goal.


And so he started to reach into the Force, then pull his consciousness back out of it. He repeated the process once, then twice, then three times. His goal was to make drawing on it and letting it out just like breathing. If it became second nature, then he could always count on it to come to his aid in facing the challenges that Jedi regularly had to face. It was quite a different way of looking at things than he was used to--always before it had been just himself and his intellect trying to overcome life's puzzles. Now he was encouraged to let go of his conscious self and act on instinct. Always before, he had attempted to train his instinct, and now he was supposed to let the Force take over completely.


That could be a challenge for him. He wasn't comfortable with losing his sense of control... and yet, back during the remote training, he had accomplished things that he could never have without giving up himself and letting the Force guide him.


He touched the Force again, feeling it roll through his body and then letting it wash right back out. He found the energy field amazing to touch, for it granted him clarity and a sense of his surroundings. It was like surfacing from a deep dive for a moment and being able to look around at the waves and the distant shore, then diving down again and having that sense stripped from you.

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"Yes old friend... Albeit very battered," said Roene as his body relinquished itself from the force's embrace and finally realized exactly how long it had been moving. The Cerean's legs were whining in his ears and his arms were deafeningly sore as he moved in to clear the threshold between him and his master. His footfalls were pressured and pained, but simultaneously smooth and light. The Cerean's metal arm reach out to clasp Kitt's and a smile broke upon Roene's face, through his body's tempered irritation.


"It is nice to see you after all this time... and although it is rather hasty of me to ask, I would wonder if I could join you?" breathed Roene as his lungs pushed slowly out and in, trying to savor the cool air of Tython as it sifted over the stone ground.


The Cerean's posture was strong and his expression serious, but behind his eyes lay a good humor and an anxious youth that wished for completion to his training...

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Kitt could feel it within Roene before he even asked. The young Cerean was a Jedi who held most of what he felt through the Force in the open. While some would see it as a failing, Kitt found it relaxing and very welcoming. Even while Galen was his apprentice that held such a strong connection to the Force, and could even use the Force beyond what he had ever seen in a Jedi padawan before, Roene was the apprentice that grasped everything the first time around. He was well rounded, and while Kitt would never vocalize it, he was able to read impressions off of him through the Force that hinted a strong corner stone for the Jedi in the coming years. Even if Roene didn't ask to come along, Kitt would have invited him anyways.


"Of course you can Roene. It is always a master's wish to see his apprentice finish his training and become one of the Order."


Kitt took a moment to look between Roene and Tirius, knowing some how that the two of them would end up getting along. It was what they both echoed off in the Force.


"Roene, I would like for you to meet Tirius. He will also be finishing his training under me."


Kitt took a moment to see what the interaction between the two would be like, to see if his instincts through the Force were correct.


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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Tirius raised his eyebrows at the approach of the Cerean. It wasn't very common to see Cereans away from their homeworld due to their short life spans and the general rarity of males, who were extraordinary thinkers but usually devoted much of their lives to reproducing. Still, it wasn't unheard of to see one in the Jedi Order, or so Tirius had heard. When he was introduced, he almost extended a hand but decided that a short bow was a more appropriate greeting from one Jedi apprentice to another, so that's what he did.


"Greetings... Roene, was it?" he said. "I'm Master Fitt's newest student." It sounded like Roene had started his training under Kitt but been... called away, perhaps? Maybe it had to do with his species' needs. Tirius had no idea. But if Kitt wanted to train them both at the same time, that was his own choice.

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Kitt was patient enough for most situations that came up, but even as they stood, he could feel the Force urge him onwards. Kitt quietly pressed them through the Force to continue to move with him, but to continue with their conversations. He knew that such a long trip was in store for them, seeing as they had too travel from the Deep Core back out to the Mid Rim. A day or two through Hyperspace would be better time to training the two some more.


(A post more for each of you, then we must get into the space thread.)


