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Everything posted by Exodus

  1. Four beeps resounded off of Exodus' right ear drum, breaking through the silent, dark prison of blessed comatose. Fragments of awareness spider-webbed across the blackness. He could smell the sterile air of a medical ward and the soft perfume of soap. "Alora?" Dim lights penetrated the smoky haze that was customary in establishments of the same nature. Small tables occupied by both borderlines of the room. The awareness felt like the grinding of broken bones and tasted like fine wine turned to vinegar. His stomach knotted. He took a deep breath, pulled his shoulders back and secured his lustrous smile””one he had worn long past it's season. Gracefully, he stooped to place his fear inducing robe upon his defined figure and drew the attention of a wayward server droid beleaguered with pretentious drink orders. It cocked it's head as if to regard him quizzically and Exodus would simply dismiss the lump of machinery. Still, he felt empty. No connections to anyone, he was of no concern and none would recognize his existence. He was void of purpose, or lacking in motive to fulfill that purpose. Regardless, it was the only thing for him to do. For days now, self-improving his abilities to a hidden and unhindered extent. Expanding his knowledge of combat throughout various means. His meditations, stronger and more reasonable to what he sought out. It was incredible actually, to come so far and not even notice the slightest amount of progression. His appearance even showed such, the darkness engulfing his subtle form with a furious ripple. "More, I need more.." Crimson beam blazed, elongating, out of the ends of the silver handgrip. Its wielder held it at arm's length, then twirled it a few times. Satisfied with the balance, the man went through a series of fluid motions, attacking an imaginary opponent. The illumination was reflected in the room, a dancing blur along with him. The lightsaber's hum and whir accompanied the falls of his boots, reverberating from stone to stone. I will make you proud, my Sith family. --- Later.. The huge hanger bay hummed with activity. Droids and creatures of flesh and blood alike busied themselves with the ships that sat dormant, producing a buzz that shuddered through the vast room like a contagious disease. Crafts of all sizes and shapes hung lifelessly about the bay, their pilots either enjoying the pleasures of the academy or watching over their ships. Exodus walked with a dominant stride towards his vessel, necessary upgrades - little, but necessary were included to it. It would seem the vessel remained prepared for launch already, the destination was unknown, but he fully understood it was his time to adapt to the world alone..
  2. Exodus made his way to the door and stepped in, bringing in with him a fair amount of sand. This earned him several glares from the patrons. He stared back coolly, and those smart enough to read deep into the strange illuminated eyes looked away before they were consumed. Shaking the last of the sand from the folds of his black cloak, he hovered in the shadows of the entranceway, watching the goings on of the main room. It was a simple place, a room circular in shape with tables and chairs of all sizes and shapes, set into levels of daises that dropped down to the deep floor. The door faced south, so that the harsh winds would pass around them and the gentle southern winds could be caught on calm days. Taking up the entire northern face of the room and on the lowest level all by itself was a slightly raised platform that was fashioned into a short curved type of walkway where a stool and small microphone. It started at each of the short dais walls, and swooped to arc gently in symmetry toward each other, then reverse the direction of the curve to round off in a pleasant to look at shape. It was here that Exodus spent his years growing as a Sith, and so he had finally returned. The general dull roar that permeated the air quieted as the lights dimmed to about 20, and an air of hush descended upon the tiny room, like holding one's breath before an expected event. The Force stirred. Lying naked on the cool stone floor of his room, and so he would bask in it, carefully descending to the same floor and preparing his meditation to focus his thoughts and learn from his experiences, but first; "My lord, I have returned" Hoping that the mental message would transcend throughout the airwaves and be intercepted by his most appreciated idol, The Dark Lord Kakuto. Regardless, he inhaled deeply before remembering to send his condolences to the one who had looked after him just as he wised. "Thank you... Alora"
  3. Darth Exodus looked up suddenly, his force-honed instincts telling him that his target now lay before him. He could feel the certainty ringing undeniably within his being. A few moments later, the radar display confirmed what he had already known. Directly before him, about thirty clicks in the distance, was the academy, glided leisurely through the inky blackness of space - tempting to break the atmospheric barrier. He quickly transferred more power to the engines to close the distance between him and his land. The power of the dark side of the force still coursed though his veins like an unquenchable fire. He allowed his mind to become completely focused on the moment, attaining a level of concentration and awareness in order to feel for the lands below - influencing himself on whom resided within. He felt the slow melding as his senses became one with the vessel, and the void of space around them. As the vessel continued to approach, Exodus flipped a switch that activated a reering hold on the ship, allowing it to spread all fours and come to an halting stop. He felt the gentle thump as the craft slowly settled on the metal surface, then attached itself firmly using its magnetic claws. Once he was certain that he was firmly attached to the landing pad, Exodus extended the connecting hatch with the flip of a switch. The hatch connected to the hull with a thump, and from that point it only took a few moments to achieve a magnetic seal. Once the tunnel within the hatch had been pressurized to, Exodus extended a small tendril of the force to open the sealed door leading from his cockpit into the tunnel. After the door had slid open with a slight hiss, he strode slowly down the tight and constricted corridor assuming Alora had her own business to attend too. The dark warrior examined the metal surface closely for a moment, before drawing out the long handle of his Lightsaber from where it hung beneath his dark robes. The blade ignited with a distinctive sizzling hiss and extended to a little more than half a meter in length. Exodus studied the surface for another moment before adjusting the nozzle of the emitter until the blade extended to well beyond a full meter. Satisfied, he took a brief moment to focus his anger and rage and ride the rush of power that they produced, before plunging the red blade of his Lightsaber up to it's hilt in carbonite wall before him. Sparks and shreds of superheated metal flew as the Lightsaber slowly carved through the thick wall. Exodus grunted in satisfaction as he finally felt the section of wall give under wedge of the force that he been directing at it. The severed circle of carbonite fell back into his hands.. "Ah, home sweet home."
