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Deep within the jungles of Onderon, where Onderonian iguanas and mosquitoes grow to their largest size, came a large blast of sound that shook the ground below and swayed the tree lines above. The sound, very remnant to that of a sonic boom from the passing of a fighter, was in fact a unfamiliar YT-1300 formerly known as the Blind Scorpion. Exiting hyperspace just seconds after entering the planet's atmosphere was a dangerous move, but Luna had long ago given up on her safety. Guess she wasn't the only Armegedon sibling with a death wish.


Her blood pumped excitedly as her FA-4 Pilot droid leveled out Armegedon's Flight just moments before impact with the trees below, a small drop of sweat rolling down her face and falling to the durasteel floor below. Her destination was no where in particular, but seeing as she was low on fuel and supplies, she wouldn't get too far. And Iziz was a good few hours walk away. She would have to settle for Iziz for now. Finding a clearing near the mountains, she had FA-4 set Armegedon's Flight down.


"N-K 1, N-K 2, guard the ship." She spoke, adorning her brother's beskar'gam armor and gathering her gear as she set forth down the on ramp and out into the surrounding jungles. "Rose, follow me."


To most, it would look as if Twins set off into the jungles of Onderon, Rose's form constructed to mimic Luna in every way. But in reality, only one true being stepped forth as Rose was merely an All-Species Replica Droid. Placing the beskar'gam helmet of her brother's upon her face the two were now separable in looks. While Rose only wore Luna's typical outfit, Luna wore her brother's red and black Beskar'gam armor and adorn a black cloak.


The trek through Onderon's jungles were a harsh trek. Dangerous animals and beasts roamed freely within them, cloaked by the dark underbrush and silenced by the sounds of life. And if the beasts of Onderon did not get you, the humidity would. Many of adventurers had found Onderon to be more than they had bargained for. But for Luna, this was an easy task. The gift of Force Sight was her's to command. And thanks to a few modifications to her armor, she also found the cool breeze of a built in air conditioner to keep her body cool.


After a few hours, they made it into the spaceport. Sending Rose with the salvage ship, Luna decided to wander around for a bit. It would take a few hours for them to gather Armegedon's Flight and return, so she had time to kill. She dared not remove her helm, most Onderonians racial against non-human sentient beings. But for a hybrid, it was worse. Finding her way to a nearby cantina, she entered, and ordered of a tall glass of Tarisian Ale.


But as she looked around, she found herself looking off toward a familiar presence. Who would have guess that a man she once came close to calling Master would be found here of all places. He surely would have recognised her by now, even despite the Beskar'gam armor. She knew she could not hide her force presence from a Jedi Master. Her days as an Alliance Lieutenant died the day she lost her memory. But now that most of it had returned, it wouldn't be a bad idea to say hello to an old friend(Onderin Starlisk).


Luna approached, setting down her glass and taking a seat from a table nearby and turning it around to face him. Opening her lips, her voice hollowed out by the visor that now adorned her face, she spoke. "Admiral."

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"No, not Mandalorian..." Luna began to speak, motioning to remove from her face the visor that sat upon her face, revealing the white lidless eyes beneath. "The armor actually belongs to my brother Scorpio, forged after he fell from Ashla."


She knew it would not likely be news to the Jedi Master that Scorpio had fallen, nor of his death upon the sands of Tatooine during it's destruction in the last war. But for her, it was hard to speak of, her dear brother becoming what their parents died trying to keep him from. But such was the way of the Galaxy, and one of the reasons she had never studied the Force despite her natural gifts. Much had changed in her life since she last saw Master Starlisk, but that was not one of them.


"No. Now days, i am but a lonely Merc, living my life contract by contract." She started to speak again, removing from her hands the Crushgaunts which adorned them. "In fact, i was on my way to see a client about such a contract when i stopped in for supplies and fuel."


Taking a sip from her pint of ale, she gazed off into the distance momentarily. She knew most Mercenaries were frowned upon by the Alliance, if not wanted, most notably the outlaw Faust. How she would love to get her hands on that contract. But Luna held honor above glory, something she learnt during her time in the Alliance. She would not kill children, she would cancel any contract she seen fit to cancel, she wouldn't kill unless necessary, and her reasons were with good intent for the most part.


She had just finished a contract on Corellia wiping out bandits for a local farming settlement who had been plagued by the group for months now. Turning back, she noticed the young female sitting next to the Jedi Master, a slow grin encompassing her gorgeous rosey cheeks.


"Is this the new Padawan Learner, Admiral?" She said in her typical soft tone, offering a friendly hand along wth the smile to the young lady(Aira Cadan). " Don't mind the eyes dear. Name's Luna Armegedon."

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"Very nice to meet you, Aira." Luna spoke with a chuckle, flopping back in the chair and taking another sip from the pint of ale she had ordered. "I was once a Lieutenant in the Alliance under the Admiral's command not long ago. In fact, i almost took the very same path you now walk as the Admiral's Padawan Learner. That was until the Sith Trinity..."


Luna paused mid-sentence, the memories of that fateful day quite unclear despite most of her memory having returned. She wasn't quite sure what happened, mere bits and pieces of the attack coming to mind as she thought back. And the next thing she remembered was waking up in the med-bay, her mind as lose as the cannons that attacked Gala that day. Her gaze shifted back to Onderin, a look upon her face as if searching his to see if he remembered that day.