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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((sorry for the delay -- school is a pain))


Roene took in the Human who stood approximately 4 inches under the apex of his coned head. Roene's eyes weren't the only thing moving however, as his minds focused and stretched through the force toward the man of mid 20's and embraced his form within a full sensual analyzation.


Roene could feel his heartbeat, hear his life force as it flowed deep within him, smell his curiosity as it piqued slightly at Roene's sudden entrance, taste his determination and see his metaphorical portrait. The Cerean wasn't a master of such things, but he was left for a year or so alone in the woods with nothing to contend with but his own senses and the force that existed, embracing all that lay around him. So it wasn't hard to conclude of his gradual experience in powers of the body.


Roene extended his arm as the man bowed and waited until Tirius did the same. "I'm not one for formalities" said Roene as he sighed with a smile, looking back and forth between the two males. The Cerean received a low impression of ghostlike guidance from his former master that tickled the back of his mind and as if he was instinctively pushed into it, the Cerean started to walk toward the gates, allowing his intentions to be pushed slightly to move things along.


"Yes, my name is Kro'Roene Givrah of the planet Cerea" Roene said as he continued walking toward the entrance/exit to the forest.

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(Speeding things along...)


Kitt had decided upon entering the city of Ashla, that the three of them would take the same shuttle that Tirius had brought here from Gala, back to Gala. There was a strong sensation from the Force, echoing very loudly upon him. What is was had yet to be determined. Quickly, he got both apprentices on board, and then lifted off and headed back to Gala and whatever awaited them there.


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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  • 2 weeks later...

((Sorry for the double post.))


Slowly and surely, over the next few months, a special team was sent to Tython by a secret request from the Jedi Council, given orders on the assignment that would create the newest Jedi Temple, and hopefully, the last. The team then traveled the distance that was required out of them, searching for the spot that they were told of. Once they found it, they began a month long journey to begin the creation.


On the far side of Ashla sat a Jedi Temple that was built within a Mountain. Each floor and foundation was Force embedded into each stone, to better endure attacks made against it. The Temple contained eight levels of rooms and essential needs for a typical Jedi life, as well as some rooms for the unexpected things for Jedi. Throughout the whole Temple were also hidden passages that lead out of the Temple and into the forest. They were designed for cases of when a Jedi might need to run in order to survive.


At the very bottom level of the Temple was a full storage system, holding up to years' worth of supplies of food, spare parts, and any other thing that is used to keep a Jedi Temple up and running. The whole floor is also where the waterfall water from the top is collected and poured back out into the lake outside. It also housed the monster turbine that used the water to power the Temple.


The Second level contained a full armory for the Jedi. The armory housed a full wing for building new designs for anything from Lightsabers, armor, and even ships. Further into one of the Chambers also has a water filtration system that allows for the water from the waterfall to flow through it, collecting minerals before it pours out of the Temple again. It also flows through another chamber that contains crystals, purifying them and infusing them with the lightside of the Force.


The Third level was devoted to the Jedi Archives only. One quarter of the library was open to public access, and one quarter was devoted to Jedi Masters only. The other two quarters of the library was open to the rest of the Jedi Order.


The Fourth level was full of training rooms, teaching rooms, auditoriums and holding cells. The holding cells were each designed to withstand Force attacks, as the design is based off of ray shields. While not designed to hold a prisoner forever, they were in fact only for short term holding until the Republic could pick up and transport the prisoner for permanent holding.


The Fifth level held the Mess Hall / Kitchen and Hangar bay for the Jedi Order. The hangar bay was also the housing place of all Jedi Ace Fighters. The Hangar Bay also houses two Star Runners, which are designed to transport Jedi off planet in case of an emergency. The only way ships can enter and exit is through means of a lift, which logs ever take off/entry.


The Sixth level was full of quarters for all Jedi personal of the Jedi Order. There are also quarters for all working personnel of the Jedi Temple. The water flow also filtered into some of the rooms to provide a more natural feel for those who wished it.