  4. Exodus


    The dark sleek craft cut silently through the dark voids of space. Within the cockpit of the sinister ship, Darth Exodus studied the vessel's radar monitor intently. He knew that he was close to his destination, he could feel it. That instinctive premonition that, through disciplined training, he had learned to identify and heed confirmed his target was near by. The Sith Lord allowed a brief grin to cross his dark features. His former master would be pleased that he had been able to locate the target so quickly. Despite the fact that the radar was still showing no other ships in the region, Darth Exodus activated the simplistic obscuring device and allowed the ship to fade from view, partially. Exodus' pale emerald eyes continued to carefully scan the screen in from on him, constantly keeping his senses alert for any change in the display. His face, obscured by a grim hood that shadowed his face, revealed but a fraction of the violent emotions the roiled within him. Only those sickly-colored eyes occasionally betrayed the full malevolence that lurked beneath the surface. His black robes stirred softly as he moved a glove-clad hand to adjust the pitch of the engines, diving into his destination with utter swiftness.
  5. Now, there are those who say that power should be shunned and feared. They are failed Siths, these beings, with no more wit than the organic molecules that preceded life. Less, even--molecules at least know the value of order. Power--true power--never corrupts the strong: it sanctifies it with an essence all to ecstatic. It is a siren song to lesser beings, the true seduction. The Zabrak, a blood buried within him. A storm of untamed emotions, barely kept in check by such a fine mental control, a power of will seen in few other races. What a species - and what a specimen. His people's traditional tattoos became, for him, a diagram of hatred. He was to become a masterpiece, a pinnacle of fury. No mere bounty hunter or assassin, a Sith Lord is the embodiment of both defiance and fear. Defiance of extinction, that long, looming darkness. Of all the emotions Darth Exodus feels none to motivate him like hate. Embedded with a disdain of the Jedi, Exodus has immersed himself in the Dark Side and embraced all he feels it has to offer. Power through hate, control through fear. His meticulous training has taught him that. Months of practice have granted him not only command of the Force, but a skill with his edged lightsaber known to but only a few. His grace and fluidity with the traditional Sith weapon has allowed him to disperse many an enemy with frightening quickness. He has taken all his former master's teachings to heart, most especially that his greatest ally is fear. While the completion and preparation of his stolen ship was finalized, Exodus would make expose a mental pattern towards Alora, she would hear and she would come. Turning to the female servants that pleased him with their very prescence, he whispered in a most sly manner. "Send my condolences to Slaanesh. We will be departing now." Noticing the shadows of Alora lurking into the ship almost unknowingly, Exodus followed and prep'd launch. Without word or exchange of thoughts, Exodus finally influenced his own train of thought and spoke with a spine. "We're returning to thee academy. Prepare yourself." That was all, the ship plummeted into space with a defeaning crack, shattering the formation of clouds and lighting a remarkable spark at the end of their temporary vessel.. [Yes, Alora informed me to move her character as well.]
