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  1. Durandal!


    ((Work schedule has been hectic past few days. Will post tomorrow. Sorry guys))
  2. Durandal!


    ((Are we posting in rotating order? Because I'm waiting on that.))
  3. Loved it. I pictured an 80's glam rock band solo at the very end after RAID.
  4. Durandal!


    They walked for what felt like hours along the wind-swept snow covered terrain of Illum. The whole way Dominic scrunched up his nose and placed an open palm on the tip. It didn't really help since his hands were just as frozen. He rubbed his hands together and tried in any small way to generate some heat. No such luck. His teeth were chattering, his toes could have fallen off miles ago for all he knew, and his comb sat begrudgingly in his pocket. Too afraid to make a pass through his black hair for fear it might break off all together. Some test, he thought. This is suicide. He felt like a lemming about to jump off a cliff onto the jagged rocks below. An end he would almost welcome at this point- just as long as the jagged rocks were heated. The afterlife and the option of an eternity swimming in a lake of fire sounded pretty damn good. He turned to Doran and gestured with his head towards Cathair with a nod. "I'm gonna say it first. You guys get hungry, you're not eatin' me. The big guy could house the both of us if we cut'im open." He said with a grin. He didn't think it would actually come to that, but he desperately needed to lighten the mood. Especially if it meant forgetting the cold for a few minutes. He got lost in the realization that he managed to forget about the bitter cold for a moment. He stopped dead in his tracks and lifted an eyebrow. His mind wandered like a drunk stumbling home. Lost, but with a destination just out of reach. How did he manage to do that? He felt warm. Not just preoccupied, but genuine warmth. Before he could figure it out, the feeling came back. Like whiskey in his stomach and a blanket over his shoulders, he felt warm. "Tell me this isn't just me." he said, hoping this wasn't common sense for force sensitive people. "I'm feeling toasty." he said with a grin. He felt like clicking his heels and lost his sense of mental balance. As soon as it left, the bitter cold came crashing back into his body. Dominic Skallig nearly had a heart attack from the instantaneous return to freezing to death. "..." "...Fun while it lasted.." He furled his brow and stuffed his hands in his pockets and caught up with the other two knights. They had stopped just short of a small snow bank. He sprinted up to them, and looked directly down to the jagged rocks of what was apparently a very deep fall from a snow bank. In fact, they were all standing on the precipice of a chasm. "Fan-F*ing-tastic" he quipped. It looked too far to jump. The other knights ignored him and Doran began to run backwards. "You're not actually.. No way. You'll never make it." he said to the Mandalorian as he backtracked to get a running start. "That chasm's easily ten feet across. Without the right equipment you're good as dea...." The Mandalorian sprinted and almost took flight. He flew over the chasm and tumbled over the other side. "Never..mind.." Dominic said wide-eyed. He glanced over to Cathair and gave him an almost challenging grin. "Well cap, if that guy can do it.." Dominic ran backwards a good 20 feet. His sensitivity to the force was returning to familiar grounds with this jump. He'd jumped crates, chasms, scaffolding, anything you can think of when it came to ducking imperial scanning crews way back when. It had been a while since he had tried anything like this, though. He shook out his arms and legs. "Loosey goosey, baby. Loosey-Goosey." He said while cracking his neck. He began to hyperfocus. The path between the ledge and the chasm became so detailed, his brain began to think it wasn't going to be a difficult jump at all. He took a brief moment to whip out a flask he had been hiding and took a gulp. Cathair noticed (( I'm told this is god-modding, but since it's such a small thing I hope it's no big deal)) and Dominic shot him a stink eye. "Hey, if I'm gonna fall on some sharp rocks after a long fall, I'd prefer not to feel it thankyaverymuch." With that he took off, his stride became fluid, his eyes remained level on the landing target. He gripped the ledge with one foot and leaped. After what felt like ages, he came tumbling down on the other side. "Not bad if I do say so, m'self." He said with a genuine smile. "I'd give it at least a 9.5" He chuckled. "What do you think, pally?" He glanced over to Doran and brushed the snow off his armor.
  5. Durandal!


    As Dominic arrived on the planet's surface, he made sure his armor was properly fitted to his skin, as to keep the bitter wind, and the blowing snow out. He checked his blaster and took a deep breath. The air almost made him go into a coughing fit. His lungs filled, and he exhaled a plume of white air. "Funny place to keep something so coveted, eh?" he said as he was walking over to the remaining two knights. He took position and looked up at the horizon. A storm was a'brewing. "I'm willing to bet a weeks pay the Grand Admiral dropped us here knowing full well that the weather was looking like" he quipped while lighting a death stick. "Shame too, I packed tropical." The other two knights were much quieter than himself. The Grand Admiral had indeed selected a motley crew. The other two were stern, military men. Dominic was a smuggler and gambler. This training could be crucial to being able to make a better life for himself, or maybe it was going to be a dead end like so many other failed careers. All he knew was this place made him feel confident, and his constant chatter may be a problem. Not his problem, but a problem nonetheless. His train of thought was interrupted by a shot fired by Cathair. The bolt zipped past Dominic and nailed a small floating probe in the teeth (or where it's teeth would likely be, if droids had'em) His heart nearly stopped. "Dick.." he said stone faced as the little thing fell to the ground, sputtering and sparking. This made the whole operation significantly harder than it could have been. The death stick pressed between his lips fell out of his mouth and made a hiss as it was extinguished in the soft snow. "Using remotes? Cheating? Did you happen to notice all the high tech equipment on the Star Destroyer we were just sitting pretty on? One little remote is cheating? On my ship, you'd be airlocked for that." He said looking down at the little droid making a puddle on the ground. "Could've at least told him to get back on the ship.. Poor little guy didn't even have a chance." He took a deep breath and slid a replacement stick between his lips and lifted his collar up as high as it could go to cover his neck from the cold. "Ugh.. Whatever. Let's go." He said as they began their trek through the ice and wind.
  6. Durandal!