The Seventh level held the Jedi Council Chambers, A High Power Communications room, and a High Tech Security room. The Council Chambers stuck out of the structure of the Mountain, right next to the waterfall. The waterfall also has a small break, as a bed of water sits next to the Council Chamber, before it falls off again into the waterfall. At the Council's request, the waterfall flow could be altered to pour over the chamber, blocking out any visual sight, as well as any ability to hear physically, or even through the Force. The Council Chamber also has five large ceiling to floor windows that over look to scenery of Tython and their waterbed. The hall leading up to the Council Chamber is lined with Statues of each Grandmaster the Order has ever had before, with the most recent the nearest to the doors of the Council Chamber. The communications were powerful enough to support long range activity, providing the ability to have Council meetings while members were halfway across the galaxy. The Security features were that of full holofeeds throughout the Jedi temple, excluding the secret passages. They also could access ray shields throughout the Temple, sealing an intruder from making any progress.


The Eighth level held the grand hallway, four large meeting rooms for guests, as well as guest quarters. It also held multiple meditation spots and gardens for rest. Two of the four meeting rooms also held dining areas in which the Jedi could also entertain their guest, if they so choose to do so. There are also a few rooms with crystals in it where the water flow also came through to provide a pure setting for those who wished a full pure connection to the lightside of the Force. The main hallway has twelve deep blue and white marble pillars, providing a calming atmosphere. Certain spots within the main hallway also have benches to rest at, which is surrounded by patches of moss that grows on the side of the mountain interior.


Finally, on top of the grove mountain plateau was a waterfall that cascaded over the mountain, as well the water ran through the Jedi Temple, providing a peaceful hum and powering the Temple with its flow. The water was also able to pick up on reflections of the Force impressions that were echoed off from the Jedi, giving it the ability to become a natural weapon of the Force for any Naturalist or Consular. Affixed upon the Mountain top are hidden ION cannons, to disable any ship that tried to land without permission. They are also able to reach ships within space above the planet. A few Turbo laser turrets are also scattered across the sides of the mountain to defend off any other form of a trespasser.


Not far from the Temple, between two peaks of the Mountain rested a groove where the most lush forest ever seen resided. In this location, Jedi can spend time to train, meditate, or simply just take in the beauty of the area. The area is surrounded by small rivers and creeks that lead up into the waterfall that cascades over the Jedi Temple.


((This is the Final Editing, as the Temple is now open to all Jedi.))

*((See Roene's posts for extra add Force imbued areas.))*

Edited by Guest


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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  • 1 month later...

DAY 1:


Roene sighed lightly, his taut chest dipping beneath a stack of all too familiar robes, as his transport neared Tython's surface. From space, the Cerean could see the large patch of forest that had been his home for an entire year. A large dark green blob that loomed as a surrogate shadow across the planet's surface had held so much for the Cerean in his times of self enlightenment; The blob rotated in tangent with the rest of the sphere, but as it moved away, Roene could feel precious memories tense within his mind, trying to reach out for the mass of emerald that swiveled past. It was a pleasant time for him; it was a time for Roene to center himself and focus in upon himself and the world around him; it was a remarkable place in its own right and Roene was glad to be returning to the planet.


Moments before the ship hit the planet though, a large mechanical sound pushed through the open air, pulling the landing gear from the ship to roughly embrace the planet's surface. Then a crack - hiss protruded through the still air, covering an Ashla landing pad, heralding the metal clunking noises that preceded a large pump of atmospheric decompression and finally sinking the few increments it needed toward the ground. Roene jostled himself, trying to get his numb feet to move from their sleepy stupor. He could sense something odd nearby, but couldn't place it. The eager Cerean stumbled out of his seat a little, trying to get more information and catching his right foot on the edge of his passenger sash in a maladroit attempt at exiting the shuttle. It took a few moments to untangle himself, but it didn't take much longer for Roene to follow his own growing curiosity...


A few men came to greet the Cerean who arrived to help with the temple's construction, but Roene paid them little mind. The Cerean's eyes were half open, playing upon a small oddly configured force signature that beckoned to him; that had been beckoning to him ever since Roene got there.