  6. Suddenly revitalized, Exodus leaped to his feet, re-igniting his lightsaber. Within his rage, he felt his mind focus with and intensity that he had never known. Using that rage, he lashed out and firmly ceased control of the Force. He instantly felt its power burning through his body, scouring his mind. Exodus had never known that the Force could feel this way. He felt invincible, untouchable. His body sung in ecstasy at the powerful forces coursing through his being. The young Sith Lord returned his lightsaber forms, with a new ferocity and vigor. The blade flashed wickedly back and forth between the different moves with speed and aggressiveness that he had not possessed a moment before. In his mind, imaginary foes fell beneath the wicked blade of his weapon, utterly incapable of hiding from the wrath that he poured out upon them. In his mind he pictured the bane of his master, with his rottening appearance, standing before him. Exodus felt his anger turn up another notch and quickly focused it to a red, hot point. The Force seemed to surge within him like a wild beast, begging to have its violence unleashed. The young Sith Lord brought his weapon to bear, prepared to vanquish his imaginary foe using all of his anger and hatred. He felt the blood slow draining out of his knuckles, as his grip on the lightsaber's handle tightened furiously. All indecision seemed to withdraw from his heart as he considered the completely remorseless killer before him. All that remained was an all-encompassing desire to plunge the blade of his weapon into this creature's heart. Just as he was preparing to make the killing stroke, Exodus felt a small, but distinctive ripple in the Force. Every muscle in his body froze as his mind slowly began to comprehend what that disturbance meant. A visitor was close by, probably looking for him. The young Sith Lord felt a growl of frustration slowly start to rise within his throat. Though he was loathed to release the wonderful rush of power now coursing through him, he wondered who it could be. "Lord Exodus?" Exodus hid a quick grimace by turning it into a painful smile. The seductive power that he had been wielding just a few moments earlier still called to him, still promised him relief from the painful emotions that now plagued him. Even now, he wanted nothing more but to return to it's dark embrace. [80% of the Post is for Mature viewers' eyes only - Refer to here to see the conclusion.. http://s13.invisionfree.com/The_Golden_Link/index.php?showtopic=2&st=0entry23413]
  7. There was only silence in the void filled with nothingness”¦ nothing, but a soul filled it. Secrete, seemingly insignificant, compared to the titans of the universe. But a spark of life was strong there, filled with such hope, such power, such”¦ sadness. And when one tried to sense if it was truly there, not just an illusion created by the wild, vivid imagination of an observer, they saw only death. A blind spot. There wasn't a void surrounding it, it was the void that wasn't a void at all, the silence in the symphony of the Force. Such a peaceful thing, the silence. It almost seemed to be completely calm in its strange slumber. A sleep without awakening. But then, against all odds, thoughts, possibilities, a voice, elderly and directive, entered the mind. And, being commanding in its nature, it gave a simple order, an order that perhaps changed the fate of the sleeping warrior. Awaken. The mind obeyed without question, commanding the body to do the same. Vivid emerald eyes, warm, like the grass of a sunlit meadow, but still drowsy from the strange slumber, opened sleepily. The presence of a liquid surrounding the body, preventing movement, was noted. Slowly, consciousness began slipping again. But before it could escape for good, the strange liquid was gone, leaving cold durasteel pressing against an even cooler cheek. With a low moan, consciousness returned, the soul found its place in the healed body. Summoning all strength and power, persuading muscles to function, the human arose, straightening up. Green eyes swiftly scanned the room. Alone, unarmed and exposed not only due to the lack of clothing, the Lord, the outcast of humanity, Exodus stood tall and proud. His hair was soaked, plastered to his neck and clinging to his cheeks with a combination of sweat. The muscles in his legs soothed with comfort as the yet again rich, abundant miasma of the dark side called to him so clearly, so close, so easy and so powerful. He gripped the handles of his lightsaber tightly, feeling the cold metal ridges digging securely into his palms. Dashing, left, right and center, Exodus flashed momentarily in each and every direction, Manipulating the sense of combat that was already evident to his mind-set. The brutality of his swipes and well executed attacks were fuelled by his restored darkened essences, basking within his soul. There was no where to go, nothing to do - And so naturally, he improved. Examining the flaws within his own technique and elminating the bad habit to the best of his ability. This would definately take some time, but he worked at it, even as the hours flew by and his powers drained by the clock.
  8. All within but a single moment, fear, concern, death - It was all shattered just by a single touch. His entire body echoed with a tingling sensation that left him at a loss for words. This was most unexpected and his nobility was easily set aside. Resistance against such was futile, although his body sparked with an incredible amount of regeneration, almost instantly mending itself with one touch. She was truly amazing and held beauties like no other. After moments, he then realized the words she spoke, her name - he once heard it before. It was possible she was the one with such tremendous power, she held what others could not possibly dream of - but this was news to him. "Excuse my rudeness, mi'lady." With a simple nod in affection, Exodus would bow before the well defined woman and smile with a most intriguing expression. Her words ever so desirable, every passing moment he fought to keep himself from lunging at her and ravaging her with passion. But he kept himself intact, merely teasing with his own facial beneficials and then almost whispering; ".. A place to sleep?"