"Anyways. Not long after my memory began to return, i left the Alliance in search of my brother and the rest of my past. Thanks to the Admiral here, i had some good leads." Luna, spoke, only stopping to take another sip before pushing the ale aside. "Then came the Arach'tar Invaders and all of them were destroyed, including my brother. Reports placed him on Tatooine when it was destroyed. That was the last time he was ever seen."


Her face went gloomy for just a moment, even a speckle of tear managed to roll down it. But as quickly as it left, her cheerful face suddenly returned. It was a harsh subject, but Luna was never one to let it get her down. Looking back to the young girl, she chuckled. "And now, here i am."

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"I had heard of the phenomenon..." Luna spoke in return to Onderin's questions. "So i went to Tatooine myself to see. Indeed the planet held life again, but i couldn't feel Scorpio anymore. If he is alive somewhere out there, he's no longer connected to the Force."


Suddenly alarms began to blare through out the Spaceport and Cantina, voices echoing over the intercoms and panic running a muck. While t was true that Miralukian blood ran through Luna's veins, her emotions over the loss of hr brother and speaking of such thins had clouded her vision beyond noticing the loss of lives above and the impended doom that was about plague the Spaceport and them if they didn't reach safety, and soon.


"Damn it." She blurted out, grabbing her gear and making a quick exit, motioning toward the door and looking toward the skies. "Just my luck."


Sure enough, a ship was plummeting toward their location, gaining speed and almost purposely directed toward Onderin's location. How someone of her heritage could have missed such a thing, she couldn't understand. Guess the Jedi had it right when they said emotion clouds one's judgement. Turning back, she entered the Cantina once more, giving a certain nod toward Onderin that they would need to act fast. Whatever his reasons were for being here, someone certainly did not want him to survive long enough to conclude.


"We have no choice..." Luna spoke, approaching Onderin and Aira after Isel's arrival, long having noticed the Admiral's distrust in the professor. "I do not trust him either, but if we don't go right now, we may not survive this attack. I'll have my ship waiting just outside the city. We need to get to it."


Luckily, Armegedon's Flight had yet to arrive to the Spaceport, and despite the absence of a full tank, might provide just enough until they could locate enough to get off the planet. Or perhaps, to get the Admiral to whatever his reasons for coming here were. Calling ahead, Luna had the salvage crew leave her ship just outside the city, their payment in full as promised once she arrived. Replacing the mask upon her face, as well as the rest of her gear, she piled into the back of the professor's speeder, making sure to unsheathe her blastsword in case of an dire emergency.


"Take us to these coordinates" Luna spoke to Isel, grabbing the professor by the shoulder and giving him his heading. "Once there, i'll reimburse you for your troubles."

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The ride back toward her ship was short, a bit awkward, but short. Luna kept quiet for the most part, her mind lost among the many thoughts that transpired from the entire ordeal. While it was true that the Alliance bases at Gala and Mon Calamari were threatened by constant Terrorist attacks from the Sith and those alike, she couldn't help but notice a change in the pattern. Most of the threats and attacks on Onderin's life had been straight forward, Mano-e-Mano if you will. But this spoke of cowardice, something she had never seen before in the threats that plagued Onderin's life.


When the speeder came to a stop, Luna hopped out, making sure to re-sheathe her blastsword. Having her twin N-K Necrosis droids scout the local area for possible threats, Luna ordered Rose to gather what supplies she would need. To Onderin's padawan and the Professor, Rose would appear to be Luna's twin minus the Miraluka signature of the eyes. But the Admiral would notice the difference better... a signature not of life, but machine. Pulling Onderin to the side, Luna stared into his eyes with her own white blinded eyes.


"This doesn't feel right, Admiral." Luna spoke, a sort of fear from the unknowing entering her voice as she confided in her former Commanding Officer. "This doesn't feel like Faust, the Sith, or anyone we've ever faced before. It's too amateur. I'm going to stay close until your business is done here..... I don't like this."


Luna had always taken to Onderin like that of a daughter to her father, just as Scorpio first did when the Armegedon siblings first emerged within the known galaxy, a trait that stemmed from the lack of one sine their childhood. But there was something more, something that didn't quite sit right. If Faust was truly behind this, as he typically was, he would have gung-ho'ed it so to speak and simply toyed with the group instead of producing such a failure to his known intelligence.


But Luna's train of though was lost when a new signature in the force arrived. While it was unknown to her how her twin N-K units managed to overlook his arrival, she found herself more intrigued his 'aura'. A lightsider by the appearance, a strong Jedi on top of that. But more so than that, he carried one much like her brother's. And in truth, she felt the strangest pull to him, almost as if he had known Scorpio personally. Her gaze stayed fixed upon him, at least until his departure.


"Actually Professor, i think that'll be all..." Luna spoke as she approached him(Faust), catching the rear end of his proposal, and handing over more than enough compensation for his services. "I believe they can take it from here. But if your offer extends to myself, i could use a lift."


Turning back to Onderin, Luna made her own proposal, making sure not to sound a bit over protective to say the least. She had other plans.


"Take my ship back to town. Rose and the twins will accompany you to your meeting to throw off my trail." Luna said, handing Rose her armor and regrouping the twin droids to cover Onderin. "I'll meet you there shortly after i do some reconnaissance."

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((I knew that. I just highlighted the name due to which alias you were using. Onderin, just rushing this along a bit. Hope you and Aira don't mind.))