One of the men, a squat rotund fellow that was twice as wide as he was tall, rippling with muscles, looked up at the Cerean who exited the craft with a lack of excitement written across his shrewd face. Will, as he was called, had apparently expected someone stronger than the alien and figured it was a waste, because the Cerean wasn't even paying attention to them. The other fellow of the pair, a tall lanky figure with strong lean muscles, gazed upon the alien as well with a small tinge of disappointment and annoyance. He didn't seem to be as perturbed as Will was, but something about the lack of attention Wan was given, made him look at Roene in a more dismal light.


It will be alright... I'll be back soon. I am just curious as to a vague disturbance within the planet's force signature...


Roene posited through the force as he went. He figured the message would keep the two fellows busy and reassure them as to his identity. He had gotten so good at sending messages through the force that Roene's feet had never left their consistent jog; the jog he'd started since planting his feet on the durasteel landing pad. Roene kept at fairly the same speed across the durasteel landing pad, but when his feet met the cold grass, feeling the mesh of green beneath his toes, the Cerean accelerated. Then, like a gunshot, Roene's feet cracked against the ground and he shot off rapidly into the woods in search of the "mysterious energy".


The two men, still on the landing pad, paused for a moment until the words swept over their ears like a rush of cold air. Their eyes widened slightly as the Cerean cracked off into the woods, but after the whispering in their ears they hadn't really wondered too much whether or not this man was indeed training to be a Jedi and whether or not this man could help.


"Well blimey Will...He's fast..." said the tall lanky figure as the pair started walking through several tall patches of grass. Will and Wan, for the moment, started to walk aimlessly together around the landing pad.


"I know Wan... I know, but we needn't let this interrupt our instructions, lets see if we can go get him." Will said as the pair strayed from their path around the pad and started toward the forest where a small plume of smoke was starting to peak up from behind the trees.





Roene barely made it to the outer border of the forest, before the energy began to spread further into his mind, liquidating his preconceived notions whether ill suited or not....


Then, the Cerean flashed over to the indicated area and stopped dead in his tracks, his jaw slack. His balance wavered slightly at the suddenness of the stop, but the awe he felt kept his fear of falling over at bay...


Roene's apparent curiosity brought him upon what appeared to be a crashed ship --- and not just any crashed ship... Roene's former ship... The normalcy of its presence felt comfortable to the Cerean as he stood in awe of his own belated transport, but it wasn't the ship he was detecting... It was...

Oh... my...


A large expanse of sparking debris lay out before him, being munched on by a few small animals and causing a few small plumes of smoke to rise from the ground. This in and of itself would've been an interesting site to see, but a luminescent ruby gleam pushed through the opaque gaseous toxins that rose from the small creatures' snacking. Roene poked his head past the wreckage and through the plumes of smoke, his curiosity and anticipation mounting past his better sensibilities. Much to his surprise however, there was a large open mouthed cave, which rocked its way open upon the side of Roene's former hull.


It was a lot to take in to be sure and Roene did have another mission to take care of, but... It would only be a little bit right?




Quickly, the Cerean moved his bumbling feet toward the 5 foot wide hole and although it was his intention to gradually push himself into the opening that was followed by the sparks from his previous ship, the ground beneath Roene's feet slid from beneath him and pulled him butt first into the cave.


The bottom didn't seem too far from the top, but the thump to his rear, still stung as Roene pushed himself to his feet and wiped a bit of dirt off of his robes fruitlessly.


"The things I do out of curiosity," he grumbled to himself under his breath as his eyes focused on the grime laden robes. "Meh... I knew it was going to happen... soon...e... Wow!" Roene exclaimed as his eyes met the large expanse that spread out before him. The entrance to the cave had proven anti-climactic and - in a way - slightly short, but when Roene's eyes met the rest of the cave's internal expanse, his eyes widened and his gaze lifted.


