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Darth Raul Zorander

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  1. *As Trowa surfaced, He was fired upon by multiple chalks of SEED Special Ops. several slugs meet his flesh, ripping chunks of his body away. The water around him began to turn red, and the marine life swarmed at him, ready to tear the rest of his body apart. Many stun blasters and taser blasts impacted him, screwing up his nervous system. Troopers dragged him from the water where they proceeded to beat him senseless. After the beating, most of Trowa's teeth were scattered about the forest floor. He was held before The bounty huntress, Aero. Should she have anything to say or do to him before he was taken aboard the ship to be transported to their Mistress forr his final punishment.* (Wrong alias. lets just say that since this is NPC anyway, it does not matter. )
  2. OOC: Whoa, hold on there Havoc... About the same time as the Emporer's lightsaber ignited, Raul pulled his daggar with his left hand, holding it protruding downward from his fist. As Havoc's lightsaber touched his leg, it abruptly sputtered and died, due to the cortosis woven armor Raul always wore. And because of the number of high ranking imperials and sith around them, the troops could not get a clear shot. Raul swiftly jabbed the knife into his assailant's elbow and twisted, turning the momentum of the swing to kenetically propel his armored fist into the sith master's nose, the tremendous force smashing his nose far into his skull, after fracturing many facial bones. Raul smashed a second blow into the same spot, a quarter second later, lodging the bones deeply into the brain, which would have killed a lesser man instantly. Raul smashed his knee into the man's stomach, causing him to double over, positioning his temple right into the path of raul's right hand's crushing downward blow. The force not only caused further damage to the brain, but snapped the spinal column at the neck, because of the angle. The battered skull of the broken man collapsed further, but was held up by raul's knee. He jerked his blade free from the man's arm and slammed it into the left side of the sith's back, where it penetrated his heart. With a furious heave, raul pushed the man back, where he landed on the ground, what was left of his face, up, and a sickening limp thump. "Damn your soul to hell." Raul looked up. "He may have been the Emporer and Dark Lord of the Sith, but as you all can see, he is vulnerable, flesh and blood, just like anyone, One should not become so caught up in his power to igore the uses of pawns, even weak ones. To do so is to waste resources and is foolish." ((Please excuse my pickiness, but that armor was in my character sheet, and I cant see I have broken any rules, unless it is a rule that an apprentice cannot defend himself from a master, and needless to say killing Havoc is the only way Raul could hae survive...)) ((Edit: Not to mention a Dark lord vs an apprentice))
  3. A wave of fear hit him as the emporer suddenly attacked him, shortly after his emergence, it was unexpected, but after a moment, it made perfect sense. His fear quickly amplified, and became anger, He was not weak. He had given up weakness when he left the jedi. He was weak no longer, and he would prove it to this old man. He quickly partitioned his mind, leaving a small part of fear, weakly fortified and building up his mental barriers. This man would pay for calling him weak, The fact that he was a sith master and emporer no longer concerned him. This man was caught up in his power, and severely underestimated his target. His hatred grew white hot, fueling his power. While the Sith was occupied with his thoughts of victory, Raul reached out with every fiber of his being and jerked a large chunk of stone from the installation. The master sensed it instantly, breaking his concentration. Quick as lightning, Raul lept to his feet and his vibroblade whipped into his hand. With his rage hightening his reflexes, tore through the air toward the sith master, but stopped short, and hurled his blade into the ground at the Emporer's feet. It shattered and Raul took the shards into his control and directed them all at the man. One impaled his right knee and the other sliced into his torso, nearly spilling his intestines upon the ground. The others fell to the Master's defenses. Raul's veins stood from his flesh, and behind his eyes smoldered hatred as he readied himself for both his next move and the ancient sith's retaliation, his pain and hatred fueling his actions and demeanor. "I have been trained by the Lord Ar-Pharazon, I am anything but weak, old fool"
  4. A shadow of a shadow emerges from the shadows. "Master, it appears these gentlemen have taken care of our corrupt order for us" He glanced around, eying joyfully the carnage stretched out before him, even though it had not been directly by his hand, it still pleased him.
  5. "I'll second that motion, The jedi grow stronger the more we let them sit idly by ...although they would probably never do anything more than sit idly by if we didnt... Thats beside the point, We need to kill Jedi."