I'll take that as a no..." Luna said silently to herself as she watched the Professor speed out of sight. Turning to Onderin, Luna smiled. "Excellent. Let's get back to town."


Going aboard Armegedon's Flight, Luna allowed Onderin and Aira aboard before heading toward the cockpit ad ordering her FA-4 Pilot droid to take them back to Iziz. Once airborne, Luna returned to Onderin and Aira. She had a plan she wished to discuss with them, taking note that Rose had adorned her beskar'gam armor and would serve perfectly as Luna's decoy at the meeting. Donning only her cloak and blastsword, Luna turned toward Onderin, offering a proposition he may find a bit uncomfortable.


"Admiral, i have an idea if your interested." Luna spoke, her miraluka eyes fixed only on him.


"As we all may have noticed, this Professor was abnormally interest in this meeting you have with Mandalore. He may have even been Sith..." She said, offering note of her ability to see both Ashla and Bogan, more commonly now as the dark and light sides of the Force. "Which leads me to believe the Sith had no idea of this attack."


She paused for a moment, allowing her words to sink in before she presented her case so to speak.


"We may, however, be able to use this to our advantage. When we arrive at Iziz, Rose and the twins will accompany you to the meeting while i pay a visit to the Professor using the contact card he provided Aira here." Luna spoke, sticking out her hand to see if Aira would offer up the Professor's card. "In exchange for his help, i will allow him to accompany back to the meeting. We know he's a spy, so no real damage can be done. However, without a bargaining chip, we can not use him which could prove to our advantage over the real attackers."


Luna knew it would not sit well with the Admiral, and he may even have his own suspicions about her as well due to her early disappearance at Gala and the life she leads now. But she was sincere in her words and feelings, which she offered up so easily in the force. Onderin had been like a father to her, and not only was the attack against her life, but his as well. She would get to the bottom of this without or without his blessings. Moments later, they arrived at Iziz with a rather soft landing not far from the Cantina in case of a needed, quick, retreat. After giving Rose to nod to deploy, she turned back to Onderin.


"What do you think Admiral?"

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((Jesus. I take a day and a half absence due to finding out my grandpa's Stage 4 Lung Cancer has came back, and i find out i got a whole lotta catching up to do. Back tracking a bit. Hope no one minds. ))


Guess Luna had dozed of a bit, the slight darkness of the Cantina producing a tantalizing mood. She had ordered a small Corellian cocktail drink, a hard to produce name with very little alcohol while she took perch outside the negotiations. She knew the assassin would attack again, and she couldn't quiet take the chance if she were to be wrong in Isel. When she left Armegedon's Flight, she left only in her cloak, crushgaunts and blastsword in hand. Rose had her own mission at hand.


Luna had began to stir about the time the noble woman yelled her accusations of the Admiral and all hell broke loose in the Cantina. Her mind snapped to, the rustling of the bar brawl a blur at first as Bar Patrons approached and shots were fired. Her first reactions brought her to fully, her mind reacting with near cat reflexes. She jumped from her seat, her blastsword drawn and her gaze shifting. Who all these people were, she could not process. Something surely had gone wrong in the talks.


But something brought about her composure as she viewed into the large room, allowing her to fully assess the situation. A woman stood over Onderin, political views most likely, her man servant in tow. Mandalore resonated of the Force, his power reaching toward the servant droid and Onderin's Padawan Learner. 'Aira?!' Luna could have overreacted, but didn't. Instead she made her way through the crowd, her crushgaunts on hand and the young Miraluka hybrid pulling the tight it's cufflings. If Mandalore could not save her, Luna surely would. Reaching the position she wanted, directly behind the droid, she could serve two ways. Distraction or Apprehender, it did not matter.




Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Rose took forth in her mission. The twins in tow, Rose followed directions to the Professor's Office on Campus. Luna had given Rose her mission in good faith, and she was not about to let her Master down. It was a long walk, Iziz rather large for a planetary spaceport. And as the All Species Replica took note of this, she processed that on a planet this size with a singular settlement, one would gather that such a large spaceport would be birthed on such a scale. Typical thought for a droid of her caliber. Once she arrived, she approached Isel's(Faust) secretary.


"Excuse me, but would Professor Van Isel be in?" Rose spoke with a girlish glee. Though she was dressed in Beskar'gam Armor, her helm removed showed the visage of a young lady, of average college age. "I was told i could find him here."

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Luna found herself taken by surprise, the blaster's barrel pointed directly at her face. This placed the young Miraluka hybrid in an awkward position, no longer in control of the outcome as she had previously thought. She had long forgotten the sensors droids were known to possess, and as old as this droid's design had been, it's full capabilities were unknown. While it's true that her brother once owned an HK Unit of his own, she was very young when she last saw it.


Luna tightened his fist, growing impatient and pondering on what some would call a suicide mission in an attempt to disarm the droid. But Luna simply wanted to rip his form apart and beat the thing with it's own limbs. Headaches were a bad addition to situations like this, and ironically, the Miraluka hybrid attained one all of sudden. to be around the Force was one thing. But to have it used on her was an entirely different story.


The droid seemed to be dominant in Mandalore's attack, able to withstand the tendrils of the Force that reached into it's sockets and core, as it deemed her a target. But as Onderin used his power on those around him, even the calming attempt had adverse effect on her. As strong as she was in Force Sight, she was untrained in the Force it's self. Naturally, such things were overpowering. Grabbing her head, she fell silently to the floor in pain, as voices rang loudly and amuck and her heart raced away with her.