This must be bigger than the Enclave, Roene thought as his mouth gaped open, drool threatening to peek out the left side of his mouth. Let's see if I can't get a better look.


Roene silenced his thoughts, took a moment to center himself, emptied his mind and, breathing a stream of sapphire sight into his peerless optics, the Cerean bit back yet another gaping flash of awe. The entire room filled immediately with majestic threads of multicolor energies. A symphony of color broke out from every corner of the cavern with no particular apex to each string's over arching prismatic plumes or crescendos.


At first, the Cerean hadn't the vaguest clue as to why the Force energy he'd been accustomed to seeing as blue, was now sharing company with various tones of red, green, yellow, and the rest of its hue gradations, but as the Cerean's feet moved - beckoned by his anticipation - he got the faint glimpses of crystals shining all around him.


Roene willed himself to drop the force sight and after the filter of blue light dropped, the signs were sure enough. He could see small flecks of strong luminescence, stealing glances at him through the ice cold blackness of the crusts around them. Their shining virgin surfaces sparkled magnificently underneath their rocky prisons and although Roene was eager to examine all of them, one in particular seemed to be drawing his attention further.


The little fragment that glowed at Roene, drawing him forward, was a brilliant viridian. The green light poured to him through the black void of the cavern and mesmerized the Cerean as he carefully carved the rocks away, trying to surgically remove the crystal without damaging it. The process alone was agonizingly slow, as Roene tried to remove each small rock in increments. The whole operation took around 20 minutes to complete, but only 1 minute to pop the trinket from its cradle and into the Cerean's gentle grip. Without settling to recover the hole where the crystal had been, Roene examined the crystal sharply, taking in the spontaneity of its growing limbs and the brilliance of the color. Then, satisfied with his examination, he placed the glowing colorful crystal into his pouch to join his kasha heirloom and purple keepsake.


”œWhat a treasure,”

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* Pretext to Day 2 *


Wan was sitting on a large stump overlooking the grand construction, rubbing a thick patch of brown grizzle on his chin that had developed over the past few days. "So, Mr... Roene was it?" Wan said as he looked over to the Cerean who was sitting cross legged on the ground.


Roene nodded in confirmation and looked back as if to say, "Go on?"


"So..." Wan cleared his throat, pushing his right hand to his chest, "we have 3 primary things to accomplish, aside from normal finishing touches on our construction, which we need completed before we can safely affirm this temple's completion." Wan broke to clear his throat once more, but he hadn't need of his hand this time. "First... We need the keystones to various arch structures made. A handful of impish like humanoids came into camp one day and ran off with our cutting tools; since we can't use heavy electronic equipment due to the hazards presented, we need some other way and we were hoping you'd help with that." Wan pushed two fingers in the air, toward Roene. "Number two; we are having difficulties with the waterfall."


Roene looked over at Wan with a look of vague uncertainty. "Well..." Wan continued, responding subtly to the Cerean's curiosity, "the Waterfall isn't having problems," Wan chuckled as he kept his voice leading Roene's concentration, "it keeps spraying in the wrong directions and we can't get up there to manipulate the flow and centralize its water-like energy into the rest of the temple... Know what I mean? It keeps killing the workers who try to work on it, because the thing is so fierce. We stopped giving people that duty after the first death and I only wish we could get that guy back. He was our best cook..." Wan finished the second task as he patted his belly uncomfortably.


Then, Wan held up three fingers toward the Cerean with his right arm and scratched an itch on his forehead with his left. "Third... We need someone to control the animal problem we're having. It isn't a big control problem, but it has something to do with one of our outer lying structures. We can't seem to avoid a few viscous creatures who are trying to pick each one of us off. They block our passage through the mountain up to the higher bank construction site where we use small mechanisms to drop the stones on the temple from above." Wan pointed with his thumb up the rim of a high cliff that ran over the temple's construction. The cliff was lined with what looked to be pulleys, only each pulley had a larger array of controls attached and the workers that remained alone atop the cliff were managing to put a stone atop an eastern embankment of the temple with ease. "Without that pass, we can't re-fill their supplies, food or give them more building materials for their efforts. Well... Without climbing up the mountains ourselves”¦" Wan said with a grumble, massaging his calloused hands.