  9. Smothering the atmosphere with a distinct exposure of exhaust, spilling from the heap of machinery that just passed as an excuse for transport carrier. Senses apparently tingled as he pummeled through the clouded regions of the planet and examined an incredible force that lingered within. It was monstrous and towered over the many that inhabited the lands. Exodus knew this must be it, and therefore brought the ship into a decent landing point, unbuckling himself and lifting his Master with the remaining strength left in him, still remaining as careful as ever, kicking down the shuttle doors and entering the air of which he had never once before inhaled..
  10. Exodus


    It was painfully obvious that his master continued to suffer and for what reason? It was unknown to him. Such happenings was not of his concern but her well being meant more then a greater deal of things set within this universe. He wanted to provide warmth or some form of comfort, but truth was that she was a complete wreck, he would have no clue where do start. His objective remained clear though; "Vernza-Torrah". Shifting in the distinguished seating, he would flip through a numerous range of controls and set course for that very planet..
  11. Exodus


    This spark of action raised within him, his battle intellect now exceeding boundaries he thought was possible. Yes, he was bleeding - but furthermore, it excited him, feeding him the necessary adrenline and strength necessary to conquer and still prevail in the mind. This time, Instead of doing exactly what Alora encouraged, he resisted. Turning his attention to the wall directly behind him for but a split second using his prepherial vision. Syn would set his feet vertical to that of which Alora stood and then twist his torso; effectively slicing the walls to shock induced pieces of scrap. Refraining from allowing the multiple objectiles to fall completely, his eyes would roll, signifying his will to channel the force as a mere weapon and suspend the objects in mid-flight. No response was met to any of her words, just sheer focus and concentration that would allow him to further his capabilities. Protruding his arms from his chest, as if pushing back a substantial amount of force, the series of objects would expel in a cannonball manner towards Alora's postioned stance. Sharpened pieces of power, threatening to damage the blade if hit in an unguarded area - which it was so direct as well as the several; four - seven larger pieces of scrap, moving so fast as to restrict any attempt at retaliation. Watching as oblivion was sent, the force was called upon again. Heightening a demonic howl that pierced the ears of those who listened and was sure to cause internal damage if not properly guarded against.
  12. Exodus


    Although the temptation seemed luring, Syn only managed to bite back with a feral hiss and the snap activation of his newly crafted weapon. The air held with it a disturbing silence, broken only by the crackle of the blood thirsted saber that dotted the ripple of power in the chill breeze that carried the spirits of the dead through Mimban, a warrior's paradise. It was as if all held its breath. Waiting. If only a single breath could change everything. As if the winds of a sudden exhale would wash the black clouds of nightmare away. The drifting smoke diffused from the previous encounters created false horizons as ash fell like snow from the heavens. The very air was charged with an unsettling knowledge that more was in store. A deep ache gripped him as battle worn muscles resisted the command to move. Too many days of travel made it difficult to even raise his arms. His energy was sapped. He was desperate for a rest, but knew there was no excuse Shrugging off thoughts of the price of failures, as it was not welcome on the eve of battle, Syn inhaled deeply - almost as if disrupting the current atmosphere and allowing it to ripple as if a new surge of power coursed through his body. A small smile tugged at his lips as he eyed the temptress before him. His worked skin was highlighted by a glossy hue that belied the lithe, almost ethereal form. Standing tall, his flowing obsidian hair and lower robe shifted in the breeze from the opened door. Before approach he sought out his feelings for power, he thought; I want to hate you. It's so easy, so natural. It's so much easier than to accept each dagger life throws at you. I should hate you. It is the sanest thing to do. Perhaps I begin to lose my grip on sanity. I cling to it as I would to a ledge above a vacuum. Only now I am not so sure I would hold on. Your pain, it bleeds through the hairline fractures in your indestructible shields. It is almost intoxicating. Your anguish ”“ I feel it like my own. Maybe it is my own. I wonder if you can feel mine. There, It was as if his body had completely erased itself from existence, though such was not the case. His speed had increased dangerously over the time and his body swift, agile and without common flaw. Using the darkness as veil, he flung himself off of each wall, corner, flooring - circling around Alora, as if a predator stalking its prey. Then with a definite downward swipe, while closing his eyes and using his senses to locate the exact location in which she stood - Syn would allow the Black spectral, Crimson tainted essence of light decimate everything within its path.