Walking into the Professor's office was much like walking into Luna's makeshift private quarters aboard Armegedon's Flight. Having been born to a Sith mother and Jedi father, Rose's Master held possession to quite a few artifacts herself. Stopping momentarily, Rose took a long glimpse at a nearby Scroll that coincidentally bared the name "Darth Sanguine", a beast from her Master's past that Luna knew quiet well. Just it should be for a man who sold his own niece into slavery.


"My Master, whom you've previously encountered during the attack at the Spaceport, requires you to once more meet her at the local Cantina." Rose began to speak, snapping her head back to once more view the Professor's visage in the near same fashion of a typical droid. "Though she believes you're connected with the Sith, she doesn't believe you or your peers held any accountability for the attack on Admiral Starlisk. And as such comes, she comes to you under neutral terms."


Rose allows her words to float within the confines of thought and speculation before she continues, allowing her means to be interpreted however the Professor wished.


"My Master simply wishes to use whatever contacts you may have to discover the real culprit behind the attacks, and has agreed to pay your asking price in exchange for the information. Whatever the price may be."

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All went quiet, releasing Luna from the pain which engulfed her mind. She pulled her face from the cold floor upon which she had laid, realizing the ordeal was now over. Smoke now erupted from the trash chute, telling tale of what had happened. Luna pondered if the droid had been behind the previous attack or if this was mere coincident, and if it had been the previous attack, who was the true culprit. 'Who was the droid's Master?'


Rising fully to her feet, she too stayed when the others were ushered outside the room. She stayed not of concern for the talks, but to tend to Aira and watch Onderin's back. Having one of the Cantina bring forth water and a hand-cloth, Luna tended to Aira and whatever wounds she may have acquired when shot by the blaster. She couldn't help but over hear the conversation, but payed little heed to what was discussed until the noblewoman appeared and spoke out once again.


"Why not share the bloody planet?" Luna finally spoke up, stroking the young girl's hair as her gaze caught sight of all three. She did not care whether her words were acknowledged or not, but she was growing tired of hearing the old hen squawk. "I understand the Mandalorians claim to Onderon and Dxun, as it's unusual atmosphere provides excellent defenses. And not to mention the known history they share with this planet. But we must not forget the people of Iziz."


She paused a moment, letting her words attempt to calm the three parties and set upon their minds before she continued.


"I say allow the Mandalorians to have Onderon and Dxun, but in return, allow Iziz to stay within the Republic as an ambassadorial outpost."




"Maybe my Master stands incorrect, her Miralukian abilities only able to see the Force that resides within a being." Rose spoke as she took a seat opposite Van Isel. "However. My Master has no authority within the Jedi Order, and therefore can not authorize something as such."

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((Quick explaintion.... Luna's not currently in her beskar'gam armor, only equipped in her crushgaunts.))


Luna sighed a silent sigh of relief when Onderin mentioned turning over Onderon to the Mandalorian's on a probationary period, hoping it would end the quarrels the noblewoman held for her people. Luna was well versed in one's notion to uphold it's people's right and herself feeling compassion for both sides. After all, it was a well known fact that her mother descended from the Bralor line, outcasted because her father was a Miralukian which sadly led to her family's turning to Bogan's worshippers. It was one of the reasons Scorpio forged his armor in the ancient Neo-Crusader form when he fell to the darkside. Ironic how the Force's touch affected many heritages.


Luna's white eyes shot towards Mandalore when he began to speak to her, her gaze only momentarily leaving his armored face as she watched Onderin and his padawan leave. The immediate threat had passed, which should have ensured their safe departure. So Luna felt no obligation to escort them any farther. So she held time to enlighten Mandalore's company, and she too felt drawn to him in ways she could not explain. Within him she felt a calm, a certain aura she had not felt since her childhood as Scorpio watched her play. Removing the cloak from over her head, she let Mandalore see her true visage.


"The name is Luna.... Luna Armegedon." She began, her voice as calm as the wind and as soft as the cushioned chairs upon which she had taken seat opposite the former Jedi Knight. "It's been a long time since i left the Republic, my days spent now chasing Bounties across the galaxy under my armor's visage."




"Indeed Professor, you stand correct." Rose chuckled, the young All Species Replica Droid finding amusement that a meatbag would show such interest that most protocol droids would merely dream about processing. "It would provide wealth's of knowledge even most Jedi would revel to understand."


Rose stops a moment, pondering on a simple thought as she processes Van Isel's willingness to assist her Master.


"My Master would very much appreciate any leads you might be able to provide." Rose begins, the Replica droid pondering on his possible interest on an ancient bloodline that dated as far back as thirty six thousand years before the Battle of Yavin. "In return, my Master holds a scroll of her families history that dates back to the finding of Ashla and Bogan. If i'm not mistaken, one of her Ancestors was one of the Founding Scholars. That may be sufficient, yes?"

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Luna's eyebrow rose tremendously when Mandalore spoke of Scorpio, and her heart nearly skipped a beat when he called him brother. How did he know Scorpio? She looked closer, her gift of Force Sight a strong one as she pondered who this man was and how it was that he knew her brother. Could this man be Oden? The other Armegedon Sibling? No, not Oden. Maybe he knew Scorpio from his days as a Jedi. Luna had heard her brother had became a Jedi Knight himself shortly before he fell from grace.