"We would've done something and maybe ordered a repulsor lift or something, but we figured taking care of the animals would've been better, and then the morality issue of killing animals came up and... Well we figured it was better this way..." Wan finished, pressing his hands together and summoning Will to his side. "Will can show you to your quarters master Cerean and I would like it if you'd set yourself to work as quickly as possible so we can get this temple done and y'all can move in..."


Roene nodded with a smile and proceeded to his quarters with all of the force crystals in hand and the rest of his accoutrement floating not too far behind.




Day #2


For the Second day, in what would be at least a week-long trip, Roene decided to deal with the keystone problem. He felt dedicating one or two days to each project was vital, because not only would each require an avid amount of mental probing, but some would require physical affluence as well. What Roene didn't realize though, was that there were about 20 keystones needed for the entire project. Wan escorted the Cerean into a large quarry where it appeared all the stone for the project was held and as Wan showed him the entirety of the keystone volume, the Cerean grumbled under his breath that the number should've been smaller. Wan countered his complaint though, with a boundlessly tactful reason and left it at that. ”œWhat if we need extras?”

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  • 2 months later...

Kala and the others had led the unloading of Dashel's ship of the artifacts and computer storage that he had transshipped to Tython. Even after days of meditation on his own rebellion to the announcement made by Grandmaster Kitt, Dashel had still been shaken by his emotional response to the pronunciation.


He had been in no shape to function. It had been Kala's suggestion that he go directly to the Tython temple, carrying only the minimum baggage and begin meditation on his reaction and his exile from the day to day activities of the order until he was clear on where his path, loyalties and duty lay.


There was a great deal to meditate on.


Dashel, fresh from the training regiment that helped him understand how to incorporate the saber-claws into his fighting routines without being overly aggressive started at the same exact point he had needed to go to to learn those routines, the beginning.


He started at the Jedi code as it had been taught to him in order to state why he was wrong in his response and begin functioning as a Jedi again.


There is no emotion, there is peace.


He knew that his reaction was an emotional one, that he had figured out in his earlier meditations.


There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.


Not knowing what emotions were provoking his reaction meant he did not have the knowledge to deal with them.


There is no passion, there is serenity.


This was where he found what was the matter after nearly of two weeks at having been stuck at this point of the code. He could not move past, yet knew that had answers to the next parts of the code. It was only the suggestion of another Jedi that he had begin examining what he identified with that he found the answer and finally understood what he had missed while examining Grandmaster Kitt's announcement.


It was his loyalty to the Republic, long preached by both Jedi actions and by his own experiences that was producing the passion which was definitely disturbing his serenity. The rest fell into place easily after that and he knew that when eventually left Tython he would be refreshed and ready to rejoin the Jedi Order's day to day operations.


First though, he had business to tend to on Tython and he wanted to spend some more time meditating. The examination of his own identity had raised more than a few question and he believed that taking the time to understand those questions would make him towards being a better Jedi.

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  • 1 month later...

The transport exited hyperspace above the Deep Core world of Tython. Clearance codes were requested which Dahar provided. The ship entered the atmosphere and made its way to the capital city of Ashla. The Kaminoans dropped Dahar off at the spaceport. There was a peaceful aura that he could sense from the planet. In his studies he had learned of the historical importance of Tython to the Jedi Order. In fact it was where the Jedi had first organized. He felt honored to be able to serve the Order on their original home-world. Before heading over to the new temple Dahar wanted to check out the fabled Jedi Enclave he had heard so much about.