    This gets better and better. "Aye sir. Will be be getting any sort of weather proper gear?" he asked as the grand admiral turned and exited towards his shuttlecraft. "I guess not. Fantastic. Well gents, let's get going, I suppose." He grabbed what gear he could find, holstered his blaster and set out for the surface. ((Leaving for 2 days for the 4'th 'o' july. Will write back sunday))
  7. Breathing heavily, he looked the chiss in the eyes. "Illum..?" he thought to himself. "Illum is a cold cold place.." "Yessir. I'll grab my gear and be on the next transport." He said to the Grand Admiral. Yet, all he could think of was how sweet it was going to be to own a lightsaber.
  8. As they entered the training area Dominic could only think of how much if must have cost to get a giant sandbox installed on a Star Destroyer. He pondered this a little too long before a grapefruit sized stone became good friends with his face. "WHAT THE.." He dropped down to his knees, as another stone came whizzing overhead, his knees dug into the soft sand as he was hit by surprise and anger. He gathered his strength and rolled to the left as another stone headed his way. As he stood up, his eyes got a lock on it. His feet pressed downward as it came. With as much force as his legs could muster, he jumped up and over the rock as it passed. Before he could regain his footing, another came rocketing his way. "You call this, training?!" He shouted at the Chiss as he then bent backwards on his knees as the rock came speeding by his ear. "This isn't training, this is target practice!" He could see the Chiss' eyes looking from side to side as the rocks flew by. For a split second Dominic could see a pattern forming. His mind, out of self preservation or the desire to make the chiss look bad, felt a moment of clarity. He couldn't see where the rocks were going to go, but he had a feeling.. Two smaller stones lifted out of the sandy floor and hovered next to the chiss, Dominic focused his mind for just a moment, and managed to side step out of their path. The smaller ones became easier to dodge when he did this, his mind wasn't in a grand state of clarity, but he was paying closer attention than he thought possible. After all, he did just get hit in the face with a rock. he dipped his head and buckled his rib cage as the final rocks started his way. With one good open palm slap in an gradual incline, he swatted away two. "Ha! Look at that!" he said as he regained his footing. "Not bad, eh?" The chiss wasn't finished. He saw a final salvo of tiny rocks begin to lift off the ground. Dominic focused his mind and readied himself for them. He focused his mind on the velocity they were traveling, the size of the stones, he was Concious of his entire body. And as one stone passed easily through the space between his left arm and chest, the other pegged him squarely in the solar plexus. "Ow." "But still.. not bad for a raw recruit, eh cap?" he said while hacking up a lung.
  9. Dominic stood stone faced for a few seconds as the grand admiral spoke. His attention drifted to the Chiss' red eyes. This began to freak him out just a little bit, and this was then pushed further by the fact the grand admiral knew about his smuggling past. "Next stop, brig.." He thought. He was pleasantly surprised to find out that he was still being admitted into the knights. The force was not a new term for him to hear, but he was not such a force wielding madman as the Jedi, or their equally brooding counterparts, the Sith. He'd been able to do small, but quite useful, things with the power. Cheat at cards, Woo easy women, one time he even swore he made a checkpoint guard drop his pants and waddle out of his office while trying to return to coruscanti space with a cargo bay full of smuggled death sticks. "Well cap, I prefer to call it luck." He said with a big grin as his suit popped up in front of him. He listened to the admiral tell him about the immediate training and became a bit more somber at the thought of not getting a stiff drink or a death stick break before all the madness started. "Jeez.. You people don't.. eh.. You don't waste any time, do you." he said as he grabbed the armor and went into the changing room. "My god I look badass." he said under his breath once he finally pieced it on. He ran a comb through his hair and then scrambled to find a pocket for it. He stuffed it down in between some of the armor plating and exited the small room. "Alrighty. Shall we?"
  10. Dominic Skallig stood for a moment and looked over his uniform outside the grand admiral's quarters. Not developed in the ways of the force, the only thing he'd ever managed to be decent at with the ability was recognizing the presence of someone who would find him to be a rather.. grating personality. In a past life he'd been called a whole mess of things. including smuggler, troublemaker, and from what he could recall "The guy with the worst poker face this side of the rishi maze." Yet here he was standing outside the entrance to the grand admiral's quarters. One whiff of the air gave him the distinct impression that behind that door, there was a Chiss who gave off the major presence of a strict military man. "I wonder if it's too late to cut and run, I mean.. being assigned to an imperial ship was the last place I expected to find myself." He thought as he ran a comb through his hair. "Screw it.. Too late now, Dominic. Just don't dig yourself any holes with the people you used to spend your life hiding from. I think the empire knows to look for smuggling vessels perched behind asteroids and on icy moons by now." his conscience quipped. Dominic didn't even think before he gave a melodic "Knock Kn-Kn-Kn Knock Knock" on the door.. "Oh hell..." he thought, realizing immediately it wasn't going to be returned by the friendly double knock that always came afterwards..
  11. Real Name: Dominic Skallig Nickname: ...Dominic Skallig? Age: 22 Species: Human Height: 5'10 Weight: 165lbs Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Sex: Male Homeworld: Corellia Alignment: True Neutral Clothing: Imperial Uniform Weapon: Sidearm Blaster Force User: Yes Inventory: Weapon, Clothing, Black "UNBREAKABLE" comb Possessions: Wit, and an unbreakable comb
  12. I missed the first 56 chapters and thought I'd maybe be able to start at 57. As soon as I read "Robot spiders hanging from the ceiling" I knew this was impossible.
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