"Yes, i know of him. He was my brother in another lifetime." Luna began to speak, her gaze shifting from his downward toward the floor, a bit of shame apparent upon her blind face. "But i'm afraid neither of us shall ever see him again. Reports speak of his demise when Tatooine was destroyed by the Arach'tar Invasion. I'm now the only one left."


Her gaze fell back upon his, her white eyes staring blankly at his as if asking how he knew her brother. Questions flooded her mind briefly until of of her twin N-K droids approached and told her of Rose's findings with Van Isel. Luna nodded briefly in accordance, and the N-K Necrosis left as quickly as it has came. Shaking off the brief interruption, Luna proposed her question.


"So tell me Mandalore. How is it that you knew my brother?"




Rose stood and allowed Van Isel to escort her outside his office. The All Species Replica droid had never been very fond of secrecy and it merely added reason to her Master's belief that Van Isel knew more than he let on. But what did it really matter. Luna had stayed neutral because of her family's heritage in the force and the curse i had brought upon them. She held no grudge against either philosophy.


"Return to the ship and bring back the Master's lineage." Rose ordered one of the N-K droids. "As the last Armegedon, it is likely no use to her now. At least here, it will remain known."


As the twin ran off about his duty, Rose returned to Van Isel's office upon his summons. What she found out though, spoke of an ill fate.


"If i'm not mistaken, the HK units have been out of commission since the Galactic Civil War when the HK-47 Unit disappeared after the Battle of Koseyet" Rose spoke, her knowledge of droids rather extensive. "And you believe the Empire to be behind the attack? Is it possible that the Empire are planning to mass produce the units, or was this solely an isolated incident?"


As the twin returned, Rose ordered the other to report their findings to Luna. Handing over the Armegedon lineage to Van Isel, Rose was shocked when the returning N-K unit reported of Onderin's departure.


"It seems the Admiral has left Onderon and headed back to Gala."

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Luna had listened long and hard to Mandalore's story, the notion that her brother had fallen before a bit of a stretch. Reports had noted his fall being linked to a Sith named Yue, it's presence coming to fruition after his Knighting under Jedi Master Nom Anorus. But nothing had claimed his failure before entering the Jedi Order. Possible, but unlikely. It was also possible that she would never fully know about Scorpio's past. Turning to Joreel, she made sure to reveal her Miralukian heritage as her blind sight caught his.


"As i told Master Starlisk, it is possible he may have returned with the others as the reports spoke of." Luna spoke, a tear of hope strolling down her youthful cheek. "But i can no longer feel him within the force. As Miralukian siblings, we both held a strong bond to each other. And through it, knew each other had survived my Uncle's carnage that ripped us apart. I felt his death when the twin suns went supernova. If he is alive, he's no longer connected to the Force nor me."


Luna turned away for a moment, wiping away the tear that had so idly hung to her chin. She had hoped her feelings were wrong, so she had visited Tatooine personally in search for him once before. She found nothing, only the the ship he had stolen along with the crew he had massacred. Even if he was still alive, he had shamed himself and Luna did not know if she would hold compassion or hatred for him. It would be best if he stayed dead as far as she was concerned.


"I'm sorry Master Jedi..." Luna said, turning back to gaze upon Mandalore once again, this time pain and anguish apparent upon her face. "But if Scorpio still lives, he is no brother of mine."


Suddenly a presence within the force appeared, it's taint the darkest she had ever felt. No mortal she could think of held such power, and curiosity took over her thoughts. Voices spoke like the seductive voice of a siren, pulling Luna to it's location, like the cries of a thousand dead souls mourning for peace. Turning away from Mandalore as she stood up, she questioned him as she made her exit.


"Do you feel that? That presence of death and despair?"


Before Mandalore could answer, Luna had exited the Cantina and now made her way toward the starport. Pulled toward it like a lamb to slaughter, she simply marched on, making her way through the crowded streets that gossiped about the recent appearance of a strange spacecraft. Unhinged from reality, she walked on, not knowing what awaited her. She entered the spaceport, ignoring the local judicial forces to stay away and approached the ship(Nhagathul). Consumed by curiosity, and her mind solely focused on the dark taint that resided within, Luna entered.


"Who are you?" Could be heard in Luna's tone as it trailed off into the distance. Luna Armegedon was the first to board.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Who are you?" Were the words Luna spoke as she found herself engulfed by the bitter darkness that lurched inside. Songs of lost souls, the stench of death and decay, all drew her evermore toward the center of this damnation. "Why do you beckon me?"


Light found no home within this unnatural darkness, the ever present void dead as the materials from which it was made. But Luna found comfort within the dark, her natural affinity to the sight of the Force never lost from her even in the presence of evil. She could see the evil for which it stood, see what laid around the next bend, as if nothing could escape her sight as she disappeared inside.


Lights came on suddenly, revealing to all the contents of it's manufacturing. Red was the color of the blood that coated it's interior, as was the color of the 'vegetation' that lined it's corners and corridors. Death was the new car smell that erupted from it's bowels, and as the heat of Onderon came blowing in, it only worsened. Luna, scarred by this encounter, only hasten her resolve as to find it's purpose for existence.


It was true that she felt fear over this place, as would any normally sane person. But curiosity held it's hold firmly, and Luna was never one to let fear control her. Her mere existence had taught her that.