Some may have preferred a leisurely stroll through the forest but that wasn't Dahar's style. For him relaxation came in pushing his body to its limits. After leaving the capital city he took off in a sprint. His speed didn't keep him from noticing the beauty of the forest. When the brush thickened he decided to go up. With a leap he bounced into the air and took hold of a large branch. He did a full spin and then flew up carefully balancing his feet on the limb. He continued in this fashion jumping from tree to tree, occasionally using a vine to swing to his next destination. After getting his fill of exercise he took to the ground and continued in a light jog to his destination. He knew he had arrived when he discovered a small clearing in the forest. The facility was marked with one lone statue of an ancient Jedi.


Dahar smiled and entered the building. It was pretty much devoid of technology. The enclave was designed to be a place of reflection with minimal distraction. Dahar traversed the halls until finding a meditation room he saw fit. The sun was pouring in from a large window on the far side of the room. "Perfect," he thought to himself. The Jedi Knight took a seat with the sun beating on his face. He closed his eyes and began his breathing exercises. With each breath he took in part of the galaxy. Inside his body he used what he could of it and with an exhale released a part of himself. Give and take, this was the natural order of things. The Force began to flow through him in calming peaceful waves. With his mind silenced he could hear the deep whispers of the Force. It confirmed to him that he was in the right place. He had done his duty by fighting but now was the time for a different type of service. It would be his task to help finish the new temple. Dahar opened his eyes feeling refreshed. The enclave was a wonderful place but there was work to be done elsewhere. He left the building and headed back into the forest. This time it was a casual stroll back to the city.


Back in Ashla he decided to sample the local cuisine. He enjoyed a fine meal then made his way to the far side of the settlement. A little bit outside of the city he found the temple. It was a magnificent structure being built into the side of a mountain. It seemed nearly complete as construction crews were hard at work with the finishing touches. He made his way in through the main gate. A wave came over him as he realized the Force was very strong in this place. It was as if every brick had been enhanced with the power of the Living Force. He made his way over to the receptionist. "Hello, I am Dahar Raikanda, I have been assigned here to aid in the completion of the temple."


"Ah yes, welcome! We've been expecting you." The receptionist smiled and informed Dahar of his quarters on the sixth floor.


"Thank you." Dahar was glad not to have been assigned a particular task. He would let the Force guide his actions. First off he needed to repair his lightsaber. He found his way to the armory on the second floor. Claiming a work bench for himself he dismantled his Jedi weapon. Just as he had thought the crystal was still in tact. The rest of the weapon needed some major repairs. Through out the floor he sought out the parts he would need and brought them back to his station. It took most of the rest of the day to finish the repairs. He stood and held his saber in his hand, calling upon the Force to enter his body. Dahar allowed himself to become one with his weapon. With a push of the emitter he turned it on. The violet blade extended with a flash and purred in front of him. He moved it through the air with the unique sound only a lightsaber makes. Pleased he deactivated it and attached the weapon to its rightful spot on his utility belt.




Dahar had spent the past few weeks helping out in various aspects of the temple construction. He spent a great deal of time meditating and pouring himself into the buildings and levels of the temple. This was a unique and important aspect of the new Jedi base. The entire area was prayed over by the Jedi so the Force would be deeply instilled.


One morning he awoke minutes before sunrise. Dahar had put his love for competition behind him but still couldn't help his need to beat the sun to the new day. He looked out his window into the forest and decided it was a lovely day for a run. After a light breakfast he left the temple and headed out into the woods. The air on Tython was crisp and clean. He could feel the Living Force all around him. Which each breath it became part of him and with each exhale he released himself into the galaxy. He started with a light jog but soon after was sprinting at full speed. This was one of the first things Dahar had mastered during his early training. He was already quite fit but when he drew upon the Force he was able to push his body past its natural limits. Dahar moved through the forest at remarkable speed. To an observer he would have probably seemed just a blur.


Dahar took a different route than usual. He let go of himself and allowed the Force to guide him. The Jedi Knight was deep in the forest when he came upon a large lake. The water was crystal clear. It was such a beautiful sight that it took his breath away. He knelt down on the bank and closed his eyes. He concentrated on the Force and allowed himself to disappear in the calming sounds of the water.

Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away...

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