  13. Exodus


    Kissing his teeth and kicking the dirt before him, he noticed she still didnt address him with the respect that he deserved. Lowering his arms and strengthening his peeved attitude. Syn wondered how he would be able to perform such a task. Seeing how his previous adventure had drained him of nearly all life source, now she was demanding that he fight against another? "Pathetic, after all that - She cant even spare the slightest acknowledgement of my progress." Adjusting the handle before him, opening the door to the two powers that danced within - Syn was taken by shock for but a mere moment. Hm? He couldnt believe it, It was actually Spider. Teammates from such a distant past, yet he excelled in progress faster then Syn could ever obtain. Disregarding the fact that Spider even remembered him, he continued to the side of the room where he wouldnt disturb the quite intimate battle that clashed. No less, he'd remove his shredded robe and allow it to sink to the floor as his bloodied body - scarred with the true experiences of life flexed and prepared himself for whatever adversary that was put before him.
  14. Exodus


    Sweeping his success and battered frame across the floor, Syn would dwell upon the happenings of his completed objective. Actually quite proud of himself, his self praise was enough seeing as how it would be rare to find such praise anywhere else. Regardless, Syn relieved himself of such thoughts and carried onwards to find his Master. Handling his new weapon with utter caution, he knew it would only be a matter of time before he became proficient in the arts of weilding such devastation. He knew his Master would not hold out on teaching him the finer things of becoming what she and he others were. "Ah, Finally.." Time itself apparently came to a sudden stop when Syn reached the door. Something troubled him, he couldnt piece it together. There was someone else within these walls - he could feel his masters presence leaking within, but who was this other? Could it be a trap? Syn was cautious, maybe too cautious at times, and thus he waited. He didnt have to worry about keeping his own presence hidden. His body was shredded and bound to a lingering life source. It would be hard to predict his actual location, and so he sat - Waiting, listening and enduring. "What the.."
  15. Exodus


    ----- Many, Many struggling hours later Dragging his exhausted, beaten and bloodied form throughout the pathways of society, allowing the eyes of the inquiring to subject him to question. He'd simply continue his mission without a seconds thought, ignoring the pathetic gazes set upon his soul. Managing to reach the half decimated; Completely emptied building, Syn would kick the hanging door from its position with the drifting strength that remained within him. Noticing the burnt and battered collection of coal that laid in a crisp by the furnace, Syn would smile - finally reaching the near end of his objective. Releasing the hatchs of the apparent age beaten cage of flame, Syn would inhale the essence of crisp through his stench filled nostrils. As the cracks upon the furnace chamber reached the bottom, streams of smoke would be seen hissing out from the cracks. Eventually the area in close vicinity of the chamber was engulfed in smoke, completely hiding what was truly happening. The pulsating color, which alternated between red and black, began to be drawn towards the top of the chamber. The two colors getting mixed together, producing a dark bloody ruby red. Within the obscuring smoke, Syn was noticable working away, as if blessed with a new found strength. Assembling his materials and watching as the powder forged into an oozing liquid, resembling only that of blood. Still, being quick about its fragile qualities - Syn gathered the substantial liquids into an unfatomable box which resisted the heats of the furnace. The crystal was then exposed to the air of this world, as Syn took the ample time to draw the scent into his systems. Filled with the desire to visualize the tempting environment, Syn forced his eyelids to open once again. He'd examined its entire structure at a slow place; by twisting and smoothing its edges out, testing to confirm that no damage has been done in the process of its creation. Realizing that it was no doubt in good condition, Syn carefully inserted the divine crystal within the marvelously crafted hilt. Minutes after the tweaking the final aspects of the weaponry. Syn would extend his arm - holding out the masterpiece and allowing the refined essence of the lightsaber, pierce through the darkness - Resonating with a unrivaled blood red, with an unnatural twist of obsidian that coursed through the texture every other second. "... Mission Accomplished."