Voices and footsteps exploded around her, causing her act. Her hand found it's way to the blastsword, the crushgaunt that covered it tapping lightly upon the hilt. 'Had she gone crazy?'.... 'Was this place a trap?'.... 'Or were there living beings aboard?'.... 'Had other's boarded?' Her mind reacted as did she, the ever possibilities ensuing the logical. Silently she moved toward it's location, wary of what laid ahead. She could feel other presences in the Force, but could not decipher yet whether the friendly.


That was when she first noticed her. A being existing just as Luna did. One may not normally be able to tell the difference, especially in hybrids such as themselves. But Luna felt the oddly pull to Armiena, a pull she had only felt among her kind or among her brother and father. Stepping forward from the darkened corridor, Luna lowered her cloak, revealing her whitened hybrid Miralukian eyes as she smiled and bowed politely.


"Master Jedi." Luna spoke, her tone soft and girlish as one expected from someone her age. Raising upward Luna noticed her padawan and a man clad in armor, causing Luna to realize she was slightly improperly dressed. Rose still possessed her Armor, leaving Luna to only her spare clothing. Shy and timid as Luna was, she slightly blushed at the notion. Turning to feel around, she noticed other's on board as well.


"I did not realize this strange ship had called so many. I take it that you have felt it's unearthly pull as well?

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Luna found it a little odd that the woman offered a handshake only to quickly remove it, a slight feeling of uneasiness settling among the group as the ship began to rumble and awaken from it's hollow slumber. She 'gazed' around a bit, her white blind eyes barely visible beneath the blackened veil of shadow that returned upon her face as she placed her cloak back upon her raven haired head. The unliving had begun to move, lifeless forms shifting beneath their feet as if all were being called to into place.


"I do not know about the current happenings outside in the Galaxy..." Luna began to speak, a voice within her mind bringing slight distraction to her thoughts as the unsettling feeling grew stronger. "But there is indeed a presence aboard this ship.... Something unnatural.... Something helli..."


Before she could finish speaking, the others reacted. A bit hasty for Luna, but by instinct. As an ex Alliance soldier, Luna knew all too well that instinct was the reason most survived even the roughest of battles. Quickly, Luna followed suit, her hand now grasping tightly the blastsword she had grown so fondly of. But unlike the others, Luna's advancements were more of a stroll rather than a frenzy, her mind carefully observing her surroundings as she trekked forward. The unholy Trinity's attack at Gala had taught her that much.


As the other's approached the turbolift, Luna quickened her pace. So much so, that as she grew near the others, Armiena's surprising scream caused Luna to lose composure and soon found her own form laying upon the floor, her footing lost due to a puddle of blood laying within her path.


"Damn it!" Luna exclaimed, her own cursing exploding out into the open air before she realized what it was she had spoken. Rising, Luna attempted to dust herself off only to realize it was to no avail. She would wear the color red for quite awhile. "Where is a refresher when you need one."


To Luna, the dead twilek was just another body among the masses. A regretful experience and innocent life lost, but another corpse none the less. Such was a soldier's conscience. So it was understandable when she merely walked by it without a second glance, not because her heart was cold and dead. She would pray for it's afterlife, but it was all she could do. Muttering a silent prayer for the twilek's lost spirit, she stepped through the door and onto the lift with the others, her cold white gaze peering out into nothing but the Force. With her weapon at the ready, she awaited Armiena's next move.


But silently, in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but hear the voice from earlier speaking over and over. It was the same one that called her here.


"It's time. It's time to go home."

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  • 9 years later...

When Shiro awoke, he found himself caged once again, this time a sensational tingling vibrating through his entire form every time he struggled against the cuffs that bound him. Rage and pain boiled within him at the thought of having been caught yet again as he resisted his reality and fought to free himself until his muscles ached and wrecked under numbness and electrocution. And then he just laid there in defeat, his form fevered against the cool durasteel flooring he found himself upon.


"What's this?" He questioned to himself as he heard the whirling echo of air against steel. "Are we in space?"


Struggling to his feet, Shiro realized that he was aboard a small prison transport heading toward an unknown destination his cell having no way to view his outside world. And then his weight shifted as the transport exited hyperspace and he could feel the extra gravity of a planet begin to pull upon his form and that of the ship's, his nostrils flaring with both anticipation and realization that this had became his reality. And when the ship landed and he was led from the ship to Onderon's slaver's market, he fought and struggled with everything he had, causing the guards to bound him in chains and a poled collar.


"Ladies and Gents, Our most honored guests, we have a humanoid of the highest caliber. A Force Sensitive of unknown origins with eyes as crimson as the hair that adorns our Dark King's..." Shiro could hear a voice speak from beyond the sheathed hut, his gut twisted in knots and his bloodlust as rampant as the wild beasts he found himself allotted with. If he could just get his hands free... "After killing two members of the Black Sun, adding more murders to his bounty, he displayed the powers of our beloved Masters and took down my own men. If the act had not been so tolling on his own form, I would not be standing here before you this day."

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  • 3 weeks later...

The sun felt warm against his bronze skin and ivory hair as Shiro was dragged out of the tent by the poles collar, the shackled chains ringing around him as he stared out into the masses of aliens that surrounded and stared at him attentively upon the arena like stage, his anger fueled by the mere thought that was no more than a oddity, the same look he saw from the others on Odik II.