  6. The blade rippled through the air toward Raul's face at the speed of a lightning bolt, but Raul's Force-enhanced reflexes were equally fast. His hand snapped up and deflected the knife to the right, where it stuck in the wall, barely missing several of the room's occupants.
  7. Raul had been silently probing the slaves, when suddenly he felt a strange manefestation in one of their brains. It was a tumor. Raul isolated the tumor and fed it with the force, speeding the cancerous cell's regeneration. After a few moments, a the tumor was pushing against his skull, causing an immense headache. The tumor continued to grow, feeding on the brain tissue. The man started sweating and moaning in pain, then suddenly, his skull ruptured, spewing brain matter blood, and bone fragments about the room, lucky for most of the occupants, Callie, who had been a few feet in front of the unfortunate individual, provided a very effective barrier and caught most of the gore. Unfortunately for her, she was now completely covered in a fellow slave's insides. Raul chuckled at his evilness as a speck of blood landed on his face.
  8. Raul Zorander, clad in a dark cloak, stood silently to the right flank of his Master, and gave a slight nod when introduced. He stood, silently snaking tendrils of dark energy throughout the academy, sensing, to the best of his ability, everything there. The darkness he felt resonating through the academy paled in comparasin to Hell, or even Ryloth, where billions of Twi'leki had been executed... As a sith hopeful wandered by, he made eye contact with Raul. This was inexcuseable. Without moving, Raul unleashed dark energy boiling inside himself. A strong wave of energy was directed at the face of the belligerent young sith. The weakling never sensed a thing, until his brain received data that indicated he had been hit by a freight train. His body flipped several times and impacted the stone wall with the sound of many bones breaking, Adding insult to injury, the cracking wall pinched his clothes in the cracks, Hanging him there, barely alive. Raul continued to stand there awaiting his Master's command.
  9. Raul followed his master, Landing in a crouch about fifteen feet from the three. He paid careful attention to his master and how he would deal with this Jedi. LAP would see that he was a very studious student. He found it incredibly amusing that the Jedi would struggle so hard to hide his feelings, to refuse their willing help, just because of obscene words that old masters had pounded into him.
  10. Raul stifled a laugh as Darsha's body halted, millimeters before impacting the ground. He was eager to see what would happen to the Jedi, He was about to witness the first death of a Jedi since his cloning. Even with his rudementary force command, he could feel fear slipping past her emotional barriers. How could it not, She had the Lord "Satan" Ar-Pharazon and the once most powerful Jedi, Gantoris, who had realised his weakness and embraced true power. Raul did not really count himself as part of what had intimidated her, but that did not matter, His power was growing greatly. Before he had realised the power of the dark side, he had not been able to telekenetically manipulate matter, but now, after embacing what had been forbidden to jedi, he could feel and affect things. The "dark side" is where true power lie.
  11. "I'm with you, Master, I wish to learn everything, Count me in."
  12. He knew what he was to do, whilst he could not engulf an entire family in flames with his mind... ____ A cute little girl ran to her father as he finished building her dollhouse. "Daddy, I love you Thank you so much, I always wanted a dollhouse" "I know, dear daughter, I have just now had the time and materials to build it, I am very sorry it took this long will you forgive me?" ____ Suddnely the dollhouse burst into pieces, several of them large and razor sharp, they twirled through the air, their edges nearing the father and his daughter. The father shoved himself in fron of his child, to protect her from whatever evil had caused this. He was abruptly turned into hamburger, his minced tissue cluttered over everything in the small house, The child wailed for her father, not understaning what was going on. Finally, one of the blades left its place and pirced her through the throat, instantly turning her screams into gurgles, which soonafter stopped. Raul stood by, waiting for his master's opinion
  13. "Master, I have learned that hate can fuel one's body and mind, in time of need, Seems to me that hate would be a powerful thing for one to posess" Raul replied as he burned the robes off a nearby Nun, before firing a shot from his trusty Glock into her forehead. He hoped this would convince his master that he really wanted to be evil.
  14. Raul nodded and reached out, taking the child by the ear. He proceeded to rip it from his head and repeated on the other ear. He stuffed the two bloodied ears in the child's nostrils, sealing them off tight. He then proceeded to cut the child's eyes and tounge out, he stuffed all three down the child's windpipe at the same time. He then kicked him in the chest, causing the airways to rupture inside the body. After several convulsions, the child had drowned in his own blood. "It is done, Master"
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