  16. Exodus


    Rushing, with sharpened boulders, and objects that subject Syn as a mere loaf of bread - sliced at his entire body as he dashed endlessly down the tunnel, moving without emotion towards the light. Blood soaking his entire figure, he couldnt care less. The survival rates of being trapped in such an area and actually escaping was slim to none. Regardless, this light? It appealed to him. Drew him to its very essence, as if wrapping its malicious claws around his neck and pulling his soul closer. All creatures require a source of fuel to convert to energy in order to accomplish any goals and task they are destined to accomplish. There are many kinds of source that many different creatures uses to live, some uses water, sun, food, and even some use air as a source of energy. Creatures of evil feed off fear, ill will, and greed, where a sufficient amount is available due to the current state existing in the world. Syn while isolated in this hell-hole managed to do just that. Feeding off his own fear of his existence being completely nulled without notice. This kept his will intact and his goal within palms reach. -- Crystals, magnificent crystals of beaty which was thrice buried deep into the center of this planet. Through the passing of several years, erosion, planet plate movement, and years of volcanic eruption had forced the crystal chamber to arise to this deserted mountain. The hard surface of the crystals remained slowly plagued with cracks, appearing throughout the chamber. Once a lifeless, dead and dull chamber is now rhythmically pulsating to the color of black and red, a clear-cut sign forecasting something bad is destined. Quickly inheriting the crystal material, allowing it to breakdown into a powdery sustance Syn - he'd fill his pockets with it, shining as if it was glistening sugar. Syn retraced his steps hearing the howls and cries of creatures bound to the darkness, which only proved to quickened his return. The sky was engulfed in dark gloomy gray clouds participating in what looked like a ritual, where it swirled around the peak of the mountain. Sharp bright flashes of lightening illuminated the sky at random intervals, while the thunder destroyed any peace that existed. Swift cold rain poured out of the sky with hail being transported by the rain leaving the area in an unpleasant state of despair. In midst of the violent passion of the storm, the stench of decay was evident. "Cant believe I made it. Seemed simple enough, time to head back.."
  17. Exodus


    The stench of the swamp did not bother Syn any more than the feeling of cool, slick mud seeping through what remained of his robes. He sat quite still against the trunk of the tree that had guided him to this remote place, aware of its power radiating in the air around him. He had no desire to move. He had no desire at all. Not even to build a shelter; the transport capsule was enough for now. The fact that he strongly disliked the idea of living in the capsule only meant that it was necessary to do it, until the emotion was tamed. He had already examined the feeling to discover its roots and lift them out. He knew perfectly well why he wished to avoid the capsule, to let the swamp overgrow it, to let it sink into the mud and vanish from sight, along with the places it had been and the memories it carried. "She will never forgive me now, Ive been lost to this treacherous land for far too long. She has probably forgotten all about me, as everyone else has." Syn started thinking, weighing the pros and cons of taking his materials into the cave or not. Should he bring the only thing left of his existence, and risk it all? He hesitated, he started to buckle the belt in place then in one swift motion he took the belt off, he started walking forward again when he stopped and looked behind him where his materials was sitting on a rock, visible to any whom wondered through - if any dared do so. Syn turned on his heel, slowly approaching the cave entrance. It was dark inside, he thought with a grimace knowing that he should've grabbed a flashlight at least. Syn looked down looking for a place to rest his foot on; there were roots that acted like steps. He slowly felt along the side of the walls, moving his foot down testing the ground to make sure it wouldn't shift when he placed his whole weight down. He walked into the cave keeping his senses on high alert for anything that might await him in the cave. Yet, a glowing essence was seen in the distance. This would suffice as light, and make travel much easier. Question remained; What was this light?
  18. Exodus


    Rubbing his arms from forearm to shoulder, he'd bask in the thought of how utilizing the force felt, exposing all the deep energy that dwelled within his body and finally releasing the hurt and pain that kept him, eternally tortured. It was a type of ecstasy that he couldnt resist and wanted to grasp forever. "Master, It was most definately; One of the greatest feelings of my life." His thoughts still conjured ways and ideas of how to mend the force to his own discretion, utilizing the force whenever he felt necessary, and without prematurely exposing it on mere emotion. Still, the feeling was tremendous and it was as if the feeling awaited at the tip of his fingers for him to propel anytime he pleased. "I know I have a great deal to learn from this, but I feel as if the knowledge is indeed seeking me in the same manner that I seek it.." Lifting and placing the small objects around him, almost in a playful manner - allowing several to crash at certain points. The dark side swelled within him and he was enjoying every moment of it..
  19. Exodus


    A malicious smile peeled its way onto the face of Syn, he'd eye his entire palm as if looking right through its entirety. Previous memories of his acts on Cardia, ignited. He remembered the cause and effect of the violence portrayed against the ravaged creature and how it felt to release such an energy, sending its to its gruesome stature. Subconciously, his cleared plate would float amongst the two and a shocked expression lay bare - As if answering his master's question without the use of words. Then easing it back down too its previous state, he'd simply sling an arm behind himself and look to the distance planets through the window. Wondering how to best such acquired abilities. "Thank you.. Master."