"We'll start the bid at twenty five thousand credits." Shiro heard the man state as his crimson eyes darted toward him and he momentarily felt the familiar tingle of electricity shooting through his form. "Twenty five thousand to our Trandoshan friend in the back. Do I hear thirty thousand?"


It would go on like this for several minutes, most of it a blur for Shiro as he struggled against his confines only to constantly feel the pain of electrocution vibrating through his form. Odik II and the way he was treated there was one thing, but now he had become a captive, and being sold as if he was property. And this made his blood boil with intensity that he had never felt before. If only he could free himself. If only he could reach out and grasp those binding him, he ache to crush their throats and bury their egos in the hatred that was beginning to form within his heart. If only.


"Five hundred thousand credits!" Shiro heard abruptly, his gaze shooting to see a onyx skinned fellow dressed in fine silk standing off to the side, a group of crimson skinned confidants standing around him as the beings voice caught everyone off guard, Shiro included. "F-F-Five hundred thousand you say, friend?" Shiro heard the bidding manager stutter out in disbelief. "I'll have to see it to believe it."


The onyx skinned being and his comrades began their stroll through the crowd, the crimson skinned beings that surrounded him pushing onlookers aside with authority that even Shiro could not question, his mind not only dumbfounded, but taken completely aback by, a hint of fear rushing in. When the man stood before the stage, he reached up and stroked his beard like tentacles, and said only a few words that even sent the manager reeling fear, making Shiro wonder why he even ran during his arrest. "House Zibeti claims him in the name of the Dark King. Don't worry human, the credits are good." 


As he tossed a credstick upward into the hands of the human manager, his men climbed up and began to drag Shiro away, the young boy screaming a echoing proclamation derived from pure wrath just seconds before stun prods were brought out and his world ended in darkness once again. "I will never be anyone's property, his nor your's."


As he slipped away into unconsciousness, he heard the being reply. "Good. I will hold you to this."

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  • 1 year later...

Blindness bonds one to the abyss, and from it's darkness, learns truth. It seemed an eternity, everlasting and maddening as Shiro gazed upon the souls of the weakened. Saldana, Dunstin, oh how they plagued his dreams, his nightmares, the memories of their death at his hands ever tantalizing to the taste. And yet their resentment, their lack of faith and understanding held a stench that could churn his stomach at mere hint. Oh how he hated them. They could not understand, even fathom, the reason behind his intentions, standing in the shadows like ghouls of a haunting. Despicable. Pathetic. This is why they could never grasp meaning.


But force them, he felt he had to. Rather than lay in the shadows, ever present in the fade between realms, they could understand their purpose better if they could live it. They could understand what their sacrifice, their death, played in the overall scheme that was his life. And so he grasped their souls from his visit into the abyss, and from the netherworld, dragged them back to the living, binding them like wraiths to unwanted corpses. Then they could understand. War was for the strong, and through the strong, could peace find itself a truth rather the lie it finds itself. Hayley would be pleased.


Shiro's eyes flutter open, his vision blurred by the brightness of the light he saw above him. It stung, sending pain throughout his entire form as his mind came to reality. It hurt to breath, his chest heavy in weight. His exhale was raspy, almost mechanical and he sat up quickly, his body cracking with it's swift movement. It was a nuisance, this subtle and dull pain. But pain brought him power and he reveled in its welcome. And on either side of him stood forms and faces he did not recognized, their voices snarls rather words, and the memories of Cathar came flooding back to him. Saldana, Dunstin, how cruel he was to them. Creatures of instinct, more slave than sentient. He chuckled pleasurably. Now their souls would understand the truth. Let the Darkness reign.


His memories shuffled to Hayley, her presence undetectable. Cathar was distant, no more a teacher for his soul than she was. She had moved on, leaving him behind in abandonment, a better teacher for one like he. This suited him better, for Darkness was the truest of disciplines. So the pupil stood, the added weight slightly disorienting him briefly as he adjusted, Saldana and Dunstin staying put as they snarled beneath the blackened veils they adorned. Good. They had began to learn. Splashing water upon his face, he gazed upon his own blackened eyes, red pupils adorning each. So this was the mark of the Abyss, for one to look so deep. And as he pulled aside his collar and saw the armored ribs, realized the price he had paid to pull their souls from within. So be it. It was well worth their agony.


But what was this on the horizon? A presence he knew, but had never felt before. It was dark, untethered, wild. This intrigued him. And so he would investigate, grabbing his gear that sat to the side and exiting the infirmary, a new scent upon the currents of the air. And it wasn't the scent of Onderon. He knew it well. No. This scent was familiar, this presence known. And as he wondered the halls of this place, it grew exponentially. Around one corner, down a flight, and through another hall, until finally, it presented its self with another that held a similar presence. He smirked with the irony as he and the two wraiths made their approach. "Ah. The intrusive one." Shiro spoke as he bent the knee, his gaze shifting from @Telperiën Ar-Pharazonto her counterpart. "Mi'lady."

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His own erupted form of laughter intertwined with hers as he laid briefly upon his back, the pleasure of her pain tantalizing his receptors of both flesh and machine. He shifted his gaze back to her, the blackened eyes and red irides falling upon for familiar form in a new light as the two wraiths stood by with groaning snarls, almost enjoying watching her place him beneath her. As she helped him to his feet, he wiped away the blood from his brow with a gloved hand and flicked it aside.


"You could say that." His voice had changed since they last saw each other, a more depth to it and hints of his rebellious had mellowed. "Lady Awenyyd said she had taught me all that she could, and that I had to find others to teach me further. It's only sheer consequence that you were the first I have crossed."


"Whether I be man or woman, I am your's to teach." His grin fell from his face and he bowed his head to his better.

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"I am what the Darkness wills me to be." He replies with stone eyes. "Procreation is a necessity when it is necessary, nothing more. Until it seems me worthy of an heir, I am nothing more than a blade to be used, just as I will be after."


Stepping off to the side as she and her mother conversed, Shiro stood at the ready, his gloves hands coursing the mark she had embued onto him. His future would be a fruitious and interesting one.

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As Shiro took his place next to his newest Master, the entralled wraiths snarling in disapproval as their forms got into line behind their own, he followed swiftly with his gaze adverted down. It wasn't out of fear, for he could never know such emotion ever again thanks to Hayley. But instead, this was to appease. Not just the women whom held his Master in such esteem, but his Master herself, to show his commitment to the Dark.


But as Shiro stood before the large doors that lead to a estranged chamber, the presence inside nearly suffocating even against his ironed lung, a hint of it strolled casually into his mind. Rage had always been an invaluable alley, as had both Pride and the more tangible form of Lust, Gluttony. But here, in this moment, as he found himself stricken in Fear, unable to move at first, he found none.


Cathar had been his birth, and Coruscant had been his creation. Both had formed him into a blade to be used by the strong in the art of war. But this presence in the Force, this being who wielded the Dark with such command, felt like a thousand suns imploding. A smirk reveled upon his face, his blackened eyes shimmering in the light. He had found the Master who would one day wield him properly.


Following Telperiën in suite, Shiro bent the knee and his head laid straight, exposing his neck should he be found unworthy. This was a Warrior's bow, one that exposed the greatest weakness, in servitude of another. As his Master spoke her words, he stayed silent, allowing her and this Lord of the Dark to acknowledge him when they were ready. Until then, he would remain exposed, at their mercy.

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  • 1 month later...

Shiro sat in silence within the rear of the shuttle, the rememberable echoes of the meek crying and screaming in his mind as his gaze peered at the metal above in ecstasy. So fragile, so unprotected, the gaze of hate and sorrow filling the children's eyes. The moment was one that he enjoyed and wanted to process, taking in the memory of the smell, the taste, the sights, everything. And in this, he smiled.


As his Master's voice entangled his mind, the memory was foreclosed and he sat upright, his blackened gaze wavering in the rush as he placed his helm in arm and rose to a stand. Her words were true, and Felucia had proved it. He was tired of relying on mere weapons and strategy. He wanted more strength in the Force. He wanted to explore more of himself. He wanted to be a weapon of mass destruction. Only then would he know his true path as a Warrior, and when he did, blossom like the blood flower.


The rumor mill had already been lit aflame with the disappearence of the Dark Lord, soldiers abound with conversations about who would take his place. And in truth, Shiro had been disappointed by this. But his place was not to engage in such trivial matters, but rather, hone his skills and elevate his own stature. And so, with the Spider falling and his web erased, Shiro paid little heed in the grand scheme of things. A King fallen only meant another would rise. Or perhaps a Queen. As long as they were willing to use his blade in the sights of peace through war. That's all that matters.


In Darkness, there is Chaos. In Chaos, there is destruction. And from destruction, Order is born. And from Order, there is peace. Only through Darkness, can Peace be attained, enforced and sustained by the Strong. This is why the Republic always falls. This is why Dictatorships fall. Warlords are those only capable. This is the truth Shiro found in the Darkened Abyss, and where he was truly born.


As he and his Master stepped foot aboard Herløv, his Master distracted by another Lord, Shiro simply stood to the side in uniform, awaiting his Master's call.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shiro stood in silence for most of the conversation, his mind burying his thoughts and his body oblivious to reaction. He was but an Apprentice, and in the presence of Lords and Masters, he knew his place. He was but a tool to be used when the time came, and until then, he was a mere observer, taking in what he saw and witnessed to memory. Only the hiss of his prosthetic lung spoke of his presence amongst the group. That was, until they called upon him.


"Lady Awenyyd is forging her own path amongst the stars" Shiro replied to Sir Blackmorne, his blackened irides briefly meeting the man's to reveal the red pupils hidden within. "When we departed, she was in good health and in good spirits. I only hope her path bears her good fruit."


There was little more to say than that. Lady Awenyyd had forged a Warrior from Shiro and chose that their paths differed. This was why he now stood next to Lady Telperiën. Not to merely test the Warrior, but to strengthen his resolve. Awenyyd had made sure he understood that it takes many Masters to truly forge the worth of a Blade, and for Shiro, it would take the same. She left him with the design, and left the choice of those who would weild him up to him. This was his path.


When they entered Lady Qaela's reception, the young Sith stepped off to the side. This was this business of Masters, not his. He was but a witness to the moment. He could feel his heart beating the drums of war, but his expression stayed cold and slated. Only the words of his Master forced his stature to change, Shiro bowing to one knee just as he did during his approach to Telperiën during his last encounter with her Mother, his fist placed over his heart. For the first time since his arrival, Shiro spoke, his words echoing of his intent to both his Master and her creator.


"I am but a Blade." Shiro's voice came across blunt, but respectful, the hiss of the ironed lung inhaling between his words. "I will bath myself in your enemies."


With that said, he withdrew himself and returned to his previous position, idle and in silence as they continued.

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