  20. Exodus


    Coming from the cargo hold, Syn would nod respectfully in his masters direction and allow himself to take seat near the window of the Astra Mist. While seated, the silence took over and he would simply begin feasting on the prepared meals as well. Finally, his emptied belly began to fill and delight was brought to the mouth of Syn. Still, questions filled his confused mind, questions of the force and questions of what was actually going on within this corrupted universe, but more importantly; where they were headed.
  21. How many hours was it? He'd lost count. He was tired, very tired. Physically, he was strong, but mentally, his head spun. The Force danced away from his touch like feathers caught in an errant breeze. Emotions glinted at the edges of his perceptions, mere hints of the fire burning inside of his body. His legs ached, but not from sitting on the hard bench. The dull, distant throb of his body distracted him, pulling his mind from chasing the feathers of Force. A few days ago, he had become unsettled, the Force pulling away from the imbalance in his body as it reset itself. His emotions became harder to control, erratic and potent. Sweat beaded on his brow as he fought with his body for control. The Force seemed to laugh at him, resisting his need to control himself, to control the changes within his own body. Regardless of thought, he'd grab his possessions from his selected room and then would make way for the Astra Mist, entering it only minutes later.
  22. The warm air whipped around him, cruelly flirting with the silken layers of his night robe and plying harsh kisses to his soft cheeks. It seemed the night singled him out for abuse while everyone else lounged comfortably, enjoying the beautiful night. Deferent eyes escaped his honest glace and idle conversations turned formal within his earshot. Respect sometimes stings like the vilest of insults, especially when one craves contact and reassurance. Simultaneously, the man was subject to both. Awareness felt like the grinding of broken bones and tasted like fine wine turned to vinegar. His stomach knotted as his master's irritated voice battered his very efforts. He took a deep breath, pulled his shoulders back and release a slithering amount of tension, squirming about his body. To his surprise, the bloodied corpse of the creature flung to the other side of the kitchen, and was peirced amongst an array of sharpened objects. This miraculous event mustve been the act of using the force through anger, yet Syn was not satisfied as of yet. Blaring insults through the back of his mind as if attemping to direct it towards his master..
  23. It was a vague feeling of unease, of restlessness, that had driven the Syn to leave this situated encampment so early. He was now searching to get at least an unrestricted view of his surrounding, if he could not get a clear picture of what it was that was weighing on his mind. Climbing up a little way, his light steps perfectly noiseless in the still of the night, Syn came to an area mostly free of trees, rocky and harsh, strewn with large boulders. It was the perfect kind of place one would normally choose to contemplate the serenity of a quiet night while looking towards his future goal. This spot enabled a very desolate and enjoyable quietness, for he needed to listen ”“ into the darkness, and into himself. The sky, brilliant in the glory of a million glittering stars only a little while ago, had clouded over, and a near complete darkness had descended over the forest. It was the night of the new moon, and no human or alien, not even a Master with the keen sight of many, could have seen anything in the obscurity of the forest below. However, Syn, sitting on one of the large boulders and looking down from his elevated vantage point, could still just make out the cautious movements of varying sized beasts in the shadow of the lone oak tree that stood high and straight in its solitude. Syn rested his hands on the rock underneath him, willing himself to find the connection between these recollections and the indistinct apprehension that had come over him. Stone was mute to him; he could not read it as he could read the force buried within, even by the mere touch of his fingertips. Yet sometimes he found that deliberately shutting out his keen sensory perceptions helped him concentrate on his inner voice. He was clad only in his leggings, his upper body glistening faintly with sweat and his silky hair free and loose in the breeze. He was humming softly in his melodious tenor, his thoughts deeply focused on the surroundings, while preparing to depart form this wretched place. Syn observed, so that the path he trod on would be pleasant and free of obstacles that might cause a delay while dismantling a good sized beast, yet he could not vex the trees, which still stood proud and at ease on either side of the path. "This'll have to do.." A shaft of moonlight pierced through the foliage above and shone like a spotlight on a place that surely must have been created by the hands of some higher authority. Bathed in a midnight glow, the glade looked as if its beauty had once been shyly hidden beneath layers of roughness, but magical fingers had coaxed that beauty out of hiding and made it shine with a serenity that was at once ethereal and homely. In the centre of this enchanted place was a clear pool from which a faint, misty steam slowly wafted. Lilies of the valley, lilac, honeysuckle and lavender ”“ just beginning to bloom ”“ lined the pool and the fine marble steps that led gently into the water, their careful arrangement all around the glade testimony to the efforts of the loving hands that had planted and nurtured them. Butterflies teased the fragrant blossoms on the ground with gentle flitting touches, and danced with those that cascaded gently from the trees in white, yellow and pink showers. It was most definatel rare to see such a specimen of beauties gathered on such a planet, but it remained and it would be used. Delightful owlsong filled the air, in harmony with the soft, lulling gurgle of ripples and the soft sighing of trees. And weaving itself around these sounds there came, too, the silvery growls of a massive beast, lured like Syn was, to the beauty that remained in this section of the planet. Beforehand, Syn noticed surrounding the brilliance of the area was a collection of sharpened logs, apparently prepared for such occasions as hunting. Although his master instructed that he'd go unarmed, he made sure to stick to his word -- lacing the sharpened logs together and positioning them in veils of moss, camoflauged and ready to pierce.. --- Moments after preparation, the oversized beast remained in the distance, interupting the serenity with its constant snorts and howls of temptation. Imagining the blood pouring from its corrupted figure had Syn in attemped laughter, although utilizing the very grasp of his own anger like his master instructed, he could feel it burning through his eyes. "!" A whistle was issued, a resonating sound that triggered the beasts, animalistic behaviours, It's head curved and its eyes came in contact with the stealthy Syn. The beast saw the intent in Syn's eyes and accepted his challenge picking up speed toward the unarmed Sith. As the two neared each other Syn gave the hardest strike he could muster, aimed directly at the beast's nose and then feinted with extreme agility. The beast would slide, but it would prove worthless as its hide merely scratched the veiled logs of death. "Almost.. This should work." Syn would charge once more, yelling in all his anger, channeling it throughout his heightened hollering. He'd then perform a artistic flip over and on top of the beast, making sure it was aligned with the hidden logs. Regardless, the beast panicked and spun in various directions and fortunately charged towards the moss.. "Your time has come.." A sinister smile carved itself onto his face as he whispered in the ear of the predestined death of the wild animal. It continued to charge recklessly, while Syn roared with laughter and allowed it to echo into the distance. -- And then there was silence. Darkened blood splattered everywhere, the beast's body still intacted but its forehead mashed and pinned with nature itself. Growing weary and exhausted, Syn was quick to remove the mess of the animal and drag it by its tail, back towards his current residence. A trail of blood trickled behind him and other unearthly animals fed upon its thickness. Fortunately, Syn hadnt ventured too far from the base and would have the beast hung up in the kitchen within minutes..
  24. -- Pain, and then endless darkness. He sat up with a start, drenched in sweat. He panted, trying to get some air. He felt like his dream had actually been happening. But that was impossible. Dreams were only products of the mind, which became bored during slumber. But still it bothered him. He tried to roll over and get some more rest but he just couldn't drift back off. Maybe this was one of those dreams that were rumored amongst folk, a vision of the future. Had he just foreseen an act of destiny? It seemed impossible, only beings of greater empowerment could view such things. He was far from such a level, yet it the fact still remained. He would have to ask his master in the morning, until then he'd just have to wait. He knelt quickly beside the corridor's archway, leaving his belongings behind, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps as he lifted his gaze and pondered the his next destination. He closed one eye as he sighted along the top of the slim, shiny barrel, a clearing in a nearby forest. He swallowed hard, trying desperately to calm himself, as he felt his heart pounding in his chest; he could hear the hisses and howls of creatures from the other side of the field. It was only a matter of time, he thought to himself, readying to dart off into the wild. His right hand held out from under the protective overhang so that the rain spattered onto his fingertips. The rain beaded against his skin, pooling in the indentations between his fingers. Bringing his hand back under the rooftop, Syn shook the moisture from the limb before removing his outer robes. Glancing over his shoulder even though he knew the room to be empty, Syn stepped fully into the rain. He tilted his head back, eyes closed and allowed the rain to soak into him. The two tunics that he wore received the brunt of the rain's effects, the linen fabric offering little protection. "Not mourning yet, but the timing shall suffice."
  25. Coming to an understanding of channeling such an anger, Syn realized it shouldnt be too much of a task, simply because all these years he has been confining it and forcing it to reside within him. What was left is to re-channel such a force and allow the dark energies to consume that hatred and create a weapon of mass destruction embodied within his very self. "Un.. Understood, Master." Noticing that the meal was before him, he'd become silent and allow the tastes of the incredible meat to quench his hunger. Still the thought of channeling his buried anger, poked at him. He could feel the energies swelling within him, almost calling to be released and with her, he could make it happen.. "Delicious.."
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